diff --git a/pkgs/lib/customisation.nix b/pkgs/lib/customisation.nix
index 41af26edae7..7b4b390cbef 100644
--- a/pkgs/lib/customisation.nix
+++ b/pkgs/lib/customisation.nix
@@ -61,6 +61,31 @@ rec {
     if x ? deepOverride then (x.deepOverride newArgs) else
     if x ? override then (x.override newArgs) else
     x) else x;
+  /* Call the package function in the file `fn' with the required
+    arguments automatically.  The function is called with the
+    arguments `args', but any missing arguments are obtained from
+    `autoArgs'.  This function is intended to be partially
+    parameterised, e.g.,
+      callPackage = callPackageWith pkgs;
+      pkgs = {
+        libfoo = callPackage ./foo.nix { };
+        libbar = callPackage ./bar.nix { };
+      };
+    If the `libbar' function expects an argument named `libfoo', it is
+    automatically passed as an argument.  Overrides or missing
+    arguments can be supplied in `args', e.g.
+      libbar = callPackage ./bar.nix {
+        libfoo = null;
+        enableX11 = true;
+      };
+  */
+  callPackageWith = autoArgs: fn: args:
+    let f = import fn; in
+    makeOverridable f ((builtins.intersectAttrs (builtins.functionArgs f) autoArgs) // args);
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/ndiswrapper/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/ndiswrapper/default.nix
index 20ae58702a2..c36f29ca6c7 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/ndiswrapper/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/ndiswrapper/default.nix
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-args: with args;
+{ stdenv, fetchurl, kernel, perl }:
 stdenv.mkDerivation {
   name = "ndiswrapper-1.53-stable";
@@ -21,19 +22,19 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
   # should we use unstable? 
-  src = args.fetchurl {
+  src = fetchurl {
     url = http://downloads.sourceforge.net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper-1.53.tar.gz;
     sha256 = "00622nxa3q9n8v7qdz274d0nzz9r13lx77xi27s5bnk0mkila03q";
-  buildInputs =[kernel perl];
+  buildInputs = [ kernel perl ];
   # this is a patch against svn head, not stable version
   patches = [./prefix.patch];
   meta = { 
-      description = "Ndis driver wrapper for the Linux kernel";
-      homepage = http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndiswrapper;
-      license = "GPL";
+    description = "Ndis driver wrapper for the Linux kernel";
+    homepage = http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndiswrapper;
+    license = "GPL";
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
index 2786d7a65f2..acb3a4c05d5 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
@@ -99,6 +99,17 @@ let
   pkgs = pkgsFun __overrides; # the overriden, final packages
+  # We use `callPackage' to be able to omit function arguments that
+  # can be obtained from `pkgs' or `pkgs.xorg' (i.e. `defaultScope').
+  # Use `newScope' for sets of packages in `pkgs' (see e.g. `gtkLibs'
+  # below).
+  callPackage = newScope {};
+  newScope = extra: lib.callPackageWith (defaultScope // extra);
+  defaultScope = pkgs // pkgs.xorg;
   # The package compositions.  Yes, this isn't properly indented.
   pkgsFun = __overrides: with helperFunctions; helperFunctions // rec {
@@ -1168,33 +1179,31 @@ let
     inherit stdenv fetchgit libuuid lzo zlib acl;
-  multitran = recurseIntoAttrs (let
-      inherit fetchurl stdenv help2man;
-    in rec {
-      multitrandata = import ../tools/text/multitran/data {
-        inherit fetchurl stdenv;
-      };
+  multitran = recurseIntoAttrs (let callPackage = newScope pkgs.multitran; in rec {
+    multitrandata = import ../tools/text/multitran/data {
+      inherit fetchurl stdenv;
+    };
-      libbtree = import ../tools/text/multitran/libbtree {
-        inherit fetchurl stdenv;
-      };
+    libbtree = import ../tools/text/multitran/libbtree {
+      inherit fetchurl stdenv;
+    };
-      libmtsupport = import ../tools/text/multitran/libmtsupport {
-        inherit fetchurl stdenv;
-      };
+    libmtsupport = import ../tools/text/multitran/libmtsupport {
+      inherit fetchurl stdenv;
+    };
-      libfacet = import ../tools/text/multitran/libfacet {
-        inherit fetchurl stdenv libmtsupport;
-      };
+    libfacet = import ../tools/text/multitran/libfacet {
+      inherit fetchurl stdenv libmtsupport;
+    };
-      libmtquery = import ../tools/text/multitran/libmtquery {
-        inherit fetchurl stdenv libmtsupport libfacet libbtree multitrandata;
-      };
+    libmtquery = import ../tools/text/multitran/libmtquery {
+      inherit fetchurl stdenv libmtsupport libfacet libbtree multitrandata;
+    };
-      mtutils = import ../tools/text/multitran/mtutils {
-        inherit fetchurl stdenv libmtsupport libfacet libbtree libmtquery help2man;
-      };
-    });
+    mtutils = import ../tools/text/multitran/mtutils {
+      inherit fetchurl stdenv libmtsupport libfacet libbtree libmtquery help2man;
+    };
+  });
   muscleframework = import ../tools/security/muscleframework {
     inherit fetchurl stdenv libmusclecard pkgconfig pcsclite;
@@ -4217,11 +4226,11 @@ let
     inherit (gnome) gtk;
-  gtkLibs = recurseIntoAttrs gtkLibs220;
+  gtkLibs = gtkLibs220;
   glib = gtkLibs.glib;
-  gtkLibs1x = rec {
+  gtkLibs1x = recurseIntoAttrs (let callPackage = newScope pkgs.gtkLibs1x; in rec {
     glib = import ../development/libraries/glib/1.2.x.nix {
