diff -aur dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_byteio/parseunit_byteio.cpp dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_byteio/parseunit_byteio.cpp
--- dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_byteio/parseunit_byteio.cpp	2008-05-02 09:57:19.000000000 +0400
+++ dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_byteio/parseunit_byteio.cpp	2016-02-10 19:39:09.838443767 +0300
@@ -124,12 +124,9 @@
-        unsigned char next_parse_code;
-        next_parse_code = InputUnByte();
+        (void)InputUnByte();
         // input next unit parse-offsets
-        int next_unit_next_parse_offset;
-        next_unit_next_parse_offset = ReadUintLit(PU_NEXT_PARSE_OFFSET_SIZE);
+        (void)ReadUintLit(PU_NEXT_PARSE_OFFSET_SIZE);
         int next_unit_previous_parse_offset;
         next_unit_previous_parse_offset = ReadUintLit(PU_PREVIOUS_PARSE_OFFSET_SIZE);
diff -aur dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_common/mot_comp.cpp dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_common/mot_comp.cpp
--- dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_common/mot_comp.cpp	2008-10-01 05:26:47.000000000 +0400
+++ dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_common/mot_comp.cpp	2016-02-10 19:50:18.453051800 +0300
@@ -1064,10 +1064,10 @@
         // We're doing bounds checking because we'll fall off the edge of the reference otherwise.
         //weights for doing linear interpolation, calculated from the remainder values
-        const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  (2 - rmdr.x) * (2 - rmdr.y),    //tl
-                                           rmdr.x * (2 - rmdr.y),          //tr
-                                           (2 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y,          //bl
-                                           rmdr.x * rmdr.y };              //br
+        const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  ValueType((2 - rmdr.x) * (2 - rmdr.y)),    //tl
+                                           ValueType(rmdr.x * (2 - rmdr.y)),          //tr
+                                           ValueType((2 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y),          //bl
+                                           ValueType(rmdr.x * rmdr.y) };              //br
        for(int c = 0, uY = ref_start.y,BuY=BChk(uY,trueRefYlen),BuY1=BChk(uY+1,trueRefYlen);
@@ -1116,10 +1116,10 @@
     const ImageCoords ref_start( ( start_pos.x<<1 ) + roundvec.x ,( start_pos.y<<1 ) + roundvec.y );
     //weights for doing linear interpolation, calculated from the remainder values
-    const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  (4 - rmdr.x) * (4 - rmdr.y),    //tl
-                                    rmdr.x * (4 - rmdr.y),          //tr
-                                    (4 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y,          //bl
-                                    rmdr.x * rmdr.y };              //br
+    const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  ValueType((4 - rmdr.x) * (4 - rmdr.y)),    //tl
+                                    ValueType(rmdr.x * (4 - rmdr.y)),          //tr
+                                    ValueType((4 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y),          //bl
+                                    ValueType(rmdr.x * rmdr.y) };              //br
     //An additional stage to make sure the block to be copied does not fall outside
     //the reference image.
diff -aur dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_common/mot_comp_mmx.cpp dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_common/mot_comp_mmx.cpp
--- dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_common/mot_comp_mmx.cpp	2008-01-09 13:50:23.000000000 +0300
+++ dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_common/mot_comp_mmx.cpp	2016-02-10 19:59:51.792793538 +0300
@@ -244,10 +244,10 @@
         // We're 2doing bounds checking because we'll fall off the edge of the reference otherwise.
