2859 lines
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2859 lines
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/* This file composes the Nix Packages collection. That is, it
imports the functions that build the various packages, and calls
them with appropriate arguments. The result is a set of all the
packages in the Nix Packages collection for some particular
platform. */
{ # The system (e.g., `i686-linux') for which to build the packages.
system ? __currentSystem
# Usually, the system type uniquely determines the stdenv and thus
# how to build the packages. But on some platforms we have
# different stdenvs, leading to different ways to build the
# packages. For instance, on Windows we support both Cygwin and
# Mingw builds. In both cases, `system' is `i686-cygwin'. The
# attribute `stdenvType' is used to select the specific kind of
# stdenv to use, e.g., `i686-mingw'.
, stdenvType ? system
, # The standard environment to use. Only used for bootstrapping. If
# null, the default standard environment is used.
bootStdenv ? null
# More flags for the bootstrapping of stdenv.
, noSysDirs ? true
, gccWithCC ? true
, gccWithProfiling ? true
rec {
### Symbolic names.
x11 = xlibsWrapper;
# `xlibs' is the set of X library components. This used to be the
# old modular X libraries project (called `xlibs') but now it's just
# the set of packages in the modular X.org tree (which also includes
# non-library components like the server, drivers, fonts, etc.).
xlibs = xorg // {xlibs = xlibsWrapper;};
### Helper functions.
# Override the compiler in stdenv for specific packages.
overrideGCC = stdenv: gcc: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args: stdenv.mkDerivation (args // { NIX_GCC = gcc; });
# Add some arbitrary packages to buildInputs for specific packages.
# Used to override packages in stenv like Make. Should not be used
# for other dependencies.
overrideInStdenv = stdenv: pkgs: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args: stdenv.mkDerivation (args //
{ buildInputs = (if args ? buildInputs then args.buildInputs else []) ++ pkgs; }
addAttrsToDerivation = extraAttrs: stdenv: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args: stdenv.mkDerivation (args // extraAttrs); };
# Override the setup script of stdenv. Useful for testing new
# versions of the setup script without causing a rebuild of
# everything.
# Example:
# randomPkg = import ../bla { ...
# stdenv = overrideSetup stdenv ../stdenv/generic/setup-latest.sh;
# };
overrideSetup = stdenv: setup: stdenv.regenerate setup;
# Return a modified stdenv that uses dietlibc to create small
# statically linked binaries.
useDietLibC = stdenv: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args: stdenv.mkDerivation (args // {
NIX_CFLAGS_LINK = "-static";
# libcompat.a contains some commonly used functions.
NIX_LDFLAGS = "-lcompat";
# These are added *after* the command-line flags, so we'll
# always optimise for size.
(if args ? NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE then args.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE else "")
+ " -Os -s -D_BSD_SOURCE=1";
configureFlags =
(if args ? configureFlags then args.configureFlags else "")
+ " --disable-shared"; # brrr...
NIX_GCC = import ../build-support/gcc-wrapper {
inherit stdenv;
libc = dietlibc;
inherit (gcc) gcc binutils name nativeTools nativePrefix;
nativeLibc = false;
isDietLibC = true;
# Return a modified stdenv that tries to build statically linked
# binaries.
makeStaticBinaries = stdenv: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args: stdenv.mkDerivation (args // {
NIX_CFLAGS_LINK = "-static";
configureFlags =
(if args ? configureFlags then args.configureFlags else "")
+ " --disable-shared"; # brrr...
# Applying this to an attribute set will cause nix-env to look
# inside the set for derivations.
recurseIntoAttrs = attrs: attrs // {recurseForDerivations = true;};
useFromStdenv = hasIt: it: alternative: if hasIt then it else alternative;
library = import ../lib;
# Return an attribute from the Nixpkgs configuration file, or
# a default value if the attribute doesn't exist.
getConfig = attrPath: default: library.getAttr attrPath default config;
# The contents of the configuration file found at $NIXPKGS_CONFIG or
# $HOME/.nixpkgs/config.nix.
config =
let {
toPath = builtins.toPath;
getEnv = x: if builtins ? getEnv then builtins.getEnv x else "";
pathExists = name:
builtins ? pathExists && builtins.pathExists (toPath name);
configFile = getEnv "NIXPKGS_CONFIG";
homeDir = getEnv "HOME";
configFile2 = homeDir + "/.nixpkgs/config.nix";
body =
if configFile != "" && pathExists configFile
then import (toPath configFile)
else if homeDir != "" && pathExists configFile2
then import (toPath configFile2)
else {};
defaultStdenv =
(import ../stdenv {
inherit system stdenvType;
allPackages = import ./all-packages.nix;
stdenv = if bootStdenv == null then defaultStdenv else bootStdenv;
fetchcvs = import ../build-support/fetchcvs {
inherit stdenv cvs nix;
fetchdarcs = import ../build-support/fetchdarcs {
inherit stdenv darcs nix;
fetchsvn = import ../build-support/fetchsvn {
inherit stdenv subversion nix openssh;
sshSupport = true;
# Allow the stdenv to determine fetchurl, to cater for strange
# requirements.
fetchurl = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? fetchurl) stdenv.fetchurl
(import ../build-support/fetchurl {
inherit stdenv curl;
makeWrapper = ../build-support/make-wrapper/make-wrapper.sh;
substituter = ../build-support/substitute/substitute.sh;
azureus = import ../tools/networking/p2p/azureus {
inherit fetchurl stdenv jdk swt;
bc = import ../tools/misc/bc {
inherit fetchurl stdenv flex;
bibtextools = import ../tools/typesetting/bibtex-tools {
inherit fetchurl stdenv aterm tetex hevea sdf strategoxt;
bittorrent = import ../tools/networking/p2p/bittorrent {
inherit fetchurl stdenv python pygtk makeWrapper;
bsdiff = import ../tools/compression/bsdiff {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
bzip2 = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? bzip2) stdenv.bzip2
(import ../tools/compression/bzip2 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
cabextract = import ../tools/archivers/cabextract {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
cksfv = import ../tools/networking/cksfv {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
coreutils = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? coreutils) stdenv.coreutils
(import ../tools/misc/coreutils {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
cpio = import ../tools/archivers/cpio {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
curl = if stdenv ? curl then stdenv.curl else (assert false; null);
dhcp = import ../tools/networking/dhcp {
inherit fetchurl stdenv groff nettools coreutils iputils gnused bash;
dhcpWrapper = import ../tools/networking/dhcp-wrapper {
inherit stdenv dhcp;
diffutils = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? diffutils) stdenv.diffutils
(import ../tools/text/diffutils {
inherit fetchurl stdenv coreutils;
ed = import ../tools/text/ed {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
enscript = import ../tools/text/enscript {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
exif = import ../tools/graphics/exif {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig libexif popt;
file = import ../tools/misc/file {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
findutils = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? findutils) stdenv.findutils
(import ../tools/misc/findutils {
inherit fetchurl stdenv coreutils;
findutilsWrapper = import ../tools/misc/findutils-wrapper {
inherit stdenv findutils;
gawk = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? gawk) stdenv.gawk
(import ../tools/text/gawk {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
getopt = import ../tools/misc/getopt {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
gnugrep = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? gnugrep) stdenv.gnugrep
(import ../tools/text/gnugrep {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pcre;
gnupatch = import ../tools/text/gnupatch {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
gnupg = import ../tools/security/gnupg {
inherit fetchurl stdenv readline;
ideaSupport = true; # enable for IDEA crypto support
gnuplot = import ../tools/graphics/gnuplot {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib libpng texinfo;
gnused = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? gnused) stdenv.gnused
(import ../tools/text/gnused {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
gnused412 = import ../tools/text/gnused/4.1.2.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
gnutar = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? gnutar) stdenv.gnutar
(import ../tools/archivers/gnutar {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
graphviz = import ../tools/graphics/graphviz {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libpng libjpeg expat x11 yacc libtool;
inherit (xlibs) libXaw;
groff = import ../tools/text/groff {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
grub = import ../tools/misc/grub {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
