lib: self: super:

with self;

  # Removing recurseForDerivation prevents derivations of aliased attribute
  # set to appear while listing all the packages available.
  removeRecurseForDerivations = alias: with lib;
    if alias.recurseForDerivations or false then
      removeAttrs alias ["recurseForDerivations"]
    else alias;

  # Disabling distribution prevents top-level aliases for non-recursed package
  # sets from building on Hydra.
  removeDistribute = alias: with lib;
    if isDerivation alias then
      dontDistribute alias
    else alias;

  # Make sure that we are not shadowing something from
  # all-packages.nix.
  checkInPkgs = n: alias: if builtins.hasAttr n super
                          then throw "Alias ${n} is still in all-packages.nix"
                          else alias;

  mapAliases = aliases:
    lib.mapAttrs (n: alias: removeDistribute
                              (checkInPkgs n alias)))

  ### Deprecated aliases - for backward compatibility

mapAliases ({
  PPSSPP = ppsspp; # added 2017-10-01
  QmidiNet = qmidinet;  # added 2016-05-22
  accounts-qt = libsForQt5.accounts-qt; # added 2015-12-19
  adobeReader = adobe-reader; # added 2013-11-04
  adobe_flex_sdk = apache-flex-sdk; # added 2018-06-01
  ag = silver-searcher; # added 2018-04-25
  aircrackng = aircrack-ng; # added 2016-01-14
  alienfx = throw "alienfx has been removed."; # added 2019-12-08
  ammonite-repl = ammonite; # added 2017-05-02
  antimicro = throw "antimicro has been removed as it was broken, see antimicroX instead."; # added 2020-08-06
  arduino_core = arduino-core;  # added 2015-02-04
  arora = throw "arora has been removed."; # added 2020-09-09
  asciidocFull = asciidoc-full;  # added 2014-06-22
  asterisk_15 = throw "Asterisk 15 is end of life and has been removed."; # added 2020-10-07
  at_spi2_atk = at-spi2-atk; # added 2018-02-25
  at_spi2_core = at-spi2-core; # added 2018-02-25
  avldrums-lv2 = x42-avldrums; # added 2020-03-29
  bar-xft = lemonbar-xft;  # added 2015-01-16
  bashCompletion = bash-completion; # Added 2016-09-28
  batti = throw "batti has been removed from nixpkgs, as it was unmaintained"; # added 2019-12-10
  bazaar = throw "bazaar has been deprecated by breezy."; # added 2020-04-19
  bazaarTools = throw "bazaar has been deprecated by breezy."; # added 2020-04-19
  beegfs = throw "beegfs has been removed."; # added 2019-11-24
  bluezFull = bluez; # Added 2019-12-03
  bridge_utils = bridge-utils;  # added 2015-02-20
  bro = zeek; # added 2019-09-29
  bootchart = throw "bootchart has been removed from nixpkgs, as it is without a maintainer"; # added 2019-12-10
  btrfsProgs = btrfs-progs; # added 2016-01-03
  bittorrentSync = throw "bittorrentSync has been deprecated by resilio-sync."; # added 2019-06-03
  bittorrentSync14 = throw "bittorrentSync14 has been deprecated by resilio-sync."; # added 2019-06-03
  bittorrentSync20 = throw "bittorrentSync20 has been deprecated by resilio-sync."; # added 2019-06-03
  buildPerlPackage = perlPackages.buildPerlPackage; # added 2018-10-12
  buildGo112Package = throw "buildGo112Package has been removed"; # added 2020-04-26
  buildGo112Module = throw "buildGo112Module has been removed"; # added 2020-04-26
  bundler_HEAD = bundler; # added 2015-11-15
  caddy1 = throw "caddy 1.x has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's unmaintained:"; # added 2020-10-02
  cantarell_fonts = cantarell-fonts; # added 2018-03-03
  cargo-tree = throw "cargo-tree has been removed, use the builtin `cargo tree` command instead."; # added 2020-08-20
  casperjs = throw "casperjs has been removed, it was abandoned by upstream and broken.";
  catfish = xfce.catfish; # added 2019-12-22
  cgmanager = throw "cgmanager was deprecated by lxc and therefore removed from nixpkgs."; # added 2020-06-05
  checkbashism = checkbashisms; # added 2016-08-16
  chronos = throw "chronos has been removed from nixpkgs, as it was unmaintained"; # added 2020-08-15
  cide = throw "deprecated in 2019-09-11: abandoned by upstream";
  cinepaint = throw "cinepaint has been removed from nixpkgs, as it was unmaintained"; # added 2019-12-10
  cifs_utils = cifs-utils; # added 2016-08
  ckb = ckb-next; # added 2018-10-21
  clangAnalyzer = clang-analyzer;  # added 2015-02-20
  clawsMail = claws-mail; # added 2016-04-29
  clutter_gtk = clutter-gtk; # added 2018-02-25
  compton = picom; # added 2019-12-02
  compton-git = compton; # added 2019-05-20
  conntrack_tools = conntrack-tools; # added 2018-05
  cool-old-term = cool-retro-term; # added 2015-01-31
  coprthr = throw "coprthr has been removed."; # added 2019-12-08
  corebird = throw "deprecated 2019-10-02: See Please use Cawbird as replacement.";
  coredumper = throw "coredumper has been removed: Abandoned by upstream."; # added 2019-11-16
  cryptol = throw "cryptol was remove for prolonged broken build"; # added 2020-08-21
  cpp-gsl = microsoft_gsl; # added 2019-05-24
  cupsBjnp = cups-bjnp; # added 2016-01-02
  cups_filters = cups-filters; # added 2016-08
  cquery = throw "cquery has been removed because it is abandoned by upstream. Consider switching to clangd or ccls instead."; # added 2020-06-15
  cv = progress; # added 2015-09-06
  d1x_rebirth = dxx-rebirth; # added 2018-04-25
  d2x_rebirth = dxx-rebirth; # added 2018-04-25
  dat = nodePackages.dat;
  dbvisualizer = throw "dbvisualizer has been remove from nixpkgs, as it's unmaintained"; # added 2020-09-20
  dbus_daemon = dbus.daemon; # added 2018-04-25
  dbus_glib = dbus-glib; # added 2018-02-25
  dbus_libs = dbus; # added 2018-04-25
  diffuse = throw "diffuse has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's unmaintained"; # added 2019-12-10
  dbus_tools = dbus.out; # added 2018-04-25
  deadbeef-mpris2-plugin = deadbeefPlugins.mpris2; # added 2018-02-23
  deadpixi-sam = deadpixi-sam-unstable;
  debian_devscripts = debian-devscripts; # added 2016-03-23
  deepin = throw "deepin was a work in progress and it has been canceled and removed"; # added 2020-08-31
  desktop_file_utils = desktop-file-utils; # added 2018-02-25
  devicemapper = lvm2; # added 2018-04-25
  digikam5 = digikam; # added 2017-02-18
  dmtx = dmtx-utils; # added 2018-04-25
  dnnl = oneDNN; # added 2020-04-22
  docbook5_xsl = docbook_xsl_ns; # added 2018-04-25
  docbook_xml_xslt = docbook_xsl; # added 2018-04-25
  double_conversion = double-conversion; # 2017-11-22
  docker_compose = docker-compose; # 2018-11-10
  draftsight = throw "draftsight has been removed, no longer available as freeware"; # added 2020-08-14
  dwarf_fortress = dwarf-fortress; # added 2016-01-23
  emacsPackagesGen = emacsPackagesFor; # added 2018-08-18
  emacsPackagesNgGen = emacsPackagesFor; # added 2018-08-18
  emacsPackagesNgFor = emacsPackagesFor; # added 2019-08-07
  emacsPackagesNg = emacsPackages; # added 2019-08-07
  emby = throw "The Emby derivation has been removed, see jellyfin instead for a free software fork."; # added 2019-05-01
  enblendenfuse = enblend-enfuse; # 2015-09-30
  evolution_data_server = evolution-data-server; # added 2018-02-25
  etcdctl = etcd; # added 2018-04-25
  exfat-utils = exfat;                  # 2015-09-11
  facette = throw "facette has been removed."; # added 2020-01-06
  fast-neural-doodle = throw "fast-neural-doodle has been removed, as the upstream project has been abandoned"; # added 2020-03-28
  fetchFromGithub = throw "You meant fetchFromGitHub, with a capital H.";
  ffadoFull = ffado; # added 2018-05-01
  firefox-esr-68 = throw "Firefox 68 ESR reached end of life with its final release 68.12esr on 2020-08-25 and was therefore removed from nixpkgs";
  firefox-esr-wrapper = firefox-esr;  # 2016-01
  firefox-wrapper = firefox;          # 2016-01
  firefoxWrapper = firefox;           # 2015-09