         //weights for doing linear interpolation, calculated from the remainder values
-        const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  (2 - rmdr.x) * (2 - rmdr.y),    //tl
-                                           rmdr.x * (2 - rmdr.y),          //tr
-                                           (2 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y,          //bl
-                                           rmdr.x * rmdr.y };              //br
+        const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  ValueType((2 - rmdr.x) * (2 - rmdr.y)),    //tl
+                                           ValueType(rmdr.x * (2 - rmdr.y)),          //tr
+                                           ValueType((2 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y),          //bl
+                                           ValueType(rmdr.x * rmdr.y) };              //br
         ValueType act_cols1[4], act_cols2[4];
         int uX, uY, c, l;
diff -aur dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_common/mv_codec.cpp dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_common/mv_codec.cpp
--- dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_common/mv_codec.cpp	2008-10-01 05:26:47.000000000 +0400
+++ dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_common/mv_codec.cpp	2016-02-10 19:51:57.634838245 +0300
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
 // Main code function
 void PredModeCodec::DoWorkCode( MvData& in_data )
-    int step,max; 
+    int step; 
     int split_depth;  
     for (m_sb_yp = 0, m_sb_tlb_y = 0;  m_sb_yp < in_data.SBSplit().LengthY();  ++m_sb_yp, m_sb_tlb_y += 4)
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
             split_depth = in_data.SBSplit()[m_sb_yp][m_sb_xp]; 
             step = 4  >>  (split_depth); 
-            max = (1 << split_depth); 
+            //max = (1 << split_depth); 
             //now do all the block modes and mvs in the mb            
             for (m_b_yp = m_sb_tlb_y; m_b_yp < m_sb_tlb_y+4; m_b_yp += step)
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
 // Main code function
 void VectorElementCodec::DoWorkCode( MvData& in_data )
-    int step,max;
+    int step;
     int split_depth;
     for (m_sb_yp = 0, m_sb_tlb_y = 0;  m_sb_yp < in_data.SBSplit().LengthY();  ++m_sb_yp, m_sb_tlb_y += 4)
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
             split_depth = in_data.SBSplit()[m_sb_yp][m_sb_xp];
             step = 4  >>  (split_depth);
-            max = (1 << split_depth);
+            //max = (1 << split_depth);
             //now do all the block modes and mvs in the mb            
             for (m_b_yp = m_sb_tlb_y; m_b_yp < m_sb_tlb_y+4; m_b_yp += step)
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
 // Main code function
 void DCCodec::DoWorkCode( MvData& in_data )
-    int step,max; 
+    int step; 
     int split_depth;  
     for (m_sb_yp = 0, m_sb_tlb_y = 0;  m_sb_yp < in_data.SBSplit().LengthY();  ++m_sb_yp, m_sb_tlb_y += 4)
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@
             split_depth = in_data.SBSplit()[m_sb_yp][m_sb_xp]; 
             step = 4  >>  (split_depth); 
-            max = (1 << split_depth); 
+            //max = (1 << split_depth); 
             //now do all the block modes and mvs in the mb            
             for (m_b_yp = m_sb_tlb_y; m_b_yp < m_sb_tlb_y+4; m_b_yp += step)
diff -aur dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_common/wavelet_utils.cpp dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_common/wavelet_utils.cpp
--- dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_common/wavelet_utils.cpp	2008-10-20 08:21:02.000000000 +0400
+++ dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_common/wavelet_utils.cpp	2016-02-10 19:58:16.205006445 +0300
@@ -198,7 +198,6 @@
     const bool field_coding = encparams.FieldCoding();
     const ChromaFormat cformat = pparams.CFormat();
     const float cpd = encparams.CPD()*cpd_scale_factor;
-    const PictureSort psort = pparams.PicSort();
     int xlen, ylen, xl, yl, xp, yp;
     float xfreq, yfreq;
diff -aur dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_encoder/picture_compress.cpp dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_encoder/picture_compress.cpp
--- dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_encoder/picture_compress.cpp	2009-01-21 08:20:57.000000000 +0300
+++ dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_encoder/picture_compress.cpp	2016-02-10 20:08:17.935731263 +0300
@@ -413,14 +413,12 @@
         const int depth=m_encparams.TransformDepth();
-        PicArray* comp_data[3];
         CoeffArray* coeff_data[3];
         OneDArray<unsigned int>* est_bits[3];
         float lambda[3];
         // Construction and definition of objects
         for (int c=0;c<3;++c){
-            comp_data[c] = &my_picture.Data((CompSort) c );
 	    coeff_data[c] = &my_picture.WltData((CompSort) c );
             est_bits[c] =  new OneDArray<unsigned int>( Range( 1, 3*depth+1 ) );
         }// c
diff -aur dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_encoder/quant_chooser.cpp dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_encoder/quant_chooser.cpp
--- dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_encoder/quant_chooser.cpp	2009-01-21 08:22:05.000000000 +0300
+++ dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_encoder/quant_chooser.cpp	2016-02-10 20:15:43.792954708 +0300
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
         for (int i=cblock.Xstart(); i<cblock.Xend(); ++i )
-            if ( (std::abs(m_coeff_data[j][i])<<2) >= u_threshold )
+            if ( (int(std::abs(m_coeff_data[j][i]))<<2) >= u_threshold )
                 can_skip = false;
@@ -349,13 +349,13 @@
 CoeffType QuantChooser::BlockAbsMax( const Subband& node )
-    int val( 0 );
+    CoeffType val( 0 );
     for (int j=node.Yp() ; j<node.Yp()+node.Yl(); ++j)
         for (int i=node.Xp() ; i<node.Xp()+node.Xl(); ++i)
-            val = std::max( val , std::abs(m_coeff_data[j][i]) );
+            val = std::max( val , CoeffType(std::abs(m_coeff_data[j][i])) );
         }// i
     }// j
diff -aur dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_encoder/seq_compress.cpp dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_encoder/seq_compress.cpp
--- dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_encoder/seq_compress.cpp	2008-10-29 05:42:06.000000000 +0300
+++ dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_encoder/seq_compress.cpp	2016-02-10 20:16:24.108885403 +0300
@@ -663,7 +663,6 @@
 int FrameSequenceCompressor::CodedToDisplay( const int cnum )
-    int div;
     if (m_L1_sep>0)
@@ -672,7 +671,6 @@
             return 0;
         else if ((cnum-1)% m_L1_sep==0)
         {//we have L1 or subsequent I pictures
-            div=(cnum-1)/m_L1_sep;
             return cnum+m_L1_sep-1;
         else//we have L2 pictures
diff -aur dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_motionest/me_utils.cpp dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_motionest/me_utils.cpp
--- dirac-1.0.2/libdirac_motionest/me_utils.cpp	2008-10-21 08:55:46.000000000 +0400
+++ dirac-1.0.2-modif/libdirac_motionest/me_utils.cpp	2016-02-10 20:04:40.068175649 +0300
@@ -684,10 +684,10 @@
         // We're doing bounds checking because we'll fall off the edge of the reference otherwise.
        // weights for doing linear interpolation, calculated from the remainder values
-        const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  (2 - rmdr.x) * (2 - rmdr.y),    //tl
-                                           rmdr.x * (2 - rmdr.y),          //tr
-                                           (2 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y,          //bl
-                                           rmdr.x * rmdr.y };              //br
+        const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  ValueType((2 - rmdr.x) * (2 - rmdr.y)),    //tl
+                                           ValueType(rmdr.x * (2 - rmdr.y)),          //tr
+                                           ValueType((2 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y),          //bl
+                                           ValueType(rmdr.x * rmdr.y) };              //br
         const int refXlen( m_ref_data.LengthX() );
         const int refYlen( m_ref_data.LengthY() );
@@ -848,10 +848,10 @@
         // We're doing bounds checking because we'll fall off the edge of the reference otherwise.