       inherit fetchurl stdenv;
@@ -4231,9 +4240,9 @@ let
       inherit fetchurl stdenv x11 glib;
-  };
+  });
-  gtkLibs216 = rec {
+  gtkLibs216 = recurseIntoAttrs (let callPackage = newScope pkgs.gtkLibs216; in rec {
     glib = import ../development/libraries/glib/2.20.x.nix {
       inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig gettext perl;
@@ -4264,13 +4273,13 @@ let
       inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig gtk atk glibmm cairomm pangomm;
-  };
+  });
-  gtkLibs218 = rec {
+  gtkLibs218 = recurseIntoAttrs (let callPackage = newScope pkgs.gtkLibs218; in rec {
     glib = import ../development/libraries/glib/2.22.x.nix {
       inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig gettext perl;
-      libiconv = if (stdenv.system == "i686-freebsd") then libiconv else null;
+      libiconv = if stdenv.system == "i686-freebsd" then libiconv else null;
     glibmm = import ../development/libraries/glibmm/2.22.x.nix {
@@ -4298,13 +4307,13 @@ let
       inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig gtk atk glibmm cairomm pangomm;
-  };
+  });
-  gtkLibs220 = rec {
+  gtkLibs220 = recurseIntoAttrs (let callPackage = newScope pkgs.gtkLibs220; in rec {
     glib = makeOverridable (import ../development/libraries/glib/2.24.x.nix) {
       inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig gettext perl zlib;
-      libiconv = if (stdenv.system == "i686-freebsd") then libiconv else null;
+      libiconv = if stdenv.system == "i686-freebsd" then libiconv else null;
     glibmm = import ../development/libraries/glibmm/2.22.x.nix {
@@ -4332,7 +4341,7 @@ let
       inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig gtk atk glibmm cairomm pangomm;
-  };
+  });
   gtkmozembedsharp = import ../development/libraries/gtkmozembed-sharp {
     inherit fetchurl stdenv mono pkgconfig monoDLLFixer;
@@ -6603,7 +6612,7 @@ let
      for a specific kernel.  This function can then be called for
      whatever kernel you're using. */
-  linuxPackagesFor = kernel: rec {
+  linuxPackagesFor = kernel: self: let callPackage = newScope self; in rec {
     inherit kernel;
@@ -6617,6 +6626,14 @@ let
       inherit fetchurl stdenv kernel;
+    aufs2 = import ../os-specific/linux/aufs2 {
+      inherit fetchurl stdenv kernel perl;
+    };
+    aufs2_util = import ../os-specific/linux/aufs2-util {
+      inherit fetchurl stdenv kernel aufs2;
+    };
     blcr = import ../os-specific/linux/blcr/0.8.2.nix {
       inherit fetchurl stdenv kernel perl makeWrapper autoconf automake;
       libtool = libtool_1_5; # libtool 2 causes a fork bomb
@@ -6722,31 +6739,23 @@ let
       inherit stdenv fetchurl lib patchelf cdrkit kernel;
       inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXt libXext libXmu libXcomposite libXfixes;
-  } // (if kernel.features ? aufsBase then rec {
-      aufs2 = import ../os-specific/linux/aufs2 {
-        inherit fetchurl stdenv kernel perl;
-      };
-      aufs2_util = import ../os-specific/linux/aufs2-util {
-        inherit fetchurl stdenv kernel aufs2;
-      };
-    } else {});
+  };
   # Build the kernel modules for the some of the kernels.
-  linuxPackages_2_6_25 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_25);
-  linuxPackages_2_6_27 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_27);
-  linuxPackages_2_6_28 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_28);
-  linuxPackages_2_6_29 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_29);
-  linuxPackages_2_6_31 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_31);
-  linuxPackages_2_6_32 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_32);
+  linuxPackages_2_6_25 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_25 pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_25);
+  linuxPackages_2_6_27 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_27 pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_27);
+  linuxPackages_2_6_28 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_28 pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_28);
+  linuxPackages_2_6_29 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_29 pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_29);
+  linuxPackages_2_6_31 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_31 pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_31);
+  linuxPackages_2_6_32 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_32 pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_32);
   linuxPackages_2_6_32_systemtap =
-    recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_32_systemtap);
-  linuxPackages_2_6_33 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_33);
-  linuxPackages_2_6_34 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_34);
+    recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_32_systemtap pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_32_systemtap);
+  linuxPackages_2_6_33 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_33 pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_33);
+  linuxPackages_2_6_34 = recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux_2_6_34 pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_34);
   # The current default kernel / kernel modules.
   linux = linux_2_6_32;
-  linuxPackages = linuxPackagesFor linux;
+  linuxPackages = linuxPackages_2_6_32;
   keyutils = import ../os-specific/linux/keyutils {
     inherit fetchurl stdenv;