FFMPEG support allows a greater variety of export and import options.
SNDFILE support allows WAV and other sound file formats to be used.
JACK support allows blender to be used with XJadeo, Ardour or any other JACK away audio editor.
dropbox-cli, part of dropbox-nautilus is a small self-contained python
script to control the dropbox daemon.
Signed-off-by: Moritz Ulrich <moritz@tarn-vedra.de>
stable: 25.0.1364.152 -> 26.0.1410.43 (builds fine, tested)
beta: 26.0.1410.28 -> 26.0.1410.43 (builds fine, tested)
dev: 26.0.1410.28 -> 27.0.1448.0 (build fixed and tested)
For version 27, this introduces a new dependency on libXtst and removes the
patch for siginfo_t and the pulseaudio array bounds error.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
This patch was introduced before (7e5109a) the stdenv-updates merge and is no
longer needed, as the current C library doesn't use this flag anymore.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
The updater was actually getting the -lite version, which our expression won't
build with, except if we switch some bundled dependencies to those in nixpkgs.
Of course the problem with fetching version 27 was me being stupid and using a
case statement in the updater, as if there won't be any version after 26 ;-)
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
Without the --disable-nptl-bug-check configure option LinuxSampler
refuses to build. It seems to be a long standing bug. Despite this, I
have used LinuxSampler for over a week now and it seems OK.
Our hard-linking code depended on md5sum, which FreeBSD doesn't have in its
system environment. To avoid that impure dependency, the hard-linking is now
done with the 'hardlink' utility from Nixpkgs.
First, pass in `self' again so that overriding works properly (thanks
for pointing that out, @edolstra)
Second, instead of having linuxPackages*.kernel mean something different
inside the set and out, add a new attribute linuxPackages*.kernelDev,
which for the generic kernel is simply linuxPackages*.kernel but for the
manual-config kernel is the `dev' output (which has the build tree,
source tree, etc.)
The second change required trivial modifications in a bunch of
expressions, I verified that all of the linuxPackages* sets defined in
all-packages.nix have the same drv paths before and after the change.
Signed-off-by: Shea Levy <shea@shealevy.com>
A tarball is only available to subscribers or people who pay
to download it on the site. This project is GPL licensed but
users are strongly encouraged to support it financially
The builder.sh script used to call "make bootstrap" before running the build.
This build step, however, removes all kinds of generated files normally
included in the distributions -- such as the 'configure' script. If that target
is run, then new version of Emacs require Autoconf and Automake to compile.
Since the benefit of running "make bootstrap" is unclean to me, I chose to
remove that build step instead. As far as I can tell, the Emacs binary that
results from this build works fine.
This adds the proprietary makemkv package to convert dvd and blu-ray
videos to mkv.
I've tested that it builds, nothing more.
Signed-off-by: Shea Levy <shea@shealevy.com>
This updates all release channels to the latest versions:
stable: 25.0.1364.97 -> 25.0.1364.152 (builds fine, untested)
beta: 26.0.1410.12 -> 26.0.1410.28 (builds fine, tested)
dev: 26.0.1410.12 -> 26.0.1410.28 (builds fine, tested)
Still, we should have version 27 already for the dev channel, so we might look
about where to find the newest tarball.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
Weston depends on cairo and pixman, but cairo uses a special version of pixman.
In the previous commit I solved a linking problem by specifying the same pixman
version for weston, but it's easier to rely on cairo propagating it. Thanks
viric for the tip!
Outrageous! They fixed the tarball by including the missing file.
Well, at least we now don't have that much cruft laying around and can remove
that rather long patch.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
This patch is cherry-picked from VirtualBox Subversion, revision 44867.
It's rather small and only is in effect if kernel version is >= 3.9.0, so it
won't break existing kernels, so I'm adding it here despite we usually only care
about the latest stable upstream (kernel) versions.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
This adds a patch to support CONFIG_UIDGID_STRICT_TYPE_CHECKS being activated in
the kernel config (selected by CONFIG_USER_NS for example).
When this kernel option is enabled, current->cred->uid is a structure rather
than a simple integer type (uid_t and gid_t), so we need to check for that and
also pass the current user namespace where needed.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
The tarball for this version is missing the file VRDEVideoIn.h, which is added
through the missing_files_4.2.8.patch and extracted from Subversion, revision
Upstream changelog(s) can be found at the usual place:
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
This was missing in the previous update as well, and no one seemed to notice it,
including myself? Anyway, it's now fixed.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
This gets rid of the patch for newer pulseaudio library versions.
In addition, we now have protobuf and pciutils in default dependencies, as those
are required (or better: optional, but recommended and thus activated by the
default gyp options) by versions >= 25.
Also, we now no longer depend on libpng, but I'm not dropping this, as we want
to get back to libpng from nixpkgs again 'real soon'.
