{ lib }: { /* Automatically convert an attribute set to command-line options. This helps protect against malformed command lines and also to reduce boilerplate related to command-line construction for simple use cases. Example: renderOptions { foo = "A"; bar = 1; baz = null; qux = true; v = true; } => " --bar '1' --foo 'A' --qux -v" */ renderOptions = options: let render = key: value: let hyphenate = k: if builtins.stringLength k == 1 then "-${k}" else "--${k}"; renderOption = v: if v == null then "" else " ${hyphenate key} ${lib.escapeShellArg v}"; renderSwitch = if value then " ${hyphenate key}" else ""; in if builtins.isBool value then renderSwitch else if builtins.isList value then lib.concatMapStrings renderOption value else renderOption value; in lib.concatStrings (lib.mapAttrsToList render options); }