removed mkDerivationByConfiguration, using composableDerivation instead
qgis, vim_configurable both work now svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=13661
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,72 +1,78 @@
# TODO tidy up eg The patchelf code is patching gvim even if you don't build it..
# but I have gvim with python support now :) - Marc
let edf = args.lib.enableDisableFeature; in
( args.mkDerivationByConfiguration {
# most interpreters aren't tested yet.. (see python for example how to do it)
flagConfig = {
mandatory = { cfgOption = "--enable-gui=auto --with-features=${args.features}";
buildInputs = ["ncurses" "pkgconfig"];
X11 = { buildInputs = [ "libX11" "libXext" "libSM" "libXpm" "libXt" "libXaw" "libXau" "libXmu" ]; };
args: with args;
let inherit (args.composableDerivation) composableDerivation edf; in
composableDerivation {
initial = {
} // edf "darwin" "darwin" { } #Disable Darwin (Mac OS X) support.
// edf "xsmp" "xsmp" { } #Disable XSMP session management
// edf "xsmp_interact" "xsmp_interact" { } #Disable XSMP interaction
// edf "mzscheme" "mzschemeinterp" { } #Include MzScheme interpreter.
// edf "perl" "perlinterp" { } #Include Perl interpreter.
// edf "python" "pythoninterp" { pass = "python"; } #Include Python interpreter.
// edf "tcl" "tclinterp" { } #Include Tcl interpreter.
// edf "ruby" "rubyinterp" { } #Include Ruby interpreter.
// edf "cscope" "cscope" { } #Include cscope interface.
// edf "workshop" "workshop" { } #Include Sun Visual Workshop support.
// edf "netbeans" "netbeans" { } #Disable NetBeans integration support.
// edf "sniff" "sniff" { } #Include Sniff interface.
// edf "multibyte" "multibyte" { } #Include multibyte editing support.
// edf "hangulinput" "hangulinput" { } #Include Hangul input support.
// edf "xim" "xim" { pass = "xim"; } #Include XIM input support.
// edf "fontset" "fontset" { } #Include X fontset output support.
name = "vim_configurable-7.1";
#--enable-gui=OPTS X11 GUI default=auto OPTS=auto/no/gtk/gtk2/gnome/gnome2/motif/athena/neXtaw/photon/carbon
// edf "gtk_check" "gtk_check" { } #If auto-select GUI, check for GTK default=yes
// edf "gtk2_check" "gtk2_check" { } #If GTK GUI, check for GTK+ 2 default=yes
// edf "gnome_check" "gnome_check" { } #If GTK GUI, check for GNOME default=no
// edf "motif_check" "motif_check" { } #If auto-select GUI, check for Motif default=yes
// edf "athena_check" "athena_check" { } #If auto-select GUI, check for Athena default=yes
// edf "nextaw_check" "nextaw_check" { } #If auto-select GUI, check for neXtaw default=yes
// edf "carbon_check" "carbon_check" { } #If auto-select GUI, check for Carbon default=yes
// edf "gtktest" "gtktest" { } #Do not try to compile and run a test GTK program
// edf "acl" "acl" { } #Don't check for ACL support.
// edf "gpm" "gpm" { } #Don't use gpm (Linux mouse daemon).
// edf "nls" "nls" { } #Don't support NLS (gettext()).
src = args.fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "11hxkb6r2550c4n13nwr0d8afvh30qjyr5c2hw16zgay43rb0kci";
optionals = ["python"];
cfgOption = "--enable-gui=auto --with-features=${args.features}";
extraAttrs = co : {
name = "vim_configurable-7.1";
buildInputs = [ncurses pkgconfig]
++ [ libX11 libXext libSM libXpm libXt libXaw libXau libXmu ];
# most interpreters aren't tested yet.. (see python for example how to do it)
flags = {}
// edf { name = "darwin"; } #Disable Darwin (Mac OS X) support.
// edf { name = "xsmp"; } #Disable XSMP session management
// edf { name = "xsmp_interact"; } #Disable XSMP interaction
// edf { name = "mzscheme"; } #Include MzScheme interpreter.
// edf { name = "perl"; } #Include Perl interpreter.
// edf { name = "python"; feat = "pythoninterp"; enable = { buildInputs = [python]; }; } #Include Python interpreter.
// edf { name = "tcl"; } #Include Tcl interpreter.
// edf { name = "ruby"; } #Include Ruby interpreter.
// edf { name = "cscope"; } #Include cscope interface.
// edf { name = "workshop"; } #Include Sun Visual Workshop support.
// edf { name = "netbeans"; } #Disable NetBeans integration support.
// edf { name = "sniff"; } #Include Sniff interface.
// edf { name = "multibyte"; } #Include multibyte editing support.
// edf { name = "hangulinput"; } #Include Hangul input support.
# // edf { name = "xim"; enable = { buildInputs = [xim]; }; } #Include XIM input support.
// edf { name = "fontset"; } #Include X fontset output support.
// edf { name = "acl"; } #Don't check for ACL support.
// edf { name = "gpm"; } #Don't use gpm (Linux mouse daemon).
// edf { name = "nls"; } #Don't support NLS (gettext()).
cfg = {
pythonSupport = true;
#--enable-gui=OPTS X11 GUI default=auto OPTS=auto/no/gtk/gtk2/gnome/gnome2/motif/athena/neXtaw/photon/carbon
// edf "gtk_check" "gtk_check" { } #If auto-select GUI, check for GTK default=yes
// edf "gtk2_check" "gtk2_check" { } #If GTK GUI, check for GTK+ 2 default=yes
// edf "gnome_check" "gnome_check" { } #If GTK GUI, check for GNOME default=no
// edf "motif_check" "motif_check" { } #If auto-select GUI, check for Motif default=yes
// edf "athena_check" "athena_check" { } #If auto-select GUI, check for Athena default=yes
// edf "nextaw_check" "nextaw_check" { } #If auto-select GUI, check for neXtaw default=yes
// edf "carbon_check" "carbon_check" { } #If auto-select GUI, check for Carbon default=yes
// edf "gtktest" "gtktest" { } #Do not try to compile and run a test GTK program
postInstall = "
rpath=`patchelf --print-rpath \$out/bin/vim`;
for i in $\buildInputs; do
echo adding \$i/lib
echo \$buildInputs
echo \$rpath
patchelf --set-rpath \$rpath \$out/bin/{vim,gvim}
dontStrip =1;
meta = {
description = "The most popular clone of the VI editor";
homepage = "";
src = args.fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "0w6gy49gdbw7hby5rjkjpa7cdvc0z5iajsm4j1h8108rvfam22kz";
postInstall = "
rpath=`patchelf --print-rpath \$out/bin/vim`;
for i in $\buildInputs; do
echo adding \$i/lib
echo \$buildInputs
echo \$rpath
patchelf --set-rpath \$rpath \$out/bin/{vim,gvim}
meta = {
description = "The most popular clone of the VI editor";
homepage = "";
} ) args
@ -1,43 +1,9 @@
( args.mkDerivationByConfiguration {
flagConfig = {
mandatory = { implies = [ "no_oss" "no_sun_audio" ]; };
# are these options of interest? We'll see
#--disable-fftw disable usage of FFTW
#--enable-debug enable debugging
#--disable-cpu-clip disable tricky cpu specific clipper
alsa = { cfgOption = "--enable-alsa"; buildInputs = "alsa"; };
no_alsa = { cfgOption = "--disable-alsa"; };
libao = { cfgOption = "--enable-libao"; buildInputs = "libao"; };
no_libao = { cfgOption = "--disable-libao"; };
#oss = { cfgOption = "--enable-oss"; buildInputs = "oss"; };
no_oss = { cfgOption = "--disable-oss"; };
#sun_audio = { cfgOption = "--enable-sun-audio"; buildInputs = "sun_audio"; };
no_sun_audio = { cfgOption = "--disable-sun_audio"; };
args: with args;
let inherit (args.composableDerivation) composableDerivation edf; in
composableDerivation {
# These options should be autodetected by the configure script
--without-sndfile Don't try to use libsndfile
--without-ogg Don't try to use Ogg Vorbis
--without-flac Don't try to use FLAC
--without-ffmpeg Don't try to use ffmpeg
--without-mad Don't try to use MAD (MP3 Audio Decoder)
--without-lame Don't try to use LAME (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder)
--without-amr-wb Don't try to use amr-wb
--without-amr-nb Don't try to use amr-nb
--without-samplerate Don't try to use libsamplerate (aka Secret Rabbit
--without-ladspa Don't try to use LADSPA
--with-ladspa-path Default search path for LADSPA plugins
initial = {
optionals = [ "libsndfile" "libogg" "flac" "ffmpeg" "libmad" "lame"
/* "amr-wb" "amr-nb" */
"libsamplerate" /* "ladspa" */ ];
extraAttrs = co : {
name = "sox-14.0.0";
src = args.fetchurl {
@ -45,6 +11,43 @@ args:
sha256 = "1l7v04nlvb96y0w9crvm6nq8g50yxp3bkv6nb1c205s982inlalc";
flags =
# are these options of interest? We'll see
#--disable-fftw disable usage of FFTW
#--enable-debug enable debugging
#--disable-cpu-clip disable tricky cpu specific clipper
edf { name = "alsa"; enable = { buildInputs = [alsaLib]; }; }
// edf { name = "libao"; enable = { buildInputs = [libao]; }; }
// edf { name = "oss"; }
// edf { name = "sun_audio"; };
# These options should be autodetected by the configure script
--without-sndfile Don't try to use libsndfile
--without-ogg Don't try to use Ogg Vorbis
--without-flac Don't try to use FLAC
--without-ffmpeg Don't try to use ffmpeg
--without-mad Don't try to use MAD (MP3 Audio Decoder)
--without-lame Don't try to use LAME (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder)
--without-amr-wb Don't try to use amr-wb
--without-amr-nb Don't try to use amr-nb
--without-samplerate Don't try to use libsamplerate (aka Secret Rabbit
--without-ladspa Don't try to use LADSPA
--with-ladspa-path Default search path for LADSPA plugins
cfg = {
ossSupport = false;
sun_audioSupport = false;
optionals = [ "libsndfile" "libogg" "flac" "ffmpeg" "libmad" "lame"
/* "amr-wb" "amr-nb" */
"libsamplerate" /* "ladspa" */ ];
meta = {
description = "Sample Rate Converter for audio";
homepage =;
@ -55,4 +58,4 @@ args:
} ];
} ) args
@ -1,26 +1,17 @@
args: with args.lib; with args;
args: with args;
stdenv.mkDerivation {
co = chooseOptionsByFlags {
inherit args;
flagDescr = {
mandatory = { buildInputs = [ "libX11" ]; cfgOption = "--with-x"; };
# many options to add here ... :)
# many of them can be set by configuration file I think..
name = "mrxvt-0.5.3";
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
buildInputs = [libX11];
inherit (co) buildInputs configureFlags;
src = fetchurl {
url = mirror://sourceforge/materm/mrxvt-0.5.3.tar.gz;
sha256 = "04flnn58hp4qvvk6jzyipsj13v1qyrjabgbw5laz5cqxvxzpncp2";
name = "mrxvt-0.5.3";
meta = {
description = "multitabbed lightweight terminal emulator basd on rxvt supporting transparency, backgroundimages, freetype fonts,..";
homepage =;
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
args: with args;
let edf = composableDerivation.edf;
optionIncLib = name : attr : " -D${name}_INCLUDE_DIR=${__getAttr attr args}/incclude"
+ " -D${name}_LIBRARY=${__getAttr attr args}/lib "; # lib 64?
