# Verifies that the configuration suggested in (non-deprecated) example values
# will result in the expected output.

import ../make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ...} : {
  name = "krb5-with-example-config";
  meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; {
    maintainers = [ eqyiel ];

  machine =
    { pkgs, ... }: {
      krb5 = {
        enable = true;
        kerberos = pkgs.krb5Full;
        libdefaults = {
          default_realm = "ATHENA.MIT.EDU";
        realms = {
          "ATHENA.MIT.EDU" = {
            admin_server = "athena.mit.edu";
            kdc = "athena.mit.edu";
        domain_realm = {
          "example.com" = "EXAMPLE.COM";
          ".example.com" = "EXAMPLE.COM";
        capaths = {
          "ATHENA.MIT.EDU" = {
            "EXAMPLE.COM" = ".";
          "EXAMPLE.COM" = {
            "ATHENA.MIT.EDU" = ".";
        appdefaults = {
          pam = {
            debug = false;
            ticket_lifetime = 36000;
            renew_lifetime = 36000;
            max_timeout = 30;
            timeout_shift = 2;
            initial_timeout = 1;
        plugins = {
          ccselect = {
            disable = "k5identity";
        extraConfig = ''
            kdc          = SYSLOG:NOTICE
            admin_server = SYSLOG:NOTICE
            default      = SYSLOG:NOTICE

  testScript =
    let snapshot = pkgs.writeText "krb5-with-example-config.conf" ''
        default_realm = ATHENA.MIT.EDU

        ATHENA.MIT.EDU = {
          admin_server = athena.mit.edu
          kdc = athena.mit.edu

        .example.com = EXAMPLE.COM
        example.com = EXAMPLE.COM

        ATHENA.MIT.EDU = {
          EXAMPLE.COM = .
        EXAMPLE.COM = {
          ATHENA.MIT.EDU = .

        pam = {
          debug = false
          initial_timeout = 1
          max_timeout = 30
          renew_lifetime = 36000
          ticket_lifetime = 36000
          timeout_shift = 2

        ccselect = {
          disable = k5identity

        kdc          = SYSLOG:NOTICE
        admin_server = SYSLOG:NOTICE
        default      = SYSLOG:NOTICE
  in ''
        "diff /etc/krb5.conf ${snapshot}"