This partially reverts f2d24b9840
Instead of disabling the channels via removing the channel mapping from
the tests themselves, let's just explicitly reference the stable test in
release.nix. That way it's still possible to run the beta and dev tests
via something like "nix-build nixos/tests/chromium.nix -A beta" and
achieve the same effect of not building beta and dev versions on Hydra.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
319 lines
12 KiB
319 lines
12 KiB
{ nixpkgs ? { outPath = ./..; revCount = 56789; shortRev = "gfedcba"; }
, stableBranch ? false
, supportedSystems ? [ "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" ]
with import ../lib;
version = builtins.readFile ../.version;
versionSuffix =
(if stableBranch then "." else "pre") + "${toString nixpkgs.revCount}.${nixpkgs.shortRev}";
forAllSystems = genAttrs supportedSystems;
importTest = fn: args: system: import fn ({
inherit system;
} // args);
callTest = fn: args: forAllSystems (system: hydraJob (importTest fn args system));
callSubTests = fn: args: let
discover = attrs: let
subTests = filterAttrs (const (hasAttr "test")) attrs;
in mapAttrs (const (t: hydraJob t.test)) subTests;
discoverForSystem = system: mapAttrs (_: test: {
${system} = test;
}) (discover (importTest fn args system));
# If the test is only for a particular system, use only the specified
# system instead of generating attributes for all available systems.
in if args ? system then discover (import fn args)
else foldAttrs mergeAttrs {} (map discoverForSystem supportedSystems);
pkgs = import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; };
versionModule =
{ system.nixosVersionSuffix = versionSuffix;
system.nixosRevision = nixpkgs.rev or nixpkgs.shortRev;
makeIso =
{ module, type, maintainers ? ["eelco"], system }:
with import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
hydraJob ((import lib/eval-config.nix {
inherit system;
modules = [ module versionModule { isoImage.isoBaseName = "nixos-${type}"; } ];
makeSystemTarball =
{ module, maintainers ? ["viric"], system }:
with import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
config = (import lib/eval-config.nix {
inherit system;
modules = [ module versionModule ];
tarball = config.system.build.tarball;
tarball //
{ meta = {
description = "NixOS system tarball for ${system} - ${stdenv.platform.name}";
maintainers = map (x: lib.maintainers.${x}) maintainers;
inherit config;
makeClosure = module: buildFromConfig module (config: config.system.build.toplevel);
buildFromConfig = module: sel: forAllSystems (system: hydraJob (sel (import ./lib/eval-config.nix {
inherit system;
modules = [ module versionModule ] ++ singleton
({ config, lib, ... }:
{ fileSystems."/".device = mkDefault "/dev/sda1";
boot.loader.grub.device = mkDefault "/dev/sda";
in rec {
channel = import lib/make-channel.nix { inherit pkgs nixpkgs version versionSuffix; };
manual = buildFromConfig ({ pkgs, ... }: { }) (config: config.system.build.manual.manual);
manualPDF = (buildFromConfig ({ pkgs, ... }: { }) (config: config.system.build.manual.manualPDF)).x86_64-linux;
manpages = buildFromConfig ({ pkgs, ... }: { }) (config: config.system.build.manual.manpages);
options = (buildFromConfig ({ pkgs, ... }: { }) (config: config.system.build.manual.optionsJSON)).x86_64-linux;
# Build the initial ramdisk so Hydra can keep track of its size over time.
initialRamdisk = buildFromConfig ({ pkgs, ... }: { }) (config: config.system.build.initialRamdisk);
netboot.x86_64-linux = let build = (import lib/eval-config.nix {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
pkgs.symlinkJoin {name="netboot"; paths=[
iso_minimal = forAllSystems (system: makeIso {
module = ./modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal.nix;
type = "minimal";
inherit system;
iso_graphical = genAttrs [ "x86_64-linux" ] (system: makeIso {
module = ./modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-graphical-kde.nix;
type = "graphical";
inherit system;