composableDerivation.composableDerivation {
initial = {
buildInputs = [ gdal cmake qt flex bison proj geos x11 sqlite gsl];
cfgOption = [
# without this option it can't find sqlite libs yet (missing symbols..) (TODO)
name = "qgis-${version}";
# src = args.fetchsvn { url=;
# md5="ac0560e0a2d4e6258c8639f1e9b56df3"; rev="7704"; };
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "17vqbld4wr9jyn1s5n0bkpaminsgc2dzcgdfk8ic168xydnwa7b3";
meta = {
description = "user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System";
homepage =;
# you can choose one of the following licenses:
license = [ "GPL" ];
phases = "unpackPhase buildPhase installPhase";
buildPhase = ''pwd;echo XXXXXXXXX; VERBOSE=1 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$out ''${cfgOption} ..'';
postUnpack = ''
for i in $buildInputs $propagatedBuildInputs; do
#configurePhase="./ --prefix=\$out --with-gdal=\$gdal/bin/gdal-config --with-qtdir=\$qt";
# buildPhases="unpackPhase buildPhase";
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
let optionIncLib = name : attr : " -D${name}_INCLUDE_DIR=${__getAttr attr args}/inc"
+ " -D${name}_LIBRARY=${__getAttr attr args}/lib "; # lib 64?
( args.mkDerivationByConfiguration {
flagConfig = {
mandatory = {
buildInputs = [ "gdal" "cmake" "qt" "flex" "bison" "proj" "geos" "x11" "sqlite" "gsl"];
cfgOption = [ (optionIncLib "GEOS" "geos")
(optionIncLib "PROJ" "proj")
(optionIncLib "QT_X11_X11" "qt")
(optionIncLib "QT_X11_Xext" "qt")
(optionIncLib "QT_X11_m" "glibc")
(optionIncLib "SQLITE3" "sqlite")
/* advanced options - feel free to add them if you have time to
#inherit geos proj x11 libXext;
extraAttrs = co : {
name = "qgis-svn";
src = args.fetchsvn { url=;
md5="ac0560e0a2d4e6258c8639f1e9b56df3"; rev="7704"; };
meta = {
description = "user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System";
homepage =;
# you can choose one of the following licenses:
license = [ "GPL" ];
phases = "unpackPhase buildPhase installPhase";
buildPhase = "cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=\$out ${co.configureFlags} .";
#configurePhase="./ --prefix=\$out --with-gdal=\$gdal/bin/gdal-config --with-qtdir=\$qt";
# buildPhases="unpackPhase buildPhase";
} ) args
@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
# this nix expression is not well tested (experimental!)
args: with args.lib; with args;
win32codecs = (import ./win32codecs) {
inherit stdenv fetchurl;
co = chooseOptionsByFlags {
inherit args;
flagConfig = {
# FIXME: we only have to pass X11 if we want to use a X11 driver
mandatory = { buildInputs = [ "x11" "libX11" "freetype" "zlib" ]; };
# FIXME this options are still a mess.. :) feel free to test and implement the missing ones
# Optional features
#--disable-mencoder disable mencoder (a/v encoder) compilation [enable]
#--enable-gui enable gmplayer compilation (GTK+ GUI) [disable]
#--enable-gtk1 force using GTK 1.2 for GUI [disable]
#--enable-largefiles enable support for files > 2 GBytes [disable]
#--enable-linux-devfs set default devices to devfs ones [disable]
#--enable-termcap use termcap database for key codes [autodetect]
#--enable-termios use termios database for key codes [autodetect]
#--disable-iconv do not use iconv(3) function [autodetect]
#--disable-langinfo do not use langinfo [autodetect]
#--enable-lirc enable LIRC (remote control) support [autodetect]
#--enable-lircc enable LIRCCD (LIRC client daemon) input [autodetect]
#--enable-joystick enable joystick support [disable]
#--disable-vm disable support X video mode extensions [autodetect]
#--disable-xf86keysym disable support for 'multimedia' keys [autodetect]
#--enable-radio enable Radio Interface [disable]
#--enable-radio-capture enable Capture for Radio Interface (through pci/line-in) [disable]
#--disable-radio-v4l2 disable Video4Linux2 Radio Interface support [autodetect]
#--disable-tv disable TV Interface (tv/dvb grabbers) [enable]
#--disable-tv-v4l1 disable Video4Linux TV Interface support [autodetect]
#--disable-tv-v4l2 disable Video4Linux2 TV Interface support [autodetect]
#--disable-tv-bsdbt848 disable BSD BT848 Interface support [autodetect]
#--disable-pvr disable Video4Linux2 MPEG PVR support [autodetect]
#--disable-rtc disable RTC (/dev/rtc) on Linux [autodetect]
#--disable-network disable network support (for: http/mms/rtp) [enable]
#--enable-winsock2 enable winsock2 usage [autodetect]
#--enable-smb enable Samba (SMB) input support [autodetect]
#--enable-live enable LIVE555 Streaming Media support [autodetect]
#--disable-dvdnav disable libdvdnav support [autodetect]
#--disable-dvdread Disable libdvdread support [autodetect]
#--disable-mpdvdkit Disable mpdvdkit2 support [autodetect]
#--disable-cdparanoia Disable cdparanoia support [autodetect]
#--disable-bitmap-font Disable bitmap font support [enable]
#--disable-freetype Disable freetype2 font rendering support [autodetect]
#--disable-fontconfig Disable fontconfig font lookup support [autodetect]
#--disable-unrarlib Disable Unique RAR File Library [enabled]
#--enable-menu Enable OSD menu support (NOT DVD MENU) [disabled]
#--disable-sortsub Disable subtitles sorting [enabled]
#--enable-fribidi Enable using the FriBiDi libs [autodetect]
#--disable-enca Disable using ENCA charset oracle library [autodetect]
#--disable-macosx Disable Mac OS X specific features [autodetect]
#--disable-maemo Disable maemo specific features [autodetect]
#--enable-macosx-finder-support Enable Mac OS X Finder invocation parameter parsing [disabled]
#--enable-macosx-bundle Enable Mac OS X bundle file locations [autodetect]
#--disable-inet6 Disable IPv6 support [autodetect]
#--disable-gethostbyname2 gethostbyname() function is not provided by the C
#library [autodetect]
#--disable-ftp Disable ftp support [enabled]
#--disable-vstream Disable tivo vstream client support [autodetect]
#--disable-pthreads Disable Posix threads support [autodetect]
#--disable-ass Disable internal SSA/ASS subtitles support [autodetect]
#--enable-rpath Enable runtime linker path for extra libs [disabled]
# Codecs
#--enable-png enable png input/output support [autodetect]
#--enable-jpeg enable jpeg input/output support [autodetect]
#--enable-libcdio enable external libcdio support [autodetect]
#--enable-liblzo enable external liblzo support [autodetect]
#--disable-win32 disable Win32 DLL support [autodetect]
#--disable-qtx disable Quicktime codecs [autodetect]
#--disable-xanim disable XAnim DLL support [autodetect]
#--disable-real disable RealPlayer DLL support [autodetect]
#--disable-xvid disable XviD codec [autodetect]
#--disable-x264 disable H.264 encoder [autodetect]
#--disable-nut disable libnut demuxer [autodetect]
#--disable-libavutil disable libavutil [autodetect]
#--disable-libavcodec disable libavcodec [autodetect]
#--disable-libavformat disable libavformat [autodetect]
#--disable-libpostproc disable libpostproc [autodetect]
#--disable-libavutil_so disable shared libavutil [autodetect]
#--disable-libavcodec_so disable shared libavcodec [autodetect]
#--disable-libavformat_so disable shared libavformat [autodetect]
#--disable-libpostproc_so disable shared libpostproc [autodetect]
#--disable-libavcodec_mpegaudio_hp disable high precision audio decoding
# in libavcodec [enabled]
#--enable-libfame enable libfame realtime encoder [autodetect]
#--disable-tremor-internal do not build internal Tremor support [enabled]
#--enable-tremor-low build with lower accuracy internal Tremor [disabled]
#--enable-tremor-external build with external Tremor [autodetect]
#--disable-libvorbis disable libvorbis support [autodetect]
#--disable-speex disable Speex support [autodetect]
theora = { cfgOption = "--enable-theora"; buildInputs = "libtheora"; };
#--enable-theora build with OggTheora support [autodetect]
#--enable-faad-external build with external FAAD2 (AAC) support [autodetect]
#--disable-faad-internal disable internal FAAD2 (AAC) support [autodetect]
#--enable-faad-fixed enable fixed-point mode in internal FAAD2 [disabled]
#--disable-faac disable support for FAAC (AAC encoder) [autodetect]
#--disable-ladspa disable LADSPA plugin support [autodetect]
#--disable-libdv disable libdv 0.9.5 en/decoding support [autodetect]
#--disable-mad disable libmad (MPEG audio) support [autodetect]
#--disable-toolame disable Toolame (MPEG layer 2 audio) support in mencoder [autodetect]
#--disable-twolame disable Twolame (MPEG layer 2 audio) support in mencoder [autodetect]
#--enable-xmms build with XMMS inputplugin support [disabled]
#--disable-mp3lib disable builtin mp3lib [enabled]
#--disable-liba52 disable builtin liba52 [enabled]
#--enable-libdts enable libdts support [autodetect]
#--disable-libmpeg2 disable builtin libmpeg2 [enabled]
#--disable-musepack disable musepack support [autodetect]
#--disable-amr_nb disable amr narrowband, floating point [autodetect]
#--disable-amr_nb-fixed disable amr narrowband, fixed point [autodetect]
#--disable-amr_wb disable amr wideband, floating point [autodetect]
#--disable-decoder=DECODER disable specified FFmpeg decoder
#--enable-decoder=DECODER enable specified FFmpeg decoder
