switch source to gitlab as that's the new upstream source
use wrapper variables for everything but i18n
add sym and fp templates to template path
update meta to reflect kicad's own language
set license to AGPLv3, according to the source's LICENSE.README
reduce diff between default and unstable in preparation of merging
on debian gets "no module named 'math'"
pcbnew 3d viewer is unusable (at least on my T410)
make unstable use kicad-libraries
still using a link in $out..., not sure that's a bad thing
this allows setting that path in makeWrapperArgs
can't use $out there
kicad-with-packages3d -> kicad and kicad-small
default to OCCT, OCE is outdated
enforce OCCT on aarch64, where OCE is broken
withOCE flag allows using OCE on non-aarch64
In normal use of ROOT the PYTHONPATH is intended to be set when user
sources the thisroot.{,s}sh. We do that in the setupHook. This covers
the case when thisroot.sh was not sourced.
Idea shamelessly stolen from 4e60b0efae.
I realized that I don't really know anymore where I'm listed as maintainer and what
I'm actually (co)-maintaining which means that I can't proactively take
care of packages I officially maintain.
As I don't have the time, energy and motivation to take care of stuff I
was interested in 1 or 2 years ago (or packaged for someone else in the
past), I decided that I make this explicit by removing myself from several
packages and adding myself in some other stuff I'm now interested in.
I've seen it several times now that people remove themselves from a
package without removing the package if it's unmaintained after that
which is why I figured that it's fine in my case as the affected pkgs
are rather low-prio and were pretty easy to maintain.
The pybrial package is a bit awkward. It doesn't have its own top-level
attribute, since it has a cyclic dependency with sage. That's one of the
reasons why it rarely gets updated. Its distributed along with brial, so
its best to keep the versions synchronized. The easiest way to do this
is to just re-use the source of brial.