#include // for nix/globals.hh's reference to SYSTEM #include // for exception_ptr, current_exception #include // for function #include // for operator<<, basic_ostream, ostrin... #include // for next #include // for _List_iterator #include // for allocator, unique_ptr, make_unique #include // for operator new #include // for argvToStrings, UsageError #include // for findAlongAttrPath #include // for Attr, Bindings, Bindings::iterator #include // for MixEvalArgs #include // for EvalState::forceValue #include // for EvalState, initGC, operator<< #include // for initPlugins, Settings, settings #include // for Pos #include // for getArg, LegacyArgs, printVersion #include // for openStore #include // for Symbol, SymbolTable #include // for Error, Path, Strings, PathSet #include // for absPath, baseNameOf #include // for Value, Value::(anonymous), Value:... #include // for string, operator+, operator== #include // for move #include // for get, holds_alternative, variant #include // for vector<>::iterator, vector #include "libnix-copy-paste.hh" using nix::absPath; using nix::Bindings; using nix::Error; using nix::EvalState; using nix::Path; using nix::PathSet; using nix::Strings; using nix::Symbol; using nix::tAttrs; using nix::ThrownError; using nix::tLambda; using nix::tString; using nix::UsageError; using nix::Value; // An ostream wrapper to handle nested indentation class Out { public: class Separator {}; const static Separator sep; enum LinePolicy { ONE_LINE, MULTI_LINE }; explicit Out(std::ostream & ostream) : ostream(ostream), policy(ONE_LINE), write_since_sep(true) {} Out(Out & o, std::string const & start, std::string const & end, LinePolicy policy); Out(Out & o, std::string const & start, std::string const & end, int count) : Out(o, start, end, count < 2 ? ONE_LINE : MULTI_LINE) {} Out(Out const &) = delete; Out(Out &&) = default; Out & operator=(Out const &) = delete; Out & operator=(Out &&) = delete; ~Out() { ostream << end; } private: std::ostream & ostream; std::string indentation; std::string end; LinePolicy policy; bool write_since_sep; template friend Out & operator<<(Out & o, T thing); }; template Out & operator<<(Out & o, T thing) { if (!o.write_since_sep && o.policy == Out::MULTI_LINE) { o.ostream << o.indentation; } o.write_since_sep = true; o.ostream << thing; return o; } template <> Out & operator<<(Out & o, Out::Separator /* thing */) { o.ostream << (o.policy == Out::ONE_LINE ? " " : "\n"); o.write_since_sep = false; return o; } Out::Out(Out & o, std::string const & start, std::string const & end, LinePolicy policy) : ostream(o.ostream), indentation(policy == ONE_LINE ? o.indentation : o.indentation + " "), end(policy == ONE_LINE ? end : o.indentation + end), policy(policy), write_since_sep(true) { o << start; *this << Out::sep; } // Stuff needed for evaluation struct Context { Context(EvalState * state, Bindings * autoArgs, Value options_root, Value config_root) : state(state), autoArgs(autoArgs), options_root(options_root), config_root(config_root), underscore_type(state->symbols.create("_type")) {} EvalState * state; Bindings * autoArgs; Value options_root; Value config_root; Symbol underscore_type; }; Value evaluateValue(Context * ctx, Value * v) { ctx->state->forceValue(*v); if (ctx->autoArgs->empty()) { return *v; } Value called{}; ctx->state->autoCallFunction(*ctx->autoArgs, *v, called); return called; } bool isOption(Context * ctx, Value const & v) { if (v.type != tAttrs) { return false; } auto const & actual_type = v.attrs->find(ctx->underscore_type); if (actual_type == v.attrs->end()) { return false; } try { Value evaluated_type = evaluateValue(ctx, actual_type->value); if (evaluated_type.type != tString) { return false; } return evaluated_type.string.s == static_cast("option"); } catch (Error &) { return false; } } // Add quotes to a component of a path. // These are needed for paths like: // fileSystems."