#--disable-encoder=ENCODER disable specified FFmpeg encoder
#--enable-encoder=ENCODER enable specified FFmpeg encoder
#--disable-parser=PARSER disable specified FFmpeg parser
#--enable-parser=PARSER enable specified FFmpeg parser
#--disable-demuxer=DEMUXER disable specified FFmpeg demuxer
#--enable-demuxer=DEMUXER enable specified FFmpeg demuxer
#--disable-muxer=MUXER disable specified FFmpeg muxer
#--enable-muxer=MUXER enable specified FFmpeg muxer--enable-muxer=MUXER enable specified FFmpeg muxer
# Video output
#--disable-vidix-internal disable internal VIDIX [for x86 *nix]
#--disable-vidix-external disable external VIDIX [for x86 *nix]
#--enable-gl build with OpenGL render support [autodetect]
#--enable-dga[=n] build with DGA [n in {1, 2} ] support [autodetect]
#--enable-vesa build with VESA support [autodetect]
#--enable-svga build with SVGAlib support [autodetect]
#--enable-sdl build with SDL render support [autodetect]
#--enable-aa build with AAlib render support [autodetect]
caca = { cfgOption = "--enable-caca"; buildInputs = "libcaca"; }; # CACA render support
#--enable-ggi build with GGI render support [autodetect]
#--enable-ggiwmh build with GGI libggiwmh extension [autodetect]
#--enable-directx build with DirectX support [autodetect]
#--enable-dxr2 build with DXR2 render support [autodetect]
#--enable-dxr3 build with DXR3/H+ render support [autodetect]
#--enable-ivtv build with IVTV TV-Out render support [autodetect]
#--enable-dvb build with support for output via DVB-Card [autodetect]
#--enable-dvbhead build with DVB support (HEAD version) [autodetect]
#--enable-mga build with mga_vid (for Matrox G200/G4x0/G550) support
# (check for /dev/mga_vid) [autodetect]
#--enable-xmga build with mga_vid X Window support
# (check for X & /dev/mga_vid) [autodetect]
xv = { cfgOption = "--enable-xv"; buildInputs = "libXv"; }; # Xv render support for X 4.x
#--enable-xvmc build with XvMC acceleration for X 4.x [disable]
#--enable-vm build with XF86VidMode support for X11 [autodetect]
xinerama = { cfgOption = "--enable-xinerama"; buildInputs = "libXinerama"; }; # Xinerama support for X11
#--enable-x11 build with X11 render support [autodetect]
#--enable-xshape build with XShape support [autodetect]
#--enable-fbdev build with FBDev render support [autodetect]
#--enable-mlib build with mediaLib support (Solaris only) [disable]
#--enable-3dfx build with obsolete /dev/3dfx support [disable]
#--enable-tdfxfb build with tdfxfb (Voodoo 3/banshee) support [disable]
#--enable-s3fb build with s3fb (S3 ViRGE) support [disable]
#--enable-directfb build with DirectFB support [autodetect]
#--enable-zr build with ZR360[56]7/ZR36060 support [autodetect]
#--enable-bl build with Blinkenlights support [disable]
#--enable-tdfxvid build with tdfx_vid support [disable]
#--disable-tga disable targa output support [enable]
#--disable-pnm disable pnm output support [enable]
#--disable-md5sum disable md5sum output support [enable]
# Audio Output (they are all autodetect but adding the enable flag will show \
# wrong cofigured libraries I hope)
# the ones beeing commented out I don't know exactly which libraries they need?
alsa = { cfgOption = "--enable-alsa"; buildInputs = "alsaLib"; };
#oss = { cfgOption = "--enable-oss"; buildInputs = "oss"; };
#arts = { cfgOption = "--enable-arts"; buildInputs = "arts"; };
esd = { cfgOption = "--enable-esd"; buildInputs = "esound"; };
#polyp = { cfgOption = "--enable-polyp"; buildInputs = "polyp"; };
#jack = { cfgOption = "--enable-jack"; buildInputs = "jack"; };
#openal = { cfgOption = "--enable-openal"; buildInputs = "openal"; };
#nas = { cfgOption = "--enable-nas"; buildInputs = "nas"; };
#sgiaudio = { cfgOption = "--enable-sgiaudio"; buildInputs = "sgiaudio"; };
#sunaudio = { cfgOption = "--enable-sunaudio"; buildInputs = "sunaudio"; };
#win32waveout = { cfgOption = "--enable-win32waveout"; buildInputs = "win32waveout"; };
disableSelect = { cfgOption = "--disable-select"; }; # disable using select() on audio device [enable]
#Miscellaneous options:
#--enable-runtime-cpudetection Enable runtime CPU detection [disable]
#--enable-cross-compile Enable cross-compilation [autodetect]
#--cc=COMPILER use this C compiler to build MPlayer [gcc]
#--host-cc=COMPILER use this C compiler to build apps needed for the build process [gcc]
#--as=ASSEMBLER use this assembler to build MPlayer [as]
#--target=PLATFORM target platform (i386-linux, arm-linux, etc)
#--enable-static build a statically linked binary. Set further linking
#options with --enable-static="-lslang -lncurses"
#--charset convert the help messages to this charset
#--language=list a white space or comma separated list of languages
#for translated man pages, the first language is the
#primary and therefore used for translated messages
#and GUI (also the environment variable $LINGUAS is
#honored) [en]
#(Available: bg cs de dk el en es fr hu it ja ko mk nb nl pl ro ru sk sv tr uk pt_BR zh
#_CN zh_TW all)
optionals = [ "esound" "alsa" "xv" "theora" "caca" "xinerama" "libXrandr" "esd" ];
in args.stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (co) buildInputs;
name = "MPlayer-1.0rc1try2NewConfig";
#name = "MPlayer-snapshot";
#src = fetchurl {
# url =;
# sha1 = "529682cdea4f412d35f2c456897ab8808810975c";
src = fetchurl {
url =;
sha1 = "a450c0b0749c343a8496ba7810363c9d46dfa73c";
configurePhase = "./configure --prefix=\$out " + co.configureFlags
# FIXME to which options do these settings belong?
+ " --with-win32libdir=${win32codecs}"
+ " --with-reallibdir=${win32codecs}"
+ " --enable-runtime-cpudetection"
+ " --enable-x11"
+ " --with-x11libdir=/no-such-dir"
+ " --with-extraincdir=${libX11}/include"
+ " --disable-xanim";
# Provide a reasonable standard font. Maybe we should symlink here.
postInstall = "cp ${freefont_ttf}/share/fonts/truetype/FreeSans.ttf $out/share/mplayer/subfont.ttf";
patches = [
# These fix MPlayer's aspect ratio when run in a screen rotated with
# Xrandr.
# See:
# Security fix.
meta = {
homepage =;
description = "A movie player that supports many video formats";
license = "GPL-2";
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
{ fetchurl, stdenv }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "bigloo3.1b";
name = "bigloo3.2a-alpha04Dec08";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1m7mrrrqm6668j6x834mclzc9am63wlf0knm4xiwrhv3zcky8vnv";
sha256 = "1sqzqlg6zrmh9980qk5w7rm9jnb85zsf3nqy0741ibx30wvbrki9";
patchPhase = ''
@ -1,57 +1,56 @@
args: with args.lib; with args;
co = chooseOptionsByFlags {
inherit args;
flagDescr = {
# does without X make sense? We can try
mandatory ={ cfgOption = [ "--prefix=\$out" ]; implies = "pthreads"; };
pathcanonicalization = { cfgOption = "--enable-path-canonicalization"; }; # enable canonicalization of filenames
timer = { cfgOption = "--enable-timer"; };# enable evaluation timing (for benchmarking Hugs)
profiling = { cfgOption = "--enable-profiling"; };# enable heap profiler
stack = { cfgOption = "--enable-stack-dumps"; };#-dumps enable stack dump on stack overflow
large = { cfgOption = "--disable-large-banner"; };#-banner disable multiline startup banner
internal = { cfgOption = "--enable-internal-prims"; };#-prims experimental primitives to access Hugs's innards
debug = { cfgOption = "--enable-debug"; };# include C debugging information (for debugging Hugs)
tag = { cfgOption = "--enable-tag-checks"; };#-checks runtime tag checking (for debugging Hugs)
lint = { cfgOption = "--enable-lint"; };# enable "lint" flags (for debugging Hugs)
only98 = { cfgOption = "--enable-only98"; };# build Hugs to understand Haskell 98 only
ffi = { cfgOption = "--enable-ffi"; };# include modules that use the FFI [default=autodetect]
char = { cfgOption = "--enable-char-encoding"; blocks = "utf8"; };
#-encoding encode all character I/O using the byte encoding
#determined by the locale in effect at that time. To
#require that the UTF-8 encoding is always used, give
#the --enable-char-encoding=utf8 option.
utf8 = { cfgOption = "--enable-char-encoding=utf8"; blocks="char"; };
args: with args;
let edf = composableDerivation.edf;
wwf = composableDerivation.wwf; in
composableDerivation.composableDerivation {
initial = {
#--with-nmake produce a Makefile compatible with nmake
#--with-gui build Hugs for Windows GUI (Borland C++ only)
pthreads = { cfgOption = "--with-pthreads"; }; # build Hugs using POSIX threads C library
# I think we need this as long as not using nptl ?
optionals = [];
defaultFlags = ["ffi"];
in args.stdenv.mkDerivation {
# passing the flags in case a library using this want's to check them (*) ..
inherit (co) /* flags */ buildInputs;
configurePhase="./configure --prefix=\$out";
src = fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "3cf4d27673564cffe691bd14032369f646233f14daf2bc37c6c6df9f062b46b6";
src = fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "3cf4d27673564cffe691bd14032369f646233f14daf2bc37c6c6df9f062b46b6";
#encode all character I/O using the byte encoding
#determined by the locale in effect at that time. To
#require that the UTF-8 encoding is always used, give
#the --enable-char-encoding=utf8 option.