grubWrapper = import ../tools/misc/grub-wrapper {
inherit stdenv grub diffutils gnused gnugrep coreutils;
gtkgnutella = import ../tools/networking/p2p/gtk-gnutella {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig libxml2;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib gtk;
gzip = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? gzip) stdenv.gzip
(import ../tools/compression/gzip {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
hevea = import ../tools/typesetting/hevea {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ocaml;
jdiskreport = import ../tools/misc/jdiskreport {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip jdk;
jing = import ../tools/text/xml/jing {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip;
jing_tools = import ../tools/text/xml/jing/jing-script.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip;
jre = blackdown;
less = import ../tools/misc/less {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses;
lhs2tex = import ../tools/typesetting/lhs2tex {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ghc tetex polytable;
man = import ../tools/misc/man {
inherit fetchurl stdenv db4 groff;
mjpegtools = import ../tools/video/mjpegtools {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libjpeg;
inherit (xlibs) libX11;
mktemp = import ../tools/security/mktemp {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
netcat = import ../tools/networking/netcat {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
nmap = import ../tools/security/nmap {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
openssh = import ../tools/networking/openssh {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib openssl;
inherit (xlibs) xauth;
xforwarding = true;
par2cmdline = import ../tools/networking/par2cmdline {
inherit fetchurl;
stdenv = overrideGCC stdenv gcc34;
parted = import ../tools/misc/parted {
inherit fetchurl stdenv e2fsprogs ncurses readline;
patch = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? patch) stdenv.patch gnupatch;
ploticus = import ../tools/graphics/ploticus {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib libpng;
inherit (xlibs) libX11;
qtparted = import ../tools/misc/qtparted {
inherit fetchurl stdenv e2fsprogs ncurses readline parted zlib;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXext;
qt3 = qt3NoMySQL;
realCurl = import ../tools/networking/curl {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib;
zlibSupport = !stdenv ? isDietLibC;
sablotron = import ../tools/text/xml/sablotron {
inherit fetchurl stdenv expat;
screen = import ../tools/misc/screen {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses;
tightvnc = import ../tools/admin/tightvnc {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11 zlib libjpeg;
inherit (xlibs) imake gccmakedep libXmu libXaw libXpm libXp;
trang = import ../tools/text/xml/trang {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip;
jre = blackdown;
transfig = import ../tools/graphics/transfig {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libpng libjpeg zlib;
inherit (xlibs) imake;
unzip = import ../tools/archivers/unzip {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
wget = import ../tools/networking/wget {
inherit fetchurl stdenv gettext;
wgetDiet = import ../tools/networking/wget {
inherit fetchurl gettext;
stdenv = overrideGCC stdenv dietgcc;
which = import ../tools/system/which {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
xmlroff = import ../tools/typesetting/xmlroff {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig libxml2 libxslt popt;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib pango gtk;
inherit (gnome) libgnomeprint;
inherit pangoxsl;
xmltv = import ../tools/misc/xmltv {
inherit fetchurl perl perlTermReadKey perlXMLTwig perlXMLWriter
perlDateManip perlHTMLTree perlHTMLParser perlHTMLTagset
perlURI perlLWP;
xpf = import ../tools/text/xml/xpf {
inherit fetchurl stdenv python;
libxml2 = import ../development/libraries/libxml2 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib python;
pythonSupport = true;
xsel = import ../tools/misc/xsel {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11;
zdelta = import ../tools/compression/zdelta {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
zip = import ../tools/archivers/zip {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
bash = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? bash) stdenv.bash
(import ../shells/bash {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
bison = bison23;
tcsh = import ../shells/tcsh {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses;
abc =
abcPatchable [];
abcPatchable = patches :
import ../development/compilers/abc/default.nix {
inherit stdenv fetchurl patches jre apacheAnt;
# apacheAnt = apacheAntBlackdown14;
javaCup = import ../development/libraries/java/cup {
inherit stdenv fetchurl;
jdk = blackdown;
aspectj =
import ../development/compilers/aspectj {
inherit stdenv fetchurl jre;
blackdown = import ../development/compilers/blackdown {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
dietgcc = import ../build-support/gcc-wrapper {
nativeTools = false;
nativeLibc = false;
gcc = gcc34;
#inherit (stdenv.gcc) binutils glibc;
inherit (gcc34) binutils;
glibc = dietlibc;
inherit stdenv;
dylan = import ../development/compilers/gwydion-dylan {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl boehmgc yacc flex readline;
dylan =
import ../development/compilers/gwydion-dylan/binary.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
g77 = import ../build-support/gcc-wrapper {
name = "g77";
nativeTools = false;
nativeLibc = false;
gcc = import ../development/compilers/gcc-3.3 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
langF77 = true;
langCC = false;
inherit (stdenv.gcc) binutils glibc;
inherit stdenv;
gcc = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? gcc) stdenv.gcc gcc41;
gcc295 = wrapGCC (import ../development/compilers/gcc-2.95 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
gcc33 = wrapGCC (import ../development/compilers/gcc-3.3 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
gcc34 = wrapGCC (import ../development/compilers/gcc-3.4 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
gcc40 = wrapGCC (import ../development/compilers/gcc-4.0 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
profiledCompiler = true;
gcc40arm = import ../build-support/gcc-cross-wrapper {
nativeTools = false;
nativeLibc = false;
cross = "arm-linux";
gcc = import ../development/compilers/gcc-4.0-cross {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
langF77 = false;
langCC = false;
binutilsCross = binutilsArm;
kernelHeadersCross = kernelHeadersArm;
cross = "arm-linux";
inherit (stdenv.gcc) glibc;
binutils = binutilsArm;
inherit stdenv;
gcc40mips = import ../build-support/gcc-cross-wrapper {
nativeTools = false;
nativeLibc = false;
cross = "mips-linux";
gcc = gcc40mipsboot;
#inherit (stdenv.gcc) glibc;
glibc = uclibcMips;
binutils = binutilsMips;
inherit stdenv;
gcc40mipsboot = import ../development/compilers/gcc-4.0-cross {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
langF77 = false;
langCC = false;
binutilsCross = binutilsMips;
kernelHeadersCross = kernelHeadersMips;
cross = "mips-linux";
gcc40sparc = import ../build-support/gcc-cross-wrapper {
nativeTools = false;
nativeLibc = false;
cross = "sparc-linux";
gcc = import ../development/compilers/gcc-4.0-cross {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
langF77 = false;
langCC = false;
binutilsCross = binutilsSparc;
kernelHeadersCross = kernelHeadersSparc;
cross = "sparc-linux";
inherit (stdenv.gcc) glibc;
binutils = binutilsSparc;
inherit stdenv;
gcc41 = wrapGCC (import ../development/compilers/gcc-4.1 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
profiledCompiler = false;
gccApple = wrapGCC (import ../development/compilers/gcc-apple {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
profiledCompiler = true;
ghc = import ../development/compilers/ghc {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl ncurses readline;
gcc = stdenv.gcc;
ghc = ghcboot;
m4 = gnum4;
ghcboot = import ../development/compilers/ghc/boot.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl ncurses;
readline = readline4;
ghcWrapper = assert uulib.ghc == ghc;
import ../development/compilers/ghc-wrapper {
inherit stdenv ghc;
libraries = [ uulib ];
helium = import ../development/compilers/helium {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ghc;
j2sdk14x = import ../development/compilers/jdk/default-1.4.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
jdk =
if stdenv.isDarwin then
import ../development/compilers/jdk {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXext;
jikes = import ../development/compilers/jikes {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
mono = import ../development/compilers/mono {
inherit fetchurl stdenv bison pkgconfig;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib;
monoDLLFixer = import ../build-support/mono-dll-fixer {
inherit stdenv perl;
nasm = import ../development/compilers/nasm {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
