Test suite graphviz-testsuite: RUNNING...
This is the test suite for the graphviz library.
If any of these tests fail, please inform the maintainer,
including full output of this test suite.
Running test: "Printing and parsing of Attributes".
The most common source of errors in printing and parsing are for
+++ OK, passed 200 tests.
All tests for "Printing and parsing of Attributes" were successful!
Running test: "Printing generalised Dot code".
When generalising "DotGraph" values to other "DotRepr" values,
the generated Dot code should be identical.
+++ OK, passed 200 tests.
All tests for "Printing generalised Dot code" were successful!
Running test: "Printing and Parsing DotReprs".
The graphviz library should be able to parse back in its own
generated Dot code for any "DotRepr" instance
+++ OK, passed 200 tests.
+++ OK, passed 200 tests.
+++ OK, passed 200 tests.
All tests for "Printing and Parsing DotReprs" were successful!
Running test: "Pre-processing Dot code".
When parsing Dot code, some pre-processing is done to remove items
such as comments and to join together multi-line strings. This
test verifies that this pre-processing doesn't affect actual
Dot code by running the pre-processor on generated Dot code.
This test is not run on generalised Dot graphs as if it works for
normal dot graphs then it should also work for generalised ones.
+++ OK, passed 200 tests.
All tests for "Pre-processing Dot code" were successful!
Running test: "Augmenting FGL Graphs".
The various Graph to Graph functions in Data.GraphViz should
only _augment_ the graph labels and not change the graphs
themselves. This test compares the original graphs to these
augmented graphs and verifies that they are the same.
*** Failed! (after 1 test):
Error running utility program: Error messages from neato:
The tests for "Augmenting FGL Graphs" failed!
Not attempting any further tests.
Test suite graphviz-testsuite: FAIL
Test suite logged to: dist/test/graphviz-2999.16.0.0-graphviz-testsuite.log
0 of 1 test suites (0 of 1 test cases) passed.
Running 4 test suites...
Test suite doctests: RUNNING...
### Error in src/Data/Complex/Lens.hs:33: expression `let { a doctests: <stderr>: hPutChar: invalid argument (invalid character)
Test suite doctests: FAIL
Test suite logged to: dist/test/lens-
Test suite hunit: RUNNING...
Test suite hunit: PASS
Test suite logged to: dist/test/lens-
Test suite properties: RUNNING...
Test suite properties: PASS
Test suite logged to: dist/test/lens-
Test suite templates: RUNNING...
Test suite templates: PASS
Test suite logged to: dist/test/lens-
3 of 4 test suites (3 of 4 test cases) passed.
Test suite test: RUNNING...
test: SqlError {sqlState = "", sqlNativeError = -1, sqlErrorMsg = "could not connect to server: No such file or directory\n\tIs the server running locally and accepting\n\tconnections on Unix domain socket \"/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432\"?\n"}
Test suite test: FAIL
Test suite logged to: dist/test/postgresql-simple-
0 of 1 test suites (0 of 1 test cases) passed.
Could not find module `Happstack.Server.Tests'
Perhaps you meant
Happstack.Server.Types (from happstack-server-7.1.6)
Happstack.Server.Auth (from happstack-server-7.1.6)
Happstack.Server.Client (from happstack-server-7.1.6)
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Running 1 test suites...
Test suite tests: RUNNING...
Tests for all distributions:
Tests for: BetaDistribution:
C.D.F. sanity: [OK, passed 100 tests]
CDF limit at +tests: <stdout>: commitBuffer: invalid argument (invalid character)
Test suite tests: FAIL
Test suite logged to: dist/test/statistics-
Test suite test: RUNNING...
test: SqlError {sqlState = "", sqlNativeError = -1, sqlErrorMsg = "could not connect to server: No such file or directory\n\tIs the server running locally and accepting\n\tconnections on Unix domain socket \"/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432\"?\n"}
Test suite test: FAIL
Test suite logged to: dist/test/postgresql-simple-
0 of 1 test suites (0 of 1 test cases) passed.
Could not find module `Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated'
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Setup: Pattern match failure in do expression at Setup.hs:6:5-15
Running 1 test suites...
Test suite spec: RUNNING...
spec: test/inputFile: openFd: does not exist (No such file or directory)
- sends an entire file FAILED [1]
spec: test/inputFile: openFd: does not exist (No such file or directory)
- sends a part of file FAILED [2]
spec: test/inputFile: openFd: does not exist (No such file or directory)
- terminates even if length is over
spec: test/inputFile: openFd: does not exist (No such file or directory)
- terminates even if offset is over
- terminates even if the file is truncated FAILED [3]
spec: test/inputFile: openFd: does not exist (No such file or directory)
- sends an header and an entire file FAILED [4]
spec: test/inputFile: openFd: does not exist (No such file or directory)
- sends an header and a part of file FAILED [5]
spec: test/inputFile: openFd: does not exist (No such file or directory)
- sends a large header and an entire file FAILED [6]
spec: test/inputFile: openFd: does not exist (No such file or directory)
- sends a large header and a part of file FAILED [7]
spec: test/inputFile: openFd: does not exist (No such file or directory)
- terminates even if length is over
spec: test/inputFile: openFd: does not exist (No such file or directory)
- terminates even if offset is over
- terminates even if the file is truncated FAILED [8]
1) Sendfile.sendfile sends an entire file FAILED (uncaught exception)
IOException (test/inputFile: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory))
2) Sendfile.sendfile sends a part of file FAILED (uncaught exception)
IOException (test/inputFile: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory))
3) Sendfile.sendfile terminates even if the file is truncated FAILED (uncaught exception)
IOException (test/inputFile: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory))
4) Sendfile.sendfileWithHeader sends an header and an entire file FAILED (uncaught exception)
IOException (test/inputFile: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory))
5) Sendfile.sendfileWithHeader sends an header and a part of file FAILED (uncaught exception)
IOException (test/inputFile: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory))
6) Sendfile.sendfileWithHeader sends a large header and an entire file FAILED (uncaught exception)
IOException (test/inputFile: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory))
7) Sendfile.sendfileWithHeader sends a large header and a part of file FAILED (uncaught exception)
IOException (test/inputFile: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory))
8) Sendfile.sendfileWithHeader terminates even if the file is truncated FAILED (uncaught exception)
IOException (test/inputFile: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory))
Running 1 test suites...
Test suite test-versions: RUNNING...
test-versions: test/queens-ghc-6.12.1.eventlog: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
Test suite test-versions: FAIL
Test suite logged to: dist/test/ghc-events-
0 of 1 test suites (0 of 1 test cases) passed.