# TODO check that no license information gets lost { fetchurl, bash, stdenv, python, cmake, vim, perl, ruby, unzip, which, fetchgit, fetchzip, llvmPackages, zip }: /* Typical plugin files: plugin/P1.vim autoload/P1.vim ftplugin/xyz.vim doc/plugin-documentation.txt (traditional documentation) README(.md) (nowadays thanks to github) Traditionally plugins were installed into ~/.vim/* so it was your task to keep track of which files belong to what plugin. Now this problem is "fixed" by nix which assembles your profile for you. Vim offers the :h rtp setting which works for most plugins. Thus adding adding this to your .vimrc should make most plugins work: set rtp+=~/.nix-profile/vim-plugins/youcompleteme " or for p in ["youcompleteme"] | exec 'set rtp+=~/.nix-profile/vim-plugins/'.p | endfor Its what pathogen, vundle, vim-addon-manager (VAM) and others use. Learn about some differences by visiting http://vim-wiki.mawercer.de/wiki/topic/vim%20plugin%20managment.html. If you want Nix to create a .vimrc for you have a look at vimrc in all-packages.nix. It also contains VAM code illustrating how to make VAM find plugins in arbitrary locations */ # provide a function creating tag files for vim help documentation (doc/*.txt) let rtpPath = "share/vim-plugins"; vimHelpTags = '' vimHelpTags(){ if [ -d "$1/doc" ]; then ${vim}/bin/vim -N -u NONE -i NONE -n -e -s -c "helptags $1/doc" +quit! fi } ''; addRtp = path: derivation: derivation // { rtp = "${derivation}/${path}"; }; buildVimPlugin = a@{ name, namePrefix ? "vimplugin-", src, buildPhase ? "", path ? (builtins.parseDrvName name).name, ... }: addRtp "${rtpPath}/${path}" (stdenv.mkDerivation (a // { name = namePrefix + name; inherit buildPhase; installPhase = '' target=$out/${rtpPath}/${path} mkdir -p $out/${rtpPath} cp -r . $target ${vimHelpTags} vimHelpTags $target ''; })); in # The attr names in this set should be equal to names used in the vim-pi project [1] so that # VAM's dependencies work. How to find the name? # * http://vam.mawercer.de/ or VAM's # * grep vim-pi # * use VAM's completion or :AddonsInfo command # # How to create derivations? Experimental derivation creation is provided by VAM, example usage: # call nix#ExportPluginsForNix({'path_to_nixpkgs': '/etc/nixos/nixpkgs', 'names': ["vim-addon-manager", "vim-addon-nix"], 'cache_file': 'cache'}) # # [1] https://bitbucket.org/vimcommunity/vim-pi rec { inherit rtpPath; # vim-pi: not git version a = buildVimPlugin { name = "a-git-2010-11-06"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/a.vim.git"; rev = "2cbe946206ec622d9d8cf2c99317f204c4d41885"; sha256 = "ca0982873ed81e7f6545a6623b735104c574fe580d5f21b0aa3dc1557edac240"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/vim-scripts/a.vim; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; alternative = a; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-21 # vim-pi: Align%294 align = buildVimPlugin { name = "align-git-2012-08-07"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/align.git"; rev = "787662fe90cd057942bc5b682fd70c87e1a9dd77"; sha256 = "f7b5764357370f03546556bd45558837f3790b0e86afadb63cd04d714a668a29"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/vim-scripts/align; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # vim-pi: not git versior calendar = buildVimPlugin { name = "calendar-git-2014-10-19"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/itchyny/calendar.vim.git"; rev = "44890a96d80bcd5fe62307e4bcb4d4085010e324"; sha256 = "55f38e3e0af0f95229c654420c332668f93ac941f044c0573c7f1b26030e9202"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/itchyny/calendar.vim; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; command-t = buildVimPlugin rec { version = "1.8"; name = "command-t-${version}"; src = fetchzip { inherit name; url = "https://github.com/wincent/Command-T/archive/${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "186qz1smf7w91r68p724whg6d821f7ph6ks63l2vkhff8f9qqhrc"; }; buildInputs = [ perl ruby ]; buildPhase = '' pushd ruby/command-t ruby extconf.rb make popd ''; }; command_T = command-t; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18 # vim-pi: not git version easymotion = buildVimPlugin { name = "easymotion-git-2014-09-29"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/lokaltog/vim-easymotion.git"; rev = "868cd71710a48e8ec8acffeabd1eebfb10812c77"; sha256 = "13c8b93c257fcbb0f6e0eb197700b4f8cbe4cf4846d29f1aba65f625202b9d77"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/lokaltog/vim-easymotion; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # not replacing by vim-pi because license information would get lost eighties = buildVimPlugin rec { version = "1.0.4"; name = "eighties-${version}"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/justincampbell/vim-eighties/archive/${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0cjd9hbg2qd7jjkvyi15f9ysp7m3aa2sg8nvbf80yb890rfkwaqr"; }; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "Automatically resizes your windows to 80 characters"; homepage = https://github.com/justincampbell/vim-eighties; license = licenses.publicDomain; maintainers = with maintainers; [ lovek323 ]; platforms = platforms.unix; }; }; # unkown by vim-pi golang = buildVimPlugin { name = "golang-git-2014-08-06"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/jnwhiteh/vim-golang.git"; rev = "e6d0c6a72a66af2674b96233c4747661e0f47a8c"; sha256 = "1231a2eff780dbff4f885fcb4f656f7dd70597e1037ca800470de03bf0c5e7af"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/jnwhiteh/vim-golang; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # unkown by vim-pi hardtime = buildVimPlugin { name = "hardtime-git-2014-10-21"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/takac/vim-hardtime.git"; rev = "b401c72528d1c23e4cc9bc9585fda4361d0199bf"; sha256 = "65e4bda7531076147fc46f496c8e56c740d1fcf8fe85c18cb2d2070d0c3803cd"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/takac/vim-hardtime; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # unkown by vim-pi haskellconceal = buildVimPlugin { name = "haskellconceal-git-2014-08-07"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/twinside/vim-haskellconceal.git"; rev = "1d85e8f10b675d38ec117368ec8032f486c27f98"; sha256 = "8ae762939ea435333031a094f3c63e6edd534ac849f0008fa0440440f1f2f633"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/twinside/vim-haskellconceal; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # unkown by vim-pi hasksyn = buildVimPlugin { name = "hasksyn-git-2014-09-03"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/travitch/hasksyn.git"; rev = "c434040bf13a17ca20a551223021b3ace7e453b9"; sha256 = "b1a735928aeca7011b83133959d59b9c95ab8535fd00ce9968fae4c3b1381931"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/travitch/hasksyn; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # unkown by vim-pi hdevtools = buildVimPlugin { name = "hdevtools-git-2012-12-29"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/bitc/vim-hdevtools.git"; rev = "474947c52ff9c93dd36f3c49de90bd9a78f0baa1"; sha256 = "bf5f096b665c51ce611c6c1bfddc3267c4b2f94af84b04482b07272a6a5a92f3"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/bitc/vim-hdevtools; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # not git version in vim-pi hier = buildVimPlugin { name = "hier-git-2011-08-27"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/jceb/vim-hier.git"; rev = "0b8c365263551a67404ebd7e528c55e17c1d3de7"; sha256 = "f62836545abfe379f9c5410da28409947407cd282ef784b2db89aed0756a1785"; }; buildInputs = [ vim ]; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/jceb/vim-hier; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # unkown by vim-pi idris-vim = buildVimPlugin { name = "idris-vim-git-2014-10-14"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/idris-hackers/idris-vim.git"; rev = "78730e511cae0a067f79da1168466601553f619b"; sha256 = "47638b25fa53203e053e27ec6f135fd63ae640edbe37e62d7450a8c434a4cc6b"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/idris-hackers/idris-vim; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # not git version in vim-pi ipython = buildVimPlugin { name = "ipython-git-2014-07-17"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/ivanov/vim-ipython.git"; rev = "9ce4f201ce26e9f01d56a6040ddf9255aab27272"; sha256 = "444dede544f9b519143ecc3a6cdfef0c4c32043fc3cd69f92fdcd86c1010e824"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/ivanov/vim-ipython; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # unkown by