Resolved the following conflicts (by carefully applying patches from the both
branches since the fork point):
* digitalbitbox: init at 2.2.2
The commits that lead to this have been squashed from independent
commits see branch @vidbina/add/digitalbitbox-wip that did the
- 0a3030fa0ec digitalbitbox: init at 2.2.2
- c18ffa3ffd4 digitalbitbox: moved meta to EOF
- 0c5f3d6972a digitalbitbox: using preConfigure + configureFlags
- a85b1dfc3fd digitalbitbox: nativeBuildInputs
- 90bdd35ef0f digitalbitbox: autoreconfHook
- 91810eea055 digitalbitbox: default installPhase & makeWrapper
- 90e43fb7e2a digitalbitbox: doc rm $PWD hack & printf-tee deal
- fd033b2fe5a digitalbitbox: cleanup, alphabetically sort attrs
- c5907982db3 digitalbitbox: added hardware module
- 88e46bc9ae0 digitalbitbox: added program module
- amend to change name: dbb-app -> digitalbitbox
- amend to add install instructions based on feedback
- amend to add longDescription
- moved program to its own dir
- overridable udev rules handling
- added docs to manual
- added package attr to program module
- added package attr to hardware module
* digitalbitbox: use libsForQt5.callPackage
The default cache directory set by oh-my-zsh is $ohMyZsh/cache which
lives in the Nix store in our case. This causes issues with several
completion plugins provided by oh-my-zsh.
sg and newgrp only changes the current user session and should be
available to users even if the "users.mutableUsers" option is set.
These are common, useful commands.
chfn does modify the /etc/passwd GECOS field which is also controlled
by the option "users.users.<name?>.description", so it's less
appropriate to make it available when "users.mutableUsers" is set.
However, because CHFN_RESTRICT in login.defs is never set in current
NixOS the chfn functionality is never available to users anyway and
may as well have its SUID disabled, as only root is able to use it.
This is recommended in the chfn man page in this case.
To make the configuration of `yabar` more pleasant and easier to
validate, a NixOS module will be quite helpful.
An example config could look like this:
programs.yabar = {
enable = true; = "YA_DATE";
The module adds a user-controlled systemd service which runs `yabar` after
starting up X.
* bemenu: init at 2017-02-14
* velox: 2015-11-03 -> 2017-07-04
* orbment, velox: don't expose subprojects
the development of orbment and velox got stuck
their subprojects (bemenu, dmenu-wayland, st-wayland) don't work correctly outside of parent projects
so hide them to not confuse people
swc and wld libraries are unpopular and unlike wlc are not used by anything except velox
* pythonPackages.pydbus: init at 0.6.0
* way-cooler: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.2
* nixos/way-cooler: add module
* dconf module: use for wayland
non-invasive approach for #31293
see discussion at #32210
* sway: embed LD_LIBRARY_PATH for #32755
* way-cooler: switch from buildRustPackage to buildRustCrate #31150
As described in detail here:
bash will load completion scripts in $p/share/bash-completion/completions/ on
startup instead of letting bash-completion do it's lazy loading. Bash startup
will then slow down (very noticeable when bash-completion is installed in a
This commit leaves loading of scripts in the hands of bash-completion,
improving startup time for everyone using `enableCompletion`.
The bash module currently sets the `/etc/inputrc` unconditionally,
which prevents easy user override. This commit lowers the priority of
the setting to "option default" level, which allows a user to override
the value using either
environment.etc."inputrc".text = …
environment.etc."inputrc".source = …
Regression introduced by 520a43ced3.
Using XML tag characters for things that are not tags needs to be
properly indicated by an entity.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
`cfg.interactiveShellInit` is used by modules like
`programs.zsh.oh-my-zsh`. This means that all aliases defined in
`programs.zsh.shellAliases` might be overriden which is highly
Originially, `programs.zsh` sets default values for some
initialisation scripts.
Nix resolves the case of multiple values by concatenating them all.
It is however impossible to predict where the default script will be
inserted; but we never want the default value to override the
user-specified ones.
Now, it doesn't set default values; almost everything is hardcoded at
the begining of the file.
While systemd suggests using the pre-defined graphical-session user
target, I found that this interface is difficult to use. Additionally,
no other major distribution, even in their unstable versions, currently
use this mechanism.
The window or desktop manager is supposed to run in a systemd user service
which activates and the user services that are
binding to this target. The issue is that we can't elegantly pass the
xsession environment to the window manager session, in particular
whereas the PassEnvironment option does work for DISPLAY, it for some
mysterious reason won't for PATH.
This commit implements a new graphical user target that works just like Services which should be run in a graphical session just
need to declare wantedBy The graphical target will be
activated in the xsession before executing the window or display manager.
SSH expects a new line at the end of known_hosts file.
Without a new line the next entry goes on the same line
as the last entry in known_hosts causing errors.
Right now the `programs.zsh.syntax-highlighting.highlighters` option
lacks appropriate validation which can cause confusing things when
mistyping a higlighter for zsh-syntax-highlighting.
* programs.zsh: factor zsh-syntax-highlighting out into its own module
* programs.zsh.syntax-highlighting: add `highlighters` option
* programs.zsh: document BC break introduced by moving zsh-syntax-completion into its own module
* programs.zsh: add enableOhMyZsh option to automate setup of oh-my-zsh in global zshrc
* programs.zsh: make oh-my-zsh plugins configurable
* programs.zsh: add ohMyZshCustom option
* programs.zsh: add ohMyZshTheme option
* programs.zsh: applying minor fixes to evaluate expressions properly
* programs.zsh: fix ordering of oh-my-zsh config and execution
* programs.zsh: move all oh-my-zsh params into its own scope named programs.zsh.oh-my-zsh
In order to use qt5ct (Qt5 Configuration Tool) to configure Qt5
settings (theme, font, icons, etc.) under DE/WM without Qt
integration, the environment variable QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME should be
set to "qt5ct".
It can be done automatically by this module, or by setting the
variable explicitly in the user or in the system configuration.
In the absence of XCURSOR_PATH, the function XcursorLibraryPath
in libXcursor will return a hardcoded value unsuitable for NixOS.
Some desktops as well as display managers in NixOS currently do
set XCURSOR_PATH, but there are combinations where neither does
(e.g. SDDM+XFCE), resulting in no cursor themes being available.
The new definition if XCURSOR_PATH is effectively the same as what
KDE's startkde currently does.
Fixes issue #21442.
To be able to use Wireshark as an ordinary user, the 'dumpcap' program
must be installed setuid root. This module module simplifies such a
configuration to simply:
programs.wireshark.enable = true;
The setuid wrapper is available for users in the 'wireshark' group.
Changes v1 -> v2:
- add "defaultText" to the programs.wireshark.package option (AFAIK,
that prevents the manual from being needlessly rebuilt when the
package changes)
The content of programs.zsh.interactiveShellInit was
inserted too soon in the generated zshrc
This caused some settings related to autocompletion to be ignored
The configuration { services.openssh.enable = true;
services.openssh.forwardX11 = false; } caused
programs.ssh.setXAuthLocation to be set to false, which was not the
intent. The intent is that programs.ssh.setXAuthLocation should be
automatically enabled if needed or if xauth is already available.