ocaml = import ../development/compilers/ocaml {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11;
ocaml3080 = import ../development/compilers/ocaml/ocaml-3.08.0.nix {
inherit fetchurl x11;
stdenv = overrideGCC stdenv gcc34;
gcj = import ../build-support/gcc-wrapper/default2.nix {
name = "gcj";
nativeTools = false;
nativeLibc = false;
gcc = import ../development/compilers/gcc-4.0 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
langJava = true;
langCC = false;
langC = false;
langF77 = false;
inherit (stdenv.gcc) binutils glibc;
inherit stdenv;
opencxx = import ../development/compilers/opencxx {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libtool;
gcc = gcc33;
qcmm = import ../development/compilers/qcmm {
lua = lua4;
ocaml = ocaml3080;
inherit fetchurl stdenv mk noweb groff;
strategoLibraries = import ../development/compilers/strategoxt/libraries/stratego-libraries-0.17pre.nix {
inherit stdenv fetchurl pkgconfig aterm;
strategoxt = import ../development/compilers/strategoxt {
inherit fetchurl pkgconfig sdf aterm;
stdenv = overrideInStdenv stdenv [gnumake380];
strategoxtUtils = import ../development/compilers/strategoxt/utils {
inherit fetchurl pkgconfig stdenv aterm sdf strategoxt;
transformers = import ../development/compilers/transformers {
inherit fetchurl pkgconfig sdf;
aterm = aterm23x;
stdenv = overrideGCC (overrideInStdenv stdenv [gnumake380]) gcc34;
strategoxt = import ../development/compilers/strategoxt/strategoxt-0.14.nix {
inherit fetchurl pkgconfig sdf;
aterm = aterm23x;
stdenv = overrideGCC (overrideInStdenv stdenv [gnumake380]) gcc34;
stlport = import ../development/libraries/stlport {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
visualcpp = import ../development/compilers/visual-c++ {
inherit fetchurl stdenv cabextract;
win32hello = import ../development/compilers/visual-c++/test {
inherit fetchurl stdenv visualcpp windowssdk;
wrapGCC = baseGCC: import ../build-support/gcc-wrapper {
nativeTools = false;
nativeLibc = false;
gcc = baseGCC;
libc = glibc;
inherit stdenv binutils;
clisp = import ../development/interpreters/clisp {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libsigsegv gettext;
guile = import ../development/interpreters/guile {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses readline;
jre = import ../development/interpreters/jre {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
kaffe = import ../development/interpreters/kaffe {
inherit fetchurl stdenv jikes alsaLib xlibs;
lua4 = import ../development/interpreters/lua-4 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
lua5 = import ../development/interpreters/lua-5 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
octave = import ../development/interpreters/octave {
inherit fetchurl stdenv readline ncurses g77 perl flex;
perl = if stdenv.system != "i686-linux" then sysPerl else realPerl;
# FIXME: unixODBC needs patching on Darwin (see darwinports)
php = import ../development/interpreters/php {
inherit stdenv fetchurl flex bison libxml2 apacheHttpd;
unixODBC =
if stdenv.isDarwin then null else unixODBC;
python = import ../development/interpreters/python {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib;
realPerl = import ../development/interpreters/perl {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
ruby = import ../development/interpreters/ruby {
inherit fetchurl stdenv readline ncurses;
spidermonkey = import ../development/interpreters/spidermonkey {
inherit fetchurl;
# remove when the "internal compiler error" in gcc 4.1.x is fixed
stdenv = overrideGCC stdenv gcc34;
sysPerl = import ../development/interpreters/sys-perl {
inherit stdenv;
tcl = import ../development/interpreters/tcl {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
xulrunner = import ../development/interpreters/xulrunner {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl zip;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk;
inherit (gnome) libIDL;
inherit (xlibs) libXi;
xulrunnerWrapper = {application, launcher}:
import ../development/interpreters/xulrunner/wrapper {
inherit stdenv xulrunner application launcher;
toolbus = import ../development/interpreters/toolbus {
inherit stdenv fetchurl atermjava toolbuslib aterm yacc flex;
ecj = import ../development/eclipse/ecj {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip jre;
ant = apacheAntBlackdown14;
jdtsdk = import ../development/eclipse/jdt-sdk {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip;
manpages = import ../development/misc/man-pages {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
windowssdk = import ../development/misc/windows-sdk {
inherit fetchurl stdenv cabextract;
antlr = import ../development/tools/parsing/antlr/antlr-2.7.6.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv jre;
antlr3 = import ../development/tools/parsing/antlr {
inherit fetchurl stdenv jre;
apacheAnt = import ../development/tools/build-managers/apache-ant {
inherit fetchurl stdenv jdk;
name = "ant-jdk-1.5.0";
apacheAnt14 = import ../development/tools/build-managers/apache-ant {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
jdk = j2sdk14x;
name = "ant-jdk-1.4.2";
apacheAntBlackdown14 = import ../development/tools/build-managers/apache-ant {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
jdk = blackdown;
name = "ant-blackdown-1.4.2";
autoconf = autoconf259;
autoconf259 = import ../development/tools/misc/autoconf {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl;
m4 = gnum4;
autoconf260 = import ../development/tools/misc/autoconf-2.60 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl;
m4 = gnum4;
automake = automake19x;
automake17x = import ../development/tools/misc/automake/automake-1.7.x.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl autoconf;
automake19x = import ../development/tools/misc/automake/automake-1.9.x.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl autoconf;
binutils = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? binutils) stdenv.binutils
(import ../development/tools/misc/binutils {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
binutilsArm = import ../development/tools/misc/binutils-cross {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
cross = "arm-linux";
binutilsMips = import ../development/tools/misc/binutils-cross {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
cross = "mips-linux";
binutilsSparc = import ../development/tools/misc/binutils-cross {
inherit fetchurl stdenv noSysDirs;
cross = "sparc-linux";
bison = bison1875;
bison1875 = import ../development/tools/parsing/bison/bison-1.875.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
m4 = gnum4;
bison23 = import ../development/tools/parsing/bison/bison-2.3.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
m4 = gnum4;
ctags = import ../development/tools/misc/ctags {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
flex = flex254a;
#flexWrapper = import ../development/tools/parsing/flex-wrapper {
# inherit stdenv flex ;
flex2533 = import ../development/tools/parsing/flex/flex-2.5.33.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv yacc;
m4 = gnum4;
flex254a = import ../development/tools/parsing/flex/flex-2.5.4a.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv yacc;
gnum4 = import ../development/tools/misc/gnum4 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
gnumake = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? gnumake) stdenv.gnumake
(import ../development/tools/build-managers/gnumake {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
gnumake380 = import ../development/tools/build-managers/gnumake-3.80 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
gperf = import ../development/tools/misc/gperf {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
happy = import ../development/tools/parsing/happy {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl ghc;
help2man = import ../development/tools/misc/help2man {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl gettext perlLocaleGettext;
jikespg = import ../development/tools/parsing/jikespg {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
kcachegrind = import ../development/tools/misc/kcachegrind {
inherit fetchurl stdenv kdelibs zlib perl expat libpng libjpeg;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXext libSM;
qt = qt3;
lcov = import ../development/tools/misc/lcov {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl;
libtool = import ../development/tools/misc/libtool {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl;
m4 = gnum4;
mk = import ../development/tools/build-managers/mk {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
noweb = import ../development/tools/literate-programming/noweb {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
patchelf = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? patchelf) stdenv.patchelf
(import ../development/tools/misc/patchelf {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
patchelfNew = import ../development/tools/misc/patchelf/new.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
* pkgconfig is optionally taken from the stdenv to allow bootstrapping
* of glib and pkgconfig itself on MinGW.
