<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"

<title>Release 16.09 (“Flounder”, 2016/09/??)</title>

<para>In addition to numerous new and upgraded packages, this release
has the following highlights: </para>


    <para>PXE "netboot" media has landed in <link xlink:href="https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/14740" />.
    See <xref linkend="sec-booting-from-pxe" /> for documentation.</para>

    <para>Xorg-server-1.18.*. If you choose <literal>"ati_unfree"</literal> driver,
    1.17.* is still used due to ABI incompatibility.</para>

<para>The following new services were added since the last release:</para>

    <listitem><para><literal>(this will get automatically generated at release time)</literal></para></listitem>

<para>When upgrading from a previous release, please be aware of the
following incompatible changes:</para>


    <para>A large number of packages have been converted to use the multiple outputs feature
      of Nix to greatly reduce the amount of required disk space. This may require changes
      to any custom packages to make them build again; see the relevant chapter in the
      Nixpkgs manual for more information. (Additional caveat to packagers: some packaging conventions
      related to multiple-output packages
      <link xlink:href="https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/14766">were changed</link>
      late (August 2016) in the release cycle and differ from the initial introduction of multiple outputs.)

    <para>Shell aliases for systemd sub-commands
    <link xlink:href="https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/15598">were dropped</link>:
    <command>start</command>, <command>stop</command>,
    <command>restart</command>, <command>status</command>.</para>

    <para>Redis now binds to only instead of listening to all network interfaces. This is the default
    behavior of Redis 3.2</para>

      <link xlink:href="https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/18124">is now a symlink so
      it can be atomically updated</link>
      and it's not mounted as tmpfs anymore since setuid binaries are located on /run/ as tmpfs.

    <para>Gitlab's maintainence script gitlab-runner was removed and split up into the more clearer
      gitlab-run and gitlab-rake scripts because gitlab-runner is a component of Gitlab CI.</para>

    <para><literal>services.xserver.libinput.accelProfile</literal> default
    changed from <literal>flat</literal> to <literal>adaptive</literal>,
    as per <link xlink:href="https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/group__config.html#gad63796972347f318b180e322e35cee79">
    official documentation</link>.</para>

    <para><literal>fonts.fontconfig.ultimate.rendering</literal> was removed
    because our presets were obsolete for some time. New presets are hardcoded
    into freetype; one selects a preset via <literal>fonts.fontconfig.ultimate.preset</literal>.
    You can customize those presets via ordinary environment variables, using

    <para>The <literal>audit</literal> service is no longer enabled by default.
    Use <literal>security.audit.enable = true;</literal> to explicitly enable it.</para>


<para>Other notable improvements:</para>


  <listitem><para>Revamped grsecurity/PaX support.  There is now only a single
  general-purpose distribution kernel and the configuration interface has been
  streamlined.  Desktop users should be able to simply set
  <programlisting>security.grsecurity.enable = true</programlisting> to get
  a reasonably secure system without having to sacrifice too much
  functionality.  See <xref linkend="sec-grsecurity" /> for documentation

