{ system ? builtins.currentSystem, config ? {}, pkgs ? import ../.. { inherit system config; } }: with import ../lib/testing-python.nix { inherit system pkgs; }; with pkgs.lib; let postgresql-versions = import ../../pkgs/servers/sql/postgresql pkgs; test-sql = pkgs.writeText "postgresql-test" '' CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto; -- just to check if lib loading works CREATE TABLE sth ( id int ); INSERT INTO sth (id) VALUES (1); INSERT INTO sth (id) VALUES (1); INSERT INTO sth (id) VALUES (1); INSERT INTO sth (id) VALUES (1); INSERT INTO sth (id) VALUES (1); CREATE TABLE xmltest ( doc xml ); INSERT INTO xmltest (doc) VALUES ('<test>ok</test>'); -- check if libxml2 enabled ''; make-postgresql-test = postgresql-name: postgresql-package: backup-all: makeTest { name = postgresql-name; meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; { maintainers = [ zagy ]; }; machine = {...}: { services.postgresql.enable = true; services.postgresql.package = postgresql-package; services.postgresqlBackup.enable = true; services.postgresqlBackup.databases = optional (!backup-all) "postgres"; }; testScript = let backupName = if backup-all then "all" else "postgres"; backupService = if backup-all then "postgresqlBackup" else "postgresqlBackup-postgres"; in '' def check_count(statement, lines): return 'test $(sudo -u postgres psql postgres -tAc "{}"|wc -l) -eq {}'.format( statement, lines ) machine.start() machine.wait_for_unit("postgresql") # postgresql should be available just after unit start machine.succeed( "cat ${test-sql} | sudo -u postgres psql" ) machine.shutdown() # make sure that postgresql survive restart (bug #1735) time.sleep(2) machine.start() machine.wait_for_unit("postgresql") machine.fail(check_count("SELECT * FROM sth;", 3)) machine.succeed(check_count("SELECT * FROM sth;", 5)) machine.fail(check_count("SELECT * FROM sth;", 4)) machine.succeed(check_count("SELECT xpath('/test/text()', doc) FROM xmltest;", 1)) # Check backup service machine.succeed("systemctl start ${backupService}.service") machine.succeed("zcat /var/backup/postgresql/${backupName}.sql.gz | grep '<test>ok</test>'") machine.succeed("stat -c '%a' /var/backup/postgresql/${backupName}.sql.gz | grep 600") machine.shutdown() ''; }; in (mapAttrs' (name: package: { inherit name; value=make-postgresql-test name package false;}) postgresql-versions) // { postgresql_11-backup-all = make-postgresql-test "postgresql_11-backup-all" postgresql-versions.postgresql_11 true; }