{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.services.jira; pkg = pkgs.atlassian-jira; in { options = { services.jira = { enable = mkEnableOption "Atlassian JIRA service"; user = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "jira"; description = "User which runs JIRA."; }; group = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "jira"; description = "Group which runs JIRA."; }; home = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "/var/lib/jira"; description = "Home directory of the JIRA instance."; }; listenAddress = mkOption { type = types.str; default = ""; description = "Address to listen on."; }; listenPort = mkOption { type = types.int; default = 8091; description = "Port to listen on."; }; catalinaOptions = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = []; example = [ "-Xms1024m" "-Xmx2048m" ]; description = "Java options to pass to catalina/tomcat."; }; proxy = { enable = mkEnableOption "reverse proxy support"; name = mkOption { type = types.str; example = "jira.example.com"; description = "Virtual hostname at the proxy"; }; port = mkOption { type = types.int; default = 443; example = 80; description = "Port used at the proxy"; }; scheme = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "https"; example = "http"; description = "Protocol used at the proxy."; }; secure = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; example = false; description = "Whether the connections to the proxy should be considered secure."; }; }; jrePackage = let jreSwitch = unfree: free: if config.nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree or false then unfree else free; in mkOption { type = types.package; default = jreSwitch pkgs.oraclejre8 pkgs.openjdk8.jre; defaultText = jreSwitch "pkgs.oraclejre8" "pkgs.openjdk8.jre"; example = literalExample "pkgs.openjdk8.jre"; description = "Java Runtime to use for JIRA. Note that Atlassian recommends the Oracle JRE."; }; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { users.extraUsers."${cfg.user}" = { isSystemUser = true; group = cfg.group; }; users.extraGroups."${cfg.group}" = {}; systemd.services.atlassian-jira = { description = "Atlassian JIRA"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; requires = [ "postgresql.service" ]; after = [ "postgresql.service" ]; path = [ cfg.jrePackage ]; environment = { JIRA_USER = cfg.user; JIRA_HOME = cfg.home; JAVA_HOME = "${cfg.jrePackage}"; CATALINA_OPTS = concatStringsSep " " cfg.catalinaOptions; }; preStart = '' mkdir -p ${cfg.home}/{logs,work,temp,deploy} mkdir -p /run/atlassian-jira ln -sf ${cfg.home}/{logs,work,temp,server.xml} /run/atlassian-jira ln -sf ${cfg.home} /run/atlassian-jira/home chown -R ${cfg.user} ${cfg.home} sed -e 's,port="8080",port="${toString cfg.listenPort}" address="${cfg.listenAddress}",' \ '' + (lib.optionalString cfg.proxy.enable '' -e 's,protocol="HTTP/1.1",protocol="HTTP/1.1" proxyName="${cfg.proxy.name}" proxyPort="${toString cfg.proxy.port}" scheme="${cfg.proxy.scheme}" secure="${toString cfg.proxy.secure}",' \ '') + '' ${pkg}/conf/server.xml.dist > ${cfg.home}/server.xml ''; script = "${pkg}/bin/start-jira.sh -fg"; stopScript = "${pkg}/bin/stop-jira.sh"; serviceConfig = { User = cfg.user; Group = cfg.group; PrivateTmp = true; PermissionsStartOnly = true; }; }; }; }