  firestr = throw "firestr has been removed."; # added 2019-12-08
  flameGraph = flamegraph; # added 2018-04-25
  foldingathome = fahclient; # added 2020-09-03
  font-awesome-ttf = font-awesome; # 2018-02-25
  # 2019-10-31
  fontconfig-ultimate = throw ''
    fontconfig-ultimate has been removed. The repository has been archived upstream and activity has ceased for several years.
  fontconfig-penultimate = throw ''
    fontconfig-penultimate has been removed.
    It was a fork of the abandoned fontconfig-ultimate.
  # 2020-07-21
  fontconfig_210 = throw ''
    fontconfig 2.10.x hasn't had a release in years, is vulnerable to CVE-2016-5384
    and has only been used for old fontconfig caches.
  font-droid = throw "font-droid has been deprecated by noto-fonts"; # 2019-04-12
  foomatic_filters = foomatic-filters;  # 2016-08
  fuse_exfat = exfat;                   # 2015-09-11
  fuseki = apache-jena-fuseki; # added 2018-04-25
  fusesmb = throw "fusesmb is abandoned by upstream"; # added 2019-10-15
  fwupdate = throw "fwupdate was merged into fwupd"; # added 2020-05-19
  g4py = python3Packages.geant4; # added 2020-06-06
  gccApple = throw "gccApple is no longer supported"; # added 2018-04-25
  gdb-multitarget = gdb; # added 2017-11-13
  gdk_pixbuf = gdk-pixbuf; # added 2019-05-22
  gettextWithExpat = gettext; # 2016-02-19
  git-hub = gitAndTools.git-hub; # added 2016-04-29
  glib_networking = glib-networking; # added 2018-02-25
  gmailieer = lieer; # added 2020-04-19
  gnome-mpv = celluloid; # added 2019-08-22
  gnome15 = throw "gnome15 has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's unmaintained and depends on deprecated libraries."; # added 2019-12-10
  gmic_krita_qt = gmic-qt-krita; # added 2019-09-07
  gnome-themes-standard = gnome-themes-extra; # added 2018-03-14
  gnome_doc_utils = gnome-doc-utils; # added 2018-02-25
  gnome_themes_standard = gnome-themes-standard; # added 2018-02-25
  gnunet_git = throw "gnunet_git was removed due to gnunet becoming stable"; # added 2019-05-27
  gnuradio-nacl = gr-nacl; # added 2019-05-27
  gnuradio-gsm = gr-gsm; # added 2019-05-27
  gnuradio-ais = gr-ais; # added 2019-05-27
  gnuradio-limesdr = gr-limesdr; # added 2019-05-27
  gnuradio-rds = gr-rds; # added 2019-05-27
  gnuradio-osmosdr = gr-osmosdr; # added 2019-05-27
  gnustep-make = gnustep.make; # added 2016-7-6
  gnupg20 = throw "gnupg20 has been removed from nixpkgs as upstream dropped support on 2017-12-31";# added 2020-07-12
  go_1_12 = throw "go_1_12 has been removed"; # added 2020-04-26
  go-pup = pup; # added 2017-12-19
  gobjectIntrospection = gobject-introspection; # added 2018-12-02
  goimports = gotools; # added 2018-09-16
  gometalinter = throw "Abandoned by upstream. Consider switching to golangci-lint instead"; # added 2020-04-23
  google-gflags = gflags; # added 2019-07-25
  googleAuthenticator = google-authenticator; # added 2016-10-16
  grantlee5 = libsForQt5.grantlee;  # added 2015-12-19
  gsettings_desktop_schemas = gsettings-desktop-schemas; # added 2018-02-25
  gtk_doc = gtk-doc; # added 2018-02-25
  guileCairo = guile-cairo; # added 2017-09-24
  guileGnome = guile-gnome; # added 2017-09-24
  guileLint = guile-lint; # added 2017-09-27
  guile_lib = guile-lib; # added 2017-09-24
  guile_ncurses = guile-ncurses; # added 2017-09-24
  gupnp_av = gupnp-av; # added 2018-02-25
  gupnp_dlna = gupnp-dlna; # added 2018-02-25
  gupnp_igd = gupnp-igd; # added 2018-02-25
  gupnptools = gupnp-tools;  # added 2015-12-19
  gutenberg = zola;  # added 2018-11-17
  heimdalFull = heimdal; # added 2018-05-01
  hepmc = hepmc2; # added 2019-08-05
  hexen = throw "hexen (SDL port) has been removed: Abandoned by upstream."; # added 2019-12-11
  hicolor_icon_theme = hicolor-icon-theme; # added 2018-02-25
  htmlTidy = html-tidy;  # added 2014-12-06
  iana_etc = iana-etc;  # added 2017-03-08
  icedtea8_web = adoptopenjdk-icedtea-web; # added 2019-08-21
  icedtea_web = adoptopenjdk-icedtea-web; # added 2019-08-21
  idea = jetbrains; # added 2017-04-03
  infiniband-diags = rdma-core; # added 2019-08-09
