{ stdenv, fetchgit, cmake, pkgconfig, boost, libunwind, libmemcached
, pcre, libevent, gd, curl, libxml2, icu, flex, bison, openssl, zlib, php
, expat, libcap, oniguruma, libdwarf, libmcrypt, tbb, gperftools, glog, libkrb5
, bzip2, openldap, readline, libelf, uwimap, binutils, cyrus_sasl, pam, libpng
, libxslt, freetype, gdb, git, perl, mysql, gmp, libyaml, libedit
, libvpx, imagemagick, fribidi, gperf, which, ocamlPackages

stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
  name    = "hhvm-${version}";
  version = "3.23.2";

  # use git version since we need submodules
  src = fetchgit {
    url    = "https://github.com/facebook/hhvm.git";
    rev    = "HHVM-${version}";
    sha256 = "1nic49j8nghx82lgvz0b95r78sqz46qaaqv4nx48p8yrj9ysnd7i";
    fetchSubmodules = true;

  buildInputs =
    [ cmake pkgconfig boost libunwind mysql.connector-c libmemcached pcre gdb git perl
      libevent gd curl libxml2 icu flex bison openssl zlib php expat libcap
      oniguruma libdwarf libmcrypt tbb gperftools bzip2 openldap readline
      libelf uwimap binutils cyrus_sasl pam glog libpng libxslt libkrb5
      gmp libyaml libedit libvpx imagemagick fribidi gperf which
      ocamlPackages.ocaml ocamlPackages.ocamlbuild

  patches = [

  enableParallelBuilding = true;
  dontUseCmakeBuildDir = true;
  NIX_LDFLAGS = "-lpam -L${pam}/lib";

  # work around broken build system
  NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-I${freetype.dev}/include/freetype2";

  # the cmake package does not handle absolute CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR correctly
  # (setting it to an absolute path causes include files to go to $out/$out/include,
  #  because the absolute path is interpreted with root at $out).
  cmakeFlags = "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR=include";

  prePatch = ''
    substituteInPlace ./configure \
      --replace "/usr/bin/env bash" ${stdenv.shell}
    substituteInPlace ./third-party/ocaml/CMakeLists.txt \
      --replace "/bin/bash" ${stdenv.shell}
    perl -pi -e 's/([ \t(])(isnan|isinf)\(/$1std::$2(/g' \
      hphp/runtime/base/*.cpp \
      hphp/runtime/ext/std/*.cpp \
      hphp/runtime/ext_zend_compat/php-src/main/*.cpp \
    sed '1i#include <functional>' -i third-party/mcrouter/src/mcrouter/lib/cycles/Cycles.h
    patchShebangs .

  meta = {
    description = "High-performance JIT compiler for PHP/Hack";
    homepage    = "https://hhvm.com";
    license     = "PHP/Zend";
    platforms   = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
    maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.thoughtpolice ];
    broken = true; # Since 2018-04-21, see https://hydra.nixos.org/build/73059373