# set -e nix_print() { if (( "${NIX_DEBUG:-0}" >= $1 )); then echo "$2" fi } nix_debug() { nix_print 3 "$1" } addToLuaSearchPathWithCustomDelimiter() { local varName="$1" local absPattern="$2" # delete longest match starting from the lua placeholder '?' local topDir="${absPattern%%\?*}" # export only if the folder exists else LUA_PATH grows too big if [ ! -d "$topDir" ]; then return; fi export "${varName}=${!varName:+${!varName};}${absPattern}" } addToLuaPath() { local dir="$1" if [[ ! -d "$dir" ]]; then nix_debug "$dir not a directory abort" return 0 fi cd "$dir" for pattern in @luapathsearchpaths@; do addToLuaSearchPathWithCustomDelimiter LUA_PATH "$PWD/$pattern" done # LUA_CPATH for pattern in @luacpathsearchpaths@; do addToLuaSearchPathWithCustomDelimiter LUA_CPATH "$PWD/$pattern" done cd - } addEnvHooks "$hostOffset" addToLuaPath