vim-pi ? latex-box = buildVimPlugin { name = "latex-box-git-2014-10-05"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/latex-box-team/latex-box.git"; rev = "3e000fb161bdf6efe7aef517aef276554aeabb65"; sha256 = "462803aceec5904943074e11888482ef6c49c8a5e26d6728ebcb2c4f5dbbb6a4"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/latex-box-team/latex-box; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # unkown by vim-pi ? lushtags = buildVimPlugin { name = "lushtags-git-2013-12-27"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/bitc/lushtags.git"; rev = "429fab3b748ae04ee5de0cbf75d947f15441e798"; sha256 = "5170019fbe64b15be30a0ba82e6b01364d115ccad6ef690a6df86f73af22a0a7"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/bitc/lushtags; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # unkown by vim-pi ? neco-ghc = buildVimPlugin { name = "neco-ghc-git-2014-10-17"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/eagletmt/neco-ghc.git"; rev = "fffdf57dcb312f874a43a202157b5efecfe3d9de"; sha256 = "464b24e3151ebaf0e95c25f09cb047e2542d5dd9100087e538d0a5e46bd0e638"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/eagletmt/neco-ghc; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # vim-pi: quickrun%3146 quickrun = buildVimPlugin { name = "quickrun-git-2014-10-08"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/thinca/vim-quickrun.git"; rev = "ae97cef42ae142306e9431dce9ab97c4353e5254"; sha256 = "3219fadb3732c895c82b8bcff1d6e86f0917cd5ac7bf34180c27bb3f75ed1787"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/thinca/vim-quickrun; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # unkown by vim-pi shabadou = buildVimPlugin { name = "shabadou-git-2014-07-27"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/osyo-manga/shabadou.vim.git"; rev = "c5af30bb0c028d53cfd89e00cab636c844034a9a"; sha256 = "392efa8a5e725219e478b571d9a30ddba88d47662467ed3123a168e8b55c4de6"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/osyo-manga/shabadou.vim; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; stylish-haskell = buildVimPlugin { name = "stylish-haskell-git-2014-07-14"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/nbouscal/vim-stylish-haskell.git"; rev = "453fd203aee3d7305ea8e4088ff53bd1f5933d75"; sha256 = "c0e5010e1e8e56b179ce500387afb569f051c45b37ce92feb4350f293df96a8c"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/nbouscal/vim-stylish-haskell; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; # unkown by vim-pi tabmerge = buildVimPlugin { name = "tabmerge-git-2010-10-17"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/vim-scripts/tabmerge.git"; rev = "074e5f06f26e7108a0570071a0f938a821768c06"; sha256 = "b84501b0fc5cd51bbb58f12f4c2b3a7c97b03fe2a76446b56a2c111bd4f7335f"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/vim-scripts/tabmerge; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; taglist = buildVimPlugin { name = "taglist-4.6"; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "Source code browser plugin"; homepage = "http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=273"; license = licenses.gpl3; maintainers = with maintainers; [ lovek323 ]; platforms = platforms.unix; }; src = fetchurl { url = "http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=19574"; name = "taglist_46.zip"; sha256 = "18cbv462vwg7vip2p99qlahm99hswav96cj4ki227kyi05q2lkjj"; }; setSourceRoot = '' export sourceRoot=taglist mkdir taglist mv doc taglist mv plugin taglist ''; buildInputs = [ unzip ]; }; thumbnail = buildVimPlugin { name = "thumbnail-git-2014-07-24"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/itchyny/thumbnail.vim.git"; rev = "e59a1791862ed470510a58456cc001226e177a39"; sha256 = "f36d915804e36b5f2dcea7db481da97ec60d0c90df87599a5d5499e649d97f66"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/itchyny/thumbnail.vim; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; tmux-navigator = buildVimPlugin { name = "tmux-navigator-git-2014-09-09"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator.git"; rev = "195cdf087fea7beaf6274d0a655d157dfab3130c"; sha256 = "4235c2bfb64a9094b854cdd7303a64bbb994717f24704911c4b358b2373dfaa9"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; tmuxNavigator = tmux-navigator; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18 tslime = buildVimPlugin { name = "tslime-git-2014-06-12"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/jgdavey/tslime.vim.git"; rev = "e801a32b27d83cb5d91afbf7c3d71bb6220f32bd"; sha256 = "47fb7165c1dcc444285cdff6fa89bbd4ace82ca79ec14ba0da6091c5f78d1251"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/jgdavey/tslime.vim; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; vimproc = buildVimPlugin { name = "vimproc-git-2014-10-03"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/shougo/vimproc.vim.git"; rev = "3e055023dfab4f5a4dfa05a834f9d0cb7294a82e"; sha256 = "63c2786897e8315eed2473822879b7ceb847e6021695a861892d7b9ab15a69fb"; }; buildInputs = [ which ]; buildPhase = '' sed -i 's/vimproc_mac\.so/vimproc_unix\.so/' autoload/vimproc.vim make -f make_unix.mak ''; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/shougo/vimproc.vim; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; vimshell = buildVimPlugin rec { version = "9.2"; name = "vimshell-${version}"; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "An extreme shell that doesn't depend on external shells and is written completely in Vim script"; homepage = https://github.com/Shougo/vimshell.vim; repositories.git = https://github.com/Shougo/vimshell.vim.git; license = licenses.gpl3; maintainers = with maintainers; [ lovek323 ]; platforms = platforms.unix; }; src = fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/Shougo/vimshell.vim/archive/ver.${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "1pbwxdhpv6pr09b6hwkgy7grpmpwlqpsgsawl38r40q6yib8zb4a"; }; buildInputs = [ vimproc ]; preBuild = '' sed -ie '1 i\ set runtimepath+=${vimproc}/${rtpPath}/vimproc\ ' autoload/vimshell.vim ''; }; watchdogs = buildVimPlugin { name = "watchdogs-git-2014-10-18"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/osyo-manga/vim-watchdogs.git"; rev = "ad222796eb88b44954340c19c39938046af26e05"; sha256 = "4c621ac2834864cf0c46f776029837913e1ba0c725a12d7cb24bf92e04ed1279"; }; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/osyo-manga/vim-watchdogs; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; xdebug = buildVimPlugin { name = "xdebug-git-2012-08-15"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/joonty/vim-xdebug.git"; rev = "a4980fa65f7f159780593ee37c178281691ba2c4"; sha256 = "1ccb0e63eaf68548feb1c37b09c07c84b6bea9b350c4257549f091aa414601e2"; }; postInstall = false; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/joonty/vim-xdebug; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.jagajaga ]; }; }; YouCompleteMe = addRtp "${rtpPath}/youcompleteme" (stdenv.mkDerivation { src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe.git"; rev = "87b42c689391b69968950ae99c3aaacf2e14c329"; sha256 = "1f3pywv8bsqyyakvyarg7z9m73gmvp1lfbfp2f2jj73jmmlzb2kv"; }; name = "vimplugin-youcompleteme-2014-10-06"; buildInputs = [ python cmake llvmPackages.clang ]; configurePhase = ":"; buildPhase = '' patchShebangs . target=$out/${rtpPath}/youcompleteme mkdir -p $target cp -a ./ $target mkdir $target/build cd $target/build cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" . $target/third_party/ycmd/cpp -DPYTHON_LIBRARIES:PATH=${python}/lib/libpython2.7.so -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=${python}/include/python2.7 -DUSE_CLANG_COMPLETER=ON -DUSE_SYSTEM_LIBCLANG=ON make ycm_support_libs -j''${NIX_BUILD_CORES} -l''${NIX_BUILD_CORES}} ${bash}/bin/bash $target/install.sh --clang-completer --system-libclang ${vimHelpTags} vimHelpTags $target ''; # TODO: implement proper install phase rather than keeping everything in store # TODO: support llvm based C completion, See README of git repository installPhase = ":"; meta = { description = "fastest non utf-8 aware word and C completion engine for Vim"; homepage = http://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe; license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; maintainers = [stdenv.lib.maintainers.marcweber]; platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.linux; }; }); # aliases airline = vim-airline; coffee-script = vim-coffee-script; coffeeScript = coffee-script; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18 colors-solarized = Solarized; colorsamplerpack = Colour_Sampler_Pack; easy-align = vim-easy-align; ghc-mod-vim = ghcmod; gist-vim = Gist; gitgutter = vim-gitgutter; gundo = Gundo; haskellConceal = haskellconceal; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18 hoogle = Hoogle; latex-live-preview = vim-latex-live-preview; necoGhc = neco-ghc; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18 nerdcommenter = The_NERD_Commenter; nerdtree = The_NERD_tree; signature = vim-signature; stylishHaskell = stylish-haskell; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18 supertab = Supertab; syntastic = Syntastic; tabular = Tabular; tagbar = Tagbar; webapi-vim = WebAPI; yankring = YankRing; youcompleteme = YouCompleteMe; /* The plugin definitions below are generated the following VimL command provided by vim-addon-manager. " Copy /tmp/tmp.vim file and run: :source /tmp/tmp.vim call nix#ExportPluginsForNix({ \ 'path_to_nixpkgs': '/etc/nixos/nixpkgs', \ 'cache_file': '/tmp/vim2nix-cache', \ 'names': [ \ "vim-addon-syntax-checker", \ "vim-addon-other", \ "vim-addon-local-vimrc", \ "snipmate", \ "vim-snippets", \ "vim-addon-mru", \ "vim-addon-commenting", \ "vim-addon-sql", \ "vim-addon-async", \ "vim-addon-toggle-buffer", \ "vim-addon-mw-utils", \ "matchit.zip", \ "vim-addon-xdebug", \ "vim-addon-php-manual", \ "sourcemap.vim", \ "vim-iced-coffee-script", \ "ctrlp", \ "commentary", \ "Colour_Sampler_Pack", \ "Solarized", \ "vim-coffee-script", \ "vim-easy-align", \ "Tagbar", \ "Tabular", \ "table-mode", \ "Syntastic", \ "vim-signature", \ "surround", \ "Supertab", \ "rust", \ "rainbow_parentheses", \ "pathogen", \ "quickfixstatus", \ "The_NERD_Commenter", \ "The_NERD_tree", \ "vim-latex-live-preview", \ "Hoogle", \ "Gundo", \ "vim-gitgutter", \ "Gist", \ "ghcmod", \ "fugitive", \ "extradite", \ "vim-airline", \ "VimOutliner", \ "vim2hs", \ "undotree", \ "UltiSnips", \ "wombat256", \ "vundle", \ "WebAPI", \ "YankRing", \ "vim-addon-manager", \ "vim-addon-nix", \ "YUNOcommit" \ ], \ }) # TODO: think about how to add license information? */ ctrlp = buildVimPlugin { name = "ctrlp"; src = fetchgit { url = "git://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim"; rev = "b5d3fe66a58a13d2ff8b6391f4387608496a030f"; sha256 = "41f7884973770552395b96f8693da70999dc815462d4018c560d3ff6be462e76"; }; dependencies = []; }; vim-addon-signs = buildVimPlugin { name = "vim-addon-signs"; src = fetchgit { url = "git://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-signs"; rev = "17a49f293d18174ff09d1bfff5ba86e8eee8e8ae"; sha256 = "a9c03a32e758d51106741605188cb7f00db314c73a26cae75c0c9843509a8fb8"; }; dependencies = []; }; vundle = buildVimPlugin { name = "vundle"; src = fetchgit { url = "git://github.com/gmarik/vundle"; rev = "0b28e334e65b6628b0a61c412fcb45204a2f2bab"; sha256 = "9681d471d1391626cb9ad22b2b469003d9980cd23c5c3a8d34666376447e6204"; }; dependencies = []; }; vim-signature = buildVimPlugin { name = "vim-signature"; src = fetchgit { url = "git://github.com/kshenoy/vim-signature"; rev = "29fc095535c4a3206d3194305739b33cd72ffad2"; sha256 = "46101330cd291dd819552ba1f47571342fe671d6985d06897c34465b87fd7bc4"; }; dependencies = []; }; vim-addon-sql = buildVimPlugin { name = "vim-addon-sql"; src = fetchgit { url = "git://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-sql"; rev = "05b8a0c211f1ae4c515c64e91dec555cdf20d90b"; sha256 = "a1334ae694e0a03229bacc8ba7e08e7223df240244c7378e3f1bd91d74e957c2"; }; dependencies = ["vim-addon-completion" "vim-addon-background-cmd" "tlib"]; }; vim-addon-background-cmd = buildVimPlugin { name = "vim-addon-background-cmd"; src = fetchgit { url = "git://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-background-cmd"; rev = "14df72660a95804a57c02b9ff0ae3198608e2491"; sha256 = "5c2ece1f3ff7653eb7c1b40180554e8e89e5ae43d67e7cc159d95c0156135687"; }; dependencies = ["vim-addon-mw-utils"]; }; extradite = buildVimPlugin { name = "extradite"; src = fetchgit { url = "git://github.com/int3/vim-extradite"; rev = "af4f3a51b6b654d655121b93c0cd9d8fe9a0c85d"; sha256 = "d1d29cfbc654134be383747f2cd6b14b7a87de75f997af6a041f14d7ef61ade6"; }; dependencies = []; }; UltiSnips = buildVimPlugin { name = "UltiSnips"; src = fetchgit { url = "git://github.com/sirver/ultisnips"; 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