# A variant with a more recent (but possibly less stable) kernel
# that might support more hardware.
iso_minimal_new_kernel = genAttrs [ "x86_64-linux" ] (system: makeIso {
module = ./modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal-new-kernel.nix;
type = "minimal-new-kernel";
inherit system;
# A bootable VirtualBox virtual appliance as an OVA file (i.e. packaged OVF).
ova = genAttrs [ "x86_64-linux" ] (system:
with import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
hydraJob ((import lib/eval-config.nix {
inherit system;
modules =
[ versionModule
# Ensure that all packages used by the minimal NixOS config end up in the channel.
dummy = forAllSystems (system: pkgs.runCommand "dummy"
{ toplevel = (import lib/eval-config.nix {
inherit system;
modules = singleton ({ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ fileSystems."/".device = mkDefault "/dev/sda1";
boot.loader.grub.device = mkDefault "/dev/sda";
preferLocalBuild = true;
"mkdir $out; ln -s $toplevel $out/dummy");
# Provide a tarball that can be unpacked into an SD card, and easily
# boot that system from uboot (like for the sheevaplug).
# The pc variant helps preparing the expression for the system tarball
# in a machine faster than the sheevpalug
system_tarball_pc = forAllSystems (system: makeSystemTarball {
module = ./modules/installer/cd-dvd/system-tarball-pc.nix;
inherit system;
# Provide container tarball for lxc, libvirt-lxc, docker-lxc, ...
containerTarball = forAllSystems (system: makeSystemTarball {
module = ./modules/virtualisation/lxc-container.nix;
inherit system;
system_tarball_fuloong2f =
assert builtins.currentSystem == "mips64-linux";
makeSystemTarball {
module = ./modules/installer/cd-dvd/system-tarball-fuloong2f.nix;
system = "mips64-linux";
system_tarball_sheevaplug =
assert builtins.currentSystem == "armv5tel-linux";
makeSystemTarball {
module = ./modules/installer/cd-dvd/system-tarball-sheevaplug.nix;
system = "armv5tel-linux";
# Run the tests for each platform. You can run a test by doing
# e.g. ‘nix-build -A tests.login.x86_64-linux’, or equivalently,
# ‘nix-build tests/login.nix -A result’.
tests.avahi = callTest tests/avahi.nix {};
tests.bittorrent = callTest tests/bittorrent.nix {};
tests.blivet = callTest tests/blivet.nix {};
tests.boot = callSubTests tests/boot.nix {};
tests.cadvisor = hydraJob (import tests/cadvisor.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
tests.chromium = (callSubTests tests/chromium.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).stable;
tests.cjdns = callTest tests/cjdns.nix {};
tests.containers-ipv4 = callTest tests/containers-ipv4.nix {};
tests.containers-ipv6 = callTest tests/containers-ipv6.nix {};
tests.containers-bridge = callTest tests/containers-bridge.nix {};
tests.containers-imperative = callTest tests/containers-imperative.nix {};
tests.docker = hydraJob (import tests/docker.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
tests.dockerRegistry = hydraJob (import tests/docker-registry.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
tests.dnscrypt-proxy = callTest tests/dnscrypt-proxy.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; };
tests.etcd = hydraJob (import tests/etcd.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
tests.ec2-nixops = hydraJob (import tests/ec2.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).boot-ec2-nixops;
tests.ec2-config = hydraJob (import tests/ec2.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).boot-ec2-config;
tests.firefox = callTest tests/firefox.nix {};
tests.firewall = callTest tests/firewall.nix {};
tests.fleet = hydraJob (import tests/fleet.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
#tests.gitlab = callTest tests/gitlab.nix {};