pkgconfig = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? pkgconfig) stdenv.pkgconfig
(import ../development/tools/misc/pkgconfig {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
pkgconfig017x = import ../development/tools/misc/pkgconfig/pkgconfig-0.17.2.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
pkgconfig_latest = import ../development/tools/misc/pkgconfig/pkgconfig-0.21.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
scons = import ../development/tools/build-managers/scons {
inherit fetchurl stdenv python;
sdf = import ../development/tools/parsing/sdf {
inherit fetchurl aterm getopt pkgconfig;
# Note: sdf2-bundle currently requires GNU make 3.80; remove
# explicit dependency when this is fixed.
stdenv = overrideInStdenv stdenv [gnumake380];
strace = import ../development/tools/misc/strace {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
swig = import ../development/tools/misc/swig {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl python;
perlSupport = true;
pythonSupport = true;
javaSupport = false;
swigWithJava = import ../development/tools/misc/swig {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
jdk = blackdown;
perlSupport = false;
pythonSupport = false;
javaSupport = true;
texinfo = import ../development/tools/misc/texinfo {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses;
uuagc = import ../development/tools/haskell/uuagc {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ghc uulib;
valgrind = import ../development/tools/misc/valgrind {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
yacc = bison;
a52dec = import ../development/libraries/a52dec {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
aalib = import ../development/libraries/aalib {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses;
apr = import ../development/libraries/apr {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
aprutil = import ../development/libraries/apr-util {
inherit fetchurl stdenv apr expat db4;
bdbSupport = true;
arts = import ../development/libraries/kde/arts {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXext;
inherit kdelibs zlib libjpeg libpng perl;
qt = qt3;
inherit (gnome) glib;
aterm = import ../development/libraries/aterm {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
aterm23x = import ../development/libraries/aterm/aterm-2.3.1.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
audiofile = import ../development/libraries/audiofile {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
axis = import ../development/libraries/axis {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
beecrypt = import ../development/libraries/beecrypt {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
m4 = gnum4;
boehmgc = import ../development/libraries/boehm-gc {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
cairo = import ../development/libraries/cairo {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig x11 fontconfig freetype zlib libpng;
chmlib = import ../development/libraries/chmlib {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
cil = import ../development/libraries/cil {
inherit stdenv fetchurl ocaml perl;
cilaterm = import ../development/libraries/cil-aterm {
stdenv = overrideInStdenv stdenv [gnumake380];
inherit fetchurl perl ocaml;
clearsilver = import ../development/libraries/clearsilver {
inherit fetchurl stdenv python;
coredumper = import ../development/libraries/coredumper {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
cracklib = import ../development/libraries/cracklib {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
db4 = db44;
db44 = import ../development/libraries/db4/db4-4.4.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
db45 = import ../development/libraries/db4/db4-4.5.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
dclib = import ../development/libraries/dclib {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libxml2 openssl bzip2;
expat = import ../development/libraries/expat {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
ffmpeg = import ../development/libraries/ffmpeg {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
fontconfig = import ../development/libraries/fontconfig {
inherit fetchurl stdenv freetype expat;
freetype = import ../development/libraries/freetype {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
fribidi = import ../development/libraries/fribidi {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
gettext = import ../development/libraries/gettext {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
glibc = useFromStdenv (stdenv ? glibc) stdenv.glibc
(import ../development/libraries/glibc {
inherit fetchurl stdenv kernelHeaders;
installLocales = true;
glibmm = import ../development/libraries/gtk-libs-2.6/glibmm {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig libsigcxx;
inherit (gtkLibs26) glib;
gmime = import ../development/libraries/gmime {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig zlib;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib;
gnet = import ../development/libraries/gnet {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib;
gnome = recurseIntoAttrs (import ../development/libraries/gnome {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig audiofile
flex bison popt zlib libxml2 libxslt
perl perlXMLParser docbook_xml_dtd_42 gettext x11
libtiff libjpeg libpng bzip2;
gtkLibs = gtkLibs28;
inherit (xlibs) libXmu;
gpgme = import ../development/libraries/gpgme {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libgpgerror gnupg;
gtkLibs = recurseIntoAttrs gtkLibs28 /* !!! -> gtkLibs10 */;
gtkLibs1x = import ../development/libraries/gtk-libs-1.x {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11 libtiff libjpeg libpng;
gtkLibs210 = import ../development/libraries/gtk-libs-2.10 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig gettext perl x11
libtiff libjpeg libpng cairo;
inherit (xlibs) libXinerama libXrandr;
xineramaSupport = true;
gtkLibs22 = import ../development/libraries/gtk-libs-2.2 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig gettext perl x11
libtiff libjpeg libpng;
gtkLibs24 = import ../development/libraries/gtk-libs-2.4 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig gettext perl x11
libtiff libjpeg libpng;
gtkLibs26 = import ../development/libraries/gtk-libs-2.6 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig gettext perl x11
libtiff libjpeg libpng;
gtkLibs28 = import ../development/libraries/gtk-libs-2.8 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig gettext perl x11
libtiff libjpeg libpng cairo;
inherit (xlibs) libXinerama;
xineramaSupport = true;
gtkmm = import ../development/libraries/gtk-libs-2.6/gtkmm {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig libsigcxx;
inherit (gtkLibs26) gtk atk;
inherit glibmm;
gtkmozembedsharp = import ../development/libraries/gtkmozembed-sharp {
inherit fetchurl stdenv mono pkgconfig monoDLLFixer;
inherit (gnome) gtk;
gtksharp = gtksharp2;
gtksharp1 = import ../development/libraries/gtk-sharp-1 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv mono pkgconfig libxml2 monoDLLFixer;
inherit (gnome) gtk glib pango libglade libgtkhtml gtkhtml
libgnomecanvas libgnomeui libgnomeprint
libgnomeprintui GConf;
gtksharp2 = import ../development/libraries/gtk-sharp-2 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv mono pkgconfig libxml2 monoDLLFixer;
inherit (gnome) gtk glib pango libglade libgtkhtml gtkhtml
libgnomecanvas libgnomeui libgnomeprint
libgnomeprintui GConf gnomepanel;
gtksourceviewsharp = import ../development/libraries/gtksourceview-sharp {
inherit fetchurl stdenv mono pkgconfig monoDLLFixer;
inherit (gnome) gtksourceview;
gtksharp = gtksharp2;
id3lib = import ../development/libraries/id3lib {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
imlib = import ../development/libraries/gnome/imlib {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libjpeg libtiff libungif libpng;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXext xextproto;
kdelibs = import ../development/libraries/kde/kdelibs {
fetchurl stdenv zlib perl openssl pcre pkgconfig
libjpeg libpng libtiff libxml2 libxslt libtool
expat freetype bzip2;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXt libXext;
qt = qt3;
lcms = import ../development/libraries/lcms {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
lesstif = import ../development/libraries/lesstif {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11;
inherit (xlibs) libXp libXau;
libcaca = import ../development/libraries/libcaca {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses;
libcdaudio = import ../development/libraries/libcdaudio {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libdrm = import ../development/libraries/libdrm {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libdvdcss = import ../development/libraries/libdvdcss {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libdvdnav = import ../development/libraries/libdvdnav {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libdvdread = import ../development/libraries/libdvdread {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libdvdcss;
libevent = import ../development/libraries/libevent {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libexif = import ../development/libraries/libexif {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libgpgerror = import ../development/libraries/libgpg-error {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libgphoto2 = import ../development/libraries/libgphoto2 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig libusb;