The stack-protector flag is now disabled by default accross all versions, and
probably didn't hurt back in version 24, but at least we're now no longer add it
dependant on a particular version.
And those pesky post/onlyXX version booleans are now pre/postXX, to ensure
better clarity.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
So, after searching for days in the wrong spot, eventually discovering that
postPatch isn't run on Hydra, we're now set to move forward to version 25, YAY!
Build has been tested locally (not that this would mean anything for Hydra, as
we've seen) and the output has been actively used for browsing by me :-)
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
This is needed in order to ensure that the postPatch hook is executed, which is
not when the patches list is empty.
It is fixed by 82f94df719 in stdenv-updates.
So as soon as the branch gets merged, we can get rid of this hack as well.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
This reverts commit b7cbb4da11.
The main reason behind this - apart from looking ugly - is that it didn't really
solve anything, see:
So, we need a different and less hacky approach...
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
So, chromium 25 is now stable, so we really need to get the build fixed on Hydra
as soon as possible. And let's hope without nasty workarounds.
This commits updates dev and beta channels to version 26.0.1410.12, because
version 27.0.1423.0 seems to be unavailable right now. Build is running
successfully on my machine, and the browser works as well on the sites I usually
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
2.60 is the newest of the gtk2-compatible versions. (Transmission >=
2.61 requires gtk3.)
* Add inotify as input to not have transmission-daemon poll the torrent
auto-load directory.
* Add file as input to fix a small build time issue (non-fatal).
* Remove unneeded gtk configure flags (support is auto-detected).
* icon-theme.cache is only generated when building with gtk, so use
rm -f to not error out when building without gtk.
* Use gtk ? null instead of gtkClient flag because it is simpler.
Build and runtime tested with and without gtk support.
Merge conflicts seemed trivial, but a look from viric and aszlig would be nice.
So, this is our sledgehammer, forcing -fno-stack-protector for every gcc/g++ in
the univ... Chromium build. Of course this is a somewhat nasty fix and there
should be a real fix somewhere in Chromium 26. But instead of wandering around
and picking cherries, we now go out for the slaughter until someone brings us
the damn cherries because we are FUURRRIII... no well... time for sleep :-)
May the mighty Hydra be with us!
Thanks to our great fellow @cillianderoiste, for joining the battle with his
almighty battle axe, crushing and burning some CPUs.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
Tested-by: Cillian de Róiste <cillian.deroiste@gmail.com>
This should at least mitigate our build error to only occur in v8 anymore.
Unfortunately we can't use v8 from nixpkgs right now, so we're going to put out
our sledgehammer in the next commit. Meanwhile, it doesn't hurt to get rid of
the bundled protobuf library, so let's do it.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
x-updates is supposed to merge after stdenv-updates, so let's test it
pkgs/development/libraries/gtk+/2.x.nix (both updated, taking newer)
pkgs/development/libraries/mesa/default.nix (taking nativeBuildInputs)
Unfortunately, we have build errors for version 25 in the bundled libvpx:
As I can't reproduce this on my local system (I've disabled the option
CONFIG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR here), let's just hope that libvpx is the only part
that fails during build because of this.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
The upgrade currently doesn't involve the -lite package, as we need to use a few
more dependencies from nixpkgs first before we can finally fully switch over to
the lite package, even though the update script will try to fetch it anyway.
In this update, one particular problem that arises in conjuction with the
seccomp BPF sandbox is caused by this commit:
Which particularily filters flags to the clone() syscall. I've spent (wasted?) a
few hours figuring out the troublesome flag, eventually figuring it out and -
just by curiousity ("Do other distributions have the same problem?") - searched
the web for "chromium CLONE_DETACHED" and BEHOLD...
A post from our OWN mailinglist pops up with the same patch I intended to do:
So shame on me for not being subscribed to the mailing list, and big thanks to
Ian Farmer for the patch.
As a consequence I'm now subscribed.
So, back to chromium itself, version 26 builds fine and works so far without
much (more to come in later commits) trouble.
We also had to introduce three more dependencies:
* protobuf: This one is because we don't need to use the bundled one anymore,
so we can use the version in nixpkgs.
* speechd: Not sure whether this was bundled or not, but let's use nixpkgs
version as well to keep down build time.
* libXdamage: Needed for screen capturing support.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
Also updated weston to 1.0.5, and got rid of the patch that's no longer needed.
They fixed it upstream even if it was actually caused by our pkg-config patch.
This patches the Hydrogen scons build script to work a failure to
parse the JACK version correctly. If I understand correctly upstream
Hydrogen now uses cmake instead of Scons, so this shouldn't be a
problem with the next Hydrogen release.
This is just in order to make it easier to determine the latest upstream version
from the Packages file of Google's APT repository.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
This update is a bit more problematic, as the bundled version of libpng is
version 1.2.45 and the version in nixpkgs is 1.5.13. Even if trying to run with
libpng12 from nixpkgs, it seems to collide with parts of the bundled version.
