{ platform ? __currentSystem , stage2Init ? "" , configuration }: rec { # Make a configuration object from which we can retrieve option # values. config = pkgs.lib.addDefaultOptionValues optionDeclarations configuration; optionDeclarations = import ./options.nix {inherit pkgs; inherit (pkgs.lib) mkOption;}; pkgs = import ../pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix {system = platform;}; pkgsDiet = import ../pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix { system = platform; bootStdenv = pkgs.useDietLibC pkgs.stdenv; }; pkgsStatic = import ../pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix { system = platform; bootStdenv = pkgs.makeStaticBinaries pkgs.stdenv; }; stdenvLinuxStuff = import ../pkgs/stdenv/linux { system = pkgs.stdenv.system; allPackages = import ../pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix; }; manifests = config.installer.manifests; # exported here because nixos-rebuild uses it /*nix = pkgs.nixUnstable; # we need the exportReferencesGraph feature*/ nix = config.environment.nix pkgs; kernel = config.boot.kernel pkgs; rootModules = config.boot.initrd.extraKernelModules ++ config.boot.initrd.kernelModules; # Determine the set of modules that we need to mount the root FS. modulesClosure = import ../helpers/modules-closure.nix { inherit (pkgs) stdenv module_init_tools; inherit kernel rootModules; }; # Some additional utilities needed in stage 1, notably mount. We # don't want to bring in all of util-linux, so we just copy what we # need. extraUtils = pkgs.runCommand "extra-utils" { buildInputs = [pkgs.nukeReferences]; inherit (pkgsStatic) utillinux; inherit (pkgsDiet) udev; e2fsprogs = pkgs.e2fsprogsDiet; devicemapper = if config.boot.initrd.lvm then pkgs.devicemapperStatic else null; lvm2 = if config.boot.initrd.lvm then pkgs.lvm2Static else null; allowedReferences = []; # prevent accidents like glibc being included in the initrd } " ensureDir $out/bin if test -n \"$devicemapper\"; then cp $devicemapper/sbin/dmsetup.static $out/bin/dmsetup cp $lvm2/sbin/lvm.static $out/bin/lvm fi cp $utillinux/bin/mount $utillinux/bin/umount $utillinux/sbin/pivot_root $out/bin cp -p $e2fsprogs/sbin/fsck* $e2fsprogs/sbin/e2fsck $out/bin cp $udev/sbin/udevd $udev/sbin/udevtrigger $udev/sbin/udevsettle $out/bin nuke-refs $out/bin/* "; # The init script of boot stage 1 (loading kernel modules for # mounting the root FS). bootStage1 = import ../boot/boot-stage-1.nix { inherit (pkgs) substituteAll; inherit (pkgsDiet) module_init_tools; inherit extraUtils; autoDetectRootDevice = config.boot.autoDetectRootDevice; fileSystems = pkgs.lib.filter (fs: fs.mountPoint == "/" || (fs ? neededForBoot && fs.neededForBoot)) (config.fileSystems); rootLabel = config.boot.rootLabel; inherit stage2Init; modulesDir = modulesClosure; modules = rootModules; staticShell = stdenvLinuxStuff.bootstrapTools.bash; staticTools = stdenvLinuxStuff.staticTools; }; # The closure of the init script of boot stage 1 is what we put in # the initial RAM disk. initialRamdisk = import ../boot/make-initrd.nix { inherit (pkgs) perl stdenv cpio; contents = [ { object = bootStage1; symlink = "/init"; } ] ++ (if config.boot.initrd.enableSplashScreen then [ { object = pkgs.runCommand "splashutils" {} " ensureDir $out/bin cp ${pkgs.splashutils}/bin/splash_helper $out/bin "; suffix = "/bin/splash_helper"; symlink = "/sbin/splash_helper"; } { object = import ../helpers/unpack-theme.nix { inherit (pkgs) stdenv; theme = config.services.ttyBackgrounds.defaultTheme; }; symlink = "/etc/splash"; } ] else []); }; # The installer. nixosInstall = import ../installer/nixos-install.nix { inherit (pkgs) perl runCommand substituteAll; inherit nix; nixpkgsURL = config.installer.nixpkgsURL; }; nixosRebuild = import ../installer/nixos-rebuild.nix { inherit (pkgs) substituteAll; }; nixosCheckout = import ../installer/nixos-checkout.nix { inherit (pkgs) substituteAll; }; # NSS modules. Hacky! nssModules = if config.users.ldap.enable then [pkgs.nss_ldap] else []; nssModulesPath = pkgs.lib.concatStrings (pkgs.lib.intersperse ":" (map (mod: mod + "/lib") nssModules)); # Wrapper around modprobe to set the path to the modules. modprobe = pkgs.substituteAll { dir = "sbin"; src = ./modprobe; isExecutable = true; inherit (pkgs) module_init_tools; inherit kernel; }; # The services (Upstart) configuration for the system. upstartJobs = import ../upstart-jobs/default.nix { inherit config pkgs nix modprobe nssModulesPath; }; # The static parts of /etc. etc = import ../etc/default.nix { inherit config pkgs upstartJobs systemPath wrapperDir defaultShell; extraEtc = pkgs.lib.concatLists (map (job: job.extraEtc) upstartJobs.jobs); }; # Font aggregation fontDir = import ./fontdir.nix { inherit (pkgs) stdenv; inherit pkgs config; inherit (pkgs.xorg) mkfontdir mkfontscale fontalias; }; # The wrapper setuid programs (since we can't have setuid programs # in the Nix store). wrapperDir = "/var/setuid-wrappers"; setuidWrapper = import ../helpers/setuid { inherit (pkgs) stdenv; inherit wrapperDir; }; # The packages you want in the boot environment. systemPathList = [ modprobe # must take precedence over module_init_tools pkgs.bashInteractive # bash with ncurses support pkgs.bzip2 pkgs.coreutils pkgs.cpio pkgs.cron pkgs.curl pkgs.e2fsprogs pkgs.findutils pkgs.glibc # for ldd, getent pkgs.gnugrep pkgs.gnused pkgs.gnutar pkgs.grub pkgs.gzip pkgs.iputils pkgs.less pkgs.lvm2 pkgs.man pkgs.mdadm pkgs.module_init_tools pkgs.nano pkgs.netcat pkgs.nettools pkgs.ntp pkgs.openssh pkgs.pciutils pkgs.perl pkgs.procps pkgs.pwdutils pkgs.reiserfsprogs pkgs.rsync pkgs.strace pkgs.su pkgs.sysklogd pkgs.sysvtools pkgs.time pkgs.udev pkgs.upstart pkgs.utillinux pkgs.wirelesstools nix (pkgs.lowPrio (pkgs.nixUnstable)) /* Better safe than sorry */ nixosInstall nixosRebuild nixosCheckout setuidWrapper ] ++ pkgs.lib.optional (config.security.sudo.enable) pkgs.sudo ++ pkgs.lib.optional (config.networking.defaultMailServer.directDelivery) pkgs.ssmtp ++ pkgs.lib.concatLists (map (job: job.extraPath) upstartJobs.jobs) ++ (config.environment.extraPackages) pkgs ++ pkgs.lib.optional (config.fonts.enableFontDir) fontDir; # We don't want to put all of `startPath' and `path' in $PATH, since # then we get an embarrassingly long $PATH. So use the user # environment builder to make a directory with symlinks to those # packages. systemPath = pkgs.buildEnv { name = "system-path"; paths = systemPathList; pathsToLink = ["/bin" "/sbin" "/man" "/share"]; ignoreCollisions = true; }; usersGroups = import ./users-groups.nix { inherit pkgs upstartJobs defaultShell; }; defaultShell = "/var/run/current-system/sw/bin/bash"; # The script that activates the configuration, i.e., it sets up # /etc, accounts, etc. It doesn't do anything that can only be done # at boot time (such as start `init'). activateConfiguration = pkgs.substituteAll { src = ./activate-configuration.sh; isExecutable = true; inherit etc wrapperDir systemPath modprobe defaultShell kernel; readOnlyRoot = config.boot.readOnlyRoot; hostName = config.networking.hostName; setuidPrograms = config.security.setuidPrograms ++ config.security.extraSetuidPrograms ++ pkgs.lib.optional (config.security.sudo.enable) "sudo"; inherit (usersGroups) createUsersGroups usersList groupsList; path = [ pkgs.coreutils pkgs.gnugrep pkgs.findutils pkgs.glibc # needed for getent pkgs.pwdutils ]; bash = pkgs.bashInteractive; }; # The init script of boot stage 2, which is supposed to do # everything else to bring up the system. bootStage2 = import ../boot/boot-stage-2.nix { inherit (pkgs) substituteAll writeText coreutils utillinux udev upstart; inherit kernel activateConfiguration; readOnlyRoot = config.boot.readOnlyRoot; upstartPath = [ pkgs.coreutils pkgs.findutils pkgs.gnugrep pkgs.gnused pkgs.upstart ]; bootLocal = config.boot.localCommands; }; # Script to build the Grub menu containing the current and previous # system configurations. grubMenuBuilder = pkgs.substituteAll { src = ../installer/grub-menu-builder.sh; isExecutable = true; inherit (pkgs) bash; path = [pkgs.coreutils pkgs.gnused pkgs.gnugrep]; copyKernels = config.boot.copyKernels; extraGrubEntries = config.boot.extraGrubEntries; }; # Putting it all together. This builds a store object containing # symlinks to the various parts of the built configuration (the # kernel, the Upstart services, the init scripts, etc.) as well as a # script `switch-to-configuration' that activates the configuration # and makes it bootable. system = pkgs.checker (pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "system"; builder = ./system.sh; switchToConfiguration = ./switch-to-configuration.sh; inherit (pkgs) grub coreutils gnused gnugrep diffutils findutils upstart; grubDevice = config.boot.grubDevice; kernelParams = (config.boot.kernelParams) ++ (config.boot.extraKernelParams); inherit bootStage2; inherit activateConfiguration; inherit grubMenuBuilder; inherit etc; inherit systemPath; kernel = kernel + "/vmlinuz"; initrd = initialRamdisk + "/initrd"; # Most of these are needed by grub-install. path = [ pkgs.coreutils pkgs.gnused pkgs.gnugrep pkgs.findutils pkgs.diffutils pkgs.upstart # for initctl ]; configurationName = config.boot.configurationName; }) (pkgs.getConfig ["checkConfigurationOptions"] false) optionDeclarations configuration ; }