libgsf = import ../development/libraries/libgsf {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl perlXMLParser pkgconfig libxml2;
inherit (gnome) glib;
libjpeg = import ../development/libraries/libjpeg {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libtool;
libmad = import ../development/libraries/libmad {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libmpcdec = import ../development/libraries/libmpcdec {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libmspack = import ../development/libraries/libmspack {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libogg = import ../development/libraries/libogg {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libpcap = import ../development/libraries/libpcap {
inherit fetchurl stdenv flex bison;
libpng = import ../development/libraries/libpng {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib;
libsigcxx = import ../development/libraries/libsigcxx {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig;
libsigsegv = import ../development/libraries/libsigsegv {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libsndfile = import ../development/libraries/libsndfile {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libtheora = import ../development/libraries/libtheora {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libogg libvorbis;
libtiff = import ../development/libraries/libtiff {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib libjpeg;
libungif = import ../development/libraries/libungif {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libusb = import ../development/libraries/libusb {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
libvorbis = import ../development/libraries/libvorbis {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libogg;
libwpd = import ../development/libraries/libwpd {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig libgsf libxml2;
inherit (gnome) glib;
libxml2 = import ../development/libraries/libxml2 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib python;
# pythonSupport = stdenv.system == "i686-linux";
pythonSupport = false;
libxslt = import ../development/libraries/libxslt {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libxml2;
mesa = import ../development/libraries/mesa {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11;
inherit (xlibs) libXmu libXi;
mpeg2dec = import ../development/libraries/mpeg2dec {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
mysqlConnectorODBC = import ../development/libraries/mysql-connector-odbc {
inherit fetchurl stdenv mysql libtool zlib unixODBC;
ncurses = import ../development/libraries/ncurses {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
ncursesDiet = import ../development/libraries/ncurses-diet {
inherit fetchurl;
stdenv = overrideGCC stdenv dietgcc;
neon = import ../development/libraries/neon {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libxml2 zlib openssl;
compressionSupport = true;
sslSupport = true;
nss = import ../development/libraries/nss {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl zip;
openal = import ../development/libraries/openal {
inherit fetchurl stdenv alsaLib autoconf automake libtool;
openssl = import ../development/libraries/openssl {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl;
pangoxsl = import ../development/libraries/pangoxsl {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib pango;
pcre = import ../development/libraries/pcre {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
popt = import ../development/libraries/popt {
inherit fetchurl stdenv gettext;
popt110 = import ../development/libraries/popt/popt-1.10.6.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv gettext libtool autoconf automake;
qt3 = import ../development/libraries/qt-3 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11 zlib libjpeg libpng which mysql mesa;
inherit (xlibs) libXft libXrender libXrandr randrproto
libXmu libXinerama xineramaproto;
openglSupport = true;
qt3NoMySQL = import ../development/libraries/qt-3 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11 zlib libjpeg libpng which mysql;
inherit (xlibs) libXft libXrender;
mysqlSupport = false;
readline = readline5;
readline4 = import ../development/libraries/readline/readline4.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses;
readline5 = import ../development/libraries/readline/readline5.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses;
rte = import ../development/libraries/rte {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
SDL = import ../development/libraries/SDL {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11 mesa alsaLib;
inherit (xlibs) libXrandr;
openglSupport = true;
alsaSupport = true;
SDL_mixer = import ../development/libraries/SDL_mixer {
inherit fetchurl stdenv SDL libogg libvorbis;
slang = import ../development/libraries/slang {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pcre libpng;
speex = import ../development/libraries/speex {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
sqlite = import ../development/libraries/sqlite {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
t1lib = import ../development/libraries/t1lib {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11;
inherit (xlibs) libXaw;
taglib = import ../development/libraries/taglib {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib;
tk = import ../development/libraries/tk {
inherit fetchurl stdenv tcl x11;
unixODBC = import ../development/libraries/unixODBC {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
wxGTK = wxGTK26;
wxGTK24 = import ../development/libraries/wxGTK {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig;
inherit (gtkLibs22) gtk;
wxGTK25 = import ../development/libraries/wxGTK-2.5 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk;
inherit (xlibs) libXinerama;
wxGTK26 = import ../development/libraries/wxGTK-2.6 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk;
inherit (xlibs) libXinerama;
Xaw3d = import ../development/libraries/Xaw3d {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11 bison;
flex = flex2533;
inherit (xlibs) imake gccmakedep libXmu libXpm libXp;
xineLib = import ../development/libraries/xine-lib {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib x11 libdvdcss alsaLib;
inherit (xlibs) libXv libXinerama;
xlibsWrapper = import ../development/libraries/xlibs-wrapper {
inherit stdenv;
packages = [
freetype fontconfig xlibs.xproto xlibs.libX11 xlibs.libXt
xlibs.libXft xlibs.libXext xlibs.libSM xlibs.libICE
zlib = import ../development/libraries/zlib {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
zlibStatic = import ../development/libraries/zlib {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
static = true;
zvbi = import ../development/libraries/zvbi {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libpng x11;
pngSupport = true;
atermjava = import ../development/libraries/java/aterm {
inherit fetchurl sharedobjects jjtraveler jdk;
stdenv = overrideInStdenv stdenv [gnumake380];
commonsFileUpload = import ../development/libraries/java/jakarta-commons/file-upload {
inherit stdenv fetchurl;
httpunit = import ../development/libraries/java/httpunit {
inherit stdenv fetchurl unzip;
jakartabcel = import ../development/libraries/java/jakarta-bcel {
regexp = jakartaregexp;
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
jakartaregexp = import ../development/libraries/java/jakarta-regexp {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
javaCup = import ../development/libraries/java/cup {
inherit stdenv fetchurl jdk;
javasvn = import ../development/libraries/java/javasvn {
inherit stdenv fetchurl unzip;
jclasslib = import ../development/tools/java/jclasslib {
inherit fetchurl stdenv xpf jre;
ant = apacheAnt14;
jdom = import ../development/libraries/java/jdom {
inherit stdenv fetchurl;
jflex = import ../development/libraries/java/jflex {
inherit stdenv fetchurl;
jjtraveler = import ../development/libraries/java/jjtraveler {
inherit fetchurl jdk;
stdenv = overrideInStdenv stdenv [gnumake380];
junit = import ../development/libraries/java/junit {
inherit stdenv fetchurl unzip;
lucene = import ../development/libraries/java/lucene {
inherit stdenv fetchurl;
mockobjects = import ../development/libraries/java/mockobjects {
inherit stdenv fetchurl;
saxon = import ../development/libraries/java/saxon {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip;
saxonb = import ../development/libraries/java/saxon/default8.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip;
sharedobjects = import ../development/libraries/java/shared-objects {
inherit fetchurl jdk;
stdenv = overrideInStdenv stdenv [gnumake380];
swt = import ../development/libraries/java/swt {
inherit stdenv fetchurl unzip jdk pkgconfig;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk;
inherit (xlibs) libXtst;
xalanj = import ../development/libraries/java/xalanj {
inherit stdenv fetchurl;
uulib = import ../development/libraries/haskell/uulib {
inherit stdenv fetchurl ghc;
perlArchiveZip = import ../development/perl-modules/Archive-Zip {
inherit fetchurl perl;
perlBerkeleyDB = import ../development/perl-modules/BerkeleyDB {
inherit fetchurl perl db4;
perlCGISession = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "CGI-Session-3.95";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/CGI-Session-3.95.tar.gz;
md5 = "fe9e46496c7c711c54ca13209ded500b";
perlCompressZlib = import ../development/perl-modules/Compress-Zlib {
inherit fetchurl perl;
