61 lines
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61 lines
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with import ../../.. {};
with vmTools;
rec {
# Run the PatchELF derivation in a VM.
buildPatchelfInVM = runInLinuxVM patchelf;
rpmImage = fillDiskWithRPMs {
name = "fedora-image";
fullName = "Fedora Core 3";
size = 1024;
rpms = import ./rpm/fedora-3-packages.nix {inherit fetchurl;};
testRPMImage = makeImageTestScript rpmImage;
buildPatchelfRPM = buildRPM {
name = "patchelf-rpm";
src = patchelf.src;
diskImage = rpmImage;
ubuntuImage = fillDiskWithDebs {
name = "ubuntu-image";
fullName = "Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy";
size = 256;
debs = import ./deb/ubuntu-7.10-gutsy-i386.nix {inherit fetchurl;};
debianImage = fillDiskWithDebs {
name = "debian-image";
fullName = "Debian 4.0r3 Etch";
size = 256;
debs = import ./deb/debian-4.0r3-etch-i386.nix {inherit fetchurl;};
testUbuntuImage = makeImageTestScript ubuntuImage;
buildInDebian = runInLinuxImage (stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "deb-compile";
src = nixUnstable.src;
diskImage = debianImage;
memSize = 512;
phases = "sysInfoPhase unpackPhase patchPhase configurePhase buildPhase checkPhase installPhase fixupPhase distPhase";
sysInfoPhase = ''
dpkg-query --list
} |