{ lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let makeScript = name: service: pkgs.writeScript "${name}-runner" '' #! ${pkgs.perl}/bin/perl -w -I${pkgs.perlPackages.FileSlurp}/${pkgs.perl.libPrefix} use File::Slurp; sub run { my ($cmd) = @_; my @args = (); while ($cmd =~ /([^ \t\n']+)|(\'([^'])\')\s*/g) { push @args, $1; } my $prog; if (substr($args[0], 0, 1) eq "@") { $prog = substr($args[0], 1); shift @args; } else { $prog = $args[0]; } my $pid = fork; if ($pid == 0) { setpgrp; # don't receive SIGINT etc. from terminal exec { $prog } @args; die "failed to exec $prog\n"; } elsif (!defined $pid) { die "failed to fork: $!\n"; } return $pid; }; sub run_wait { my ($cmd) = @_; my $pid = run $cmd; die if waitpid($pid, 0) != $pid; return $?; }; # Set the environment. FIXME: escaping. foreach my $key (keys %ENV) { next if $key eq 'LOCALE_ARCHIVE'; delete $ENV{$key}; } ${concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (n: v: '' $ENV{'${n}'} = '${v}'; '') service.environment)} # Run the ExecStartPre program. FIXME: this could be a list. my $preStart = <<END_CMD; ${service.serviceConfig.ExecStartPre or ""} END_CMD if (defined $preStart && $preStart ne "\n") { print STDERR "running ExecStartPre: $preStart\n"; my $res = run_wait $preStart; die "$0: ExecStartPre failed with status $res\n" if $res; }; # Run the ExecStart program. my $cmd = <<END_CMD; ${service.serviceConfig.ExecStart} END_CMD print STDERR "running ExecStart: $cmd\n"; my $mainPid = run $cmd; $ENV{'MAINPID'} = $mainPid; # Catch SIGINT, propagate to the main program. sub intHandler { print STDERR "got SIGINT, stopping service...\n"; kill 'INT', $mainPid; }; $SIG{'INT'} = \&intHandler; $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&intHandler; # Run the ExecStartPost program. my $postStart = <<END_CMD; ${service.serviceConfig.ExecStartPost or ""} END_CMD if (defined $postStart && $postStart ne "\n") { print STDERR "running ExecStartPost: $postStart\n"; my $res = run_wait $postStart; die "$0: ExecStartPost failed with status $res\n" if $res; } # Wait for the main program to exit. die if waitpid($mainPid, 0) != $mainPid; my $mainRes = $?; # Run the ExecStopPost program. my $postStop = <<END_CMD; ${service.serviceConfig.ExecStopPost or ""} END_CMD if (defined $postStop && $postStop ne "\n") { print STDERR "running ExecStopPost: $postStop\n"; my $res = run_wait $postStop; die "$0: ExecStopPost failed with status $res\n" if $res; } exit($mainRes & 127 ? 255 : $mainRes << 8); ''; opts = { config, name, ... }: { options.runner = mkOption { internal = true; description = '' A script that runs the service outside of systemd, useful for testing or for using NixOS services outside of NixOS. ''; }; config.runner = makeScript name config; }; in { options = { systemd.services = mkOption { type = with types; attrsOf (submodule opts); }; }; }