        // weights for doing linear interpolation, calculated from the remainder values
-        const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  (2 - rmdr.x) * (2 - rmdr.y),    //tl
-                                           rmdr.x * (2 - rmdr.y),          //tr
-                                           (2 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y,          //bl
-                                           rmdr.x * rmdr.y };              //br
+        const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  ValueType((2 - rmdr.x) * (2 - rmdr.y)),    //tl
+                                           ValueType(rmdr.x * (2 - rmdr.y)),          //tr
+                                           ValueType((2 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y),          //bl
+                                           ValueType(rmdr.x * rmdr.y) };              //br
         const int refXlen( m_ref_data.LengthX() );
         const int refYlen( m_ref_data.LengthY() );
@@ -908,10 +908,10 @@
     const int pic_next( m_pic_data.LengthX() - dparams.Xl() );// go down a row and back up
     //weights for doing linear interpolation, calculated from the remainder values
-    const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  (4 - rmdr.x) * (4 - rmdr.y),    //tl
-                                       rmdr.x * (4 - rmdr.y),          //tr
-                                       (4 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y,          //bl
-                                       rmdr.x * rmdr.y };              //br
+    const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  ValueType((4 - rmdr.x) * (4 - rmdr.y)),    //tl
+                                       ValueType(rmdr.x * (4 - rmdr.y)),          //tr
+                                       ValueType((4 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y),          //bl
+                                       ValueType(rmdr.x * rmdr.y) };              //br
     bool bounds_check( false );
@@ -1039,10 +1039,10 @@
     const int pic_next( m_pic_data.LengthX() - dparams.Xl() );// go down a row and back up
     //weights for doing linear interpolation, calculated from the remainder values
-    const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  (4 - rmdr.x) * (4 - rmdr.y),    //tl
-                                       rmdr.x * (4 - rmdr.y),          //tr
-                                       (4 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y,          //bl
-                                       rmdr.x * rmdr.y };              //br
+    const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  ValueType((4 - rmdr.x) * (4 - rmdr.y)),    //tl
+                                       ValueType(rmdr.x * (4 - rmdr.y)),          //tr
+                                       ValueType((4 - rmdr.x) * rmdr.y),          //bl
+                                       ValueType(rmdr.x * rmdr.y) };              //br
     bool bounds_check( false );
@@ -1403,10 +1403,10 @@
-        const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  (2 - rmdr1.x) * (2 - rmdr1.y),    //tl
-                                           rmdr1.x * (2 - rmdr1.y),          //tr
-                                           (2 - rmdr1.x) * rmdr1.y,          //bl
-                                           rmdr1.x * rmdr1.y };              //br
+        const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  ValueType((2 - rmdr1.x) * (2 - rmdr1.y)),    //tl
+                                           ValueType(rmdr1.x * (2 - rmdr1.y)),          //tr
+                                           ValueType((2 - rmdr1.x) * rmdr1.y),          //bl
+                                           ValueType(rmdr1.x * rmdr1.y) };              //br
         // We're doing bounds checking because we'll fall off the edge of the reference otherwise.
         for( int y=dparams.Yl(), ry=ref_start1.y, by=BChk(ry,m_ref_data1.LengthY()), by1=BChk(ry+1,m_ref_data1.LengthY()); 
@@ -1513,10 +1513,10 @@
-        const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  (2 - rmdr2.x) * (2 - rmdr2.y),    //tl
-                                           rmdr2.x * (2 - rmdr2.y),          //tr
-                                           (2 - rmdr2.x) * rmdr2.y,          //bl
-                                           rmdr2.x * rmdr2.y };              //br
+        const ValueType linear_wts[4] = {  ValueType((2 - rmdr2.x) * (2 - rmdr2.y)),    //tl
+                                           ValueType(rmdr2.x * (2 - rmdr2.y)),          //tr
+                                           ValueType((2 - rmdr2.x) * rmdr2.y),          //bl
+                                           ValueType(rmdr2.x * rmdr2.y) };              //br
         // We're doing bounds checking because we'll fall off the edge of the reference otherwise.
