# Test whether mysqlBackup option works
import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, ... } : {
  name = "mysql-backup";
  meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; {
    maintainers = [ rvl ];

  nodes = {
    master = { pkgs, ... }: {
      services.mysql = {
        enable = true;
        initialDatabases = [ { name = "testdb"; schema = ./testdb.sql; } ];
        package = pkgs.mysql;

      services.mysqlBackup = {
        enable = true;
        databases = [ "doesnotexist" "testdb" ];

  testScript =
    '' startAll;

       # Delete backup file that may be left over from a previous test run.
       # This is not needed on Hydra but useful for repeated local test runs.
       $master->execute("rm -f /var/backup/mysql/testdb.gz");

       # Need to have mysql started so that it can be populated with data.

       # Wait for testdb to be fully populated (5 rows).
       $master->waitUntilSucceeds("mysql -u root -D testdb -N -B -e 'select count(id) from tests' | grep -q 5");

       # Do a backup and wait for it to start

       # wait for backup to fail, because of database 'doesnotexist'
       $master->waitUntilFails("systemctl is-active -q mysql-backup.service");

       # wait for backup file and check that data appears in backup
       $master->succeed("${pkgs.gzip}/bin/zcat /var/backup/mysql/testdb.gz | grep hello");

       # Check that a failed backup is logged
       $master->succeed("journalctl -u mysql-backup.service | grep 'fail.*doesnotexist' > /dev/null");