Before commit 54fa0cfe4e, the `redshift`
service was run with the environment variable `DISPLAY` set to `:0`.
Commit 54fa0cfe4e changed this to
instead use the value of the `services.xserver.display` configuration
option in the value of the `DISPLAY` variable. In so doing, no default
value was provided for the case where `services.xserver.display` is
While the default value of `services.xserver.display` is `0`, use of
which by the `redshift` module would result in `DISPLAY` again being
set to `:0`, `services.xserver.display` may also be `null`, to which
value it is set by, e.g., the `lightdm` module.
In the case that `services.xserver.display` is `null`, with the change
made in commit 54fa0cfe4e, the `DISPLAY`
variable in the environment of the `redshift` service would be set to
`:` (a single colon), which, according to my personal experience,
would result in —
- the `redshift` service failing to start; and
- systemd repeatedly attempting to restart the `redshift` service,
looping indefinitely, while the hapless `redshift` spews error
messages into the journal.
It can be observed that the malformed value of `DISPLAY` is likely at
fault for this issue by executing the following commands in an
ordinary shell, with a suitable `redshift` executable, and the X11
display not already tinted:
- `redshift -O 2500` — This command should reduce the color
temperature of the display (making it more reddish).
- `DISPLAY=':' redshift -O 6500` — This command should raise the
color temperature back up, were it not for the `DISPLAY`
environment variable being set to `:` for it, which should cause
it to, instead, fail with several error messages.
This commit attempts to fix this issue by having the `DISPLAY`
environment variable for the `redshift` service default to its old
value of `:0` in the case that `services.xserver.display` is `null`.
I have tested this solution on NixOS, albeit without the benefit of a
system with multiple displays.
- Replace hand-rolled version of nixos-install in make-disk-image by an
actual call to nixos-install
- Required a few cleanups of nixos-install
- nixos-install invokes an activation script which the hand-rolled version
in make-disk-image did not do. We remove /etc/machine-id as that's
a host-specific, impure, output of the activation script
nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos/release.nix>' -A tests.installer.simple passes
Also tried generating an image with:
nix-build -E 'let
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
lib = pkgs.lib;
nixos = import <nixpkgs/nixos> {
configuration = {
fileSystems."/".device = "/dev/disk/by-label/nixos";
boot.loader.grub.devices = [ "/dev/sda" ];
boot.loader.grub.extraEntries = '"''"'
menuentry "Ubuntu" {
insmod ext2
search --set=root --label ubuntu
configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg
in import <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/make-disk-image.nix> {
inherit pkgs lib;
config = nixos.config;
diskSize = 2000;
partitioned = false;
installBootLoader = false;
Then installed the image:
$ sudo df if=./result/nixos.img of=/dev/sdaX bs=1M
$ sudo resize2fs /dev/disk/by-label/nixos
$ sudo mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt
$ sudo mount --rbind /proc /mnt/proc
$ sudo mount --rbind /dev /mnt/dev
$ sudo chroot /mnt /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot
[ … optionally do something about passwords … ]
and successfully rebooted to that image.
Was doing all this from inside a Ubuntu VM with a single user nix install.
- Fix --no-bootloader which didn't do what it advertised
- Hardcode nixbld GID so that systems which do not have a nixbld user
can still run nixos-install (only with --closure since they can't
build anything)
- Cleanup: get rid of NIX_CONF_DIR(=/tmp)/nix.conf and pass arguments instead
- Cleanup: don't assume that the target system has '<nixpkgs/nixos>' or
'<nixos-config>' to see if config.users.mutableUsers. Instead check if
/var/setuid-wrappers/passwd is there
Installing NixOS now works from a Ubuntu host (using --closure).
nix-build -A tests.installer.simple '<nixpkgs/nixos/release.nix>' succeeds ✓
While useless, some builds may dabble with setuid bits (e.g.,
util-linux), which breaks under grsec. In the interest of user
friendliness, we once again compromise by disabling an otherwise useful
feature ...
It uses import-from-derivation, which is a bad thing, because this
causes hydra-evaluator to build Cassandra at evaluation time.
$ nix-instantiate nixos/release.nix -A tests.cassandra.i686-linux --dry-run
error: cannot read ‘/nix/store/c41blyjz6pfvk9fnvrn6miihq5w3j0l4-cassandra-2.0.16/conf/’, since path ‘/nix/store/0j9ax4z8xhaz5lhrwl3bwj10waxs3hgy-cassandra-2.0.16.drv’ is not valid, at /home/eelco/Dev/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/databases/cassandra.nix:373:11
Also, the module is a mess (bad option descriptions, poor indentation,
a gazillion options where a generic "config" option would suffice, it
opens ports in the firewall, it sets vm.swappiness, ...).
- Agent now takes a full URL to the Go.CD server
- Instruct the agent to attempt restart every 30s upon failure
- Test's Accept header did not match the server's expectation
- Replace the tests' complex Awk matches with calls to `jq`
Update gocd-agent package version to 16.6.0-3590 including new sha. Modify heapSize
and maxMemory mkOption to accurately reflect their intended purpose of configuring
initial java heap sizes.
Addresses #17218 in a better way in that it doesn't create a
".git-revision" file on every nixos-rebuild, because we already have
".git" available. Even if we don't nixos-rebuild can't create the
"git-revision" file.
Tested via:
nix-build -E '(import ./nixos/tests/make-test.nix {
name = "foo";
machine = {};
testScript = "startAll; $machine->execute(\"nixos-version >&2\");";
Closes: #17610
Acked-by: @bennofs
Let's first try if we can determine the Git revision from the .git
directory and if that fails, fall back to get the info from the
".git-revision" file... and after that use something generic like
This should address #17218 in better way, because we don't need to
create another redundant file in the source checkout of nixpkgs.
I'm not going to route of falling back to using .git, because after
55d881e, we already have ".git-revision" files in people's Git
repositories, which in turn means that nixos-version will report that
old file every time even if the working tree has updated.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
Cc: @bennofs, Profpatsch
Reported-by: @devhell
Fixes: #17218