postUnpack = ''
find -type f | xargs sed -i 's@/bin/cp@cp@';
configurePhase="./configure --prefix=\$out --enable-char-encoding=utf8 $configureFlags";
meta = {
license = "as-is"; # gentoo is calling it this way..
description = "The HUGS98 Haskell <interpreter";
homepage =;
flags =
edf { name = "pathCanonicalization"; feat="path-canonicalization"; }
// edf { name="timer"; } # enable evaluation timing (for benchmarking Hugs)
// edf { name="profiling"; }# enable heap profiler
// edf { name="stackDumps"; feat="stack-dummps"; } # enable stack dump on stack overflow
// edf { name="largeBanner"; feat="large-banner"; } # disable multiline startup banner
// edf { name="internal-prims"; } # experimental primitives to access Hugs's innards
// edf { name="debug"; } # include C debugging information (for debugging Hugs)
// edf { name="tag"; } # runtime tag checking (for debugging Hugs)
// edf { name="lint"; } # enable "lint" flags (for debugging Hugs)
// edf { name="only98"; } # build Hugs to understand Haskell 98 only
// edf { name="ffi"; }
#--with-nmake produce a Makefile compatible with nmake
#--with-gui build Hugs for Windows GUI (Borland C++ only)
// wwf { name="pthreads"; } # build Hugs using POSIX threads C library
cfg = {
largeBannerSupport = true; # seems to be default
char = { cfgOption = "--enable-char-encoding"; blocks = "utf8"; };
utf8 = { cfgOption = "--enable-char-encoding=utf8"; blocks="char"; };
meta = {
license = "as-is"; # gentoo is calling it this way..
description = "The HUGS98 Haskell <interpreter";
homepage =;
@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
let edf = args.lib.enableDisableFeature; in
( args.mkDerivationByConfiguration {
flagConfig = {
mandatory = { buildInputs = ["bigloo" "curl"]; };
} // edf "pcre" "pcre" { } #support pcre extension [default=check]
// edf "fcgi" "fcgi" { pass = "fcgi"; } #support FastCGI web backend [default=check]
// edf "xml" "xml" { pass ="libxml2"; } #support xml extension [default=check]
// edf "mysql" "mysql" { pass = "mysql"; } #support mysql extension [default=check]
#// edf "sqlite3=[ARG]" "sqlite3=[ARG]" { } [>use SQLite 3 library [default=yes], optionally
#specify the prefix for sqlite3 library
// edf "odbc" "odbc" { } #support ODBC extension [default=check]
// edf "gtk" "gtk" { } #support PHP-GTK extension [default=no]
// edf "gtk2" "gtk2" { }; #support PHP-GTK 2 extension [default=no]
args: with args;
let edf = composableDerivation.edf; in
composableDerivation.composableDerivation {
initial = {
name = "roadsend-2.9.3";
buildInputs = [bigloo curl];
flags = edf { name = "pcre"; }
// edf { name = "fcgi"; enable = { inherit fcgi; }; }
// edf { name = "xml"; enable = { buildInputs = [ libxml2 ]; }; }
// edf { name = "mysql"; enable = { buildInputs = [ mysql ]; }; }
// edf { name = "odbc"; };
# // edf { name = "gtk"} }
# // edf { name = "gtk2", enable = { buildInputs = [ mysql ]; } }
cfg = {
pcreSupport = true;
fcgiSupport = true;
xmlSupport = true;
mysqlSupport = true;
src = args.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "0yhpiik0dyayd964wvn2k0cq7b1gihx1k3qx343r2l7lla4mapsx";
optionals = [ "libxml2" "gettext" "fcgi" ];
extraAttrs = co : {
name = "roadsend-2.9.3";
src = args.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "0nw7rvrrwkss5cp6ws0m3q63q1mcyy27s8yjhy7kn508db1rgl9x";
# sha256 = "0rf0g9r0prla7daq3aif24d7dx0j01i35hcm8h5bbg3gvpfim463";
# tell pcc where to find the fastcgi library
postInstall = " sed -e \"s=(ldflags fastcgi.*=(ldflags -l fastcgi -L \$fcgi)=\" -i \$out/etc/pcc.conf ";
meta = {
postInstall = " sed -e \"s=(ldflags fastcgi.*=(ldflags -l fastcgi -L \$fcgi)=\" -i \$out/etc/pcc.conf ";
meta = {
description = "roadsend PHP -> C compiler";
homepage =;
# you can choose one of the following licenses:
@ -33,4 +35,4 @@ let edf = args.lib.enableDisableFeature; in
license = ["GPL2"];
} ) args
@ -1,122 +1,126 @@
let version = "5.2.6"; in
args: with args;
(args.mkDerivationByConfiguration {
let inherit (args.composableDerivation) composableDerivation edf wwf; in
flagConfig = {
composableDerivation {
initial = fixed : {
# much left to do here...
mandatory = { buildInputs = ["flex" "bison" "pkgconfig"]; };
# SAPI modules:
apxs2 = {
cfgOption = "--with-apxs2=\$apacheHttpd/bin/apxs";
pass = "apacheHttpd";
# Extensions
curl = {
cfgOption = "--with-curl=${args.curl} --with-curlwrappers";
pass = "curl";
zlib = {
cfgOption = "--with-zlib=${args.zlib}";
pass = "zlib";
libxml2 = {
cfgOption = "--with-libxml-dir=\$libxml2";
pass = { inherit (args) libxml2; };
no_libxml2 = {
cfgOption = "--disable-libxml";
postgresql = {
cfgOption = "--with-pgsql=\$postgresql";
pass = { inherit (args) postgresql; };
mysql = {
cfgOption = "--with-mysql=\$mysql";
pass = { inherit (args) mysql; };
mysqli = {
cfgOption = "--with-mysqli=\$mysql/bin/mysql_config";
pass = { inherit (args) mysql; };
mysqli_embedded = {
cfgOption = "--enable-embedded-mysqli";
depends = "mysqli";
pdo_mysql = {
cfgOption = "--with-pdo-mysql=\$mysql";
pass = { inherit (args) mysql; };
no_pdo_mysql = { };
bcmath = {
cfgOption = "--enable-bcmath";
gd = {
cfgOption = "--with-gd=${}";
buildInputs = ["gd"]; # <-- urgh, these strings are ugly
sockets = {
cfgOption = "--enable-sockets";
openssl = {
cfgOption = "--with-openssl=${args.openssl}";
buildInputs = ["openssl"];
Building xdebug withing php to be able to add the parameters to the ini file.. Ther should be a better way
meta = {
description = "debugging support for PHP";
homepage =;
license = "based on the PHP license - as is";
xdebug = {
buildInputs = [ "automake" "autoconf" ];
pass = {
xdebug_src = args.fetchurl {
name = "xdebug-2.0.2.tar.gz";
url = "";
sha256 = "1h0bxvf8krr203fmk1k7izrrr81gz537xmd3pqh4vslwdlbhrvic";
defaults = [ "mysql" "mysqli" "pdo_mysql" "libxml2" "apxs2" "bcmath" ];
optionals = [ "libxml2" "gettext" "postgresql" "zlib" "openssl" ];
extraAttrs = co: {
name = "php_configurable-${version}";
buildInputs = args.lib.getAttr ["phpIncludes"] [] args ++ co.buildInputs;
buildInputs = ["flex" "bison" "pkgconfig"];
flags = {
# much left to do here...
# SAPI modules:
apxs2 = {
configureFlags = ["--with-apxs2=${apacheHttpd}/bin/apxs"];
buildInputs = [apacheHttpd];
# Extensions
curl = {
configureFlags = ["--with-curl=${args.curl}" "--with-curlwrappers"];
buildInputs = [curl];
zlib = {
configureFlags = ["--with-zlib=${args.zlib}"];
buildInputs = [zlib];
libxml2 = {
configureFlags = ["--with-libxml-dir=${libxml2}"];
buildInputs = [ libxml2 ];
postgresql = {
configureFlags = ["--with-pgsql=${postgresql}"];
buildInputs = [ postgresql ];
mysql = {
configureFlags = ["--with-mysql=${mysql}"];
buildInputs = [ mysql ];
mysqli = {
configureFlags = ["--with-mysqli=${mysql}/bin/mysql_config"];
buildInputs = [ mysql];
mysqli_embedded = {
configureFlags = ["--enable-embedded-mysqli"];
depends = "mysqli";
assertion = fixed.mysqliSupport;
pdo_mysql = {
configureFlags = ["--with-pdo-mysql=${mysql}"];
buildInputs = [ mysql ];
bcmath = {
configureFlags = ["--enable-bcmath"];
gd = {
configureFlags = ["--with-gd=${}"];
buildInputs = [gd];
sockets = {
configureFlags = ["--enable-sockets"];
openssl = {
configureFlags = ["--with-openssl=${args.openssl}"];
buildInputs = ["openssl"];
Building xdebug withing php to be able to add the parameters to the ini file.. Ther should be a better way
meta = {
description = "debugging support for PHP";
homepage =;
license = "based on the PHP license - as is";
xdebug = {
buildInputs = [ automake autoconf ];
xdebug_src = args.fetchurl {
name = "xdebug-2.0.2.tar.gz";
url = "";
sha256 = "1h0bxvf8krr203fmk1k7izrrr81gz537xmd3pqh4vslwdlbhrvic";
cfg = {
mysqlSupport = true;
mysqliSupport = true;
pdo_mysqlSupport = true;
libxml2Support = true;
apxs2Support = true;
bcmathSupport = true;
socketsSupport = true;
curlSupport = true;
gettextSupport = true;
postgresqlSupport = true;
zlibSupport = true;
opnesslSupport = true;
xdebugSupport = true;
configurePhase = ''
[[ -z "$libxml2" ]] || export PATH=$PATH:$libxml2/bin
./configure --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc --with-config-file-path=$out/etc --prefix=$out ${co.configureFlags}
./configure --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc --with-config-file-path=$out/etc --prefix=$out $configureFlags
echo configurePhase end
@ -124,11 +128,11 @@ args:
unset installPhase; installPhase;
cp php.ini-recommended $iniFile
# Now Let's build xdebug if flag has been given
# Now Let's build xdebug if flag has been given
# TODO I think there are better paths than the given below
if [ -n $flag_set_xdebug ]; then
tar xfz $xdebug_src;
tar xfz $xdebug_src;
cd xdebug*
./configure --prefix=$out
@ -157,13 +161,14 @@ args:
name = "php-${version}.tar.bz2";
meta = {
meta = {
description = "The PHP language runtime engine";
homepage =;
license = "PHP-3";
patches = [./fix.patch];
}) args
@ -1,35 +1,47 @@
( args.mkDerivationByConfiguration {
flagConfig = {
mandatory = { propagatedBuildInputs=["x11" "inputproto" "libXi"];
blocks = ["cygwin" "quartz"]; }; # cgywin quartz and much more not yet tested
cygwin = { cfgOption = "--enable-cygwin"; }; # use the CygWin libraries default=no
debug = { cfgOption = "--enable-debug"; }; # turn on debugging default=no
gl = { cfgOption = "--enable-gl"; buildInputs = [ "mesa" ]; }; # turn on OpenGL support default=yes
shared = { cfgOption = "--enable-shared"; }; # turn on shared libraries default=no
threads = { cfgOption = "--enable-threads"; }; # enable multi-threading support
quartz = { cfgOption = "--enable-quartz"; buildInputs = "quartz"; }; # don't konw yet what quartz is # use Quartz instead of Quickdraw (default=no)
largefile = { cfgOption = "--disable-largefile"; }; # omit support for large files
useNixLibs = { implies = [ "nixjpeg" "nixpng" "nixzlib" ]; }; # use nix libraries only
nixjpeg = { cfgOption = "--disable-localjpeg"; buildInputs = "libjpeg"; }; # use local JPEG library, default=auto
nixzlib = { cfgOption = "--disable-localzlib"; buildInputs = "zlib"; }; # use local ZLIB library, default=auto
nixpng = { cfgOption = "--disable-localpng"; buildInputs = "libpng"; }; # use local PNG library, default=auto
xinerama = { cfgOption = "--enable-xinerama"; buildInputs = "xinerama"; }; # turn on Xinerama support default=no
xft = { cfgOption = "--enable-xft"; buildInputs="xft"; }; # turn on Xft support default=no
xdbe = { cfgOption = "--enable-xdbe"; }; # turn on Xdbe support default=no
args: with args;
let inherit (args.composableDerivation) composableDerivation edf; in
composableDerivation {
initial = {
extraAttrs = co : {
name = "fltk-2.0.x-r6483";
name = "fltk-2.0.x-r6483";
src = args.fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "1n8b53r5p0zb4sbvr6pj8aasls4zjwksv1sdc3r3pzb20fikp5jb";
meta = {
propagatedBuildInputs=[x11 inputproto libXi freeglut];
buildInputs = [ args.pkgconfig ];
