# Test for NixOS' container support.

import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ...} : {
  name = "containers-tmpfs";
  meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; {
    maintainers = [ kampka ];

  machine =
    { pkgs, ... }:
    { imports = [ ../modules/installer/cd-dvd/channel.nix ];
      virtualisation.writableStore = true;
      virtualisation.memorySize = 768;

      containers.tmpfs =
          autoStart = true;
          tmpfs = [
            # Mount var as a tmpfs

            # Add a nested mount inside a tmpfs

            # Add a tmpfs on a path that does not exist
          config = { };

      virtualisation.pathsInNixDB = [ pkgs.stdenv ];

  testScript = ''
      assert "tmpfs" in machine.succeed("nixos-container list")

      with subtest("tmpfs container is up"):
          assert "up" in machine.succeed("nixos-container status tmpfs")

      def tmpfs_cmd(command):
          return f"nixos-container run tmpfs -- {command} 2>/dev/null"

      with subtest("/var is mounted as a tmpfs"):
          machine.succeed(tmpfs_cmd("mountpoint -q /var"))

      with subtest("/var/log is mounted as a tmpfs"):
          assert "What: tmpfs" in machine.succeed(
              tmpfs_cmd("systemctl status var-log.mount --no-pager")
          machine.succeed(tmpfs_cmd("mountpoint -q /var/log"))

      with subtest("/some/random/path is mounted as a tmpfs"):
          assert "What: tmpfs" in machine.succeed(
              tmpfs_cmd("systemctl status some-random-path.mount --no-pager")
          machine.succeed(tmpfs_cmd("mountpoint -q /some/random/path"))

      with subtest(
          "files created in the container in a non-tmpfs directory are visible on the host."
          # This establishes legitimacy for the following tests
              tmpfs_cmd("touch /root/test.file"),
              tmpfs_cmd("ls -l  /root | grep -q test.file"),
              "test -e /var/lib/containers/tmpfs/root/test.file",

      with subtest(
          "/some/random/path is writable and that files created there are not "
          + "in the hosts container dir but in the tmpfs"
              tmpfs_cmd("touch /some/random/path/test.file"),
              tmpfs_cmd("test -e /some/random/path/test.file"),
          machine.fail("test -e /var/lib/containers/tmpfs/some/random/path/test.file")

      with subtest(
          "files created in the hosts container dir in a path where a tmpfs "
          + "file system has been mounted are not visible to the container as "
          + "the do not exist in the tmpfs"
              "touch /var/lib/containers/tmpfs/var/test.file",
              "test -e /var/lib/containers/tmpfs/var/test.file",
              "ls -l /var/lib/containers/tmpfs/var/ | grep -q test.file 2>/dev/null",
          machine.fail(tmpfs_cmd("ls -l /var | grep -q test.file"))