{stdenv, fetchgit, fetchsvn, autoconf, automake, libtool, gfortran, clang, cmake, gnumake, hwloc, jre, liblapack, blas, hdf5, expat, ncurses, readline, qt4, webkit, which, lp_solve, omniorb, sqlite, libatomic_ops, pkgconfig, file, gettext, flex, bison, doxygen, boost, openscenegraph, gnome, pangox_compat, xlibs, git, bash, gtk }: let fakegit = import ./fakegit.nix {inherit stdenv fetchgit fetchsvn bash;} ; in stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "openmodelica"; src = fetchgit (import ./src-main.nix); buildInputs = [autoconf cmake automake libtool gfortran clang gnumake hwloc jre liblapack blas hdf5 expat ncurses readline qt4 webkit which lp_solve omniorb sqlite libatomic_ops pkgconfig file gettext flex bison doxygen boost openscenegraph gnome.gtkglext pangox_compat xlibs.libXmu git gtk]; patchPhase = '' cp -fv ${fakegit}/bin/checkout-git.sh libraries/checkout-git.sh cp -fv ${fakegit}/bin/checkout-svn.sh libraries/checkout-svn.sh ''; configurePhase = '' autoconf ./configure CC=${clang}/bin/clang CXX=${clang}/bin/clang++ --prefix=$out ''; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "OpenModelica is an open-source Modelica-based modeling and simulation environment"; homepage = "https://openmodelica.org"; license = licenses.gpl3; maintainers = with maintainers; [ smironov ]; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }