{ config, pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; let fcBool = x: if x then "true" else "false"; in { options = { fonts = { fontconfig = { ultimate = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = '' Enable fontconfig-ultimate settings (formerly known as Infinality). Besides the customizable settings in this NixOS module, fontconfig-ultimate also provides many font-specific rendering tweaks. ''; }; allowBitmaps = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = '' Allow bitmap fonts. Set to false to ban all bitmap fonts. ''; }; allowType1 = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = '' Allow Type-1 fonts. Default is false because of poor rendering. ''; }; useEmbeddedBitmaps = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = ''Use embedded bitmaps in fonts like Calibri.''; }; forceAutohint = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = '' Force use of the TrueType Autohinter. Useful for debugging or free-software purists. ''; }; renderMonoTTFAsBitmap = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = ''Render some monospace TTF fonts as bitmaps.''; }; substitutions = mkOption { type = types.str // { check = flip elem ["none" "free" "combi" "ms"]; }; default = "free"; description = '' Font substitutions to replace common Type 1 fonts with nicer TrueType fonts. free uses free fonts, ms uses Microsoft fonts, combi uses a combination, and none disables the substitutions. ''; }; rendering = mkOption { type = types.attrs; default = pkgs.fontconfig-ultimate.rendering.ultimate; description = '' FreeType rendering settings presets. The default is pkgs.fontconfig-ultimate.rendering.ultimate. The other available styles are: ultimate-lighter, ultimate-darker, ultimate-lightest, ultimate-darkest, default (the original Infinality default), osx, ipad, ubuntu, linux, winxplight, win7light, winxp, win7, vanilla, classic, nudge, push, shove, sharpened, infinality. Any of the presets may be customized by editing the attributes. To disable, set this option to the empty attribute set {}. ''; }; }; }; }; }; config = let ultimate = config.fonts.fontconfig.ultimate; fontconfigUltimateConf = '' ${optionalString ultimate.allowBitmaps '' false ''} ${optionalString ultimate.allowType1 '' Type 1 ''} ${fcBool ultimate.useEmbeddedBitmaps} ${fcBool ultimate.forceAutohint} ${fcBool ultimate.renderMonoTTFAsBitmap} ${optionalString (ultimate.substitutions != "none") '' ${pkgs.fontconfig-ultimate.confd}/etc/fonts/presets/${ultimate.substitutions} ''} ${pkgs.fontconfig-ultimate.confd}/etc/fonts/conf.d ''; in mkIf (config.fonts.fontconfig.enable && ultimate.enable) { environment.etc."fonts/conf.d/52-fontconfig-ultimate.conf" = { text = fontconfigUltimateConf; }; environment.etc."fonts/${pkgs.fontconfig.configVersion}/conf.d/52-fontconfig-ultimate.conf" = { text = fontconfigUltimateConf; }; environment.variables = ultimate.rendering; }; }