{ lib, bundlerEnv, git}:
bundlerEnv {
  name = "homesick-1.1.3";

  gemfile = ./Gemfile;
  lockfile = ./Gemfile.lock;
  gemset = ./gemset.nix;

  # Cannot use `wrapProgram` because the the help is aware of the file name.
  postInstall = ''
    rm $out/bin/thor
    sed 1a'ENV["PATH"] = "${git}/bin:#{ENV["PATH"] ? ":#{ENV["PATH"]}" : "" }"' -i $out/bin/homesick

  meta = with lib; {
    description = "Your home directory is your castle. Don't leave your dotfiles behind";
    long_description =
        Homesick is sorta like rip, but for dotfiles. It uses git to clone a repository containing
        dotfiles, and saves them in ~/.homesick. It then allows you to symlink all the dotfiles into
        place with a single command.
    homepage = https://github.com/technicalpickles/homesick;
    license = licenses.mit;
    maintainers = with maintainers; [ aaronschif ];
    platforms = platforms.unix;