# This module provides suggestions of packages to install if the user
# tries to run a missing command in Bash.  This is implemented using a
# SQLite database that maps program names to Nix package names (e.g.,
# "pdflatex" is mapped to "tetex").

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

with lib;

  cfg = config.programs.command-not-found;
  commandNotFound = pkgs.substituteAll {
    name = "command-not-found";
    dir = "bin";
    src = ./command-not-found.pl;
    isExecutable = true;
    inherit (pkgs) perl;
    inherit (cfg) dbPath;
    perlFlags = concatStrings (map (path: "-I ${path}/${pkgs.perl.libPrefix} ")
      [ pkgs.perlPackages.DBI pkgs.perlPackages.DBDSQLite pkgs.perlPackages.StringShellQuote ]);


  options.programs.command-not-found = {

    enable = mkOption {
      type = types.bool;
      default = true;
      description = ''
        Whether interactive shells should show which Nix package (if
        any) provides a missing command.

    dbPath = mkOption {
      default = "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/programs.sqlite" ;
      description = ''
        Absolute path to programs.sqlite.

        By default this file will be provided by your channel
      type = types.path;

  config = mkIf cfg.enable {
    programs.bash.interactiveShellInit =
        # This function is called whenever a command is not found.
        command_not_found_handle() {
          local p=${commandNotFound}/bin/command-not-found
          if [ -x $p -a -f ${cfg.dbPath} ]; then
            # Run the helper program.
            $p "$@"
            # Retry the command if we just installed it.
            if [ $? = 126 ]; then
              return 127
            echo "$1: command not found" >&2
            return 127

    programs.zsh.interactiveShellInit =
        # This function is called whenever a command is not found.
        command_not_found_handler() {
          local p=${commandNotFound}/bin/command-not-found
          if [ -x $p -a -f ${cfg.dbPath} ]; then
            # Run the helper program.
            $p "$@"

            # Retry the command if we just installed it.
            if [ $? = 126 ]; then
            # Indicate than there was an error so ZSH falls back to its default handler
            echo "$1: command not found" >&2
            return 127

    environment.systemPackages = [ commandNotFound ];