  inotifyTools = inotify-tools;
  jasper = throw "jasper has been removed: abandoned upstream with many vulnerabilities";
  jbuilder = dune; # added 2018-09-09
  jikes = throw "deprecated in 2019-10-07: jikes was abandoned by upstream";
  joseki = apache-jena-fuseki; # added 2016-02-28
  json_glib = json-glib; # added 2018-02-25
  kdecoration-viewer = throw "kdecoration-viewer has been removed from nixpkgs, as there is no upstream activity"; # 2020-06-16
  kdiff3-qt5 = kdiff3; # added 2017-02-18
  keepass-keefox = keepass-keepassrpc; # backwards compatibility alias, added 2018-02
  keepassx-community = keepassxc; # added 2017-11
  keepassx-reboot = keepassx-community; # added 2017-02-01
  keepassx2-http = keepassx-reboot; # added 2016-10-17
  keybase-go = keybase;  # added 2016-08-24
  kinetic-cpp-client = throw "kinetic-cpp-client has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's abandoned."; # 2020-04-28
  kicad-with-packages3d = kicad; # added 2019-11-25
  krename-qt5 = krename; # added 2017-02-18
  keymon = throw "keymon has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's abandoned and archived."; # 2019-12-10
  kvm = qemu_kvm; # added 2018-04-25
  latinmodern-math = lmmath;
  letsencrypt = certbot; # added 2016-05-16
  libaudit = audit; # added 2018-04-25
  libcanberra_gtk2 = libcanberra-gtk2; # added 2018-02-25
  libcanberra_gtk3 = libcanberra-gtk3; # added 2018-02-25
  libcap_manpages = libcap.doc; # added 2016-04-29
  libcap_pam = if stdenv.isLinux then libcap.pam else null; # added 2016-04-29
  libcroco = throw "libcroco has been removed as it's no longer used in any derivations."; # added 2020-03-04
  libindicate = throw "libindacate has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's abandoned and uses deprecated libraries"; # added 2019-12-10
  libindicate-gtk3 = throw "libindacate-gtk2 has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's abandoned and uses deprecated libraries"; # added 2019-12-10
  libindicate-gtk2 = throw "libindacate-gtk3 has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's abandoned and uses deprecated libraries"; # added 2019-12-10
  libcap_progs = libcap.out; # added 2016-04-29
  libdbusmenu_qt5 = libsForQt5.libdbusmenu;  # added 2015-12-19
  libdbusmenu-glib = libdbusmenu; # added 2018-05-01
  liberation_ttf_v1_from_source = liberation_ttf_v1; # added 2018-12-12
  liberation_ttf_v2_from_source = liberation_ttf_v2; # added 2018-12-12
  liberationsansnarrow = liberation-sans-narrow; # added 2018-12-12
  libgnome_keyring = libgnome-keyring; # added 2018-02-25
  libgnome_keyring3 = libgnome-keyring3; # added 2018-02-25
  libgumbo = gumbo; # added 2018-01-21
  libGL_driver = mesa.drivers;
  libintlOrEmpty = stdenv.lib.optional (!stdenv.isLinux || stdenv.hostPlatform.libc != "glibc") gettext; # added 2018-03-14
  libjpeg_drop = libjpeg_original; # added 2020-06-05
  libjson_rpc_cpp = libjson-rpc-cpp; # added 2017-02-28
  liblapackWithoutAtlas = lapack-reference; # added 2018-11-05
  liblastfm = libsForQt5.liblastfm; # added 2020-06-14
  liblrdf = lrdf; # added 2018-04-25
  libqrencode = qrencode;  # added 2019-01-01
  librdf = lrdf; # added 2020-03-22
  librecad2 = librecad;  # backwards compatibility alias, added 2015-10
  libsysfs = sysfsutils; # added 2018-04-25
  libtidy = html-tidy;  # added 2014-12-21
  libtxc_dxtn = throw "removed 2020-03-16, now integrated in Mesa";
  libtxc_dxtn_s2tc = throw "removed 2020-03-16, now integrated in Mesa";
  libudev = udev; # added 2018-04-25
  libusb = libusb1; # added 2020-04-28
  libsexy = throw "libsexy has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's abandoned and no package needed it."; # 2019-12-10
  libstdcxxHook = throw "libstdcxx hook has been removed because cc-wrapper is now directly aware of the c++ standard library intended to be used."; # 2020-06-22
  libqmatrixclient = throw "libqmatrixclient was renamed to libquotient"; # added 2020-04-09
  links = links2; # added 2016-01-31
  linux_rpi0 = linux_rpi1;
  linuxPackages_rpi0 = linuxPackages_rpi1;

  # added 2020-04-04
  linuxPackages_testing_hardened = throw "linuxPackages_testing_hardened has been removed, please use linuxPackages_latest_hardened";
  linux_testing_hardened = throw "linux_testing_hardened has been removed, please use linux_latest_hardened";

  linux-steam-integration = throw "linux-steam-integration has been removed, as the upstream project has been abandoned"; # added 2020-05-22
  loadcaffe = throw "loadcaffe has been removed, as the upstream project has been abandoned"; # added 2020-03-28
  lttngTools = lttng-tools;  # added 2014-07-31
  lttngUst = lttng-ust;  # added 2014-07-31
  lua5_1_sockets = lua51Packages.luasocket; # added 2017-05-02
  lua5_expat = luaPackages.luaexpat; # added 2017-05-02
  lua5_sec = luaPackages.luasec; # added 2017-05-02
  lxappearance-gtk3 = throw "lxappearance-gtk3 has been removed. Use lxappearance instead, which now defaults to Gtk3";  # added 2020-06-03
  m3d-linux = m33-linux; # added 2016-08-13
  man_db = man-db; # added 2016-05
  manpages = man-pages; # added 2015-12-06
  marathon = throw "marathon has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's unmaintained"; # added 2020-08-15
  mariadb-client = hiPrio mariadb.client; #added 2019.07.28
  matcha = throw "matcha was renamed to matcha-gtk-theme"; # added 2020-05-09
  mathics = throw "mathics has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's unmaintained"; # added 2020-08-15
  matrique = spectral; # added 2020-01-27
  mbedtls_1_3 = throw "mbedtls_1_3 is end of life, see"; # added 2019-12-08
  mess = mame; # added 2019-10-30
  mcgrid = throw "mcgrid has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's not compatible with rivet 3"; # added 2020-05-23
  mcomix = throw "mcomix has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's unmaintained"; # added 2019-12-10
  mirage = throw "mirage has been femoved from nixpkgs, as it's unmaintained"; # added 2019-12-10
  mysql-client = hiPrio mariadb.client;
  memtest86 = memtest86plus; # added 2019-05-08
  mesa_noglu = mesa; # added 2019-05-28
  # NOTE: 2018-07-12: legacy alias:
  # gcsecurity bussiness is done:
  # floating point textures patents are expired,
  # so package reduced to alias
  mesa_drivers = mesa.drivers;
  mesos = throw "mesos has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's unmaintained"; # added 2020-08-15
  midoriWrapper = midori; # added 2015-01
  mist = throw "mist has been removed as the upstream project has been abandoned, see"; # added 2020-08-15
  mlt-qt5 = libsForQt5.mlt;  # added 2015-12-19
  mobile_broadband_provider_info = mobile-broadband-provider-info; # added 2018-02-25
  moby = throw "moby has been removed, merged into linuxkit in 2018.  Use linuxkit instead.";
  module_init_tools = kmod; # added 2016-04-22
  mono-zeroconf = throw "deprecated 2019-09-20: abandoned by upstream.";
  mozart = mozart2-binary; # added 2019-09-23
  mozart-binary = mozart2-binary; # added 2019-09-23
  mpich2 = mpich;  # added 2018-08-06
  msf = metasploit; # added 2018-04-25
  libmsgpack = msgpack; # added 2018-08-17
  mssys = ms-sys; # added 2015-12-13
  mpv-with-scripts = self.wrapMpv self.mpv-unwrapped { }; # added 2020-05-22
  multipath_tools = multipath-tools;  # added 2016-01-21
  mupen64plus1_5 = mupen64plus; # added 2016-02-12
  mysqlWorkbench = mysql-workbench; # added 2017-01-19
  nagiosPluginsOfficial = monitoring-plugins;
  ncat = nmap;  # added 2016-01-26
  netcat-openbsd =; # added 2018-04-25
  netease-cloud-music = throw "netease-cloud-music has been removed together with deepin"; # added 2020-08-31
  networkmanager_fortisslvpn = networkmanager-fortisslvpn; # added 2018-02-25
  networkmanager_iodine = networkmanager-iodine; # added 2018-02-25
  networkmanager_l2tp = networkmanager-l2tp; # added 2018-02-25
  networkmanager_openconnect = networkmanager-openconnect; # added 2018-02-25
  networkmanager_openvpn = networkmanager-openvpn; # added 2018-02-25
  networkmanager_vpnc = networkmanager-vpnc; # added 2018-02-25
  neutral-style = throw "neural-style has been removed, as the upstream project has been abandoned"; # added 2020-03-28
  nfsUtils = nfs-utils;  # added 2014-12-06
  nginxUnstable = nginxMainline; # added 2018-04-25
  nilfs_utils = nilfs-utils; # added 2018-04-25
  nix-review = nixpkgs-review; # added 2019-12-22
  nmap_graphical = nmap-graphical;  # added 2017-01-19
  nologin = shadow; # added 2018-04-25
  nxproxy = nx-libs; # added 2019-02-15
  nylas-mail-bin = throw "deprecated in 2019-09-11: abandoned by upstream";
  opencascade_oce = opencascade; # added 2018-04-25
  oblogout = throw "oblogout has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's archived upstream."; # added 2019-12-10
  opencl-icd = ocl-icd; # added 2017-01-20
  openexr_ctl = ctl; # added 2018-04-25
  openjpeg_2_1 = openjpeg_2; # added 2018-10-25
  opensans-ttf = open-sans; # added 2018-12-04
  openssh_with_kerberos = openssh; # added 2018-01-28
  osquery = throw "osquery has been removed."; # added 2019-11-24
  otter-browser = throw "otter-browser has been removed from nixpkgs, as it was unmaintained"; # added 2020-02-02
  owncloudclient = owncloud-client;  # added 2016-08
  p11_kit = p11-kit; # added 2018-02-25
  parity = openethereum; # added 2020-08-01
  parquet-cpp = arrow-cpp; # added 2018-09-08
  pass-otp = pass.withExtensions (ext: [ext.pass-otp]); # added 2018-05-04
  perlXMLParser = perlPackages.XMLParser; # added 2018-10-12
  perlArchiveCpio = perlPackages.ArchiveCpio; # added 2018-10-12
  pgp-tools = signing-party; # added 2017-03-26
  pg_tmp = ephemeralpg; # added 2018-01-16

