#! /bin/sh export LANG=C LC_ALL=C LC_COLLATE=C # Load git log raw_git_log="$(git log)" git_data="$(echo "$raw_git_log" | grep 'Author:' | sed -e 's/^ *Author://; s/\\//g; s/^ *//; s/ *$//; s/ @ .*//; s/ *[<]/\t/; s/[>]//')" # Name - nick - email correspondence from log and from maintainer list # Also there are a few manual entries maintainers="$(cat "$(dirname "$0")/../../lib/maintainers.nix" | grep '=' | sed -re 's/\\"/''/g; s/[ ]*([^ =]*)[ ]*=[ ]*" *(.*[^ ]) *[<](.*)[>] *".*/\1\t\2\t\3/')" git_lines="$( ( echo "$git_data"; cat "$(dirname "$0")/vanity-manual-equalities.txt") | sort |uniq)" emails="$( ( echo "$maintainers" | cut -f 3; echo "$git_data" | cut -f 2 ) | sort | uniq | grep -E ".+@.+[.].+" )" fetchGithubName () { commitid="$( echo "$raw_git_log" | grep -B3 "Author: .*[<]$1[>]" | head -n 3 | grep '^commit ' | tail -n 1 | sed -e 's/^commit //' )" userid="$( curl https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/"$commitid" 2>/dev/null | grep committed -B10 | grep 'href="/' | sed -re 's@.* href="/@@; s@".*@@' | grep -v "/commit/" )"; echo "$userid" } [ -n "$NIXPKGS_GITHUB_NAME_CACHE" ] && { echo "$emails" | while read email; do line="$(grep "$email " "$NIXPKGS_GITHUB_NAME_CACHE")" [ -z "$line" ] && { echo "$email $(fetchGithubName "$email")" >> \ "$NIXPKGS_GITHUB_NAME_CACHE" } done } # For RDF normalize_name () { sed -e 's/%/%25/g; s/ /%20/g; s/'\''/%27/g; s/"/%22/g; s/`/%60/g; s/\^/%5e/g; ' } denormalize_name () { sed -e 's/%20/ /g; s/%27/'\''/g; s/%22/"/g; s/%60/`/g; s/%5e/^/g; s/%25/%/g;'; } n3="$(mktemp --suffix .n3)" # «The same person» relation and a sorting hint # Full name is something with a space ( echo "$git_lines" | sed -re 's@(.*)\t(.*)@<my://name/\1> <my://can-be> <my://name/\2>.@' echo "$git_lines" | sed -re 's@(.*)\t(.*)@<my://name/\2> <my://can-be> <my://name/\1>.@' echo "$maintainers" | sed -re 's@(.*)\t(.*)\t(.*)@<my://name/\1> <my://can-be> <my://name/\2>.@' echo "$maintainers" | sed -re 's@(.*)\t(.*)\t(.*)@<my://name/\2> <my://can-be> <my://name/\3>.@' echo "$maintainers" | sed -re 's@(.*)\t(.*)\t(.*)@<my://name/\3> <my://can-be> <my://name/\1>.@' echo "$git_lines" | grep ' ' | cut -f 1 | sed -e 's@.*@<my://name/&> <my://is-name> <my://0>.@' echo "$git_lines" | grep -v ' ' | cut -f 1 | sed -e 's@.*@<my://name/&> <my://is-name> <my://1>.@' echo "$maintainers" | cut -f 2 | sed -e 's@.*@<my://name/&> <my://is-name> <my://0>.@' [ -n "$NIXPKGS_GITHUB_NAME_CACHE" ] && cat "$NIXPKGS_GITHUB_NAME_CACHE" | grep -v " $" | sed -re 's@(.*)\t(.*)@<my://name/\1> <my://at-github> <my://github/\2>.@' ) | normalize_name | grep -E '<my://[-a-z]+>' | sort | uniq > "$n3" # Get transitive closure sparql="$(nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -Q -A apache-jena --no-out-link)/bin/sparql" name_list="$( "$sparql" --results=TSV --data="$n3" " select ?x ?y ?g where { ?x <my://can-be>+ ?y. ?x <my://is-name> ?g. } " | tail -n +2 | sed -re 's@<my://name/@@g; s@<my://@@g; s@>@@g;' | sort -k 2,3 -t ' ' )" github_name_list="$( "$sparql" --results=TSV --data="$n3" " select ?x ?y where { ?x (<my://can-be>+ / <my://at-github>) ?y. } " | tail -n +2 | sed -re 's@<my://(name|github)/@@g; s@<my://@@g; s@>@@g;' )" # Take first spelling option for every person name_list_canonical="$(echo "$name_list" | cut -f 1,2 | uniq -f1)" cleaner_script="$(echo "$name_list_canonical" | denormalize_name | sed -re 's/(.*)\t(.*)/s#^\2$#\1#g/g')" # Add github usernames if [ -n "$NIXPKGS_GITHUB_NAME_CACHE" ]; then github_adder_script="$(echo "$github_name_list" | grep -E "$(echo "$name_list_canonical" | cut -f 2 | tr '\n' '|' )" | sort | uniq | sed -re 's/(.*)\t(.*)/s| \1$| \1\t\2|g;/' | denormalize_name )" else github_adder_script='' fi echo "$name_list" | denormalize_name echo echo "$git_data" | cut -f 1 | sed -e "$cleaner_script" | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1n | sed -re "$github_adder_script" | sed -re 's/^ *([0-9]+) /\1\t/'