flags =
# this could be tidied up (?).. eg why does it require freeglut without glSupport?
edf { name = "cygwin"; } # use the CygWin libraries default=no
// edf { name = "debug"; } # turn on debugging default=no
// edf { name = "gl"; enable = { buildInputs = [ mesa ]; }; } # turn on OpenGL support default=yes
// edf { name = "shared"; } # turn on shared libraries default=no
// edf { name = "threads"; } # enable multi-threading support
// edf { name = "quartz"; enable = { buildInputs = "quartz"; }; } # don't konw yet what quartz is # use Quartz instead of Quickdraw (default=no)
// edf { name = "largefile"; } # omit support for large files
// edf { name = "localjpeg"; disable = { buildInputs = [libjpeg]; }; } # use local JPEG library, default=auto
// edf { name = "localzlib"; disable = { buildInputs = [zlib]; }; } # use local ZLIB library, default=auto
// edf { name = "localpng"; disable = { buildInputs = [libpng]; }; } # use local PNG library, default=auto
// edf { name = "xinerama"; enable = { buildInputs = [libXinerama]; }; } # turn on Xinerama support default=no
// edf { name = "xft"; enable = { buildInputs=[libXft]; }; } # turn on Xft support default=no
// edf { name = "xdbe"; }; # turn on Xdbe support default=no
cfg = {
largefileSupport = true; # is default
glSupport = true; # doesn't build without it. Why?
localjpegSupport = false;
localzlibSupport = false;
localpngSupport = false;
sharedSupport = true;
threadsSupport = true;
meta = {
description = "a C++ cross platform lightweight gui library binding";
homepage =;
} ) args
@ -1,42 +1,38 @@
( args.mkDerivationByConfiguration {
args: with args;
let inherit (args.composableDerivation) composableDerivation edf; in
composableDerivation {
flagConfig = {
mandatory = { implies = "python";
buildInputs = [ "which" ]; # which is needed for the
initial = {
buildInputs = [ "which" ]; # which is needed for the
flags =
# python and ruby untested
python = { cfgOption = "--enable-python"; #Enable build of python module
buildInputs=["python"] ++ (if args.use_svn then ["libtool" "autoconf" "automake" "swig"] else []);
ruby = { cfgOption = "--enable-ruby"; }; #Enable build of ruby module
edf { name = "python"; enable = { buildInputs = [ python ]; }; };
# (if args.use_svn then ["libtool" "autoconf" "automake" "swig"] else [])
# // edf { name = "ruby"; enable = { buildInputs = [ ruby ]; };}
extraAttrs = co : {
name = "geos-3.0.0rc4";
name = "geos-3.0.3";
src = if (args.use_svn) then
args.fetchsvn {
url =;
md5 = "b46f5ea517a337064006bab92f3090d4";
} else args.fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "0pgwwv8q4p234r2jwdkaxcf68z2fwgmkc74c6dnmms2sdwkb5lbw";
src = fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "1pxk20jcbyidp3bvip1vdf8wfw2wvh8pcn810qkf1y3zfnki0c7k";
configurePhase = "
[ -f configure ] || \\
LIBTOOLIZE=libtoolize ./
#{ automake --add-missing; autoconf; }
unset configurePhase; configurePhase
# for development version. can be removed ?
#configurePhase = "
# [ -f configure ] || \\
# LIBTOOLIZE=libtoolize ./
# [>{ automake --add-missing; autoconf; }
# unset configurePhase; configurePhase
meta = {
description = "C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS)"
+ "- all the OpenGIS \"Simple Features for SQL\" spatial predicate functions and spatial operators,"
+ " as well as specific JTS topology functions such as IsValid";
homepage =;
license = "GPL";
meta = {
description = "C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS)"
+ "- all the OpenGIS \"Simple Features for SQL\" spatial predicate functions and spatial operators,"
+ " as well as specific JTS topology functions such as IsValid";
homepage =;
license = "GPL";
} ) args
@ -1,30 +1,29 @@
let edf = args.lib.enableDisableFeature; in
( args.mkDerivationByConfiguration {
flagConfig = { }
args: with args;
let inherit (args.composableDerivation) composableDerivation edf; in
composableDerivation {
initial = {
flags = { }
# TODO! implement flags
# I want to get kino and cinelerra working. That's why I don't spend more time on this now
// edf "libtool_lock" "libtool_lock" { } #avoid locking (might break parallel builds)
// edf "asm" "asm" { } #disable use of architecture specific assembly code
// edf "sdl" "sdl" { } #enable use of SDL for display
// edf "gtk" "gtk" { } #disable use of gtk for display
// edf "xv" "xv" { } #disable use of XVideo extension for display
// edf "gprof" "gprof" { } #enable compiler options for gprof profiling
// edf { name = "libtool_lock"; } #avoid locking (might break parallel builds)
// edf { name ="asm"; } #disable use of architecture specific assembly code
// edf { name ="sdl"; } #enable use of SDL for display
// edf { name ="gtk"; } #disable use of gtk for display
// edf { name ="xv"; } #disable use of XVideo extension for display
// edf { name ="gprof"; }; #enable compiler options for gprof profiling
extraAttrs = co : {
name = "libdv-1.0.0";
name = "libdv-1.0.0";
src = args.fetchurl {
url = mirror://sourceforge/libdv/libdv-1.0.0.tar.gz;
sha256 = "1fl96f2xh2slkv1i1ix7kqk576a0ak1d33cylm0mbhm96d0761d3";
src = args.fetchurl {
url = mirror://sourceforge/libdv/libdv-1.0.0.tar.gz;
sha256 = "1fl96f2xh2slkv1i1ix7kqk576a0ak1d33cylm0mbhm96d0761d3";
meta = {
meta = {
description = "software decoder for DV format video, as defined by the IEC 61834 and SMPTE 314M standards";
homepage =;
# you can choose one of the following licenses:
license = [];
} ) args
@ -1,35 +1,31 @@
( args.mkDerivationByConfiguration {
flagConfig = {
mandatory = { buildInputs = ["pkgconfig"];};
# are these options of interest? We'll see
#--disable-fftw disable usage of FFTW
#--enable-debug enable debugging
#--disable-cpu-clip disable tricky cpu specific clipper
args: with args;
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "libsamplerate-0.1.2";
extraAttrs = co : {
name = "libsamplerate-0.1.2";
src = args.fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "1m1iwzpcny42kcqv5as2nyb0ggrb56wzckpximqpp2y74dipdf4q";
configurePhase = "
export LIBSAMPLERATE_CFLAGS=\"-I \$libsamplerate/include\"
export LIBSAMPLERATE_LIBS=\"-L \$libsamplerate/libs\"
./configure --prefix=\$out"+co.configureFlags;
meta = {
description = "Sample Rate Converter for audio";
homepage =;
# you can choose one of the following licenses:
license = [ "GPL"
{ url=;
name="libsamplerate Commercial Use License";
} ];
src = args.fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "1m1iwzpcny42kcqv5as2nyb0ggrb56wzckpximqpp2y74dipdf4q";
} ) args
buildInputs = ["pkgconfig"];
# maybe interesting configure flags:
#--disable-fftw disable usage of FFTW
#--disable-cpu-clip disable tricky cpu specific clipper
configurePhase = "
export LIBSAMPLERATE_CFLAGS=\"-I \$libsamplerate/include\"
export LIBSAMPLERATE_LIBS=\"-L \$libsamplerate/libs\"
./configure --prefix=\$out";
meta = {
description = "Sample Rate Converter for audio";
homepage =;
# you can choose one of the following licenses:
license = [ "GPL"
{ url=;
name="libsamplerate Commercial Use License";
} ];
@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
with args.lib; with args;
co = chooseOptionsByFlags {
inherit args;
flagDescr = {
mandatory ={ cfgOption = [ "--disable-dependency-tracking" ];
buildInputs=["yacc" "flex"]; };
doc = { cfgOption = "--enable-doc"; buildInputs=["tetex"]; blocks=["doc" "because untested"]; }; #Enable building documents
no_parport = { cfgOption = "--disable-parport"; }; #Enable accessing parallel ports(default)
#defaultFlags = ["doc"];
args: with args;
let edf = composableDerivation.edf; in
composableDerivation.composableDerivation {
initial = {
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
# passing the flags in case a library using this want's to check them (*) ..
inherit (co) /* flags */ buildInputs configureFlags;
src = fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "bee4148c51ec95999d803cb9f68f12ac2e9128b06f07afe307d38966c0833b30";
src = fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "bee4148c51ec95999d803cb9f68f12ac2e9128b06f07afe307d38966c0833b30";
configureFlags = [ "--disable-dependency-tracking" ];
meta = {
license = "GPL-2";
description = "AVR Downloader/UploaDEr";
homepage =;
buildInputs = [yacc flex];
flags =
edf { name = "doc"; enable = { buildInputs = texLive; configureFlags = ["--enable-doc"]; }; }
// edf { name = "parport"; }
cfg = {
docSupport = false; # untested
parportSupport = true;
meta = {
license = "GPL-2";
description = "AVR Downloader/UploaDEr";
homepage =;
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
{lib, pkgs} :