  php-embed = throw ''
    php*-embed has been dropped, you can build something similar
    with the following snippet:
    php74.override { embedSupport = true; apxs2Support = false; }
  ''; # added 2020-04-01
  php73-embed = php-embed; # added 2020-04-01
  php74-embed = php-embed; # added 2020-04-01

  phpPackages-embed = throw ''
    php*Packages-embed has been dropped, you can build something
    similar with the following snippet:
    (php74.override { embedSupport = true; apxs2Support = false; }).packages
  ''; # added 2020-04-01
  php74Packages-embed = phpPackages-embed;
  php73Packages-embed = phpPackages-embed;

  php-unit = throw ''
    php*-unit has been dropped, you can build something similar with
    the following snippet:
    php74.override {
      embedSupport = true;
      apxs2Support = false;
      systemdSupport = false;
      phpdbgSupport = false;
      cgiSupport = false;
      fpmSupport = false;
  ''; # added 2020-04-01
  php73-unit = php-unit; # added 2020-04-01
  php74-unit = php-unit; # added 2020-04-01

  phpPackages-unit = throw ''
    php*Packages-unit has been dropped, you can build something
     similar with this following snippet:
    (php74.override {
      embedSupport = true;
      apxs2Support = false;
      systemdSupport = false;
      phpdbgSupport = false;
      cgiSupport = false;
      fpmSupport = false;
  ''; # added 2020-04-01
  php74Packages-unit = phpPackages-unit;
  php73Packages-unit = phpPackages-unit;

