{ composeAndroidPackages, stdenv }: { name, app ? null , platformVersion ? "16", abiVersion ? "armeabi-v7a", systemImageType ? "default", useGoogleAPIs ? false , enableGPU ? false, extraAVDFiles ? [] , package ? null, activity ? null , avdHomeDir ? null }@args: let androidSdkArgNames = builtins.attrNames (builtins.functionArgs composeAndroidPackages); # Extract the parameters meant for the Android SDK androidParams = { platformVersions = [ platformVersion ]; includeEmulator = true; includeSystemImages = true; systemImageTypes = [ systemImageType ]; abiVersions = [ abiVersion ]; }; androidsdkComposition = (composeAndroidPackages androidParams).androidsdk; in stdenv.mkDerivation { inherit name; buildCommand = '' mkdir -p $out/bin cat > $out/bin/run-test-emulator << "EOF" #! ${stdenv.shell} -e # We need a TMPDIR if [ "$TMPDIR" = "" ] then export TMPDIR=/tmp fi ${if avdHomeDir == null then '' # Store the virtual devices somewhere else, instead of polluting a user's HOME directory export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=$(mktemp -d $TMPDIR/nix-android-vm-XXXX) '' else '' mkdir -p "${avdHomeDir}" export ANDROID_SDK_HOME="${avdHomeDir}" ''} # We need to specify the location of the Android SDK root folder export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=${androidsdkComposition}/libexec/android-sdk # We have to look for a free TCP port echo "Looking for a free TCP port in range 5554-5584" >&2 for i in $(seq 5554 2 5584) do if [ -z "$(${androidsdkComposition}/libexec/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb devices | grep emulator-$i)" ] then port=$i break fi done if [ -z "$port" ] then echo "Unfortunately, the emulator port space is exhausted!" >&2 exit 1 else echo "We have a free TCP port: $port" >&2 fi export ANDROID_SERIAL="emulator-$port" # Create a virtual android device for testing if it does not exists ${androidsdkComposition}/libexec/android-sdk/tools/android list targets if [ "$(${androidsdkComposition}/libexec/android-sdk/tools/android list avd | grep 'Name: device')" = "" ] then # Create a virtual android device yes "" | ${androidsdkComposition}/libexec/android-sdk/tools/android create avd -n device -t 1 --abi ${systemImageType}/${abiVersion} $NIX_ANDROID_AVD_FLAGS ${stdenv.lib.optionalString enableGPU '' # Enable GPU acceleration echo "hw.gpu.enabled=yes" >> $ANDROID_SDK_HOME/.android/avd/device.avd/config.ini ''} ${stdenv.lib.concatMapStrings (extraAVDFile: '' ln -sf ${extraAVDFile} $ANDROID_SDK_HOME/.android/avd/device.avd '') extraAVDFiles} fi # Launch the emulator ${androidsdkComposition}/libexec/android-sdk/emulator/emulator -avd device -no-boot-anim -port $port $NIX_ANDROID_EMULATOR_FLAGS & # Wait until the device has completely booted echo "Waiting until the emulator has booted the device and the package manager is ready..." >&2 ${androidsdkComposition}/libexec/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb -s emulator-$port wait-for-device echo "Device state has been reached" >&2 while [ -z "$(${androidsdkComposition}/libexec/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb -s emulator-$port shell getprop dev.bootcomplete | grep 1)" ] do sleep 5 done echo "dev.bootcomplete property is 1" >&2 #while [ -z "$(${androidsdkComposition}/libexec/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb -s emulator-$port shell getprop sys.boot_completed | grep 1)" ] #do #sleep 5 #done #echo "sys.boot_completed property is 1" >&2 echo "ready" >&2 ${stdenv.lib.optionalString (app != null) '' # Install the App through the debugger, if it has not been installed yet if [ -z "${package}" ] || [ "$(${androidsdkComposition}/libexec/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb -s emulator-$port shell pm list packages | grep package:${package})" = "" ] then if [ -d "${app}" ] then appPath="$(echo ${app}/*.apk)" else appPath="${app}" fi ${androidsdkComposition}/libexec/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb -s emulator-$port install "$appPath" fi # Start the application ${stdenv.lib.optionalString (package != null && activity != null) '' ${androidsdkComposition}/libexec/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb -s emulator-$port shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n ${package}/${activity} ''} ''} EOF chmod +x $out/bin/run-test-emulator ''; }