Old package expression had two problems:
* source download link was broken
* when working, it downloaded almost 400 MB of data because it cloned
the entire mercurial repo, via http it's only about 140 MB.
[Bjørn: extend commit message]
Oracle changed the path of the files.
Previous versions looked like:
$ jar tf UnlimitedJCEPolicyJDK7.zip
The new version looks like:
$ jar tf jce_policy-8.zip
A better solution is probably just to trim the directory off completely.
It's a replacement for the figlet utility based on libcaca and has a few
more features, such as:
* The ability to load FIGlet fonts
* Support for Unicode input and output
* Support for colour fonts
* Support for colour output
* Support for various output formats: HTML, IRC, ANSI...
I've stolen the description from the Debian package:
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
In order to load compressed figlet/toilet fonts, libcaca needs to have
support for zlib.
The motivation behind this is because I'm going to package toilet, which
comes with compressed fonts by default.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
Seems cleaner.
Hm, there are also loadfiles in $out/share/doc/dbench/loadfiles/
(installed by the upstream build system), but there is no iscsi/
directory in there.
A `thunar` plugin that adds archive manipulation features to
right click on file/directory menu. It can use either gnome or
kde archive managers. Detection of backend based on
`*.desktop` files mime types.
Should supercede non-functional pre-existing
`xfce.thunar_archive_plugin` (which for some
unknown reason is building the volume manager
Also removed `xfce.thunar_archive_plugin` because
- When plugin package is installed, the supplementary
menu entries appear in thunar.
- Succesfully extracted an archive using backend
`file-roller` through thunar menu entry.
+ minor changes from vcunat, mainly meta.
This allows to create overlayfs mounts by unprivileged containers (i.e.
in user and mount namespace). It's super-useful for containers.
The patch is trivial as I understand from the patch description it's
does not have security implications (on top of what user namespaces
already have). And it's enabled in ubuntu long time ago. Here is a proof:
- Use postPatch for patching, so don't need to manually override
configurePhase and installPhase.
- Add python to buildInputs, so fio2gnuplot gets patchShebangs'd.
- Add platforms, so it gets built by Hydra.
The patch only applies for Firefox versions between 37.0 and 40.1.
Because we're on version 41.0 the changes are already included upstream
and thus the patch doesn't apply and is even unnecessary.
As for version 38.3 for ESR, the patch doesn't apply as well if compiled
with enableGTK3. Of course, this is a bit unfortunate but I don't have
the time right now to properly rebase the patch on 38.3.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
Reported-by: devhell <"^"@regexmail.net>
This update was generated by hackage2nix v20150922-6-g5d5ccfe using the following inputs:
- Nixpkgs: eaa43c65b3
- Hackage: c048a402d3
- LTS Haskell: c7012a704b
- Stackage Nightly: a74568b554
A big version jump after io.js merge.
dontDisableStatic flag is added since the ./configure script didn't
recognize "--disable-static" flag added by default.
New dependencies are also introduced, coming from io.js
Upstream changes:
- Fixed compatibility with Zalman VE-200: now newly created directories do
not have archive bit set.
- Fixed heap corruption: malformed FS can use invalid sector or cluster size.
- Fixed hang on mount: malformed FS can have cyclic references in the
clusters map.