#! @shell@ -e # Allow the location of NixOS sources and the system configuration # file to be overridden. : ${mountPoint=/mnt} : ${NIXOS_CONFIG=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix} export NIXOS_CONFIG usage () { echo 1>&2 " Usage: $0 [-v] [-d] [-l] [--xml] OPTION_NAME $0 --install This program allows you to inspect the current value of NixOS configuration options. It can also generate a basic NixOS configuration file. Options: -i | --install Write a template NixOS configuration file to ${mountPoint:+$mountPoint/}$NIXOS_CONFIG. -v | --value Display the current value, based on your configuration. -d | --description Display the default value, the example and the description. -l | --lookup Display where the option is defined and where it is declared. --xml Print an XML representation of the result. Implies -vdl options. --help Show this message. Environment variables affecting $0: \$mountPoint Path to the target file system. \$NIXOS_CONFIG Path to your configuration file. " exit 1; } ##################### # Process Arguments # ##################### desc=false defs=false value=false xml=false install=false verbose=false option="" argfun="" for arg; do if test -z "$argfun"; then case $arg in -*) longarg="" sarg="$arg" while test "$sarg" != "-"; do case $sarg in --*) longarg=$arg; sarg="--";; -d*) longarg="$longarg --description";; -v*) longarg="$longarg --value";; -l*) longarg="$longarg --lookup";; -i*) longarg="$longarg --install";; -*) usage;; esac # remove the first letter option sarg="-${sarg#??}" done ;; *) longarg=$arg;; esac for larg in $longarg; do case $larg in --description) desc=true;; --value) value=true;; --lookup) defs=true;; --xml) xml=true;; --install) install=true;; --verbose) verbose=true;; --help) usage;; -*) usage;; *) if test -z "$option"; then option="$larg" else usage fi;; esac done else case $argfun in set_*) var=$(echo $argfun | sed 's,^set_,,') eval $var=$arg ;; esac argfun="" fi done if $xml; then value=true desc=true defs=true fi # --install cannot be used with -d -v -l without option name. if $value || $desc || $defs && $install && test -z "$option"; then usage fi generate=false if ! $defs && ! $desc && ! $value && $install && test -z "$option"; then generate=true fi if ! $defs && ! $desc; then value=true fi if $verbose; then set -x else set +x fi ############################# # Process the configuration # ############################# evalNix(){ nix-instantiate - --eval-only "$@" } evalAttr(){ local prefix=$1 local suffix=$2 local strict=$3 echo "(import {}).$prefix${option:+.$option}${suffix:+.$suffix}" | evalNix ${strict:+--strict} } evalOpt(){ evalAttr "eval.options" "$@" } evalCfg(){ evalAttr "config" "$@" } findSources(){ local suffix=$1 echo "builtins.map (f: f.source) (import {}).eval.options${option:+.$option}.$suffix" | evalNix --strict } # Given a result from nix-instantiate, recover the list of attributes it # contains. attrNames() { local attributeset=$1 # sed is used to replace un-printable subset by 0s, and to remove most of # the inner-attribute set, which reduce the likelyhood to encounter badly # pre-processed input. echo "builtins.attrNames $attributeset" | \ sed 's,<[A-Z]*>,0,g; :inner; s/{[^\{\}]*};/0;/g; t inner;' | \ evalNix --strict } # map a simple list which contains strings or paths. nixMap() { local fun="$1" local list="$2" local elem for elem in $list; do test $elem = '[' -o $elem = ']' && continue; $fun $elem done } if $install; then NIXOS_CONFIG="$mountPoint$NIXOS_CONFIG" fi if $generate; then mkdir -p $(dirname "$NIXOS_CONFIG") # Scan the hardware and add the result to /etc/nixos/hardware-scan.nix. hardware_config="${NIXOS_CONFIG%/configuration.nix}/hardware-configuration.nix" if test -e "$hardware_config"; then echo "A hardware configuration file exists, generation skipped." else echo "Generating a hardware configuration file in $hardware_config..." nixos-hardware-scan > "$hardware_config" fi if test -e "$NIXOS_CONFIG"; then echo 1>&2 "error: Cannot generate a template configuration because a configuration file exists." exit 1 fi nl=" " if test -e /sys/firmware/efi/efivars; then l1=" # Use the gummiboot efi boot loader." l2=" boot.loader.grub.enable = false;" l3=" boot.loader.gummiboot.enable = true;" l4=" boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;" # !!! Remove me when nixos is on 3.10 or greater by default l5=" # EFI booting requires kernel >= 