- Add QueryRow to our connection interface
- Add SQL API for managing metric compression setting
- Add code documentation for query/read path of the connector
- Adds support for checking pg version on startup
- BUGFIX reset pendingBuffer epoch when we're done
- Epoch-Based cache validation
- First pass documenting the write path
- Fix bug with deletion of metric name labels.
- Fix erroneous PromQL query in end-to-end tests
- Fix error reporting to prevent panic
- Fix golden file tests
- Fix logging output to match rest of the project
- Fix views on Vanilla PG and add tests
- Make example docker-compose clearer (#305)
- Mask password while printing config
- Prepare for the 0.1.1 release
- Prepare for the next development cycle
- REFACTOR rearrange mocks
- REFACTOR switch TestPGXInserterInsertData to the new mock
- REFACTOR switch TestPGXInserterInsertSeries to the new mock
- Start a pgmodel Readme
Current nixpkgs always wraps neovim with the "-u" which has sideeffects as explained in :
1. vim won't set the variable $MYVIMRC as explained #34215
2. vim skips loading folder-specific .vimrc / .nvimrc
I wanted to provide a way for users to better control what flags are used to wrap neovim. This is achived by introducing wrapNeovimUnstable et neovimUtils, utilities to help with that. We provide a compatibility layer so that wrapNeovim still works and to let us experiment with wrapNeovimUnstable to better control neovim configuration, plugin dependencies, haskell environment etc so that it becomes easier to generate per-project neovim config.
With this commit, it's possible for instance for home-manager to wrap neovim without the `-u` and just write the config in the
expected $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim .
Expect wrapNeovimUnstable interface to evolve in the upcoming months.
fix hash
version 1.6.9 is not released, so use revision hash
add a comment to the rev about why we are not using `v${version}` anymore
use unstable-2020-10-25