Release 18.09 (“Jellyfish”, 2018/09/??)Highlights
In addition to numerous new and upgraded packages, this release has the
following highlights:
Support for wrapping binaries using firejail has been
added through programs.firejail.wrappedBinaries.
For example
programs.firejail = {
enable = true;
wrappedBinaries = {
firefox = "${lib.getBin pkgs.firefox}/bin/firefox";
mpv = "${lib.getBin pkgs.mpv}/bin/mpv";
This will place firefox and mpv binaries in the global path wrapped by firejail.
User channels are now in the default NIX_PATH, allowing
users to use their personal nix-channel defined
channels in nix-build and nix-shell
commands, as well as in imports like import
For example
$ nix-channel --add nixpkgsunstable
$ nix-channel --update
$ nix-build '<nixpkgsunstable>' -A gitFull
$ nix run -f '<nixpkgsunstable>' gitFull
$ nix-instantiate -E '(import <nixpkgsunstable> {}).gitFull'
New Services
The following new services were added since the last release:
There is a new services.foundationdb module for deploying
FoundationDB clusters.
When enabled the iproute2 will copy the files expected
by ip route (e.g., rt_tables) in
/run/iproute2. This allows to write aliases for
routing tables for instance.
is a modern replacement for services.strongswan.
You can use either one of them to setup IPsec VPNs but not both at the same time.
services.strongswan-swanctl uses the
command which uses the modern
Versatile IKE Configuration Interface.
The deprecated ipsec command used in services.strongswan is using the legacy
stroke configuration interface.
Backward Incompatibilities
When upgrading from a previous release, please be aware of the following
incompatible changes:
lib.strict is removed. Use
builtins.seq instead.
The clementine package points now to the free
derivation. clementineFree is removed now and
clementineUnfree points to the package which is bundled
with the unfree libspotify package.
The netcat package is now taken directly from OpenBSD's
libressl, instead of relying on Debian's fork. The new
version should be very close to the old version, but there are some minor
differences. Importantly, flags like -b, -q, -C, and -Z are no longer
accepted by the nc command.
The services.docker-registry.extraConfig object doesn't
contain environment variables anymore. Instead it needs to provide an
object structure that can be mapped onto the YAML configuration defined in
docker/distribution docs.
gnucash has changed from version 2.4 to 3.x. If you've
been using gnucash (version 2.4) instead of
gnucash26 (version 2.6) you must open your Gnucash data
file(s) with gnucash26 and then save them to upgrade
the file format. Then you may use your data file(s) with Gnucash 3.x. See
the upgrade
Gnucash 2.4 is still available under the attribute
services.munge now runs as user (and group) munge instead of root.
Make sure the key file is accessible to the daemon.
dockerTools.buildImage now uses null as default value for tag,
which indicates that the nix output hash will be used as tag.
Other Notable ChangesdockerTools.pullImage relies on image digest instead of
image tag to download the image. The sha256 of a pulled
image has to be updated.
lib.attrNamesToStr has been deprecated. Use more
specific concatenation (lib.concat(Map)StringsSep)
lib.addErrorContextToAttrs has been deprecated. Use
builtins.addErrorContext directly.
lib.showVal has been deprecated. Use
lib.traceSeqN instead.
lib.traceXMLVal has been deprecated. Use
lib.traceValFn builtins.toXml instead.
lib.traceXMLValMarked has been deprecated. Use
lib.traceValFn (x: str + builtins.toXML x) instead.
The pkgs argument to NixOS modules can now be set directly using nixpkgs.pkgs. Previously, only the system, config and overlays arguments could be used to influence pkgs.
A NixOS system can now be constructed more easily based on a preexisting invocation of Nixpkgs. For example:
inherit (pkgs.nixos {
boot.loader.grub.enable = false;
fileSystems."/".device = "/dev/xvda1";
}) toplevel kernel initialRamdisk manual;
This benefits evaluation performance, lets you write Nixpkgs packages that depend on NixOS images and is consistent with a deployment architecture that would be centered around Nixpkgs overlays.
lib.traceValIfNot has been deprecated. Use
if/then/else and lib.traceValSeq instead.
lib.traceCallXml has been deprecated. Please complain
if you use the function regularly.
The attribute lib.nixpkgsVersion has been deprecated in
favor of lib.version. Please refer to the discussion in
for further reference.
The module for has two new options now:
Puts the generated Diffie-Hellman parameters into the Nix store instead
of managing them in a stateful manner in
The default bit size to use for the generated Diffie-Hellman
The path to the actual generated parameter files should now be queried
because it might be either in the Nix store or in a directory configured
by .
For developers:
Module implementers should not set a specific bit size in order to let
users configure it by themselves if they want to have a different bit
size than the default (2048).
An example usage of this would be:
{ config, ... }:
security.dhparams.params.myservice = {};
environment.etc."myservice.conf".text = ''
dhparams = ${}
networking.networkmanager.useDnsmasq has been
deprecated. Use networking.networkmanager.dns instead.
The option
services.kubernetes.apiserver.admissionControl was
renamed to
Recommended way to access the Kubernetes Dashboard is via HTTPS (TLS)
Therefore; public service port for the dashboard has changed to 443
(container port 8443) and scheme to https.
The option services.kubernetes.apiserver.address
was renamed to services.kubernetes.apiserver.bindAddress.
Note that the default value has changed from to
The option services.kubernetes.apiserver.publicAddress
was not used and thus has been removed.
The option services.kubernetes.addons.dashboard.enableRBAC
was renamed to services.kubernetes.addons.dashboard.rbac.enable.
The Kubernetes Dashboard now has only minimal RBAC permissions by default.
If dashboard cluster-admin rights are desired,
set services.kubernetes.addons.dashboard.rbac.clusterAdmin to true.
On existing clusters, in order for the revocation of privileges to take effect,
the current ClusterRoleBinding for kubernetes-dashboard must be manually removed:
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding kubernetes-dashboard
The programs.screen module provides allows to configure
/etc/screenrc, however the module behaved fairly counterintuitive as
the config exists, but the package wasn't available. Since 18.09 pkgs.screen
will be added to environment.systemPackages.
The module now uses WPA2 by default.
s6Dns, s6Networking,
s6LinuxUtils and s6PortableUtils
renamed to
s6-dns, s6-networking,
s6-linux-utils and s6-portable-utils respectively.
The module option is now defaulted to true.