3.10" l6=" boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_3_10;" bootloader_config="$l1$nl$l2$nl$l3$nl$l4$nl$nl$l5$nl$l6" else l1=" # Use the Grub2 boot loader." l2=" boot.loader.grub.enable = true;" l3=" boot.loader.grub.version = 2;" l4=" # Define on which hard drive you want to install Grub." l5=' # boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda";' bootloader_config="$l1$nl$l2$nl$l3$nl$nl$l4$nl$l5" fi echo "Generating a basic configuration file in $NIXOS_CONFIG..." # Generate a template configuration file where the user has to # fill the gaps. cat < "$NIXOS_CONFIG" # Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on # the system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page # or the NixOS manual available on virtual console 8 (Alt+F8). { config, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ # Include the results of the hardware scan. ./hardware-configuration.nix ]; boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ # Specify all kernel modules that are necessary for mounting the root # filesystem. # "xfs" "ata_piix" # fbcon # Uncomment this when EFI booting to see the console before the root partition is mounted ]; $bootloader_config # networking.hostName = "nixos"; # Define your hostname. # networking.wireless.enable = true; # Enables Wireless. # Add filesystem entries for each partition that you want to see # mounted at boot time. This should include at least the root # filesystem. # fileSystems."/".device = "/dev/disk/by-label/nixos"; # fileSystems."/data" = # where you want to mount the device # { device = "/dev/sdb"; # the device # fsType = "ext3"; # the type of the partition # options = "data=journal"; # }; # List swap partitions activated at boot time. swapDevices = [ # { device = "/dev/disk/by-label/swap"; } ]; # Select internationalisation properties. # i18n = { # consoleFont = "lat9w-16"; # consoleKeyMap = "us"; # defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8"; # }; # List services that you want to enable: # Enable the OpenSSH daemon. # services.openssh.enable = true; # Enable CUPS to print documents. # services.printing.enable = true; # Enable the X11 windowing system. # services.xserver.enable = true; # services.xserver.layout = "us"; # services.xserver.xkbOptions = "eurosign:e"; # Enable the KDE Desktop Environment. # services.xserver.displayManager.kdm.enable = true; # services.xserver.desktopManager.kde4.enable = true; } EOF exit 0 fi; # This duplicates the work made below, but it is useful for processing # the output of nixos-option with other tools such as nixos-gui. if $xml; then evalNix --xml --no-location < {}; nixpkgs = import {}; sources = builtins.map (f: f.source); opt = reach nixos.eval.options; cfg = reach nixos.config; in with nixpkgs.lib; let optStrict = v: let traverse = x : if isAttrs x then if x ? outPath then true else all id (mapAttrsFlatten (n: traverseNoAttrs) x) else traverseNoAttrs x; traverseNoAttrs = x: # do not continue in attribute sets if isAttrs x then true else if isList x then all id (map traverse x) else true; in assert traverse v; v; in if isOption opt then optStrict ({} // optionalAttrs (opt ? default) { inherit (opt) default; } // optionalAttrs (opt ? example) { inherit (opt) example; } // optionalAttrs (opt ? description) { inherit (opt) description; } // optionalAttrs (opt ? type) { typename = opt.type.name; } // optionalAttrs (opt ? options) { inherit (opt) options; } // { # to disambiguate the xml output. _isOption = true; declarations = sources opt.declarations; definitions = sources opt.definitions; value = cfg; }) else opt EOF exit $? fi if test "$(evalOpt "_type" 2> /dev/null)" = '"option"'; then $value && evalCfg; if $desc; then $value && echo; if default=$(evalOpt "default" - 2> /dev/null); then echo "Default: $default" else echo "Default: " fi if example=$(evalOpt "example" - 2> /dev/null); then echo "Example: $example" fi echo "Description:" eval printf $(evalOpt "description") fi if $defs; then $desc || $value && echo; printPath () { echo " $1"; } echo "Declared by:" nixMap printPath "$(findSources "declarations")" echo "" echo "Defined by:" nixMap printPath "$(findSources "definitions")" echo "" fi else # echo 1>&2 "Warning: This value is not an option." result=$(evalCfg) if names=$(attrNames "$result" 2> /dev/null); then echo 1>&2 "This attribute set contains:" escapeQuotes () { eval echo "$1"; } nixMap escapeQuotes "$names" else echo 1>&2 "An error occured while looking for attribute names." echo $result fi fi