         for( int y=dparams.Yl(), ry=ref_start2.y, by=BChk(ry,m_ref_data2.LengthY()),by1=BChk(ry+1,m_ref_data2.LengthY()); 
@@ -1564,14 +1564,14 @@
     const MVector rmdr2( mv2.x & 3 , mv2.y & 3 );
     //weights for doing linear interpolation, calculated from the remainder values
-    const ValueType linear_wts1[4] = {  (4 - rmdr1.x) * (4 - rmdr1.y),    //tl
-                                       rmdr1.x * (4 - rmdr1.y),          //tr
-                                       (4 - rmdr1.x) * rmdr1.y,          //bl
-                                       rmdr1.x * rmdr1.y };              //br
-    const ValueType linear_wts2[4] = {  (4 - rmdr2.x) * (4 - rmdr2.y),    //tl
-                                       rmdr2.x * (4 - rmdr2.y),          //tr
-                                       (4 - rmdr2.x) * rmdr2.y,          //bl
-                                       rmdr2.x * rmdr2.y };              //br
+    const ValueType linear_wts1[4] = {  ValueType((4 - rmdr1.x) * (4 - rmdr1.y)),    //tl
+                                        ValueType(rmdr1.x * (4 - rmdr1.y)),          //tr
+                                        ValueType((4 - rmdr1.x) * rmdr1.y),          //bl
+                                        ValueType(rmdr1.x * rmdr1.y) };              //br
+    const ValueType linear_wts2[4] = {  ValueType((4 - rmdr2.x) * (4 - rmdr2.y)),    //tl
+                                        ValueType(rmdr2.x * (4 - rmdr2.y)),          //tr
+                                        ValueType((4 - rmdr2.x) * rmdr2.y),          //bl
+                                        ValueType(rmdr2.x * rmdr2.y) };              //br
     //Where to start in the upconverted images
     const ImageCoords ref_start1( ( dparams.Xp()<<1 ) + roundvec1.x ,( dparams.Yp()<<1 ) + roundvec1.y );
diff -aur dirac-1.0.2/util/conversion/common/bitmap.cpp dirac-1.0.2-modif/util/conversion/common/bitmap.cpp
--- dirac-1.0.2/util/conversion/common/bitmap.cpp	2004-06-30 20:44:52.000000000 +0400
+++ dirac-1.0.2-modif/util/conversion/common/bitmap.cpp	2016-02-10 20:19:58.355494888 +0300
@@ -142,14 +142,9 @@
         char signature[2];
         int fileSize;
         int dataOffset;
-        int size;
         int planes;
         int bitCount;
         int compression;
-        int imageSize;
-        int xPixelsPerM, yPixelsPerM;
-        int coloursUsed;
-        int coloursImportant;
         //Define buffer to read bytes into.
         const int bufferSize = 54;
         char buffer[bufferSize];
@@ -175,7 +170,7 @@
         //Reposition input buffer to skip over extra header data if necessary
         //Should check success of operation (see The C++ Stand Lib, Josuttis, p665)
         if (dataOffset>54) inbuf.pubseekoff(dataOffset-54, std::ios_base::cur, std::ios_base::in);
-        size = read4bytes(buffer+14);
+        (void)read4bytes(buffer+14); // size
         w = read4bytes(buffer+18);
         h = read4bytes(buffer+22);
         if ( fileSize != (dataOffset + height()*lineBufferSize()) ) input.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
@@ -185,11 +180,11 @@
         if ( bitCount != 24 ) input.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
         compression = read4bytes(buffer+30);
         if ( compression != 0 ) input.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
-        imageSize = read4bytes(buffer+34);
-        xPixelsPerM = read4bytes(buffer+38);
-        yPixelsPerM = read4bytes(buffer+42);
-        coloursUsed = read4bytes(buffer+46);
-        coloursImportant = read4bytes(buffer+50);
+        (void)read4bytes(buffer+34); // imageSize
+        (void)read4bytes(buffer+38); // xPixelsPerM
+        (void)read4bytes(buffer+42); // yPixelsPerM
+        (void)read4bytes(buffer+46); // coloursUsed
+        (void)read4bytes(buffer+50); // coloursImportant
         return input; }
 }  // end namespace dirac_vu