broke the evaluation of nixpkgs.
I also tried to make the gnat wrapper friendly to any gnat installation, not
only gnatboot.
svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=19062
Some things don't work:
- The ghdl expression (it still needs the gcc 4.3.4 src, ...)
- The gnat wrappers need to be more generic - now they work only for the
given gnatboot (taken from gentoo) and gnats installed to their $out
store path.
- Using the cloogppl and ppl. We will need our own gnatboot built with c++
libraries for that.
svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=19060
sheevaplug kernel, so the kernel does not build in the sheevaplug right now.
I will try to fix that in next commits.
svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=19045
regexp looking for such ld arguments did not work well with "".
Now I added the condition that the argument should not start with a hyphen, for
it to be possibly considered a .so file to link with.
svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=18919
Removing any reference to the gcc-wrapper2, as now the gcc-wrapper already conveys
the changes, I created gcc-wrapper2 in trunk for.
svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=18913
source regions which are substituded by the tool nix-repository-manager.
sourceByName is called sourceFromHead now.
updates: MPlayerTrunk, haxe, neko, netsurf, cinelerra, ctags
cinelerra does no longer build due to Xorg update
svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=18894
In this gcc-wrapper2 I made the to handle the linking with shared
objects through direct pass as ld command arguments of the absolute path to shared
objects, instead of using the -L/-l combinations.
cmake 'FindXXX.cmake' modules make a strong usage of the dynamic linking directly
passing the absolute path to the shared object to the linker, and as our wrapper did
not add any -rpath for those, writting the nix expressions for some cmake packages
resulted in a lot of tricks, compared to using this gcc-wrapper2.
This gcc-wrapper2/ should become the gcc-wrapper/ld-wrapper in a
stdenv update.
I also updated some cmake expressions to use this gcc-wrapper2, and reduced its
I also updated the cmake setup-hook for it to make cmake not touch any rpath decided
at build time, when running the 'make install' of makefiles created by cmake.
svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=18885
I think directory renaming breaks the usual merges... because it leaves the
'to be removed' directory in the working directory still. A manual 'rm' of the
'to be removed' directory fixed the commit.
svn merge ^/nixpkgs/trunk
svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=18661
native strip. So we now distinguish dontStrip and dontCrossStrip. I updated
the expressions for glibc-2.9 and glibc-2.11 accordingly.
I could get rid of the cross-glibc depending on the cross-gcc-stage-static.
Enabling nls in the final cross-gcc.
I still have problems on wint_t/wchar_t not working on cross build. Gettext
does not build.
svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=18562
- Disabling guile test, because one fails. I commented on that in the source.
On cross builds:
- Adding stripping
- Updating the glibc-2.11 expression to match the parameters of glibc-2.9,
which I was updating more.
- Renaming from selfNativeBuildInput to selfBuildNativeInput, so this matches
better the pattern buildNativeInputs.
svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=18550
- Before this changes, cflags and ldflags for the native and the cross compiler
got mixed. Not all the gcc-wrapper/gcc-cross-wrapper variables are
independant now, but enough, I think.
- Fixed the generic stdenv expression, which did a big mess on buildInputs and
buildNativeInputs. Now it distinguishes when there is a stdenvCross or not.
Maybe we should have a single stdenv and forget about the stdenvCross
adapter - this could end in a stdenv a bit complex, but simpler than the
generic stdenv + adapter.
- Added basic support in pkgconfig for cross-builds: a single PKG_CONFIG_PATH
now works for both the cross and the native compilers, but I think this
should work well for most cases I can think of.
- I tried to fix the guile expression to cross-biuld; guile is built, but not
its manual, so the derivation still fails. Guile requires patching to
cross-build, as far as I understnad.
- Made the glibcCross build to be done through the usage of a
gcc-cross-wrapper over the gcc-cross-stage-static, instead of using it
- Trying to make physfs (a neverball dependency) cross build.
- Updated the gcc expression to support building a cross compiler without getting
derivation variables mixed with those of the stdenvCross.
svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=18534
- Stating better the guile dependencies (native/host) for guile to build
- Fixing cross-linking, through --rpath-link (ld(1) explains well about it
- Made gcc call the linker and the assembler through the gcc wrapper instead of
directly. I thought this was the source of missing -rpath's, but the source
of the problem ended up being the lack of --rpath-link. But I think the
native gcc calls the wrapped ld and as, so let's do the same cross
- Removed the binutilsCross from the glibc expressions. Now they are built
using the gcc-cross-wrapper, and they were built with the direct gcc and
binutils before this change.
- I think patchelf and strip don't break the cross-compiled binaries, so I
reallow them on cross compilation.
- I disable the checkPhase on cross compilation. This made gmp and libtool
fail when cross compiled, iirc.
svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=18498
linking path), and with this achieved bash being cross-compilable.
I fixed the few expressions involved in bash building, so they have well stated
native and non-native inputs.
I also tried to cross-build guile, and with this I found a problem in the
actual cross-gcc: it calls the binutils ld, instead of the ld wrapper. This
way, the programs/shared_libraries don't get the proper -rpath.
svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=18497
derivation, the "buildInputs" in every stdenv mkDerivation don't map now
directly to the environment
variable "buildInputs" in the builder, but "buildNativeInputs". So, the inputs
build by the native compiler.
When cross compiling, they will map to the environment variable "buildInputs"
(yes, now the same name), which means does to be built with the cross compiler.
I think I improved the naming of variables a bit. There was a big mess,
specially in the stdenv adapter for cross building, and also in the default
builder script.
I also tried to add proper manager of propagatedInputBuilds, these being
propagated considering the host or build origin of that input build (so, at the
end, being those propagatedInputBuilds being propagated properly to the native
or the cross compiler.
svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=18477
The `--depth' argument asks Git to fetch the last revisions of the given
repo on *any* branch, which is often useless.
Thanks to Lluís Battle for clarifying this.
svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=18438
My idea is to provide special stdenv expressions that will contain in the path
additional cross compilers. As most expressions for programs accept a stdenv parameter,
we could substitute this parameter with the special stdenv, which will have a
generic builder that attempts the usual "--target=..." and can additionally
have an env variable like "cross" with the target architecture set.
So, finally we could have additional expressions like this:
bashRealArm = makeOverridable (import ../shells/bash) {
inherit fetchurl bison;
stdenv = stdenvCross "armv5tel-unknown-linux-gnueabi";
Meanwhile it does not work - I still cannot get the cross-gcc to build.
I think it does not fill the previous expressions with a lot of noise, so I
think it may be a good path to follow.
I only touched some files of the current stdenv: gcc-4.3, kernel headers
2.6.28, glibc 2.9, ...
I tried to use the gcc-cross-wrapper, that may be very outdated. Maybe I will
update it, or update the gcc-wrapper expression to make it fit the cross tools,
but meanwhile I even cannot build gcc, so I have not tested the wrapper.
This new idea on cross compiling is not similar to that of the
nixpkgs/branches/cross-compilation, which mostly added bare new expressions for
anything to be cross compiled, if I understood it correctly.
I cared not to break anything of the usual stdenv in all this work.
svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=18343