{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

with lib;


  nixos-container = pkgs.substituteAll {
    name = "nixos-container";
    dir = "bin";
    isExecutable = true;
    src = ./nixos-container.pl;
    perl = "${pkgs.perl}/bin/perl -I${pkgs.perlPackages.FileSlurp}/lib/perl5/site_perl";
    su = "${pkgs.shadow.su}/bin/su";
    inherit (pkgs) utillinux;

  # The container's init script, a small wrapper around the regular
  # NixOS stage-2 init script.
  containerInit = pkgs.writeScript "container-init"
      #! ${pkgs.stdenv.shell} -e

      # Initialise the container side of the veth pair.
      if [ "$PRIVATE_NETWORK" = 1 ]; then
        ip link set host0 name eth0
        ip link set dev eth0 up
        if [ -n "$HOST_ADDRESS" ]; then
          ip route add $HOST_ADDRESS dev eth0
          ip route add default via $HOST_ADDRESS
        if [ -n "$LOCAL_ADDRESS" ]; then
          ip addr add $LOCAL_ADDRESS dev eth0

      # Start the regular stage 1 script, passing the bind-mounted
      # notification socket from the host to allow the container
      # systemd to signal readiness to the host systemd.
      NOTIFY_SOCKET=/var/lib/private/host-notify exec "$1"

  system = config.nixpkgs.system;


  options = {

    boot.isContainer = mkOption {
      type = types.bool;
      default = false;
      description = ''
        Whether this NixOS machine is a lightweight container running
        in another NixOS system.

    boot.enableContainers = mkOption {
      type = types.bool;
      default = !config.boot.isContainer;
      description = ''
        Whether to enable support for nixos containers.

    containers = mkOption {
      type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule (
        { config, options, name, ... }:
          options = {

            config = mkOption {
              description = ''
                A specification of the desired configuration of this
                container, as a NixOS module.

            path = mkOption {
              type = types.path;
              example = "/nix/var/nix/profiles/containers/webserver";
              description = ''
                As an alternative to specifying
                <option>config</option>, you can specify the path to
                the evaluated NixOS system configuration, typically a
                symlink to a system profile.

            privateNetwork = mkOption {
              type = types.bool;
              default = false;
              description = ''
                Whether to give the container its own private virtual
                Ethernet interface.  The interface is called
                <literal>eth0</literal>, and is hooked up to the interface
                on the host.  If this option is not set, then the
                container shares the network interfaces of the host,
                and can bind to any port on any interface.

            hostAddress = mkOption {
              type = types.nullOr types.string;
              default = null;
              example = "";
              description = ''
                The IPv4 address assigned to the host interface.

            localAddress = mkOption {
              type = types.nullOr types.string;
              default = null;
              example = "";
              description = ''
                The IPv4 address assigned to <literal>eth0</literal>
                in the container.

            autoStart = mkOption {
              type = types.bool;
              default = false;
              description = ''
                Wether the container is automatically started at boot-time.

          config = mkMerge
            [ (mkIf options.config.isDefined {
                path = (import ../../lib/eval-config.nix {
                  inherit system;
                  modules =
                    let extraConfig =
                      { boot.isContainer = true;
                        networking.hostName = mkDefault name;
                        networking.useDHCP = false;
                    in [ extraConfig config.config ];
                  prefix = [ "containers" name ];

      default = {};
      example = literalExample
          { webserver =
              { path = "/nix/var/nix/profiles/webserver";
            database =
              { config =
                  { config, pkgs, ... }:
                  { services.postgresql.enable = true;
                    services.postgresql.package = pkgs.postgresql92;
      description = ''
        A set of NixOS system configurations to be run as lightweight
        containers.  Each container appears as a service
        on the host system, allowing it to be started and stopped via
        <command>systemctl</command> .


  config = mkIf (config.boot.enableContainers) {

    systemd.services."container@" =
      { description = "Container '%i'";

        unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = [ "/var/lib/containers/%i" ];

        path = [ pkgs.iproute ];

        environment.INSTANCE = "%i";
        environment.root = "/var/lib/containers/%i";

        preStart =
            # Clean up existing machined registration and interfaces.
            machinectl terminate "$INSTANCE" 2> /dev/null || true

            if [ "$PRIVATE_NETWORK" = 1 ]; then
              ip link del dev "ve-$INSTANCE" 2> /dev/null || true

            if [ "$PRIVATE_NETWORK" = 1 ]; then
              ip link del dev "ve-$INSTANCE" 2> /dev/null || true

        script =
            mkdir -p -m 0755 "$root/etc" "$root/var/lib"
            mkdir -p -m 0700 "$root/var/lib/private" "$root/root" /run/containers
            if ! [ -e "$root/etc/os-release" ]; then
              touch "$root/etc/os-release"

            mkdir -p -m 0755 \
              "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-container/$INSTANCE" \

            cp --remove-destination /etc/resolv.conf "$root/etc/resolv.conf"

            if [ "$PRIVATE_NETWORK" = 1 ]; then
              extraFlags+=" --network-veth"

            for iface in $MACVLANS; do
              extraFlags+=" --network-macvlan=$iface"