perlDateManip = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "DateManip-5.42a";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/DateManip-5.42a.tar.gz;
md5 = "648386bbf46d021ae283811f75b07bdf";
perlDigestSHA1 = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "Digest-SHA1-2.11";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/Digest-SHA1-2.11.tar.gz;
md5 = "2449bfe21d6589c96eebf94dae24df6b";
perlHTMLParser = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "HTML-Parser-3.45";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/HTML-Parser-3.45.tar.gz;
md5 = "c2ac1379ac5848dd32e24347cd679391";
perlHTMLTagset = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "HTML-Tagset-3.04";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/HTML-Tagset-3.04.tar.gz;
md5 = "b82e0f08c1ececefe98b891f30dd56a6";
perlHTMLTree = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "HTML-Tree-3.18";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/HTML-Tree-3.18.tar.gz;
md5 = "6a9e4e565648c9772e7d8ec6d4392497";
perlLocaleGettext = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "LocaleGettext-1.04";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/gettext-1.04.tar.gz;
md5 = "578dd0c76f8673943be043435b0fbde4";
perlLWP = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "libwww-perl-5.803";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/libwww-perl-5.803.tar.gz;
md5 = "3345d5f15a4f42350847254141725c8f";
propagatedBuildInputs = [perlURI perlHTMLParser];
perlTermReadKey = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "TermReadKey-2.30";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/TermReadKey-2.30.tar.gz;
md5 = "f0ef2cea8acfbcc58d865c05b0c7e1ff";
perlURI = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "URI-1.35";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/URI-1.35.tar.gz;
md5 = "1a933b1114c41a25587ee59ba8376f7c";
perlXMLLibXML = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "XML-LibXML-1.58";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/XML-LibXML-1.58.tar.gz;
md5 = "4691fc436e5c0f22787f5b4a54fc56b0";
buildInputs = [libxml2];
propagatedBuildInputs = [perlXMLLibXMLCommon perlXMLSAX];
perlXMLLibXMLCommon = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "XML-LibXML-Common-0.13";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/XML-LibXML-Common-0.13.tar.gz;
md5 = "13b6d93f53375d15fd11922216249659";
buildInputs = [libxml2];
perlXMLNamespaceSupport = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "XML-NamespaceSupport-1.08";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/XML-NamespaceSupport-1.08.tar.gz;
md5 = "81bd5ae772906d0579c10061ed735dc8";
buildInputs = [];
perlXMLParser = import ../development/perl-modules/XML-Parser {
inherit fetchurl perl expat;
perlXMLSAX = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "XML-SAX-0.12";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/XML-SAX-0.12.tar.gz;
md5 = "bff58bd077a9693fc8cf32e2b95f571f";
propagatedBuildInputs = [perlXMLNamespaceSupport];
perlXMLSimple = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "XML-Simple-2.14";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/XML-Simple-2.14.tar.gz;
md5 = "f321058271815de28d214c8efb9091f9";
propagatedBuildInputs = [perlXMLParser];
perlXMLTwig = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "XML-Twig-3.15";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/XML-Twig-3.15.tar.gz;
md5 = "b26886b8bd19761fff37b23e4964b499";
propagatedBuildInputs = [perlXMLParser];
perlXMLWriter = import ../development/perl-modules/generic perl {
name = "XML-Writer-0.520";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/XML-Writer-0.520.tar.gz;
md5 = "0a194acc70c906c0be32f4b2b7a9f689";
pygtk = import ../development/python-modules/pygtk {
inherit fetchurl stdenv python pkgconfig;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib gtk;
wxPython = import ../development/python-modules/wxPython-2.5 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig wxGTK python;
wxPython24 = import ../development/python-modules/wxPython {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig python;
wxGTK = wxGTK24;
apacheHttpd = import ../servers/http/apache-httpd {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl openssl db4 expat zlib;
sslSupport = true;
db4Support = true;
dovecot = import ../servers/mail/dovecot {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ;
jetty = import ../servers/http/jetty {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip;
mod_python = import ../servers/http/apache-modules/mod_python {
inherit fetchurl stdenv apacheHttpd python;
mysql = import ../servers/sql/mysql {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses zlib perl;
ps = procps; /* !!! Linux only */
mysql_jdbc = import ../servers/sql/mysql/jdbc {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
ant = apacheAntBlackdown14;
postgresql = import ../servers/sql/postgresql {
inherit fetchurl stdenv readline ncurses zlib;
postgresql_jdbc = import ../servers/sql/postgresql/jdbc {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
ant = apacheAntBlackdown14;
tomcat5 = import ../servers/http/tomcat {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ;
jdk = blackdown;
vsftpd = import ../servers/ftp/vsftpd {
inherit fetchurl stdenv openssl ;
xorg = recurseIntoAttrs (import ../servers/x11/xorg {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig freetype fontconfig
expat libdrm libpng zlib perl mesa;
#nfsUtils = import ../os-specific/linux/nfs-utils {
# inherit fetchurl stdenv;
alsaLib = import ../os-specific/linux/alsa/library {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
alsaUtils = import ../os-specific/linux/alsa/utils {
inherit fetchurl stdenv alsaLib ncurses gettext;
#uclibcSparc = import ../development/uclibc {
# inherit fetchurl stdenv mktemp;
# kernelHeadersCross = kernelHeadersSparc;
# binutilsCross = binutilsSparc;
# gccCross = gcc40sparc;
# cross = "sparc-linux";
dietlibc = import ../os-specific/linux/dietlibc {
inherit fetchurl glibc;
# Dietlibc 0.30 doesn't compile on PPC with GCC 4.1, bus GCC 3.4 works.
stdenv = if stdenv.system == "powerpc-linux" then overrideGCC stdenv gcc34 else stdenv;
#dietlibcArm = import ../os-specific/linux/dietlibc-cross {
# inherit fetchurl stdenv;
# gccCross = gcc40arm;
# binutilsCross = binutilsArm;
# arch = "arm";
e2fsprogs = import ../os-specific/linux/e2fsprogs {
inherit fetchurl stdenv gettext;
e2fsprogsDiet = import ../os-specific/linux/e2fsprogs-diet {
inherit fetchurl gettext;
stdenv = overrideGCC stdenv dietgcc;
eject = import ../os-specific/linux/eject {
inherit fetchurl stdenv gettext;
fuse = import ../os-specific/linux/fuse {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
hotplug = import ../os-specific/linux/hotplug {
inherit fetchurl stdenv bash gnused coreutils utillinux gnugrep module_init_tools;
hwdata = import ../os-specific/linux/hwdata {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
initscripts = import ../os-specific/linux/initscripts {
inherit fetchurl stdenv popt pkgconfig;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib;
iputils = import ../os-specific/linux/iputils {
inherit fetchurl stdenv kernelHeaders;
glibc = stdenv.gcc.glibc;
kernel = import ../os-specific/linux/kernel {
inherit fetchurl perl mktemp;
stdenv = overrideGCC stdenv gcc34;
kernelHeaders = import ../os-specific/linux/kernel-headers {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
kernelHeadersArm = import ../os-specific/linux/kernel-headers-cross {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
cross = "arm-linux";
kernelHeadersMips = import ../os-specific/linux/kernel-headers-cross {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
cross = "mips-linux";
kernelHeadersSparc = import ../os-specific/linux/kernel-headers-cross {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
cross = "sparc-linux";
kernelscripts = import ../os-specific/linux/kernelscripts {
inherit stdenv module_init_tools kernel;
modules = [ov511];
kernel_2_6_17 = import ../os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-2.6.17.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl mktemp;
libselinux = import ../os-specific/linux/libselinux {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libsepol;
libsepol = import ../os-specific/linux/libsepol {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
MAKEDEV = import ../os-specific/linux/MAKEDEV {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
MAKEDEVwrapper = import ../os-specific/linux/MAKEDEV-wrapper {
inherit stdenv MAKEDEV;
#klibc = import ../os-specific/linux/klibc {
# inherit fetchurl stdenv kernel perl bison flexWrapper;
mingetty = import ../os-specific/linux/mingetty {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
mingettyWrapper = import ../os-specific/linux/mingetty-wrapper {
inherit stdenv mingetty shadowutils;
mkinitrd = import ../os-specific/linux/mkinitrd {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
popt = popt110;
module_init_tools = import ../os-specific/linux/module-init-tools {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
module_init_toolsStatic = import ../os-specific/linux/module-init-tools-static {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
modutils = import ../os-specific/linux/modutils {
inherit fetchurl stdenv bison flex;
nettools = import ../os-specific/linux/net-tools {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
ov511 = import ../os-specific/linux/ov511 {
inherit fetchurl kernel;
stdenv = overrideGCC stdenv gcc34;
pam = import ../os-specific/linux/pam {
inherit stdenv fetchurl cracklib;
