From 2877f33747e3871c3a682b3a0c812b8ba2e4da5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Caolan McMahon <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2016 11:52:28 +0100

This environment variable works like CHICKEN_REPOSITORY but supports
multiple paths separated by `:'. Those paths are searched after
CHICKEN_REPOSITORY when loading extensions via `require-library' and
friends. It can be accessed and changed at runtime via the new procedure
`repository-extra-paths' which is analog to `repository-path'.

Original patch by Moritz Heidkamp.
Updated by Caolan McMahon for CHICKEN 4.11.0
 chicken-install.scm | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 chicken.import.scm  |  1 +
 eval.scm            | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 3 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/chicken-install.scm b/chicken-install.scm
index 7bc6041..f557793 100644
--- a/chicken-install.scm
+++ b/chicken-install.scm
@@ -120,6 +120,19 @@
 		 (sprintf "lib/chicken/~a" (##sys#fudge 42)))
+  (define (repo-paths)
+    (if *deploy*
+	*prefix*
+	(if (and *cross-chicken* (not *host-extension*))
+	    (list (make-pathname C_TARGET_LIB_HOME (sprintf "chicken/~a" C_BINARY_VERSION)))
+	    (cons
+	     (if *prefix*
+		 (make-pathname
+			*prefix*
+			(sprintf "lib/chicken/~a" (##sys#fudge 42)))
+		 (repository-path))
+	     (repository-extra-paths)))))
   (define (get-prefix #!optional runtime)
     (cond ((and *cross-chicken*
 		(not *host-extension*))
@@ -226,10 +239,13 @@
            (chicken-version) )
 	  ;; Duplication of (extension-information) to get custom
 	  ;; prefix.  This should be fixed.
-          ((let* ((ep (##sys#canonicalize-extension-path x 'ext-version))
-		  (sf (make-pathname (repo-path) ep "setup-info")))
-	     (and (file-exists? sf)
-		  (with-input-from-file sf read))) =>
+      ((let ((ep (##sys#canonicalize-extension-path x 'ext-version)))
+         (let loop ((paths (repo-paths)))
+           (cond ((null? paths) #f)
+                 ((let ((sf (make-pathname (car paths) ep "setup-info")))
+                    (and (file-exists? sf)
+                         (with-input-from-file sf read))))
+                 (else (loop (cdr paths)))))) =>
            (lambda (info)
              (let ((a (assq 'version info)))
                (if a
@@ -776,7 +792,10 @@
 		  "installed extension has no information about which egg it belongs to"
 		  (pathname-file sf))
-      (glob (make-pathname (repo-path) "*" "setup-info")))
+      (append-map
+       (lambda (path)
+       (glob (make-pathname path "*" "setup-info")))
+       (repo-paths)))
   (define (list-available-extensions trans locn)
diff --git a/chicken.import.scm b/chicken.import.scm
index f6e3a19..be1637c 100644
--- a/chicken.import.scm
+++ b/chicken.import.scm
@@ -200,6 +200,7 @@
+   repository-extra-paths
diff --git a/eval.scm b/eval.scm
index 6242f62..f7d76d4 100644
--- a/eval.scm
+++ b/eval.scm
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
 (define-constant source-file-extension ".scm")
 (define-constant setup-file-extension "setup-info")
 (define-constant repository-environment-variable "CHICKEN_REPOSITORY")
+(define-constant repository-extra-environment-variable "CHICKEN_REPOSITORY_EXTRA")
 (define-constant prefix-environment-variable "CHICKEN_PREFIX")
 ; these are actually in unit extras, but that is used by default
@@ -1176,6 +1177,25 @@
 (define ##sys#repository-path repository-path)
+(define ##sys#repository-extra-paths
+  (let* ((repaths (get-environment-variable repository-extra-environment-variable))
+	 (repaths (if repaths
+		      (let ((len (string-length repaths)))
+			(let loop ((i 0) (offset 0) (res '()))
+			  (cond ((> i len)
+				 (reverse res))
+				((or (= i len) (eq? #\: (string-ref repaths i)))
+				 (loop (+ i 1) (+ i 1) (cons (substring repaths offset i) res)))
+				(else
+				 (loop (+ i 1) offset res)))))
+		      '())))
+    (lambda (#!optional val)
+      (if val
+	  (set! repaths val)
+	  repaths))))
+(define repository-extra-paths ##sys#repository-extra-paths)
 (define ##sys#setup-mode #f)
 (define ##sys#find-extension
@@ -1193,6 +1213,7 @@
 	(let loop ((paths (##sys#append
 			   (if ##sys#setup-mode '(".") '())
 			   (if rp (list rp) '())
+			   (##sys#repository-extra-paths)
 			   (if inc? ##sys#include-pathnames '())
 			   (if ##sys#setup-mode '() '("."))) ))
 	  (and (pair? paths)
@@ -1252,12 +1273,16 @@
 	[string-append string-append]
 	[read read] )
     (lambda (id loc)
-      (and-let* ((rp (##sys#repository-path)))
-	(let* ((p (##sys#canonicalize-extension-path id loc))
-	       (rpath (string-append rp "/" p ".")) )
-	  (cond ((file-exists? (string-append rpath setup-file-extension))
-		 => (cut with-input-from-file <> read) )
-		(else #f) ) ) ) ) ))
+      (let loop ((rpaths (cons (##sys#repository-path) (##sys#repository-extra-paths))))
+	(and (pair? rpaths)
+	     (let ((rp (car rpaths)))
+	       (if (not rp)
+		   (loop (cdr rpaths))
+		   (let* ((p (##sys#canonicalize-extension-path id loc))
+			  (rpath (string-append rp "/" p ".")) )
+		     (cond ((file-exists? (string-append rpath setup-file-extension))
+			    => (cut with-input-from-file <> read) )
+			   (else (loop (cdr rpaths))) ) )) ))) ) ))
 (define (extension-information ext)
   (##sys#extension-information ext 'extension-information) )