luaPackages replaced by generated ones:
- bit32
- compat53
- cqueues
- luacyrussasl -> cyrussasl (luarocks name)
- luaexpat
- luadbi -> luadbi front-end module + separate backend modules
- luafilesystem
- luaossl
- luasec
- luasocket
- luastdlib -> stdlib (luarocks name)
- lrexlib -> lrexlib-pcre (we already have lrexlib-gnu and
lrexlib-posix, lrexlib-pcre however appears to be the variant used in
mudlet, which is the only current dep in nixpkgs)
- luasqlite -> luasql-sqlite3 (luarocks name)
- lfs -> luafilesytem (we literally had two manually written
luafilesystem expressions, under different names)
Changes and additions to overrides to generated luarocks packgaes,
- busted: Install bash completions along with the zsh ones
- cqueues:
- Perform minor surgery on the rockspec to allow using a single
rockspec to build for all supported Lua versions
- Add a patch by @vcunat to work around a build issue
- luuid: Wrote a tiny patch to allow for Lua 5.1/Luajit compatibility
- General changes:
- Sorted the packages
- Attempted to make the formatting consistent
- Preferenced `.override` instead of `.overrideAttrs` wherever
Minor changes to other packages to adjust for the Lua package changes:
- luakit expression simplified
- prosody expression simplified; but users will now need to specify the
luadbi backend module they intend to use in withExtraLibs
- knot-resolver inputs correctd
- mudlet inputs corrected (although this package was and should still be
Summary of main changes:
- Now makes use of luarocks dependency resolution (builds will fail if
rockspec dependencies are unmet)
- Renamed argument `external_deps` -> `exernalDeps` and add
functionality to handle external dependencies that are multiple-output
- Added an `extraVariables` argument for appending to the contents of
luarocks config `variables` table
- The `rockspecFilename` argument default is now actually used
- The `disabled` argument can now be overriden with a less-restrictive
check, as it now just sets `meta.broken` instead of throwing an error
during eval
- The `doCheck` argument is now actually honored if set to `true`
Summary of resulting package updates:
- bit32: init at 5.3.0-1 (same as current hand-written derivation)
- busted: 2.0.rc12-1 -> 2.0.rc13-0
- compat53: init at 0.7-1 (same as current hand-written derivation)
- cqueues: init at 20171014-0 (same as current hand-written derivation)
- cyrussasl: init at 1.1.0-1 (same as current hand-written derivation)
- lrexlib-pcre: init at 2.9.0-1 (vs 2.8.0 in current hand-written
lrexlib derivation)
- luadbi and backends (luadbi-{mysql,postgresql,sqlite3}): init at
0.7.2-1 (vs 0.7.1 in current hand-written derivation)
- luaexpat: init at 1.3.3-1 (vs 1.3.0 in current hand-written
- luafilesystem: init at 1.7.0-2 (same as current hand-written
- luaossl: init at 20190612-0 (vs 20181207 in current hand-written
- luasec: init at 0.8-1 (same as current hand-written derivation)
- luasocket: init at 3.0rc1-2 (same as current hand-written derivation)
- luasql-sqlite3: init at 2.4.0-1 (vs 2.3.0 in current hand-written
luasqlite3 derivation)
- rapidjson: 0.5.1-1 -> 0.5.2-1
- stdlib: init at 41.2.2-1 (vs 41.2.1 in current hand-written
Would previously overwrite the binary with the wrapper and thus wrap
itself (resulting in an infinite recursion on execution) for the
binaries in /bin.t
the old hash was for 2.0.5, so the store path for the dist-info was: