# EXTRA HASKELL PACKAGES NOT ON HACKAGE # # This file should only contain packages that are not in ./hackage-packages.nix. # Attributes in this set should be nothing more than a callPackage call. # Overrides to these packages should go to either configuration-nix.nix, # configuration-common.nix or to one of the compiler specific configuration # files. self: super: { dconf2nix = self.callPackage ../tools/haskell/dconf2nix/dconf2nix.nix { }; ldgallery-compiler = self.callPackage ../../tools/graphics/ldgallery/compiler { }; # https://github.com/channable/vaultenv/issues/1 vaultenv = self.callPackage ../tools/haskell/vaultenv { }; # spago is not released to Hackage. # https://github.com/spacchetti/spago/issues/512 spago = self.callPackage ../tools/purescript/spago/spago.nix { }; nix-output-monitor = self.callPackage ../../tools/nix/nix-output-monitor { }; # cabal2nix --revision <rev> https://github.com/hasura/ci-info-hs.git ci-info = self.callPackage ../misc/haskell/hasura/ci-info {}; # cabal2nix --revision <rev> https://github.com/hasura/pg-client-hs.git pg-client = self.callPackage ../misc/haskell/hasura/pg-client {}; # cabal2nix --revision <rev> https://github.com/hasura/graphql-parser-hs.git graphql-parser = self.callPackage ../misc/haskell/hasura/graphql-parser {}; # cabal2nix --subpath server --maintainer offline --no-check --revision 1.2.1 https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine.git graphql-engine = self.callPackage ../misc/haskell/hasura/graphql-engine {}; }