22 lines
599 B
22 lines
599 B
args : with args;
with builderDefs {
src = /* put a fetchurl here */
fetchurl {
url = http://dfn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gdmap/gdmap-0.7.5.tar.gz;
sha256 = "0vxfgz1bq0jvny6dy7dkzg2kl56plrxby6c4y5d6bv4bq2xd6v26";
buildInputs = [gtk pkgconfig libxml2 intltool];
configureFlags = [];
} null; /* null is a terminator for sumArgs */
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gdmap"+version;
builder = writeScript (name + "-builder")
(textClosure [doConfigure doMakeInstall doForceShare doPropagate]);
meta = {
description = "
Recursive rectangle map of disk usage.