/".fsType // systemd.units."dbus.service".text std::string quoteAttribute(std::string const & attribute) { if (isVarName(attribute)) { return attribute; } std::ostringstream buf; printStringValue(buf, attribute.c_str()); return buf.str(); } std::string const appendPath(std::string const & prefix, std::string const & suffix) { if (prefix.empty()) { return quoteAttribute(suffix); } return prefix + "." + quoteAttribute(suffix); } bool forbiddenRecursionName(std::string name) { return (!name.empty() && name[0] == '_') || name == "haskellPackages"; } void recurse(const std::function)> & f, Context * ctx, Value v, std::string const & path) { std::variant evaluated; try { evaluated = evaluateValue(ctx, &v); } catch (Error &) { evaluated = std::current_exception(); } if (!f(path, evaluated)) { return; } if (std::holds_alternative(evaluated)) { return; } Value const & evaluated_value = std::get(evaluated); if (evaluated_value.type != tAttrs) { return; } for (auto const & child : evaluated_value.attrs->lexicographicOrder()) { if (forbiddenRecursionName(child->name)) { continue; } recurse(f, ctx, *child->value, appendPath(path, child->name)); } } // Calls f on all the option names void mapOptions(const std::function & f, Context * ctx, Value root) { recurse( [f, ctx](std::string const & path, std::variant v) { bool isOpt = std::holds_alternative(v) || isOption(ctx, std::get(v)); if (isOpt) { f(path); } return !isOpt; }, ctx, root, ""); } // Calls f on all the config values inside one option. // Simple options have one config value inside, like sound.enable = true. // Compound options have multiple config values. For example, the option // "users.users" has about 1000 config values inside it: // users.users.avahi.createHome = false; // users.users.avahi.cryptHomeLuks = null; // users.users.avahi.description = "`avahi-daemon' privilege separation user"; // ... // users.users.avahi.openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles = [ ]; // users.users.avahi.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ ]; // ... // users.users.avahi.uid = 10; // users.users.avahi.useDefaultShell = false; // users.users.cups.createHome = false; // ... // users.users.cups.useDefaultShell = false; // users.users.gdm = ... ... ... // users.users.messagebus = ... .. ... // users.users.nixbld1 = ... .. ... // ... // users.users.systemd-timesync = ... .. ... void mapConfigValuesInOption( const std::function v)> & f, std::string const & path, Context * ctx) { Value * option; try { option = findAlongAttrPath(*ctx->state, path, *ctx->autoArgs, ctx->config_root); } catch (Error &) { f(path, std::current_exception()); return; } recurse( [f, ctx](std::string const & path, std::variant v) { bool leaf = std::holds_alternative(v) || std::get(v).type != tAttrs || ctx->state->isDerivation(std::get(v)); if (!leaf) { return true; // Keep digging } f(path, v); return false; }, ctx, *option, path); } std::string describeError(Error const & e) { return "«error: " + e.msg() + "»"; } void describeDerivation(Context * ctx, Out & out, Value v) { // Copy-pasted from nix/src/nix/repl.cc :( Bindings::iterator i = v.attrs->find(ctx->state->sDrvPath); PathSet pathset; try { Path drvPath = i != v.attrs->end() ? ctx->state->coerceToPath(*i->pos, *i->value, pathset) : "???"; out << "«derivation " << drvPath << "»"; } catch (Error & e) { out << describeError(e); } } Value parseAndEval(EvalState * state, std::string const & expression, std::string const & path) { Value v{}; state->eval(state->parseExprFromString(expression, absPath(path)), v); return v; } void printValue(Context * ctx, Out & out, std::variant maybe_value, std::string const & path); void printList(Context * ctx, Out & out, Value & v) { Out list_out(out, "[", "]", v.listSize()); for (unsigned int n = 0; n < v.listSize(); ++n) { printValue(ctx, list_out, *v.listElems()[n], ""); list_out << Out::sep; } } void printAttrs(Context * ctx, Out & out, Value & v, std::string const & path) { Out attrs_out(out, "{", "}", v.attrs->size()); for (const auto & a : v.attrs->lexicographicOrder()) { std::string name = a->name; attrs_out << name << " = "; printValue(ctx, attrs_out, *a->value, appendPath(path, name)); attrs_out << ";" << Out::sep; } } void multiLineStringEscape(Out & out, std::string const & s) { int i; for (i = 1; i < s.size(); i++) { if (s[i - 1] == '$' && s[i] == '{') { out << "''${"; i++; } else if (s[i - 1] == '\'' && s[i] == '\'') { out << "'''"; i++; } else { out << s[i - 1]; } } if (i == s.size()) { out << s[i - 1]; } } void printMultiLineString(Out & out, Value const & v) { std::string s = v.string.s; Out str_out(out, "''", "''", Out::MULTI_LINE); std::string::size_type begin = 0; while (begin < s.size()) { std::string::size_type end = s.find('\n', begin); if (end == std::string::npos) { multiLineStringEscape(str_out, s.substr(begin, s.size() - begin)); break; } multiLineStringEscape(str_out, s.substr(begin, end - begin)); str_out << Out::sep; begin = end + 1; } } void printValue(Context * ctx, Out & out, std::variant maybe_value, std::string const & path) { try { if (std::holds_alternative(maybe_value)) { std::rethrow_exception(std::get(maybe_value)); } Value v = evaluateValue(ctx, &std::get(maybe_value)); if (ctx->state->isDerivation(v)) { describeDerivation(ctx, out, v); } else if (v.isList()) { printList(ctx, out, v); } else if (v.type == tAttrs) { printAttrs(ctx, out, v, path); } else if (v.type == tString && std::string(v.string.s).find('\n') != std::string::npos) { printMultiLineString(out, v); } else { ctx->state->forceValueDeep(v); out << v; } } catch (ThrownError & e) { if (e.msg() == "The option `" + path + "' is used but not defined.") { // 93% of errors are this, and just letting this message through would be // misleading. These values may or may not actually be "used" in the // config. The thing throwing the error message assumes that if anything // ever looks at this value, it is a "use" of this value. But here in // nixos-option, we are looking at this value only to print it. // In order to avoid implying that this undefined value is actually // referenced, eat the underlying error message and emit "«not defined»". out << "«not defined»"; } else { out << describeError(e); } } catch (Error & e) { out << describeError(e); } } void printConfigValue(Context * ctx, Out & out, std::string const & path, std::variant v) { out << path << " = "; printValue(ctx, out, std::move(v), path); out << ";\n"; } void printAll(Context * ctx, Out & out) { mapOptions( [ctx, &out](std::string const & option_path) { mapConfigValuesInOption( [ctx, &out](std::string const & config_path, std::variant v) { printConfigValue(ctx, out, config_path, v); }, option_path, ctx); }, ctx, ctx->options_root); } void printAttr(Context * ctx, Out & out, std::string const & path, Value * root) { try { printValue(ctx, out, *findAlongAttrPath(*ctx->state, path, *ctx->autoArgs, *root), path); } catch (Error & e) { out << describeError(e); } } void printOption(Context * ctx, Out & out, std::string const & path, Value * option) { out << "Value:\n"; printAttr(ctx, out, path, &ctx->config_root); out << "\n\nDefault:\n"; printAttr(ctx, out, "default", option); out << "\n\nType:\n"; printAttr(ctx, out, "type.description", option); out << "\n\nExample:\n"; printAttr(ctx, out, "example", option); out << "\n\nDescription:\n"; printAttr(ctx, out, "description", option); out << "\n\nDeclared by:\n"; printAttr(ctx, out, "declarations", option); out << "\n\nDefined