# Definitions related to run-time type checking. Used in particular # to type-check NixOS configurations. let lib = import ./default.nix; in with lib.lists; with lib.attrsets; with lib.options; with lib.trivial; with lib.modules; rec { isType = type: x: (x._type or "") == type; typeOf = x: x._type or ""; setType = typeName: value: value // { _type = typeName; }; isOptionType = isType "option-type"; mkOptionType = { # Human-readable representation of the type. name , # Function applied to each definition that should return true if # its type-correct, false otherwise. check ? (x: true) , # Merge a list of definitions together into a single value. merge ? mergeDefaultOption , # Return a flat list of sub-options. Used to generate # documentation. getSubOptions ? prefix: {} }: { _type = "option-type"; inherit name check merge getSubOptions; }; types = rec { unspecified = mkOptionType { name = "unspecified"; }; bool = mkOptionType { name = "boolean"; check = builtins.isBool; merge = args: fold lib.or false; }; int = mkOptionType { name = "integer"; check = builtins.isInt; }; string = mkOptionType { name = "string"; check = builtins.isString; merge = args: lib.concatStrings; }; # Like ‘string’, but add newlines between every value. Useful for # configuration file contents. lines = mkOptionType { name = "string"; check = builtins.isString; merge = args: lib.concatStringsSep "\n"; }; commas = mkOptionType { name = "string"; check = builtins.isString; merge = args: lib.concatStringsSep ","; }; envVar = mkOptionType { name = "environment variable"; inherit (string) check; merge = args: lib.concatStringsSep ":"; }; attrs = mkOptionType { name = "attribute set"; check = isAttrs; merge = args: fold lib.mergeAttrs {}; }; # derivation is a reserved keyword. package = mkOptionType { name = "derivation"; check = isDerivation; merge = mergeOneOption; }; path = mkOptionType { name = "path"; # Hacky: there is no ‘isPath’ primop. check = x: builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext (builtins.substring 0 1 (toString x)) == "/"; merge = mergeOneOption; }; # drop this in the future: list = builtins.trace "`types.list' is deprecated; use `types.listOf' instead" types.listOf; listOf = elemType: mkOptionType { name = "list of ${elemType.name}s"; check = value: isList value && all elemType.check value; merge = args: defs: imap (n: def: elemType.merge (addToPrefix args (toString n)) [def]) (concatLists defs); getSubOptions = prefix: elemType.getSubOptions (prefix ++ ["*"]); }; attrsOf = elemType: mkOptionType { name = "attribute set of ${elemType.name}s"; check = x: isAttrs x && all elemType.check (lib.attrValues x); merge = args: lib.zipAttrsWith (name: elemType.merge (addToPrefix (args // { inherit name; }) name)); getSubOptions = prefix: elemType.getSubOptions (prefix ++ ["<name>"]); }; # List or attribute set of ... loaOf = elemType: let convertIfList = defIdx: def: if isList def then listToAttrs ( flip imap def (elemIdx: elem: { name = "unnamed-${toString defIdx}.${toString elemIdx}"; value = elem; })) else def; listOnly = listOf elemType; attrOnly = attrsOf elemType; in mkOptionType { name = "list or attribute set of ${elemType.name}s"; check = x: if isList x then listOnly.check x else if isAttrs x then attrOnly.check x else false; merge = args: defs: attrOnly.merge args (imap convertIfList defs); getSubOptions = prefix: elemType.getSubOptions (prefix ++ ["<name?>"]); }; uniq = elemType: mkOptionType { inherit (elemType) name check; merge = mergeOneOption; getSubOptions = elemType.getSubOptions; }; none = elemType: mkOptionType { inherit (elemType) name check; merge = args: list: throw "No definitions are allowed for the option `${showOption args.prefix}'."; getSubOptions = elemType.getSubOptions; }; nullOr = elemType: mkOptionType { name = "null or ${elemType.name}"; check = x: builtins.isNull x || elemType.check x; merge = args: defs: if all isNull defs then null else if any isNull defs then throw "The option `${showOption args.prefix}' is defined both null and not null, in ${showFiles args.files}." else elemType.merge args defs; getSubOptions = elemType.getSubOptions; }; functionTo = elemType: mkOptionType { name = "function that evaluates to a(n) ${elemType.name}"; check = builtins.isFunction; merge = args: fns: fnArgs: elemType.merge args (map (fn: fn fnArgs) fns); getSubOptions = elemType.getSubOptions; }; submodule = opts: let opts' = toList opts; in mkOptionType rec { name = "submodule"; check = x: isAttrs x || builtins.isFunction x; merge = args: defs: let coerce = def: if builtins.isFunction def then def else { config = def; }; modules = opts' ++ map coerce defs; in (evalModules { inherit modules args; prefix = args.prefix; }).config; getSubOptions = prefix: (evalModules { modules = opts'; inherit prefix; # FIXME: hack to get shit to evaluate. args = { name = ""; }; }).options; }; # Obsolete alternative to configOf. It takes its option # declarations from the ‘options’ attribute of containing option # declaration. optionSet = mkOptionType { name = /* builtins.trace "types.optionSet is deprecated; use types.submodule instead" */ "option set"; }; }; /* Helper function. */ addToPrefix = args: name: args // { prefix = args.prefix ++ [name]; }; }