  pidgin-with-plugins = pidgin; # added 2016-06
  pidginlatex = pidgin-latex; # added 2018-01-08
  pidginlatexSF = pidgin-latex; # added 2014-11-02
  pidginmsnpecan = pidgin-msn-pecan; # added 2018-01-08
  pidginosd = pidgin-osd; # added 2018-01-08
  pidginotr = pidgin-otr; # added 2018-01-08
  pidginsipe = pidgin-sipe; # added 2018-01-08
  pidginwindowmerge = pidgin-window-merge; # added 2018-01-08
  piwik = matomo; # added 2018-01-16
  pltScheme = racket; # just to be sure
  plexpy = tautulli; # plexpy got renamed to tautulli, added 2019-02-22
  pmtools = acpica-tools; # added 2018-11-01
  polarssl = mbedtls; # added 2018-04-25
  poppler_qt5 = libsForQt5.poppler;  # added 2015-12-19
  postgresql95 = postgresql_9_5;
  postgresql96 = postgresql_9_6;
  postgresql100 = throw "deprecated 2018-10-21: use postgresql_10 instead";
  # postgresql plugins
  pgjwt = postgresqlPackages.pgjwt;
  pg_repack = postgresqlPackages.pg_repack;
  pgroonga = postgresqlPackages.pgroonga;
  pg_similarity = postgresqlPackages.pg_similarity;
  pgtap = postgresqlPackages.pgtap;
  plv8 = postgresqlPackages.plv8;
  timescaledb = postgresqlPackages.timescaledb;
  tsearch_extras = postgresqlPackages.tsearch_extras;
  cstore_fdw = postgresqlPackages.cstore_fdw;
  pg_hll = postgresqlPackages.pg_hll;
  pg_cron = postgresqlPackages.pg_cron;
  pg_topn = postgresqlPackages.pg_topn;
  pinentry_curses = pinentry-curses; # added 2019-10-14
  pinentry_emacs = pinentry-emacs; # added 2019-10-14
  pinentry_gtk2 = pinentry-gtk2; # added 2019-10-14
  pinentry_qt = pinentry-qt; # added 2019-10-14
  pinentry_gnome = pinentry-gnome; # added 2019-10-14
  pinentry_qt5 = pinentry-qt; # added 2020-02-11
  postgis = postgresqlPackages.postgis;
  # end
  ppl-address-book = throw "deprecated in 2019-05-02: abandoned by upstream.";
  processing3 = processing; # added 2019-08-16
  procps-ng = procps; # added 2018-06-08
  pygmentex = texlive.bin.pygmentex; # added 2019-12-15
  pyo3-pack = maturin;
  pmenu = throw "pmenu has been removed from nixpkgs, as its maintainer is no longer interested in the package."; # added 2019-12-10
  pulseaudioLight = pulseaudio; # added 2018-04-25
  phonon-backend-gstreamer = throw "Please use libsForQt5.phonon-backend-gstreamer, as Qt4 support in this package has been removed."; # added 2019-11-22
  phonon-backend-vlc = throw "Please use libsForQt5.phonon-backend-vlc, as Qt4 support in this package has been removed."; # added 2019-11-22
  phonon = throw "Please use libsForQt5.phonon, as Qt4 support in this package has been removed."; # added 2019-11-22
  qca-qt5 = libsForQt5.qca-qt5;  # added 2015-12-19
  quake3game = ioquake3; # added 2016-01-14
  qvim = throw "qvim has been removed."; # added 2020-08-31
  qwt6 = libsForQt5.qwt;  # added 2015-12-19
  qtpfsgui = throw "Is now luminanceHDR"; # added 2019-06-26
  quaternion-git = throw "quaternion-git has been removed in favor of the stable version 'quaternion'"; # added 2020-04-09
  rdf4store = throw "rdf4store has been removed from nixpkgs."; # added 2019-12-21
  rdiff_backup = rdiff-backup;  # added 2014-11-23
  rdmd = dtools;  # added 2017-08-19
  rhc = throw "deprecated in 2019-04-09: abandoned by upstream.";
  rng_tools = rng-tools; # added 2018-10-24
  robomongo = robo3t; #added 2017-09-28
  rocm-runtime-ext = throw "rocm-runtime-ext has been removed, since its functionality was added to rocm-runtime"; #added 2020-08-21
  rssglx = rss-glx; #added 2015-03-25
  rssh = throw "rssh has been removed from nixpkgs: no upstream releases since 2012, several known CVEs"; # added 2020-08-25
  recordmydesktop = throw "recordmydesktop has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's unmaintained and uses deprecated libraries"; # added 2019-12-10
  gtk-recordmydesktop = throw "gtk-recordmydesktop has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's unmaintained and uses deprecated libraries"; # added 2019-12-10
  qt-recordmydesktop = throw "qt-recordmydesktop has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's abandoned and uses deprecated libraries"; # added 2019-12-10
  rfkill = throw "rfkill has been removed, as it's included in util-linux"; # added 2020-08-23
  rkt = throw "rkt was archived by upstream"; # added 2020-05-16
  ruby_2_0_0 = throw "deprecated 2018-0213: use a newer version of ruby";
  ruby_2_1_0 = throw "deprecated 2018-0213: use a newer version of ruby";
  ruby_2_2_9 = throw "deprecated 2018-0213: use a newer version of ruby";
  ruby_2_3_6 = throw "deprecated 2018-0213: use a newer version of ruby";
  ruby_2_3 = throw "deprecated 2019-09-06: use a newer version of ruby";
  ruby_2_4_3 = throw "deprecated 2018-0213: use a newer version of ruby";
  ruby_2_4 = throw "deprecated 2019-12: use a newer version of ruby";
  ruby_2_5_0 = throw "deprecated 2018-0213: use a newer version of ruby";
  rubyPackages_2_4 = throw "deprecated 2019-12: use a newer version of rubyPackages instead";
  rubygems = throw "deprecated 2016-03-02: rubygems is now bundled with ruby";
  rxvt_unicode-with-plugins = rxvt-unicode; # added 2020-02-02
  rxvt_unicode = rxvt-unicode-unwrapped; # added 2020-02-02
  urxvt_autocomplete_all_the_things = rxvt-unicode-plugins.autocomplete-all-the-things; # added 2020-02-02
  urxvt_perl = rxvt-unicode-plugins.perl; # added 2020-02-02
  urxvt_perls = rxvt-unicode-plugins.perls; # added 2020-02-02
  urxvt_tabbedex = rxvt-unicode-plugins.tabbedex; # added 2020-02-02
  urxvt_font_size = rxvt-unicode-plugins.font-size; # added 2020-02-02
  urxvt_theme_switch = rxvt-unicode-plugins.theme-switch; # added 2020-02-02
  urxvt_vtwheel = rxvt-unicode-plugins.vtwheel; # added 2020-02-02
  urxvt_bidi = rxvt-unicode-plugins.bidi; # added 2020-02-02
  s6Dns = s6-dns; # added 2018-07-23
  s6Networking = s6-networking; # added 2018-07-23
  s6LinuxUtils = s6-linux-utils; # added 2018-07-23
  s6PortableUtils = s6-portable-utils; # added 2018-07-23
  sagemath = sage; # added 2018-10-27
  sam = deadpixi-sam; # added 2018-04-25
  samba3 = throw "Samba 3 is discontinued, please switch to samba4"; # added 2019-10-15
  samba3_light = throw "Samba 3 is discontinued, please switch to samba4"; # added 2019-10-15
  sambaMaster = throw "removed 2019-09-13: outdated and no longer needed";
  samsungUnifiedLinuxDriver = samsung-unified-linux-driver; # added 2016-01-25
  saneBackends = sane-backends; # added 2016-01-02
  saneBackendsGit = sane-backends-git; # added 2016-01-02
  saneFrontends = sane-frontends; # added 2016-01-02
  sapic = throw "deprecated 2019-1-19: sapic is bundled with 'tamarin-prover' now";
  scim = sc-im; # added 2016-01-22
  scollector = bosun; # added 2018-04-25
  sdlmame = mame; # added 2019-10-30
  seeks = throw "seeks has been removed from nixpkgs, as it was unmaintained"; # added 2020-06-21
  seg3d = throw "seg3d has been removed from nixpkgs (2019-11-10)";
  shared_mime_info = shared-mime-info; # added 2018-02-25
  skrooge2 = skrooge; # added 2017-02-18
  sky = throw "sky has been removed from nixpkgs (2020-09-16)";
  skype = skypeforlinux; # added 2017-07-27
  skydive = throw "skydive has been removed from nixpkgs (2019-09-10)";
  slack-dark = slack; # added 2020-03-27
  slic3r-prusa3d = prusa-slicer; # added 2019-05-21
  slurm-llnl = slurm; # renamed July 2017
  slurm-llnl-full = slurm-full; # renamed July 2017
  slurm-full = slurm; # added 2018-05-1
  smbclient = samba; # added 2018-04-25
  slim = throw "slim has been removed. Please use a different display-manager"; # added 2019-11-11
  slimThemes = throw "slimThemes has been removed because slim has been also"; # added 2019-11-11
  sundials_3 = throw "removed 2020-02. outdated and no longer needed";

