{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.services.bitwarden_rs; user = config.users.users.bitwarden_rs.name; group = config.users.groups.bitwarden_rs.name; # Convert name from camel case (e.g. disable2FARemember) to upper case snake case (e.g. DISABLE_2FA_REMEMBER). nameToEnvVar = name: let parts = builtins.split "([A-Z0-9]+)" name; partsToEnvVar = parts: foldl' (key: x: let last = stringLength key - 1; in if isList x then key + optionalString (key != "" && substring last 1 key != "_") "_" + head x else if key != "" && elem (substring 0 1 x) lowerChars then # to handle e.g. [ "disable" [ "2FAR" ] "emember" ] substring 0 last key + optionalString (substring (last - 1) 1 key != "_") "_" + substring last 1 key + toUpper x else key + toUpper x) "" parts; in if builtins.match "[A-Z0-9_]+" name != null then name else partsToEnvVar parts; configFile = pkgs.writeText "bitwarden_rs.env" (concatMapStrings (s: s + "\n") ( (concatLists (mapAttrsToList (name: value: if value != null then [ "${nameToEnvVar name}=${if isBool value then boolToString value else toString value}" ] else [] ) cfg.config)))); in { options.services.bitwarden_rs = with types; { enable = mkEnableOption "bitwarden_rs"; backupDir = mkOption { type = nullOr str; default = null; description = '' The directory under which bitwarden_rs will backup its persistent data. ''; }; config = mkOption { type = attrsOf (nullOr (either (either bool int) str)); default = {}; example = literalExample '' { domain = https://bw.domain.tld:8443; signupsAllowed = true; rocketPort = 8222; rocketLog = "critical"; } ''; description = '' The configuration of bitwarden_rs is done through environment variables, therefore the names are converted from camel case (e.g. disable2FARemember) to upper case snake case (e.g. DISABLE_2FA_REMEMBER). In this conversion digits (0-9) are handled just like upper case characters, so foo2 would be converted to FOO_2. Names already in this format remain unchanged, so FOO2 remains FOO2 if passed as such, even though foo2 would have been converted to FOO_2. This allows working around any potential future conflicting naming conventions. Based on the attributes passed to this config option a environment file will be generated that is passed to bitwarden_rs's systemd service. The available configuration options can be found in the environment template file. ''; apply = config: optionalAttrs config.webVaultEnabled { webVaultFolder = "${pkgs.bitwarden_rs-vault}/share/bitwarden_rs/vault"; } // config; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { services.bitwarden_rs.config = { dataFolder = "/var/lib/bitwarden_rs"; webVaultEnabled = mkDefault true; }; users.users.bitwarden_rs = { inherit group; }; users.groups.bitwarden_rs = { }; systemd.services.bitwarden_rs = { after = [ "network.target" ]; path = with pkgs; [ openssl ]; serviceConfig = { User = user; Group = group; EnvironmentFile = configFile; ExecStart = "${pkgs.bitwarden_rs}/bin/bitwarden_rs"; LimitNOFILE = "1048576"; LimitNPROC = "64"; PrivateTmp = "true"; PrivateDevices = "true"; ProtectHome = "true"; ProtectSystem = "strict"; AmbientCapabilities = "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"; StateDirectory = "bitwarden_rs"; }; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; }; systemd.services.backup-bitwarden_rs = mkIf (cfg.backupDir != null) { description = "Backup bitwarden_rs"; environment = { DATA_FOLDER = "/var/lib/bitwarden_rs"; BACKUP_FOLDER = cfg.backupDir; }; path = with pkgs; [ sqlite ]; serviceConfig = { SyslogIdentifier = "backup-bitwarden_rs"; User = mkDefault user; Group = mkDefault group; ExecStart = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash ${./backup.sh}"; }; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; }; systemd.timers.backup-bitwarden_rs = mkIf (cfg.backupDir != null) { description = "Backup bitwarden_rs on time"; timerConfig = { OnCalendar = mkDefault "23:00"; Persistent = "true"; Unit = "backup-bitwarden_rs.service"; }; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; }; }; }