let inherit (lib) nv nvs; in
# see new python derivations for example..
# You should be able to override anything you like easily
# grep the mailinglist by title "python proposal" (dec 08)
# ->
# to see why this got complicated when using all its features
composableDerivation = {
# modify args before applying stdenv.mkDerivation, this should remove at least attrs removeAttrsBy
f ? lib.prepareDerivationArgs,
stdenv ? pkgs.stdenv,
# initial set of arguments to be passed to stdenv.mkDerivation passing prepareDerivationArgs by default
initial ? {},
# example func : (x: x // { x.buildInputs ++ ["foo"] }), but see mergeAttrByFunc which does this for you
merge ? (lib.mergeOrApply lib.mergeAttrByFunc)
}: lib.applyAndFun
(args: stdenv.mkDerivation (f args))
(merge { inherit (lib) mergeAttrBy; } initial);
# some utility functions
# use this function to generate flag attrs for prepareDerivationArgs
# E nable D isable F eature
edf = {name, feat ? name, enable ? {}, disable ? {} , value ? ""}:
nvs name {
set = {
configureFlags = ["--enable-${feat}${if value == "" then "" else "="}${value}"];
} // enable;
unset = {
configureFlags = ["--disable-${feat}"];
} // disable;
# same for --with and --without-
# W ith or W ithout F eature
wwf = {name, feat ? name, enable ? {}, disable ? {}, value ? ""}:
nvs name {
set = {
configureFlags = ["--with-${feat}${if value == "" then "" else "="}${value}"];
} // enable;
unset = {
configureFlags = ["--without-${feat}"];
} // disable;
@ -805,251 +805,5 @@ rec {
in removeAttrs
(mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults ([args] ++ opts))
["flags" "cfg" "mergeAttrBy" "fixed" ]; # fixed may be passed as fix argument or such
# supportFlag functions for convinience
sFlagEnable = { name, buildInputs ? [], propagatedBuildInputs ? [] } : {
set = { configureFlags = "--enable-${name}"; inherit buildInputs; inherit propagatedBuildInputs; };
unset = { configureFlags = "--disable-${name}"; };
# Marc 2nd proposal: (not everything has been tested in detail yet..)
# depreceated because it's too complicated. use prepareDerivationArgs instead
# usage / example
# flagConfig = {
# } // (enableDisableFeature "flagName" "configure_feature" extraAttrs;)
# is equal to
# flagConfig = {
# flagName = { cfgOption = "--enable-configure_feature"; } // extraAttrs;
# no_flagName = { cfgOption = "--disable-configure_feature"; };
enableDisableFeature = flagName : configure_feature : extraAttrs :
listToAttrs [ ( nv flagName ({ cfgOption = "--enable-${configure_feature}"; } // extraAttrs ) )
( nv "no_${flagName}" ({ cfgOption = "--disable-${configure_feature}"; } ) )];
# calls chooseOptionsByFlags2 with some preprocessing
# chooseOptionsByFlags2 returns an attribute set meant to be used to create new derivaitons.
# see mkDerivationByConfiguration in all-packages.nix and the examples given below.
# You can just copy paste them into all-packages.nix to test them..
chooseOptionsByFlags = { flagConfig, args, optionals ? [], defaults ? [],
collectExtraPhaseActions ? [] } :
let passedOptionals = filter ( x : hasAttr x args ) optionals; # these are in optionals and in args
# we simply merge in <optional_name> = { buildInputs = <arg.<optional_name>; pass = <arg.optional_name>; }
flagConfigWithOptionals = flagConfig // ( listToAttrs
(map ( o : nv o ( { buildInputs = o; pass = nvs o (builtins.getAttr o args); }
// getAttr [o] {} flagConfig )
passedOptionals ) );
in chooseOptionsByFlags2 flagConfigWithOptionals collectExtraPhaseActions args
( (getAttr ["flags"] defaults args) ++ passedOptionals);
chooseOptionsByFlags2 = flagConfig : collectExtraPhaseActions : args : flags :
# helper function
collectFlags = # state : flags :
fold ( flag : s : (
if (hasAttr flag s.result) then s # this state has already been visited
else if (! hasAttr flag flagConfig) then throw "unkown flag `${flag}' specified"
else let fDesc = (builtins.getAttr flag flagConfig);
implied = flatten ( getAttr ["implies"] [] fDesc );
blocked = flatten ( getAttr ["blocks"] [] fDesc );
# add this flag
s2 = s // { result = ( setAttr s.result flag (builtins.getAttr flag flagConfig) );
blockedFlagsBy = s.blockedFlagsBy
// listToAttrs (map (b: nv b flag ) blocked); };
# add implied flags
in collectFlags s2 implied
# chosen contains flagConfig but only having those attributes elected by flags
# (or by implies attributes of elected attributes)
options = let stateOpts = collectFlags { blockedFlagsBy = {}; result = {}; }
(flags ++ ( if (hasAttr "mandatory" flagConfig) then ["mandatory"] else [] ));
# these options have not been chosen (neither by flags nor by implies)
unsetOptions = filter ( x : (! hasAttr x stateOpts.result) && (hasAttr ("no_"+x) flagConfig))
( attrNames flagConfig );
# no add the corresponding no_ attributes as well ..
state = collectFlags stateOpts (map ( x : "no_" + x ) unsetOptions);
in # check for blockings:
assert ( all id ( map ( b: if (hasAttr b state.result)
then throw "flag ${b} is blocked by flag ${__getAttr b state.blockedFlagsBy}"
else true )
(attrNames state.blockedFlagsBy) ) );
flatOptions = flattenAttrs options;
# helper functions :
collectAttrs = attr : catAttrs attr flatOptions;
optsConcatStrs = delimiter : attrs : concatStrings
( intersperse delimiter (flatten ( collectAttrs attrs ) ) );
ifStringGetArg = x : if (__isAttrs x) then x # ( TODO implement __isString ?)
else nvs x (__getAttr x args);
in assert ( all id ( mapRecordFlatten ( attr : r : if ( all id ( flatten (getAttr ["assertion"] [] r ) ) )
then true else throw "assertion failed flag ${attr}" )
options) );
( rec {
#foldOptions = attr: f : start: fold f start (catAttrs attr flatOptions);
# compared to flags flagsSet does also contain the implied flags.. This makes it easy to write assertions. ( assert args.
inherit options flatOptions collectAttrs optsConcatStrs;
buildInputs = map ( attr: if (! hasAttr attr args) then throw "argument ${attr} is missing!" else (builtins.getAttr attr args) )
(flatten (catAttrs "buildInputs" flatOptions));
propagatedBuildInputs = map ( attr: if (! hasAttr attr args) then throw "argument ${attr} is missing!" else (builtins.getAttr attr args) )
(flatten (catAttrs "propagatedBuildInputs" flatOptions));
configureFlags = optsConcatStrs " " "cfgOption";
#flags = listToAttrs (map ( flag: nv flag (hasAttr flag options) ) (attrNames flagConfig) );
flags_prefixed = listToAttrs (map ( flag: nv ("flag_set_"+flag) (hasAttr flag options) ) (attrNames flagConfig) );
pass = mergeAttrs ( map ifStringGetArg ( flatten (collectAttrs "pass") ) );
} # now add additional phase actions (see examples)
// listToAttrs ( map ( x : nv x (optsConcatStrs "\n" x) ) collectExtraPhaseActions ) );
TODO: Perhaps it's better to move this documentation / these tests into some extra packages ..
# ###########################################################################
# configuration tutorial .. examples and tests..
# Copy this into all-packages.nix and try
# The following derviations will all fail..
# But they will print the passed options so that you can get to know
# how these configurations ought to work.
# TODO: There is no nice way to pass an otpion yet.
# I could imagine something like
# flags = [ "flagA" "flagB" { flagC = 4; } ];
# They are named:
# simpleYes, simpleNo,
# defaultsimpleYes, defaultsimpleNo
# optionalssimpleYes, optionalssimpleNo
# bitingsimpleYes can only be ran with -iA blockingBiteMonster
# assertionsimpleNo
# of course you can use -iA and the attribute name as well to select these examples
# dummy build input
whoGetsTheFlagFirst = gnused;
whoGetsTheFlagLast = gnumake;
# simple example demonstrating containing one flag.
# features:
# * configure options are passed automatically
# * buildInputs are collected (they are special, see the setup script)
# * they can be passed by additional name as well using pass = { inherit (args) python }
# ( or short (value not attrs) : pass = "python" )
# * an attribute named the same way as the flag is added indicating
# true/ false (flag has been set/ not set)
# * extra phase dependend commands can be added
# Its easy to add your own stuff using co.collectAttrs or co.optsConcatStrs
# ( perhaps this name will change?)
simpleFlagYesNoF = namePrefix : extraFlagAttrs : mkDerivationByConfiguration ( {
flagConfig = {
flag = { name = namePrefix + "simpleYes";
cfgOption = [ "--Yes" "--you-dont-need-a-list" ];
buildInputs = [ "whoGetsTheFlagFirst" ];
pass = { inherit gnumake; };
extraConfigureCmd = "echo Hello, it worked! ";
blocks = "bitingMonster";
no_flag = { name = namePrefix + "simpleNo";
cfgOption = "--no";
implies = ["bitingMonster"];
bitingMonster = {
extraConfigureCmd = "echo Ill bite you";
gnutar = { cfgOption="--with-gnutar";
# buildInputs and pass will be added automatically if gnutar is added to optionals
# can be used to check configure options of dependencies
# eg testFlag = { assertion = [ arg.desktop.flag_set_wmii (! arg.desktop.flag_set_gnome) (! arg.desktops.flag_set_kde ]; }
assertionFlag = { assertion = false; }; # assert is nix language keyword
collectExtraPhaseActions = [ "extraConfigureCmd" ];
extraAttrs = co : {
name = ( __head (co.collectAttrs "name") );
unpackPhase = "
echo my name is
echo \$name
echo flag given \\(should be 1 or empty string\\) ?
