{ qtSubmodule, stdenv, qtdeclarative, qtlocation, qtsensors , fontconfig, gdk_pixbuf, gtk, libwebp, libxml2, libxslt , sqlite, libudev, glib, gst_all_1 , bison2, flex, gdb, gperf, perl, pkgconfig, python, ruby , substituteAll , flashplayerFix ? false }: with stdenv.lib; qtSubmodule { name = "qtwebkit"; qtInputs = [ qtdeclarative qtlocation qtsensors ]; buildInputs = [ fontconfig libwebp libxml2 libxslt sqlite glib gst_all_1.gstreamer gst_all_1.gst-plugins-base ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ bison2 flex gdb gperf perl pkgconfig python ruby ]; patches = let dlopen-webkit-nsplugin = substituteAll { src = ./0001-dlopen-webkit-nsplugin.patch; gtk = gtk.out; gdk_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf.out; }; dlopen-webkit-gtk = substituteAll { src = ./0002-dlopen-webkit-gtk.patch; gtk = gtk.out; }; dlopen-webkit-udev = substituteAll { src = ./0003-dlopen-webkit-udev.patch; libudev = libudev.out; }; in optionals flashplayerFix [ dlopen-webkit-nsplugin dlopen-webkit-gtk ] ++ [ dlopen-webkit-udev ]; meta.maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ abbradar ]; }