procps = import ../os-specific/linux/procps {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses;
shadowutils = import ../os-specific/linux/shadow {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
squashfsTools = import ../os-specific/linux/squashfs {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib;
sysklogd = import ../os-specific/linux/sysklogd {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
syslinux = import ../os-specific/linux/syslinux {
inherit fetchurl stdenv nasm perl;
sysvinit = import ../os-specific/linux/sysvinit {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
uclibcArm = import ../development/uclibc {
inherit fetchurl stdenv mktemp;
kernelHeadersCross = kernelHeadersArm;
binutilsCross = binutilsArm;
gccCross = gcc40arm;
cross = "arm-linux";
uclibcMips = import ../development/uclibc {
inherit fetchurl stdenv mktemp;
kernelHeadersCross = kernelHeadersMips;
binutilsCross = binutilsMips;
gccCross = gcc40mipsboot;
cross = "mips-linux";
udev = import ../os-specific/linux/udev {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
usbutils = import ../os-specific/linux/usbutils {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libusb;
utillinux = import ../os-specific/linux/util-linux {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
utillinuxStatic = import ../os-specific/linux/util-linux-static {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
xorg_sys_opengl = import ../os-specific/linux/opengl/xorg-sys {
inherit stdenv xlibs expat;
### DATA
docbook5 = import ../data/sgml+xml/schemas/docbook-5.0 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
docbook_xml_dtd_42 = import ../data/sgml+xml/schemas/xml-dtd/docbook-4.2 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip;
docbook_xml_dtd_43 = import ../data/sgml+xml/schemas/xml-dtd/docbook-4.3 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip;
docbook_xml_ebnf_dtd = import ../data/sgml+xml/schemas/xml-dtd/docbook-ebnf {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip;
docbook_xml_xslt = import ../data/sgml+xml/stylesheets/xslt/docbook {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
abiword = import ../applications/office/abiword {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig fribidi libpng popt;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib gtk pango;
inherit (gnome) libglade libgnomeprint libgnomeprintui libgnomecanvas;
acroread = import ../applications/misc/acrobat-reader {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib;
inherit (xlibs) libXt libXp libXext libX11 libXinerama;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib pango atk gtk;
libstdcpp5 = gcc33.gcc;
xineramaSupport = true;
fastStart = true;
amsn = import ../applications/networking/instant-messengers/amsn {
inherit fetchurl stdenv which tcl tk x11;
batik = import ../applications/graphics/batik {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip;
bmp = import ../applications/audio/bmp {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig libogg libvorbis alsaLib id3lib;
inherit (gnome) esound libglade;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib gtk;
bmp_plugin_musepack = import ../applications/audio/bmp-plugins/musepack {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig bmp libmpcdec taglib;
bmp_plugin_wma = import ../applications/audio/bmp-plugins/wma {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig bmp;
cdparanoiaIII = import ../applications/audio/cdparanoia {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
cdrtools = import ../applications/misc/cdrtools {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
chatzilla =
xulrunnerWrapper {
launcher = "chatzilla";
application = import ../applications/networking/irc/chatzilla {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip;
cua = import ../applications/editors/emacs/modes/cua {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
#rpm = import ../applications/package-management/rpm {
# inherit fetchurl stdenv python tcl readline file cpio beecrypt unzip neon gnupg libxml2 perl;
cvs = import ../applications/version-management/cvs {
inherit fetchurl stdenv vim;
darcs = import ../applications/version-management/darcs {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ghc zlib ncurses curl;
eclipse = plugins :
import ../applications/editors/eclipse {
inherit fetchurl stdenv makeWrapper jdk;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk glib;
inherit (xlibs) libXtst;
inherit plugins;
eclipseSpoofax =
eclipse [spoofax];
emacs = import ../applications/editors/emacs {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11 Xaw3d;
inherit (xlibs) libXaw libXpm;
xaw3dSupport = true;
emacs22 = import ../applications/editors/emacs-22 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig x11 Xaw3d;
inherit (xlibs) libXaw libXpm;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk;
xaw3dSupport = false;
gtkGUI = true;
emacs22aa = import ../applications/editors/emacs-22-aa {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig x11 Xaw3d libpng;
inherit (xlibs) libXaw libXpm libXft;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk;
xaw3dSupport = false;
gtkGUI = true;
xftSupport = true;
ethereal = import ../applications/networking/sniffers/ethereal {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl pkgconfig libpcap;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib;
firefox = import ../applications/networking/browsers/firefox {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl zip libjpeg libpng zlib cairo;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk;
inherit (gnome) libIDL;
inherit (xlibs) libXi;
#enableOfficialBranding = true;
firefoxWrapper = wrapFirefox firefox;
flac = import ../applications/audio/flac {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libogg;
flashplayer = import ../applications/networking/browsers/mozilla-plugins/flashplayer {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib;
inherit (xlibs) libXmu;
fspot = import ../applications/graphics/f-spot {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl perlXMLParser pkgconfig mono
libexif libjpeg sqlite lcms libgphoto2 monoDLLFixer;
inherit (gnome) libgnome libgnomeui;
gtksharp = gtksharp1;
gaim = import ../applications/networking/instant-messengers/gaim {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl libxml2 openssl nss;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib gtk;
gimp = import ../applications/graphics/gimp {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig freetype fontconfig
libtiff libjpeg libpng libexif zlib perl perlXMLParser python pygtk gettext;
inherit (gnome) gtk libgtkhtml glib pango atk libart_lgpl;
gnash = import ../applications/video/gnash {
inherit fetchurl stdenv SDL SDL_mixer GStreamer
libogg libxml2 libjpeg mesa libpng;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXext libXi libXmu;
gphoto2 = import ../applications/misc/gphoto2 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig libgphoto2 libexif popt;
gqview = import ../applications/graphics/gqview {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig libpng;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk;
GStreamer = import ../applications/audio/GStreamer {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl bison flex pkgconfig libxml2;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib;
haskellMode = import ../applications/editors/emacs/modes/haskell {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
hello = import ../applications/misc/hello/ex-1 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl;
inkscape = import ../applications/graphics/inkscape {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl perlXMLParser pkgconfig zlib
popt libxml2 libxslt libpng boehmgc fontconfig gtkmm
glibmm libsigcxx;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk glib;
inherit (xlibs) libXft;
kuickshow = import ../applications/graphics/kuickshow {
inherit fetchurl stdenv kdelibs arts libpng libjpeg libtiff libungif imlib expat perl;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXext libSM;
qt = qt3;
lame = import ../applications/audio/lame {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ;
links = import ../applications/networking/browsers/links {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
lynx = import ../applications/networking/browsers/lynx {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses openssl;
monodevelop = import ../applications/editors/monodevelop {
inherit fetchurl stdenv file mono gtksourceviewsharp
gtkmozembedsharp monodoc perl perlXMLParser pkgconfig;
inherit (gnome) gnomevfs libbonobo libglade libgnome GConf glib gtk;
mozilla = firefox;
gtksharp = gtksharp2;
monodoc = import ../applications/editors/monodoc {
inherit fetchurl stdenv mono pkgconfig;
gtksharp = gtksharp1;
mozilla = import ../applications/networking/browsers/mozilla {
inherit fetchurl pkgconfig stdenv perl zip;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk;
inherit (gnome) libIDL;
inherit (xlibs) libXi;
MPlayer = import ../applications/video/MPlayer {
inherit fetchurl stdenv freetype x11 zlib libtheora libcaca;
inherit (xlibs) libXv libXinerama libXrandr;
alsaSupport = true;
alsa = alsaLib;
theoraSupport = true;
cacaSupport = true;
xineramaSupport = true;
randrSupport = true;
MPlayerPlugin = import ../applications/networking/browsers/mozilla-plugins/mplayerplug-in {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig firefox;
inherit (xlibs) libXpm;
# !!! should depend on MPlayer
mythtv = import ../applications/video/mythtv {