  # added 2020-02-10
  sourceHanSansPackages = {
    japanese = source-han-sans;
    korean = source-han-sans;
    simplified-chinese = source-han-sans;
    traditional-chinese = source-han-sans;
  source-han-sans-japanese = source-han-sans;
  source-han-sans-korean = source-han-sans;
  source-han-sans-simplified-chinese = source-han-sans;
  source-han-sans-traditional-chinese = source-han-sans;
  sourceHanSerifPackages = {
    japanese = source-han-serif;
    korean = source-han-serif;
    simplified-chinese = source-han-serif;
    traditional-chinese = source-han-serif;
  source-han-serif-japanese = source-han-serif;
  source-han-serif-korean = source-han-serif;
  source-han-serif-simplified-chinese = source-han-serif;
  source-han-serif-traditional-chinese = source-han-serif;

  net_snmp = net-snmp; # added 2019-12-21
  oracleXE = throw "oracleXE has been removed, as it's heavily outdated and unmaintained."; # added 2020-10-09
  spaceOrbit = space-orbit; # addewd 2016-05-23
  speech_tools = speech-tools; # added 2018-04-25
  speedtest_cli = speedtest-cli;  # added 2015-02-17
  spice_gtk = spice-gtk; # added 2018-02-25
  spice_protocol = spice-protocol; # added 2018-02-25
  spidermonkey_52 = throw "spidermonkey_52 has been removed. Please use spidermonkey_60 instead."; # added 2019-10-16
  spring-boot = spring-boot-cli; # added 2020-04-24
  sqlite3_analyzer = sqlite-analyzer; # added 2018-05-22
  sqliteInteractive = sqlite-interactive;  # added 2014-12-06
  squid4 = squid;  # added 2019-08-22
  sshfsFuse = sshfs-fuse; # added 2016-09
  suil-qt5 = suil; # added 2018-05-01
  surf-webkit2 = surf; # added 2017-04-02
  sup = throw "deprecated in 2019-09-10: abandoned by upstream";
  swfdec = throw "swfdec has been removed as broken and unmaintained."; # added 2020-08-23
  system_config_printer = system-config-printer;  # added 2016-01-03
  systemd-cryptsetup-generator = throw "systemd-cryptsetup-generator is now included in the systemd package"; # added 2020-07-12
  systemd_with_lvm2 = throw "obsolete, enabled by default via the lvm module"; # added 2020-07-12
  systool = sysfsutils; # added 2018-04-25
  tahoelafs = tahoe-lafs; # added 2018-03-26
  tangogps = foxtrotgps; # added 2020-01-26
  telepathy_farstream = telepathy-farstream; # added 2018-02-25
  telepathy_gabble = telepathy-gabble; # added 2018-02-25
  telepathy_glib = telepathy-glib; # added 2018-02-25
  telepathy_haze = telepathy-haze; # added 2018-02-25
  telepathy_idle = telepathy-idle; # added 2018-02-25
  telepathy_logger = telepathy-logger; # added 2018-02-25
  telepathy_mission_control = telepathy-mission-control; # added 2018-02-25
  telepathy-qt = throw "telepathy-qt no longer supports Qt 4. Please use libsForQt5.telepathy instead."; # added 2020-07-02
  telepathy_qt = telepathy-qt; # added 2018-02-25
  telepathy_qt5 = libsForQt5.telepathy;  # added 2015-12-19
  telepathy_salut = telepathy-salut; # added 2018-02-25
  telnet = inetutils; # added 2018-05-15
  terraform-provider-ibm =; # added 2018-09-28
  terraform-provider-libvirt = terraform-providers.libvirt; # added 2018-09-28
  terraform-provider-lxd = terraform-providers.lxd; # added 2020-03-16
  terraform-provider-nixos = terraform-providers.nixos; # added 2018-09-28
  tesseract_4 = tesseract4; # added 2018-12-19
  testdisk-photorec = throw "This package was a duplicate, please use testdisk or testdisk-qt instead"; # added 2019-10-13
  tex-gyre-bonum-math = tex-gyre-math.bonum; # added 2018-04-03
  tex-gyre-pagella-math = tex-gyre-math.pagella; # added 2018-04-03
  tex-gyre-schola-math = tex-gyre-math.schola; # added 2018-04-03
  tex-gyre-termes-math = tex-gyre-math.termes; # added 2018-04-03
  tftp_hpa = tftp-hpa; # added 2015-04-03
  timescale-prometheus = promscale; # added 2020-09-29
  tomcat85 = tomcat8; # added 2020-03-11
  torbrowser = tor-browser-bundle-bin; # added 2017-04-05
  torch = throw "torch has been removed, as the upstream project has been abandoned"; # added 2020-03-28
  torch-hdf5 = throw "torch-hdf5 has been removed, as the upstream project has been abandoned"; # added 2020-03-28
  torch-repl = throw "torch-repl has been removed, as the upstream project has been abandoned"; # added 2020-03-28
  torchPackages = throw "torchPackages has been removed, as the upstream project has been abandoned"; # added 2020-03-28
  trang = jing-trang; # added 2018-04-25
  transcribe = throw "transcribe has been removed after being marked a broken for over a year"; # added 2020-09-16
  transmission_gtk = transmission-gtk; # added 2018-01-06
  transmission_remote_gtk = transmission-remote-gtk; # added 2018-01-06
  transporter = throw "transporter has been removed. It was archived upstream, so it's considered abandoned.";
  trilium = throw "trilium has been removed. Please use trilium-desktop instead."; # added 2020-04-29
  truecrypt = veracrypt; # added 2018-10-24
  tshark = wireshark-cli; # added 2018-04-25
  uberwriter = apostrophe; # added 2020-04-23
  ubootBeagleboneBlack = ubootAmx335xEVM; # added 2020-01-21
  ucsFonts = ucs-fonts; # added 2016-07-15
  ultrastardx-beta = ultrastardx; # added 2017-08-12
  usb_modeswitch = usb-modeswitch; # added 2016-05-10
  usbguard-nox = usbguard; # added 2019-09-04
  uzbl = throw "uzbl has been removed from nixpkgs, as it's unmaintained and uses insecure libraries";
  v4l_utils = v4l-utils; # added 2019-08-07
  v8_3_16_14 = throw "removed 2019-11-01: no longer referenced by other packages";
  valadoc = throw "deprecated 2019-10-10: valadoc was merged into vala 0.38";
  vamp = { vampSDK = vamp-plugin-sdk; }; # added 2020-03-26
  vimbWrapper = vimb; # added 2015-01
  vimprobable2 = throw "vimprobable2 has been removed from nixpkgs. It relied on webkitgtk24x that has been removed."; # added 2019-12-05
  vimprobable2-unwrapped = vimprobable2; # added 2019-12-05
  virtviewer = virt-viewer; # added 2015-12-24
  virtmanager = virt-manager; # added 2019-10-29
  virtmanager-qt = virt-manager-qt; # added 2019-10-29
  vorbisTools = vorbis-tools; # added 2016-01-26
  webkit = webkitgtk; # added 2019-03-05
  webkitgtk24x-gtk3 = throw "webkitgtk24x-gtk3 has been removed because it's insecure. Please use webkitgtk."; # added 2019-12-05
  webkitgtk24x-gtk2 = throw "webkitgtk24x-gtk2 has been removed because it's insecure. Please use webkitgtk."; # added 2019-12-05
  weechat-matrix-bridge = weechatScripts.weechat-matrix-bridge; # added 2018-09-06
  wineStaging = wine-staging; # added 2018-01-08
  winusb = woeusb; # added 2017-12-22
  winswitch = throw "winswitch has been removed from nixpkgs."; # added 2019-12-10
  wireguard = wireguard-tools; # added 2018-05-19
  morituri = whipper; # added 2018-09-13
  xp-pen-g430 = pentablet-driver; # added 2020-05-03
  xfceUnstable = xfce4-14; # added 2019-09-17
  xfce4-14 = xfce;
  xfce4-12 = throw "xfce4-12 has been replaced by xfce4-14"; # added 2020-03-14
  x11 = xlibsWrapper; # added 2015-09
  xara = throw "xara has been removed from nixpkgs. Unmaintained since 2006"; # added 2020-06-24
  xbmc = kodi; # added 2018-04-25
  xbmcPlain = kodiPlain; # added 2018-04-25
  xbmcPlugins = kodiPlugins; # added 2018-04-25
  xmonad_log_applet_gnome3 = xmonad_log_applet; # added 2018-05-01
  xf86_video_nouveau = xorg.xf86videonouveau; # added 2015-09
  xf86_input_mtrack = throw ("xf86_input_mtrack has been removed from nixpkgs as it hasn't been maintained"
    + "and is broken. Working alternatives are libinput and synaptics.");
  xf86_input_multitouch = throw "xf86_input_multitouch has been removed from nixpkgs."; # added 2020-01-20
  xlibs = xorg; # added 2015-09
  xpraGtk3 = xpra; # added 2018-09-13
  xv = xxv; # added 2020-02-22
  youtubeDL = youtube-dl;  # added 2014-10-26
  zdfmediathk = mediathekview; # added 2019-01-19
  gnome_user_docs = gnome-user-docs; # added 2019-11-20
  # spidermonkey is not ABI upwards-ompatible, so only allow this for nix-shell
  spidermonkey = spidermonkey_78; # added 2020-10-09