So, until this is either fixed upstream or we have a good solution, we're using
bundled libpng for chromium version 25 and higher.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
Let's begin with the most trivial one: The stable version.
This version just contains a few bug fixes and builds fine so far.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
Starting with version 26, there is a chromium-$version-lite package and it is an
LZMA archive as well, so download size is reduced by about 44%.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
The current beta version of chromium just became stable, which means that we are
now exactly in par with the beta channel.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
For this update we needed to fix a bunch of things:
* Limit pulse_audio_fix.patch to version 24 only (fixed upstream in 25).
* Avoid the use of -fstack-protector for version 25.
The -fstack-protector option seems to be passed to libvpx now by default, so
simply use -fno-stack-protector in every occurence of -fstack-protector in
common.gypi. At least for now this will do it, but ultimately and for the future
we may want to have support for that in general.
And if we need that support in chromium directly depends on some of the next
updates to this package, as it seems that we now can switch to quite a lot of
nixpkgs dependencies instead of bundled dependencies.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
Might come in handy to actually know when things going to break.
In case you're wondering: Yes, "aszlig" is the name everyone uses in real life
(even my family uses it) and is my pending stage name (not _yet_ officially).
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
The patch previously was fetched from an Arch Linux contributor but is no longer
available there anymore. So, this is only an intermediate fix until channels get
updated (very soon I hope, even though chromium 25 could get quite messy).
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>
Fortunately this time the upstream package was packaged correctly and we no
longer need the patch to remove the reference to the fa_IR locale.
In addition we need to add lvm2 to dependencies because VirtualBox now requires
libdevmapper with its default configuration. We could disable it but in order to
gain DM support I think it's necessary and at least could avoid some confusion
from users if it's not working "out of the box" :-)
This is a bugfix release, upstream changes are:
* VMM: don't inject stale VT-x events to prevent crashes after VM reset
* VMM: workaround for buggy BIOSes which enable MONITOR only for certain CPUs
* GUI: fixed trimming of anti-aliased text in details-view element headers
* GUI: fixed create-settings-file-alias functionality on Mac hosts
* GUI: fixed take-guest-screenshot functionality on Windows hosts
* GUI: several minor fixes, including palette fixes
* GUI: fixed Windows 2012 OS type
* GUI: allow to terminate the VM even if VBoxSVC crashed
* API: fixed cancelling of snapshots, previously this could lead to
inconsistent VM configs
* API: fixed identifying disk images by UUID
* 3D Support: several fixes
* VRDP: fixed occasional crash with external authentication
* VGA: fix for double scan text modes
* USB: fixed invalid pending request count at the time of service of DEVICE
POWER requests (Windows hosts only)
* USB keyboard: Korean keyboard workaround
* Storage: fixed hang with QCOW images and asynchronous I/O enabled
* Storage: fixed hang with newer VHD images
* Storage: actually write the non-rotational flag to the VM settings (4.2.0
* Virtio-net: fixed the problem with network statistics counters in Session
Information dialog (GUI)
* Metrics: introduced network rate and disk usage metrics
* Metrics: fixed a crash under certain conditions on Solaris hosts
* BIOS: fix for El Torito
* Shared Folders: if the host folder of a shared folder mapping does not exist,
keep it active but mark it as invalid to prevent inconsistent
saved states
* VBoxManage: fixed converting disks from raw images
* VBoxManage: show snapshot description in the VM or snapshot information
* VBoxManage: make implicit opening of media consistent in all places dealing
with media
* VBoxManage: the iSCSI initiator name was not stored in the settings file when
doing storageattach
* VBoxManage: metrics collect now properly handles 'CPU/MHz' and
'Net/*/LinkSpeed' metrics
* VBoxManage: changing the image UUID or parent UUID as part of storageattach
works now in all safe cases
* VBoxManage: introduced storageattach --medium additions as a shortcut to
mount the additions image
* OVF: fixed importing OVF files cerated by recent VMware products
* Linux hosts / Bridged Networking: fixed the problem with leaking connections
in conntrack
* Linux Additions: added support for ConsoleKit sessions in the vminfo service
of VBoxService
* Linux Additions: don't crash during remount under certain conditions
* Linux/Solaris Additions: fixed guest memory metrics collection
* Solaris hosts: added a dependency to ensure that the user directories are
reachable when starting VBox services
* Windows host installer: integrated user-contributed translations, thanks to
all contributors!
* Windows Additions: fixed auto-logon installation for Windows 8
* Windows Additions: don't fail if the shared folders host service is not
* Windows Additions: fixed Guest Additions startup on Windows 2000 guests
* Windows Additions: auto-resize fixes for Windows 8 guests
Upstream changelist with bug ids can be found here:
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>