tests.gnome3 = callTest tests/gnome3.nix {};
tests.gnome3-gdm = callTest tests/gnome3-gdm.nix {};
tests.grsecurity = callTest tests/grsecurity.nix {};
tests.i3wm = callTest tests/i3wm.nix {};
tests.installer = callSubTests tests/installer.nix {};
tests.influxdb = callTest tests/influxdb.nix {};
tests.ipv6 = callTest tests/ipv6.nix {};
tests.jenkins = callTest tests/jenkins.nix {};
tests.kde4 = callTest tests/kde4.nix {};
tests.keymap = callSubTests tests/keymap.nix {};
tests.initrdNetwork = callTest tests/initrd-network.nix {};
tests.kubernetes = hydraJob (import tests/kubernetes.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
tests.latestKernel.login = callTest tests/login.nix { latestKernel = true; };
#tests.lightdm = callTest tests/lightdm.nix {};
tests.login = callTest tests/login.nix {};
#tests.logstash = callTest tests/logstash.nix {};
tests.mathics = callTest tests/mathics.nix {};
tests.misc = callTest tests/misc.nix {};
tests.mumble = callTest tests/mumble.nix {};
tests.munin = callTest tests/munin.nix {};
tests.mysql = callTest tests/mysql.nix {};
tests.mysqlReplication = callTest tests/mysql-replication.nix {};
tests.nat.firewall = callTest tests/nat.nix { withFirewall = true; };
tests.nat.standalone = callTest tests/nat.nix { withFirewall = false; };
tests.networking.networkd = callSubTests tests/networking.nix { networkd = true; };
tests.networking.scripted = callSubTests tests/networking.nix { networkd = false; };
# TODO: put in networking.nix after the test becomes more complete
tests.networkingProxy = callTest tests/networking-proxy.nix {};
tests.nfs3 = callTest tests/nfs.nix { version = 3; };
tests.nfs4 = callTest tests/nfs.nix { version = 4; };
tests.nsd = callTest tests/nsd.nix {};
tests.openssh = callTest tests/openssh.nix {};
tests.panamax = hydraJob (import tests/panamax.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
tests.peerflix = callTest tests/peerflix.nix {};
tests.postgresql = callTest tests/postgresql.nix {};
tests.printing = callTest tests/printing.nix {};
tests.proxy = callTest tests/proxy.nix {};
tests.pumpio = callTest tests/pump.io.nix {};
tests.quake3 = callTest tests/quake3.nix {};
tests.runInMachine = callTest tests/run-in-machine.nix {};
tests.sddm = callTest tests/sddm.nix {};
tests.sddm-kde5 = callTest tests/sddm-kde5.nix {};
tests.simple = callTest tests/simple.nix {};
tests.taskserver = callTest tests/taskserver.nix {};
tests.tomcat = callTest tests/tomcat.nix {};
tests.udisks2 = callTest tests/udisks2.nix {};
tests.virtualbox = callSubTests tests/virtualbox.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; };
tests.xfce = callTest tests/xfce.nix {};
/* Build a bunch of typical closures so that Hydra can keep track of
the evolution of closure sizes. */
closures = {
smallContainer = makeClosure ({ pkgs, ... }:
{ boot.isContainer = true;
services.openssh.enable = true;
tinyContainer = makeClosure ({ pkgs, ... }:
{ boot.isContainer = true;
imports = [ modules/profiles/minimal.nix ];
ec2 = makeClosure ({ pkgs, ... }:
{ imports = [ modules/virtualisation/amazon-image.nix ];
kde = makeClosure ({ pkgs, ... }:
{ services.xserver.enable = true;
services.xserver.displayManager.kdm.enable = true;
services.xserver.desktopManager.kde4.enable = true;
xfce = makeClosure ({ pkgs, ... }:
{ services.xserver.enable = true;
services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce.enable = true;
# Linux/Apache/PostgreSQL/PHP stack.
lapp = makeClosure ({ pkgs, ... }:
{ services.httpd.enable = true;
services.httpd.adminAddr = "foo@example.org";
services.postgresql.enable = true;
services.postgresql.package = pkgs.postgresql93;
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.php ];