inherit fetchurl stdenv which qt3 x11 lame zlib mesa;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXinerama libXv libXxf86vm libXrandr libXmu;
nano = import ../applications/editors/nano {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses gettext;
nanoDiet = import ../applications/editors/nano {
inherit fetchurl gettext;
ncurses = ncursesDiet;
stdenv = overrideGCC stdenv dietgcc;
nedit = import ../applications/editors/nedit {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11;
inherit (xlibs) libXpm;
motif = lesstif;
nxml = import ../applications/editors/emacs/modes/nxml {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
openoffice = import ../applications/office/openoffice {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pam python tcsh libxslt
perl perlArchiveZip perlCompressZlib zlib libjpeg
expat pkgconfig freetype fontconfig libwpd libxml2
db4 sablotron curl libsndfile flex zip unzip libmspack
getopt file neon;
inherit (xlibs) libXaw;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk;
bison = bison23;
opera = import ../applications/networking/browsers/opera {
inherit fetchurl stdenv zlib;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libSM libICE libXt libXext;
qt = qt3;
#motif = lesstif;
libstdcpp5 = gcc33.gcc;
pan = import ../applications/networking/newsreaders/pan {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig gnet perl
pcre gmime gettext;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk;
spellChecking = false;
pinfo = import ../applications/misc/pinfo {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses;
rcs = import ../applications/version-management/rcs {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
RealPlayer = import ../applications/video/RealPlayer {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib pango atk gtk;
inherit (xlibs) libX11;
libstdcpp5 = gcc33.gcc;
rsync = import ../applications/networking/sync/rsync {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
spoofax = import ../applications/editors/eclipse/plugins/spoofax {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
subversion = subversion14;
subversion13 = import ../applications/version-management/subversion-1.3.x {
inherit fetchurl stdenv openssl db4 expat swig zlib;
localServer = true;
httpServer = false;
sslSupport = true;
compressionSupport = true;
httpd = apacheHttpd;
subversion14 = import ../applications/version-management/subversion-1.4.x {
inherit fetchurl stdenv apr aprutil neon expat swig zlib;
bdbSupport = true;
httpServer = false;
sslSupport = true;
compressionSupport = true;
httpd = apacheHttpd;
subversionWithJava = import ../applications/version-management/subversion-1.2.x {
inherit fetchurl stdenv openssl db4 expat jdk;
swig = swigWithJava;
localServer = true;
httpServer = false;
sslSupport = true;
httpd = apacheHttpd;
javahlBindings = true;
sylpheed = import ../applications/networking/mailreaders/sylpheed {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig openssl gpgme;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib gtk;
sslSupport = true;
gpgSupport = true;
thunderbird = import ../applications/networking/mailreaders/thunderbird {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl zip libjpeg libpng zlib cairo;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk;
inherit (gnome) libIDL;
inherit (xlibs) libXi;
#enableOfficialBranding = true;
valknut = import ../applications/networking/p2p/valknut {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl x11 libxml2 libjpeg libpng openssl dclib;
qt = qt3;
vim = import ../applications/editors/vim {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses;
vimDiet = import ../applications/editors/vim-diet {
inherit fetchurl;
ncurses = ncursesDiet;
stdenv = overrideGCC stdenv dietgcc;
vlc = import ../applications/video/vlc {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl x11 wxGTK
zlib mpeg2dec a52dec libmad ffmpeg
libdvdread libdvdnav libdvdcss;
inherit (xlibs) libXv;
alsa = alsaLib;
w3m = import ../applications/networking/browsers/w3m {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses openssl boehmgc gettext zlib;
graphicsSupport = false;
inherit (gtkLibs1x) gdkpixbuf;
wrapFirefox = firefox: import ../applications/networking/browsers/firefox-wrapper {
inherit stdenv firefox;
plugins = [
# RealPlayer is disabled by default for legal reasons.
++ (if getConfig ["firefox" "enableRealPlayer"] false then [RealPlayer] else [])
++ (if blackdown != null then [blackdown] else []);
xara = import ../applications/graphics/xara {
inherit fetchurl stdenv autoconf automake libtool gettext cvs wxGTK
pkgconfig libxml2 zip libpng libjpeg;
inherit (gtkLibs) gtk;
xawtv = import ../applications/video/xawtv {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses libjpeg perl;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXt libXft xproto libFS fontsproto libXaw libXpm libXext libSM libICE xextproto;
xchat = import ../applications/networking/irc/xchat {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig tcl;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib gtk;
xchm = import ../applications/misc/xchm {
inherit fetchurl stdenv wxGTK chmlib;
xineUI = import ../applications/video/xine-ui {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11 xineLib libpng;
xmms = import ../applications/audio/xmms {
inherit fetchurl libogg libvorbis alsaLib;
inherit (gnome) esound;
inherit (gtkLibs1x) glib gtk;
stdenv = overrideGCC stdenv gcc34; # due to problems with gcc 4.x
xpdf = import ../applications/misc/xpdf {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11 freetype t1lib;
motif = lesstif;
xterm = import ../applications/misc/xterm {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses;
inherit (xlibs) libXaw xproto libXt libX11 libSM libICE;
zapping = import ../applications/video/zapping {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl python
gettext zvbi libjpeg libpng x11
rte perlXMLParser;
inherit (gnome) scrollkeeper libgnomeui libglade esound;
inherit (xlibs) libXv libXmu libXext;
teletextSupport = true;
jpegSupport = true;
pngSupport = true;
recordingSupport = true;
exult = import ../games/exult {
inherit fetchurl SDL SDL_mixer zlib libpng unzip;
stdenv = overrideGCC stdenv gcc34;
quake3demo = import ../games/quake3/wrapper {
name = "quake3-demo";
description = "Demo of Quake 3 Arena, a classic first-person shooter";
inherit fetchurl stdenv mesa;
game = quake3game;
paks = [quake3demodata];
quake3demodata = import ../games/quake3/demo {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
quake3game = import ../games/quake3/game {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11 SDL mesa openal;
scummvm = import ../games/scummvm {
inherit fetchurl stdenv SDL;
ut2004demo = import ../games/ut2004demo {
inherit fetchurl stdenv xlibs mesa;
zoom = import ../games/zoom {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl expat freetype;
inherit (xlibs) xlibs;
### MISC
aangifte2005 = import ../evil/belastingdienst {
inherit stdenv fetchurl;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXext;
patchelf = patchelfNew;
atari800 = import ../misc/emulators/atari800 {
inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip zlib SDL;
ataripp = import ../misc/emulators/atari++ {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11 SDL;
busybox = import ../misc/busybox {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
cups = import ../misc/cups {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
dosbox = import ../misc/emulators/dosbox {
inherit fetchurl stdenv SDL;
generator = import ../misc/emulators/generator {
inherit fetchurl stdenv SDL nasm;
inherit (gtkLibs1x) gtk;
ghostscript = import ../misc/ghostscript {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libjpeg libpng zlib x11;
x11Support = false;
joe = import ../applications/editors/joe {
inherit stdenv fetchurl;
lazylist = import ../misc/tex/lazylist {
inherit fetchurl stdenv tetex;
linuxwacom = import ../misc/linuxwacom {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXi;
martyr = import ../development/libraries/martyr {
inherit stdenv fetchurl apacheAnt;
maven = import ../misc/maven/maven-1.0.nix {
inherit stdenv fetchurl jdk;
nix = import ../misc/nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv aterm perl curl bzip2;
db4 = db44;
nixStatic = import ../misc/nix-static {
inherit fetchurl stdenv aterm perl curl autoconf automake libtool;
bdb = db4;
nixUnstable = nix;
polytable = import ../misc/tex/polytable {
inherit fetchurl stdenv tetex lazylist;
rssglx = import ../misc/screensavers/rss-glx {
inherit fetchurl stdenv x11 mesa;
saneBackends = import ../misc/sane-backends {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;
tetex = import ../misc/tex/tetex {
inherit fetchurl stdenv flex bison zlib libpng ncurses ed;
texFunctions = import ../misc/tex/nix {
inherit stdenv perl tetex graphviz ghostscript;
toolbuslib = import ../development/libraries/toolbuslib {
inherit stdenv fetchurl aterm;
trac = import ../misc/trac {
inherit stdenv fetchurl python clearsilver makeWrapper sqlite;
subversion = import ../applications/version-management/subversion-1.3.x {
inherit fetchurl stdenv openssl db4 expat jdk swig zlib;
localServer = true;
httpServer = false;
sslSupport = true;
compressionSupport = true;
httpd = apacheHttpd;
pythonBindings = true; # Enable python bindings
pysqlite = import ../development/libraries/pysqlite {
inherit stdenv fetchurl python substituter sqlite;
uml = import ../misc/uml {
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl;
m4 = gnum4;
gcc = gcc33;
umlutilities = import ../misc/uml-utilities {
inherit fetchurl stdenv;