See release notes for details,
but of particular note is that
this expression is now quite simpler
due to the following:
* ninfod now builds w/nettle!
* update includes patches we fetched from upstream
* cross should be handled now, during move to meson
* prelim testing confirms, meson makes it much easier
to get things right re:explanation given in comment
(not propagating host/target info)
* issue re:musl+idn2 appears resolved re:compilation,
but results in unclear runtime errors regarding
"invalid flags". Keep disabled as before as this
is clearer at the expression level and reports
failure to resolve instead which is a bit clearer.
(testing with systemd-less iputils)
This also means our iputils is openssl-free,
which if nothing else is a nice reduction in trans. size :).
(quick imperfect comparison shows:
39MB -> 35MB w/glibc
11.4 -> 7.9 w/musl
iputils: nvm no IDN w/musl
iputils: nvm keep idn disabled w/musl