{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.services.emacs; editorScript = pkgs.writeScriptBin "emacseditor" '' #!${pkgs.stdenv.shell} if [ -z "$1" ]; then exec ${cfg.package}/bin/emacsclient --create-frame --alternate-editor ${cfg.package}/bin/emacs else exec ${cfg.package}/bin/emacsclient --alternate-editor ${cfg.package}/bin/emacs "$@" fi ''; in { options.services.emacs = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; example = true; description = '' Whether to enable a user service for the Emacs daemon. Use emacsclient to connect to the daemon. If true, services.emacs.install is considered true, whatever its value. ''; }; install = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; example = true; description = '' Whether to install a user service for the Emacs daemon. Once the service is started, use emacsclient to connect to the daemon. The service must be manually started for each user with "systemctl --user start emacs" or globally through services.emacs.enable. ''; }; package = mkOption { type = types.package; default = pkgs.emacs; defaultText = "pkgs.emacs"; description = '' emacs derivation to use. ''; }; defaultEditor = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; example = true; description = '' When enabled, configures emacsclient to be the default editor using the EDITOR environment variable. ''; }; }; config = mkIf (cfg.enable || cfg.install) { systemd.user.services.emacs = { description = "Emacs: the extensible, self-documenting text editor"; serviceConfig = { Type = "forking"; ExecStart = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash -c 'source ${config.system.build.setEnvironment}; exec ${cfg.package}/bin/emacs --daemon'"; ExecStop = "${cfg.package}/bin/emacsclient --eval (kill-emacs)"; Restart = "always"; }; } // optionalAttrs cfg.enable { wantedBy = [ "default.target" ]; }; environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.package editorScript ]; environment.variables = if cfg.defaultEditor then { EDITOR = mkOverride 900 "${editorScript}/bin/emacseditor"; } else {}; }; meta.doc = ./emacs.xml; }