            # If the host is 64-bit and the container is 32-bit, add a
            # --personality flag.
            ${optionalString (config.nixpkgs.system == "x86_64-linux") ''
              if [ "$(< ''${SYSTEM_PATH:-/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-container/$INSTANCE/system}/system)" = i686-linux ]; then
                extraFlags+=" --personality=x86"

            # Run systemd-nspawn without startup notification (we'll
            # wait for the container systemd to signal readiness).
            exec ${config.systemd.package}/bin/systemd-nspawn \
              --keep-unit \
              -M "$INSTANCE" -D "$root" $extraFlags \
              --bind-ro=/nix/store \
              --bind-ro=/nix/var/nix/db \
              --bind-ro=/nix/var/nix/daemon-socket \
              --bind=/run/systemd/notify:/var/lib/private/host-notify \
              --bind="/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-container/$INSTANCE:/nix/var/nix/profiles" \
              --bind="/nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-container/$INSTANCE:/nix/var/nix/gcroots" \
              --setenv PRIVATE_NETWORK="$PRIVATE_NETWORK" \
              --setenv HOST_ADDRESS="$HOST_ADDRESS" \
              --setenv LOCAL_ADDRESS="$LOCAL_ADDRESS" \
              --setenv PATH="$PATH" \
              ${containerInit} "''${SYSTEM_PATH:-/nix/var/nix/profiles/system}/init"

        postStart =
            if [ "$PRIVATE_NETWORK" = 1 ]; then
              ip link set dev $ifaceHost up
              if [ -n "$HOST_ADDRESS" ]; then
                ip addr add $HOST_ADDRESS dev $ifaceHost
              if [ -n "$LOCAL_ADDRESS" ]; then
                ip route add $LOCAL_ADDRESS dev $ifaceHost

            # Get the leader PID so that we can signal it in
            # preStop. We can't use machinectl there because D-Bus
            # might be shutting down. FIXME: in systemd 219 we can
            # just signal systemd-nspawn to do a clean shutdown.
            machinectl show "$INSTANCE" | sed 's/Leader=\(.*\)/\1/;t;d' > "/run/containers/$INSTANCE.pid"

        preStop =
            pid="$(cat /run/containers/$INSTANCE.pid)"
            if [ -n "$pid" ]; then
              kill -RTMIN+4 "$pid"
            rm -f "/run/containers/$INSTANCE.pid"

        restartIfChanged = false;
        #reloadIfChanged = true; # FIXME

        serviceConfig = {
          ExecReload = pkgs.writeScript "reload-container"
              #! ${pkgs.stdenv.shell} -e
              ${nixos-container}/bin/nixos-container run "$INSTANCE" -- \
                bash --login -c "/nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration test"

          SyslogIdentifier = "container %i";

          EnvironmentFile = "-/etc/containers/%i.conf";

          Type = "notify";

          NotifyAccess = "all";

          # Note that on reboot, systemd-nspawn returns 133, so this
          # unit will be restarted. On poweroff, it returns 0, so the
          # unit won't be restarted.
          RestartForceExitStatus = "133";
          SuccessExitStatus = "133";

          Restart = "on-failure";

          # Hack: we don't want to kill systemd-nspawn, since we call
          # "machinectl poweroff" in preStop to shut down the
          # container cleanly. But systemd requires sending a signal
          # (at least if we want remaining processes to be killed
          # after the timeout). So send an ignored signal.
          KillMode = "mixed";
          KillSignal = "WINCH";

    # Generate a configuration file in /etc/containers for each
    # container so that container@.target can get the container
    # configuration.
    environment.etc = mapAttrs' (name: cfg: nameValuePair "containers/${name}.conf"
      { text =
            ${optionalString cfg.privateNetwork ''
              ${optionalString (cfg.hostAddress != null) ''
              ${optionalString (cfg.localAddress != null) ''
           ${optionalString cfg.autoStart ''
      }) config.containers;

    # Generate /etc/hosts entries for the containers.
    networking.extraHosts = concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (name: cfg: optionalString (cfg.localAddress != null)
        ${cfg.localAddress} ${name}.containers
      '') config.containers);

    networking.dhcpcd.denyInterfaces = [ "ve-*" ];

    environment.systemPackages = [ nixos-container ];

    # Start containers at boot time.
    systemd.services.all-containers =
      { description = "All Containers";

        wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];

        unitConfig.ConditionDirectoryNotEmpty = "/etc/containers";

        serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";

        script =
            shopt -s nullglob
            for i in /etc/containers/*.conf; do
              source "$i"
              if [ "$AUTO_START" = 1 ]; then
                systemctl start "container@$(basename "$i" .conf).service" || res=1
            exit $res
          ''; # */