echo \$flag_set_flag
echo my build inputs are
echo \$buildInputs
echo my configuration flags are
echo \$configureFlags
echo what about gnumake? Did it pass?
echo \$gnumake
echo configurePhase command is
echo $\configurePhase
echo gnutar passed? \\(optional test\\)
echo \$gnutar
echo dying now
echo die_Hopefully_Soon
configurePhase = co.extraConfigureCmd;
} // extraFlagAttrs );
simpleYes = simpleFlagYesNoF "" {} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = ["flag"];
# note the "I'll bite you" because of the implies attribute
simpleNo = simpleFlagYesNoF "" {} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = [];
# specifying defaults by adding a default attribute
yesAgainDefault = simpleFlagYesNoF "default" { defaults = [ "flag" ];} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
noAgainOverridingDefault = simpleFlagYesNoF "default" { defaults = [ "flag" ];} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = [];
# requested by Michael Raskin: activate flag automatically if dependency is passed:
withGnutarOptional = simpleFlagYesNoF "optionals" { optionals = [ "gnutar" ];} {
flags = [ "flag" ]; # I only need to pass this to trigger name optionalssimpleYes
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
inherit gnutar;
withoutGnutarOptional = simpleFlagYesNoF "optionals" { optionals = [ "gnutar" ];} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
# blocking example, this shouldn't even start building:
blockingBiteMonster = simpleFlagYesNoF "biting" {} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = [ "flag" "bitingMonster" ];
# assertion example this shouldn't even start building:
assertion = simpleFlagYesNoF "assertion" {} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = [ "assertionFlag" ];
@ -1,34 +1,37 @@
args: with args.lib; with args;
co = chooseOptionsByFlags {
inherit args;
flagDescr = {
mandatory = { install = "ensureDir \$out/bin; cp gxemul \$out/bin;"; };
doc = { install = "ensureDir \$out/share/${name}; cp -r doc \$out/share/${name};"; implies = "man"; };
demos = { install = "ensureDir \$out/share/${name}; cp -r demos \$out/share/${name};"; };
man = { install = "cp -r ./man \$out/;";};
args: with args;
let edf = composableDerivation.edf;
name = "gxemul-0.4.6"; in
composableDerivation.composableDerivation {
initial = {
inherit name;
flags = {
doc = { installPhase = "ensureDir \$out/share/${name}; cp -r doc \$out/share/${name};"; implies = "man"; };
demos = { installPhase = "ensureDir \$out/share/${name}; cp -r demos \$out/share/${name};"; };
man = { installPhase = "cp -r ./man \$out/;";};
optionals = ["libX11"];
defaultFlags = [ "demos" "doc" ];
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit name;
inherit (co) /* flags */ buildInputs configureFlags;
cfg = {
docSupport = true;
demosSupport = true;
manSupport = true;
src = fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "0hf3gi6hfd2qr5090zimfiddcjgank2q6m7dfsr81wwpxfbhb2z3";
installPhase = "ensureDir \$out/bin; cp gxemul \$out/bin;";
src = fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "0hf3gi6hfd2qr5090zimfiddcjgank2q6m7dfsr81wwpxfbhb2z3";
installPhase = concatStrings ( catAttrs "install" co.flatOptions );
meta = {
license = "BSD";
description = "A Machine Emulator, Mainly emulates MIPS, but supports other CPU type";
homepage =;
meta = {
license = "BSD";
description = "A Machine Emulator, Mainly emulates MIPS, but supports other CPU type";
homepage =;
mergeAttrBy = { installPhase = a : b : "${a}\n${b}"; };
@ -1,57 +1,53 @@
# Perhaps we can get some ideas from here ?
# Perhaps we can get some ideas from here ?
# still much to test but it compiles now
args.mkDerivationByConfiguration {
flagConfig = {
mandatory = { buildInputs = [ "pkgconfig" ];};
let inherit (args.composableDerivation) composableDerivation edf; in
composableDerivation {
initial = {
buildInputs = [ args.pkgconfig ];
flags =
# FIXME: tidy up
edf { name = "posix-shm"; } #use POSIX shm API
// edf { name = "timestamps"; } # allow clients to use the JACK timestamp API
// edf { name = "capabilities"; } #use libcap to gain realtime scheduling priviledges
// edf { name = "oldtrans"; } #remove old transport interfaces
// edf { name = "stripped-jackd"; } #strip jack before computing its md5 sum
// edf { name = "portaudio"; } #ignore PortAudio driver
// edf { name = "coreaudio"; } #ignore CoreAudio driver
// edf { name = "oss"; } #ignore OSS driver
// edf { name = "freebob"; } #ignore FreeBob driver
// edf { name = "alsa"; enable = { buildInputs=[args.alsaLib]; }; };
# FIXME: tidy up
# altivec seems to be for mac only ?
# altivec = { configureFlags = ["--enable-altivec"]; }; #enable Altivec support (default=auto)
# static[=PKGS] = { cfgOption = "--enable-static[=PKGS]"; }; #build static libraries [default=no]
# shared[=PKGS] = { cfgOption = "--enable-shared[=PKGS]"; }; #build shared libraries [default=yes]
posix_shm = { cfgOption = "--enable-posix-shm"; }; #use POSIX shm API
# altivec seems to be for mac only ?
# altivec = { cfgOption = "--enable-altivec"; }; #enable Altivec support (default=auto)
# keeping default values by now:
# optimization_by_compiler = { configureFlags = ["--enable-optimization-by-compiler"]; }; [>use compiler (NOT processor) capabilities to determine optimization flags
# optimization_by_cpu = { configureFlags = ["--enable-optimization-by-cpu"]; }; [>use processor capabilities to determine optimization flags
# keeping default values by now:
# optimization_by_compiler = { cfgOption = "--enable-optimization-by-compiler"; }; [>use compiler (NOT processor) capabilities to determine optimization flags
# optimization_by_cpu = { cfgOption = "--enable-optimization-by-cpu"; }; [>use processor capabilities to determine optimization flags
# I think the default is ok
# mmx = { cfgOption = "--enable-mmx"; }; #enable MMX support (default=auto)
#sse = { cfgOption = "--enable-sse"; }; #enable SSE support (default=auto)
#dynsimd = { cfgOption = "--enable-dynsimd"; }; #enable dynamic SIMD selection (default=no)
#optimize = { cfgOption = "--enable-optimize"; }; #ask the compiler for its best optimizations
#resize = { cfgOption = "--enable-resize"; }; #enable buffer resizing feature
#ensure_mlock = { cfgOption = "--enable-ensure-mlock"; }; #fail if unable to lock memory
#debug = { cfgOption = "--enable-debug"; }; #enable debugging messages in jackd and libjack
timestamps = { cfgOption = "--enable-timestamps"; }; # allow clients to use the JACK timestamp API
#preemption_check = { cfgOption = "--enable-preemption-check"; }; #
capabilities = { cfgOption = "--enable-capabilities"; }; #use libcap to gain realtime scheduling priviledges
no_oldtrans = { cfgOption = "--disable-oldtrans"; }; #remove old transport interfaces
stripped_jackd = { cfgOption = "--enable-stripped-jackd"; }; #strip jack before computing its md5 sum
no_portaudio = { cfgOption = "--disable-portaudio"; }; #ignore PortAudio driver
no_coreaudio = { cfgOption = "--disable-coreaudio"; }; #ignore CoreAudio driver
no_oss = { cfgOption = "--disable-oss"; }; #ignore OSS driver
no_freebob = { cfgOption = "--disable-freebob"; }; #ignore FreeBob driver
alsa = { cfgOption = "--enable-alsa"; buildInputs="alsaLib"; }; #enable ALSA driver
no_alsa = { cfgOption = "--disable-alsa"; }; #ignore ALSA driver
extraAttrs = co : {
name = "jack-0.103.0";
src = args.fetchurl {
url = "mirror://sourceforge/jackit/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.109.2.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1m5z8dzalqspsa63pkcgyns0cvh0kqwhb9g1ivcwvnz0bc7ag9r7";
meta = {
description = "jack audio connection kit";
homepage = "";
license = "GPL";
# I think the default is ok
# mmx = edf { name = "mmx"; }; #enable MMX support (default=auto)
#sse = edf { name = "sse"; }; #enable SSE support (default=auto)
#dynsimd = edf { name = "dynsimd"; }; #enable dynamic SIMD selection (default=no)
#optimize = edf { name = "optimize"; }; #ask the compiler for its best optimizations
#resize = edf { name = "resize"; }; #enable buffer resizing feature
#ensure_mlock = edf { name = "ensure-mlock"; }; #fail if unable to lock memory
#debug = edf { name = "debug"; }; #enable debugging messages in jackd and libjack
#preemption_check = edf { name = "preemption-check"; }; #
cfg = {
posix_shmSupport = true;
timestampsSupport = true;
alsaSupport = true;
} args
name = "jack-0.103.0";
src = args.fetchurl {
url = "mirror://sourceforge/jackit/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.109.2.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1m5z8dzalqspsa63pkcgyns0cvh0kqwhb9g1ivcwvnz0bc7ag9r7";
meta = {
description = "jack audio connection kit";
homepage = "";
license = "GPL";
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
( args.mkDerivationByConfiguration {
flagConfig = {
mandatory = { buildInputs = [ "perl" ]; };
