30 lines
1.5 KiB
30 lines
1.5 KiB
args @ { fetchurl, ... }:
rec {
baseName = ''cl-fuse'';
version = ''20160318-git'';
description = ''CFFI bindings to FUSE (Filesystem in user space)'';
deps = [ args."bordeaux-threads" args."cffi" args."cffi-grovel" args."cl-utilities" args."iterate" args."trivial-backtrace" args."trivial-utf-8" ];
src = fetchurl {
url = ''http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/cl-fuse/2016-03-18/cl-fuse-20160318-git.tgz'';
sha256 = ''1yllmnnhqp42s37a2y7h7vph854xgna62l1pidvlyskc90bl5jf6'';
overrides = x: {
postInstall = ''
find "$out/lib/common-lisp/" -name '*.asd' | grep -iv '/cl-fuse[.]asd${"$"}' |
while read f; do
NIX_LISP_PRELAUNCH_HOOK="nix_lisp_run_single_form '(asdf:load-system :$(basename "$f" .asd))'" \
"$out"/bin/*-lisp-launcher.sh ||
mv "$f"{,.sibling}; done || true
/* (SYSTEM cl-fuse DESCRIPTION CFFI bindings to FUSE (Filesystem in user space) SHA256 1yllmnnhqp42s37a2y7h7vph854xgna62l1pidvlyskc90bl5jf6 URL
http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/cl-fuse/2016-03-18/cl-fuse-20160318-git.tgz MD5 ce2e907e5ae2cece72fa314be1ced44c NAME cl-fuse TESTNAME NIL FILENAME
cl-fuse DEPS ((NAME bordeaux-threads) (NAME cffi) (NAME cffi-grovel) (NAME cl-utilities) (NAME iterate) (NAME trivial-backtrace) (NAME trivial-utf-8))
DEPENDENCIES (bordeaux-threads cffi cffi-grovel cl-utilities iterate trivial-backtrace trivial-utf-8) VERSION 20160318-git SIBLINGS NIL) */