This reverts commit 4e6eae45ee
. It
breaks running the test driver interactively (in that it causes all
VMs to be started immediately, which is not always what you wnat).
186 lines
4.9 KiB
186 lines
4.9 KiB
#! /somewhere/perl -w
use strict;
use Machine;
use Term::ReadLine;
use IO::File;
use IO::Pty;
use Logger;
use Cwd;
use POSIX qw(_exit dup2);
$SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; # because Unix domain sockets may die unexpectedly
my $log = new Logger;
# Start vde_switch for each network required by the test.
my %vlans;
foreach my $vlan (split / /, $ENV{VLANS} || "") {
next if defined $vlans{$vlan};
# Start vde_switch as a child process. We don't run it in daemon
# mode because we want the child process to be cleaned up when we
# die. Since we have to make sure that the control socket is
# ready, we send a dummy command to vde_switch (via stdin) and
# wait for a reply. Note that vde_switch requires stdin to be a
# TTY, so we create one.
$log->log("starting VDE switch for network $vlan");
my $socket = Cwd::abs_path "./vde$vlan.ctl";
my $pty = new IO::Pty;
my ($stdoutR, $stdoutW); pipe $stdoutR, $stdoutW;
my $pid = fork(); die "cannot fork" unless defined $pid;
if ($pid == 0) {
dup2(fileno($pty->slave), 0);
dup2(fileno($stdoutW), 1);
exec "vde_switch -s $socket" or _exit(1);
close $stdoutW;
print $pty "version\n";
readline $stdoutR or die "cannot start vde_switch";
$ENV{"QEMU_VDE_SOCKET_$vlan"} = $socket;
$vlans{$vlan} = $pty;
die unless -e "$socket/ctl";
my %vms;
my $context = "";
sub createMachine {
my ($args) = @_;
my $vm = Machine->new({%{$args}, log => $log, redirectSerial => ($ENV{USE_SERIAL} // "0") ne "1"});
$vms{$vm->name} = $vm;
return $vm;
foreach my $vmScript (@ARGV) {
my $vm = createMachine({startCommand => $vmScript});
$context .= "my \$" . $vm->name . " = \$vms{'" . $vm->name . "'}; ";
sub startAll {
$log->nest("starting all VMs", sub {
$_->start foreach values %vms;
# Wait until all VMs have terminated.
sub joinAll {
$log->nest("waiting for all VMs to finish", sub {
$_->waitForShutdown foreach values %vms;
# In interactive tests, this allows the non-interactive test script to
# be executed conveniently.
sub testScript {
eval "$context $ENV{testScript};\n";
warn $@ if $@;
my $nrTests = 0;
my $nrSucceeded = 0;
sub subtest {
my ($name, $coderef) = @_;
$log->nest("subtest: $name", sub {
eval { &$coderef };
if ($@) {
$log->log("error: $@", { error => 1 });
} else {
sub runTests {
if (defined $ENV{tests}) {
$log->nest("running the VM test script", sub {
eval "$context $ENV{tests}";
if ($@) {
$log->log("error: $@", { error => 1 });
die $@;
}, { expanded => 1 });
} else {
my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('nixos-vm-test');
while (defined ($_ = $term->readline("> "))) {
eval "$context $_\n";
warn $@ if $@;
# Copy the kernel coverage data for each machine, if the kernel
# has been compiled with coverage instrumentation.
$log->nest("collecting coverage data", sub {
foreach my $vm (values %vms) {
my $gcovDir = "/sys/kernel/debug/gcov";
next unless $vm->isUp();
my ($status, $out) = $vm->execute("test -e $gcovDir");
next if $status != 0;
# Figure out where to put the *.gcda files so that the
# report generator can find the corresponding kernel
# sources.
my $kernelDir = $vm->mustSucceed("echo \$(dirname \$(readlink -f /run/current-system/kernel))/.build/linux-*");
chomp $kernelDir;
my $coverageDir = "/tmp/xchg/coverage-data/$kernelDir";
# Copy all the *.gcda files.
$vm->execute("for d in $gcovDir/nix/store/*/.build/linux-*; do for i in \$(cd \$d && find -name '*.gcda'); do echo \$i; mkdir -p $coverageDir/\$(dirname \$i); cp -v \$d/\$i $coverageDir/\$i; done; done");
$log->nest("syncing", sub {
foreach my $vm (values %vms) {
next unless $vm->isUp();
$vm->execute("sync /tmp/xchg");
if ($nrTests != 0) {
$log->log("$nrSucceeded out of $nrTests tests succeeded",
($nrSucceeded < $nrTests ? { error => 1 } : { }));
# Create an empty raw virtual disk with the given name and size (in
# MiB).
sub createDisk {
my ($name, $size) = @_;
system("qemu-img create -f raw $name ${size}M") == 0
or die "cannot create image of size $size";
$log->nest("cleaning up", sub {
foreach my $vm (values %vms) {
if ($vm->{pid}) {
$log->log("killing " . $vm->{name} . " (pid " . $vm->{pid} . ")");
kill 9, $vm->{pid};
exit ($nrSucceeded < $nrTests ? 1 : 0);