# many options I don't know wether they should be default ..
extraAttrs = co : {
name = "squid-3.0-stable5";
src = args.fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "20f5994dd2189faa07edaef2c529f385e4590266d283745027b35d140eefe1ab";
configureFlags = ["--enable-ipv6"];
meta = {
description = "http-proxy";
homepage = "";
license = "GPL2";
} ) args
@ -1,24 +1,19 @@
( args.mkDerivationByConfiguration {
flagConfig = {
mandatory = { buildInputs = [ "perl" ]; };
# many options I don't know wether they should be default ..
args: with args;
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "squid-3.0-stable5";
extraAttrs = co : {
name = "squid-3.0-stable5";
buildInputs = [perl];
src = args.fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "1m4ccpjw30q9vwsycmgg9dmhly0mpznvxrch6f7dxgfzpjp26l7w";
configureFlags = ["--enable-ipv6"];
meta = {
description = "http-proxy";
homepage = "";
license = "GPL2";
src = args.fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "1m4ccpjw30q9vwsycmgg9dmhly0mpznvxrch6f7dxgfzpjp26l7w";
} ) args
configureFlags = ["--enable-ipv6"];
meta = {
description = "http-proxy";
homepage = "";
license = "GPL2";
@ -251,25 +251,6 @@ let
meta = (if drv ? meta then drv.meta else {}) // {priority = "10";};
# documentation see examples in lib at end of file or read some use cases
# within this file
# Before spending much time on investigating how this works just ask me
# - Marc Weber (#irc or
mkDerivationByConfiguration =
assert builtins ? isAttrs;
{ flagConfig ? {}, optionals ? [], defaults ? []
, extraAttrs, collectExtraPhaseActions ? []
args: with args.lib; with args;
if ( builtins.isAttrs extraAttrs ) then builtins.throw "the argument extraAttrs needs to be a function beeing passed co, but attribute set passed "
let co = lib.chooseOptionsByFlags { inherit args flagConfig optionals defaults collectExtraPhaseActions; }; in
args.stdenv.mkDerivation (
inherit (co) configureFlags buildInputs propagatedBuildInputs /*flags*/;
} // extraAttrs co // co.pass // co.flags_prefixed );
# Check absence of non-used options
checker = x: flag: opts: config:
(if flag then let result=(
@ -474,20 +455,9 @@ let
inherit pkgs;
# see new python derivations for example..
# You should be able to override anything you like easily
composableDerivation = {
# modify args before applying stdenv.mkDerivation, this should remove at least attrs removeAttrsBy
f ? lib.prepareDerivationArgs,
stdenv ? pkgs.stdenv,
# initial set of arguments to be passed to stdenv.mkDerivation passing prepareDerivationArgs by default
initial ? {},
# example func : (x: x // { x.buildInputs ++ ["foo"] }), but see mergeAttrByFunc which does this for you
merge ? (lib.mergeOrApply lib.mergeAttrByFunc)
}: lib.applyAndFun
(args: stdenv.mkDerivation (f args))
(merge { inherit (lib) mergeAttrBy; } initial);
composableDerivation = (import ../lib/composable-derivation.nix) {
inherit pkgs lib;
# Write the references (i.e. the runtime dependencies in the Nix store) of `path' to a file.
writeReferencesToFile = path: runCommand "runtime-deps"
@ -1801,9 +1771,9 @@ let
#TODO add packages and test
# commented out because it's using the new configuration style proposal which is unstable
#hugs = import ../development/compilers/hugs {
#inherit lib fetchurl stdenv;
hugs = import ../development/compilers/hugs {
inherit lib fetchurl stdenv composableDerivation;
j2sdk14x =
assert system == "i686-linux";
@ -1916,7 +1886,7 @@ let
roadsend = import ../development/compilers/roadsend {
inherit fetchurl stdenv flex bison mkDerivationByConfiguration bigloo lib curl;
inherit fetchurl stdenv flex bison bigloo lib curl composableDerivation;
# optional features
# all features pcre, fcgi xml mysql, sqlite3, (not implemented: odbc gtk gtk2)
flags = ["pcre" "xml" "mysql"];
@ -2085,13 +2055,9 @@ let
php = import ../development/interpreters/php_configurable {
stdenv fetchurl lib mkDerivationByConfiguration autoconf automake
stdenv fetchurl lib composableDerivation autoconf automake
flex bison apacheHttpd mysql libxml2 # gettext
zlib curl gd postgresql openssl pkgconfig;
flags = [
"xdebug" "mysql" "mysqli" "pdo_mysql" "libxml2" "apxs2" "curl"
"postgresql" "bcmath" "gd" "sockets" "curl"
pltScheme = builderDefsPackage (import ../development/interpreters/plt-scheme) {
@ -2279,10 +2245,9 @@ let
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl autoconf;
# commented out because it's using the new configuration style proposal which is unstable
#avrdude = import ../development/tools/misc/avrdude {
# inherit lib fetchurl stdenv flex yacc;
avrdude = import ../development/tools/misc/avrdude {
inherit lib fetchurl stdenv flex yacc composableDerivation texLive;
binutils = useFromStdenv "binutils"
(import ../development/tools/misc/binutils {
@ -2873,9 +2838,9 @@ let
fltk20 = (import ../development/libraries/fltk) {
inherit mkDerivationByConfiguration x11 lib;
inherit composableDerivation x11 lib pkgconfig freeglut;
inherit fetchurl stdenv mesa mesaHeaders libpng libjpeg zlib ;
inherit (xlibs) inputproto libXi;
inherit (xlibs) inputproto libXi libXinerama libXft;
flags = [ "useNixLibs" "threads" "shared" "gl" ];
@ -2928,11 +2893,9 @@ let
geos = import ../development/libraries/geos {
inherit fetchurl fetchsvn stdenv mkDerivationByConfiguration autoconf automake libtool swig which lib;
inherit fetchurl fetchsvn stdenv autoconf
automake libtool swig which lib composableDerivation python ruby;
use_svn = stdenv.system == "x86_64-linux";
python = python;
# optional features:
# python / ruby support
gettext = composedArgsAndFun (selectVersion ../development/libraries/gettext "0.17") {
@ -3245,7 +3208,7 @@ let
libdv = import ../development/libraries/libdv {
inherit fetchurl stdenv lib mkDerivationByConfiguration;
inherit fetchurl stdenv lib composableDerivation;
libdrm = import ../development/libraries/libdrm {
@ -3299,7 +3262,7 @@ let
libsamplerate = import ../development/libraries/libsamplerate {
inherit fetchurl stdenv mkDerivationByConfiguration pkgconfig lib;
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig lib;
libspectre = import ../development/libraries/libspectre {
@ -5822,11 +5785,7 @@ let
squid = import ../servers/squid {
inherit fetchurl stdenv mkDerivationByConfiguration perl lib;
squidHead = import ../servers/squid/3.head.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv mkDerivationByConfiguration perl lib;
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl lib;
tomcat5 = import ../servers/http/tomcat {
@ -7699,21 +7658,6 @@ let
cddaSupport = true;
# commented out because it's using the new configuration style proposal which is unstable
# should be the same as the nix expression above except support for esound :)
MPlayer_new_config = import ../applications/video/MPlayer/newconfig.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv freetype x11 zlib freefont_ttf lib;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 xextproto;
# optional features
inherit alsaLib libtheora libcaca;
inherit (gnome) esound;
inherit (xlibs) libXv libXinerama;
inherit (xlibs) libXrandr; # FIXME does this option exist? I couldn't find it as configure option
MPlayerPlugin = browser:
import ../applications/networking/browsers/mozilla-plugins/mplayerplug-in {
inherit browser;
@ -7722,13 +7666,10 @@ let
# !!! should depend on MPlayer
# commented out because it's using the new configuration style proposal which is unstable
mrxvt = import ../applications/misc/mrxvt {
inherit lib fetchurl stdenv;
inherit (xlibs) libXaw xproto libXt libX11 libSM libICE;
multisync = import ../applications/misc/multisync {
inherit fetchurl stdenv autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig;
@ -7928,9 +7869,9 @@ let
sox = import ../applications/misc/audio/sox {
inherit fetchurl stdenv lib mkDerivationByConfiguration;
inherit fetchurl stdenv lib composableDerivation;
# optional features
inherit alsaLib; # libao
inherit alsaLib libao;
inherit libsndfile libogg flac libmad lame libsamplerate;
# Using the default nix ffmpeg I get this error when linking
# .libs/libsox_la-ffmpeg.o: In function `audio_decode_frame':
@ -8096,7 +8037,7 @@ let
vim_configurable = import ../applications/editors/vim/configurable.nix {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses pkgconfig mkDerivationByConfiguration lib;
inherit fetchurl stdenv ncurses pkgconfig composableDerivation lib;
inherit (xlibs) libX11 libXext libSM libXpm
libXt libXaw libXau libXmu;
inherit (gtkLibs) glib gtk;
@ -8314,12 +8255,11 @@ let
# doesn't compile yet - in case someone else want's to continue ..
qgis_svn = import ../applications/misc/qgis_svn {
inherit mkDerivationByConfiguration fetchsvn stdenv flex lib
qgis = composedArgsAndFun (selectVersion ../applications/misc/qgis "0.11.0") {
inherit composableDerivation fetchsvn stdenv flex lib
ncurses fetchurl perl cmake gdal geos proj x11
gsl libpng zlib bison
sqlite glibc fontconfig freetype / * use libc from stdenv ? - to lazy now - Marc * /;
sqlite glibc fontconfig freetype /* use libc from stdenv ? - to lazy now - Marc */;
inherit (xlibs) libSM libXcursor libXinerama libXrandr libXrender;
inherit (xorg) libICE;
qt = qt4;
@ -8327,7 +8267,6 @@ let
# optional features
# grass = "not yet supported" # cmake -D WITH_GRASS=TRUE and GRASS_PREFX=..
zapping = import ../applications/video/zapping {
inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig perl python
@ -8656,17 +8595,14 @@ let
x11Support = true;
# commented out because it's using the new configuration style proposal which is unstable
gxemul = (import ../misc/gxemul) {
inherit lib stdenv fetchurl;
inherit lib stdenv fetchurl composableDerivation;
inherit (xlibs) libX11;
# using the new configuration style proposal which is unstable
jackaudio = import ../misc/jackaudio {
inherit mkDerivationByConfiguration
inherit composableDerivation
ncurses lib stdenv fetchurl alsaLib pkgconfig;
flags = [ "posix_shm" "timestamps" "alsa"];
Reference in New Issue