{ config, lib, pkgs, utils, ... }: with lib; with utils; let fileSystems' = toposort fsBefore (attrValues config.fileSystems); fileSystems = if fileSystems' ? "result" then # use topologically sorted fileSystems everywhere fileSystems'.result else # the assertion below will catch this, # but we fall back to the original order # anyway so that other modules could check # their assertions too (attrValues config.fileSystems); prioOption = prio: optionalString (prio != null) " pri=${toString prio}"; fileSystemOpts = { name, config, ... }: { options = { mountPoint = mkOption { example = "/mnt/usb"; type = types.str; description = "Location of the mounted the file system."; }; device = mkOption { default = null; example = "/dev/sda"; type = types.nullOr types.str; description = "Location of the device."; }; label = mkOption { default = null; example = "root-partition"; type = types.nullOr types.str; description = "Label of the device (if any)."; }; fsType = mkOption { default = "auto"; example = "ext3"; type = types.str; description = "Type of the file system."; }; options = mkOption { default = [ "defaults" ]; example = [ "data=journal" ]; description = "Options used to mount the file system."; } // (if versionAtLeast lib.nixpkgsVersion "16.09" then { type = types.listOf types.str; } else { type = types.either types.commas (types.listOf types.str); apply = x: if isList x then x else lib.strings.splitString "," (builtins.trace "warning: passing a comma-separated string for filesystem options is deprecated; use a list of strings instead. This will become a hard error in 16.09." x); }); autoFormat = mkOption { default = false; type = types.bool; description = '' If the device does not currently contain a filesystem (as determined by <command>blkid</command>, then automatically format it with the filesystem type specified in <option>fsType</option>. Use with caution. ''; }; formatOptions = mkOption { default = ""; type = types.str; description = '' If <option>autoFormat</option> option is set specifies extra options passed to mkfs. ''; }; autoResize = mkOption { default = false; type = types.bool; description = '' If set, the filesystem is grown to its maximum size before being mounted. (This is typically the size of the containing partition.) This is currently only supported for ext2/3/4 filesystems that are mounted during early boot. ''; }; noCheck = mkOption { default = false; type = types.bool; description = "Disable running fsck on this filesystem."; }; }; config = { mountPoint = mkDefault name; device = mkIf (config.fsType == "tmpfs") (mkDefault config.fsType); options = mkIf config.autoResize [ "x-nixos.autoresize" ]; # -F needed to allow bare block device without partitions formatOptions = mkIf ((builtins.substring 0 3 config.fsType) == "ext") (mkDefault "-F"); }; }; in { ###### interface options = { fileSystems = mkOption { default = {}; example = literalExample '' { "/".device = "/dev/hda1"; "/data" = { device = "/dev/hda2"; fsType = "ext3"; options = [ "data=journal" ]; }; "/bigdisk".label = "bigdisk"; } ''; type = types.loaOf types.optionSet; options = [ fileSystemOpts ]; description = '' The file systems to be mounted. It must include an entry for the root directory (<literal>mountPoint = "/"</literal>). Each entry in the list is an attribute set with the following fields: <literal>mountPoint</literal>, <literal>device</literal>, <literal>fsType</literal> (a file system type recognised by <command>mount</command>; defaults to <literal>"auto"</literal>), and <literal>options</literal> (the mount options passed to <command>mount</command> using the <option>-o</option> flag; defaults to <literal>[ "defaults" ]</literal>). Instead of specifying <literal>device</literal>, you can also specify a volume label (<literal>label</literal>) for file systems that support it, such as ext2/ext3 (see <command>mke2fs -L</command>). ''; }; system.fsPackages = mkOption { internal = true; default = [ ]; description = "Packages supplying file system mounters and checkers."; }; boot.supportedFilesystems = mkOption { default = [ ]; example = [ "btrfs" ]; type = types.listOf types.str; description = "Names of supported filesystem types."; }; }; ###### implementation config = { assertions = let ls = sep: concatMapStringsSep sep (x: x.mountPoint); in [ { assertion = ! (fileSystems' ? "cycle"); message = "The ‘fileSystems’ option can't be topologically sorted: mountpoint dependency path ${ls " -> " fileSystems'.cycle} loops to ${ls ", " fileSystems'.loops}"; } ]; # Export for use in other modules system.build.fileSystems = fileSystems; boot.supportedFilesystems = map (fs: fs.fsType) fileSystems; # Add the mount helpers to the system path so that `mount' can find them. system.fsPackages = [ pkgs.dosfstools ]; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.fuse ] ++ config.system.fsPackages; environment.etc.fstab.text = let fsToSkipCheck = [ "none" "btrfs" "zfs" "tmpfs" "nfs" "vboxsf" ]; skipCheck = fs: fs.noCheck || fs.device == "none" || builtins.elem fs.fsType fsToSkipCheck; in '' # This is a generated file. Do not edit! # # To make changes, edit the fileSystems and swapDevices NixOS options # in your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix file. # Filesystems. ${concatMapStrings (fs: (if fs.device != null then fs.device else if fs.label != null then "/dev/disk/by-label/${fs.label}" else throw "No device specified for mount point ‘${fs.mountPoint}’.") + " " + fs.mountPoint + " " + fs.fsType + " " + builtins.concatStringsSep "," fs.options + " 0" + " " + (if skipCheck fs then "0" else if fs.mountPoint == "/" then "1" else "2") + "\n" ) fileSystems} # Swap devices. ${flip concatMapStrings config.swapDevices (sw: "${sw.realDevice} none swap${prioOption sw.priority}\n" )} ''; # Provide a target that pulls in all filesystems. systemd.targets.fs = { description = "All File Systems"; wants = [ "local-fs.target" "remote-fs.target" ]; }; # Emit systemd services to format requested filesystems. systemd.services = let formatDevice = fs: let mountPoint' = "${escapeSystemdPath fs.mountPoint}.mount"; device' = escapeSystemdPath fs.device; device'' = "${device}.device"; in nameValuePair "mkfs-${device'}" { description = "Initialisation of Filesystem ${fs.device}"; wantedBy = [ mountPoint' ]; before = [ mountPoint' "systemd-fsck@${device'}.service" ]; requires = [ device'' ]; after = [ device'' ]; path = [ pkgs.utillinux ] ++ config.system.fsPackages; script = '' if ! [ -e "${fs.device}" ]; then exit 1; fi # FIXME: this is scary. The test could be more robust. type=$(blkid -p -s TYPE -o value "${fs.device}" || true) if [ -z "$type" ]; then echo "creating ${fs.fsType} filesystem on ${fs.device}..." mkfs.${fs.fsType} ${fs.formatOptions} "${fs.device}" fi ''; unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = [ "${dirOf fs.device}" ]; unitConfig.DefaultDependencies = false; # needed to prevent a cycle serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; }; in listToAttrs (map formatDevice (filter (fs: fs.autoFormat) fileSystems)); }; }