  # TODO(ekleog): add ‘wasm’ alias to ‘ocamlPackages.wasm’ after 19.03
  # branch-off

  # added 2017-05-27
  wineMinimal = winePackages.minimal;
  wineFull = winePackages.full;
  wineStable = winePackages.stable;
  wineUnstable = winePackages.unstable;

  # added 2018-03-26
  libva-full = libva;
  libva1-full = libva1;

  # forceSystem should not be used directly in Nixpkgs.
  # added 2018-07-16
  forceSystem = system: _:
    (import self.path { localSystem = { inherit system; }; });
  callPackage_i686 = pkgsi686Linux.callPackage;

  inherit (ocaml-ng) # added 2016-09-14
    ocamlPackages_4_00_1 ocamlPackages_4_01_0 ocamlPackages_4_02

  # added 2019-08-01
  mumble_git = pkgs.mumble;
  murmur_git = pkgs.murmur;

  # added 2020-08-17
  zabbix44 = throw "Zabbix 4.4 is end of life, see for details on upgrading to Zabbix 5.0.";

  # added 2019-09-06
  zeroc_ice = pkgs.zeroc-ice;

  # added 2020-06-22
  zeromq3 = throw "zeromq3 has been deprecated by zeromq4.";
  jzmq = throw "jzmq has been removed from nixpkgs, as it was unmaintained";
} // (with ocaml-ng; { # added 2016-09-14
  ocaml_4_00_1 = ocamlPackages_4_00_1.ocaml;
  ocaml_4_01_0 = ocamlPackages_4_01_0.ocaml;
  ocaml_4_02   = ocamlPackages_4_02.ocaml;
  ocaml_4_03   = ocamlPackages_4_03.ocaml;
}) // {

  # added 2019-10-28
  gnatsd = nats-server;

  # added 2020-01-10
  tor-browser-bundle = throw "tor-browser-bundle was removed because it was out of date and inadequately maintained. Please use tor-browser-bundle-bin instead. See #77452.";
  # added 2020-01-10
  tor-browser-unwrapped = throw "tor-browser-unwrapped was removed because it was out of date and inadequately maintained. Please use tor-browser-bundle-bin instead. See #77452.";

  # added 2020-02-09
  dina-font-pcf = dina-font;

  # added 2019-04-13
  # *-polly pointed to llvmPackages_latest
  llvm-polly = throw "clang is now built with polly-plugin by default";
  clang-polly = throw "clang is now built with polly-plugin by default";

  /* Cleanup before 20.09 */
  oraclejdk8psu = throw ''
    The *psu versions of oraclejdk aren't provided by upstream anymore and were therefore removed!
  oraclejre8psu = oraclejdk8psu;
  oraclejdk8psu_distro = oraclejdk8psu;

  dnscrypt-proxy = throw "dnscrypt-proxy has been removed. Please use dnscrypt-proxy2."; # added 2020-02-02
  sqldeveloper_18 = throw "sqldeveloper_18 is not maintained anymore!"; # added 2020-02-04

  gcc-snapshot = throw "Marked as broken for >2 years, additionally this 'snapshot' pointed to a fairly old one from gcc7.";

  /* Cleanup before 21.03 */
  riot-desktop = throw "riot-desktop is now element-desktop!";
  riot-web = throw "riot-web is now element-web";

  ant-dracula-theme = throw "ant-dracula-theme is now dracula-theme, and theme name is Dracula instead of Ant-Dracula.";