by:\n"; printAttr(ctx, out, "files", option); out << "\n"; } void printListing(Out & out, Value * v) { // Print this header on stderr rather than stdout because the old shell script // implementation did. I don't know why. std::cerr << "This attribute set contains:\n"; for (const auto & a : v->attrs->lexicographicOrder()) { std::string name = a->name; if (!name.empty() && name[0] != '_') { out << name << "\n"; } } } // Carefully walk an option path, looking for sub-options when a path walks past // an option value. Value findAlongOptionPath(Context * ctx, std::string const & path) { Strings tokens = parseAttrPath(path); Value v = ctx->options_root; for (auto i = tokens.begin(); i != tokens.end(); i++) { bool last_attribute = std::next(i) == tokens.end(); auto const & attr = *i; v = evaluateValue(ctx, &v); if (attr.empty()) { throw Error("empty attribute name in selection path '%s'", path); } if (isOption(ctx, v) && !last_attribute) { Value getSubOptions = evaluateValue(ctx, findAlongAttrPath(*ctx->state, "type.getSubOptions", *ctx->autoArgs, v)); if (getSubOptions.type != tLambda) { throw Error("Option's type.getSubOptions isn't a function at '%s' in path '%s'", attr, path); } Value emptyString{}; nix::mkString(emptyString, ""); ctx->state->callFunction(getSubOptions, emptyString, v, nix::Pos{}); // Note that we've consumed attr, but didn't actually use it. } else if (v.type != tAttrs) { throw Error("attribute '%s' in path '%s' attempts to index a value that should be a set but is %s", attr, path, showType(v)); } else { auto const & next = v.attrs->find(ctx->state->symbols.create(attr)); if (next == v.attrs->end()) { throw Error("attribute '%s' in path '%s' not found", attr, path); } v = *next->value; } } return v; } void printOne(Context * ctx, Out & out, std::string const & path) { try { Value option = findAlongOptionPath(ctx, path); option = evaluateValue(ctx, &option); if (isOption(ctx, option)) { printOption(ctx, out, path, &option); } else { printListing(out, &option); } } catch (Error & e) { std::cerr << "error: " << e.msg() << "\nAn error occurred while looking for attribute names. Are " "you sure that '" << path << "' exists?\n"; } } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { bool all = false; std::string path = "."; std::string options_expr = "(import {}).options"; std::string config_expr = "(import {}).config"; std::vector args; struct MyArgs : nix::LegacyArgs, nix::MixEvalArgs { using nix::LegacyArgs::LegacyArgs; }; MyArgs myArgs(nix::baseNameOf(argv[0]), [&](Strings::iterator & arg, const Strings::iterator & end) { if (*arg == "--help") { nix::showManPage("nixos-option"); } else if (*arg == "--version") { nix::printVersion("nixos-option"); } else if (*arg == "--all") { all = true; } else if (*arg == "--path") { path = nix::getArg(*arg, arg, end); } else if (*arg == "--options_expr") { options_expr = nix::getArg(*arg, arg, end); } else if (*arg == "--config_expr") { config_expr = nix::getArg(*arg, arg, end); } else if (!arg->empty() && arg->at(0) == '-') { return false; } else { args.push_back(*arg); } return true; }); myArgs.parseCmdline(nix::argvToStrings(argc, argv)); nix::initPlugins(); nix::initGC(); nix::settings.readOnlyMode = true; auto store = nix::openStore(); auto state = std::make_unique(myArgs.searchPath, store); Value options_root = parseAndEval(state.get(), options_expr, path); Value config_root = parseAndEval(state.get(), config_expr, path); Context ctx{state.get(), myArgs.getAutoArgs(*state), options_root, config_root}; Out out(std::cout); if (all) { if (!args.empty()) { throw UsageError("--all cannot be used with arguments"); } printAll(&ctx, out); } else { if (args.empty()) { printOne(&ctx, out, ""); } for (auto const & arg : args) { printOne(&ctx, out, arg); } } ctx.state->printStats(); return 0; }