chromium: replace update.nix with Python impl

update.nix was a huuuuge hack, abusing checksum collisions, etc., and
was extremely difficult to read and maintain, especially because
values from update.nix were also used in the derivations themselves!

I've replaced this with an implementation in Python, which I chose for
readability.  Rather than generating Nix, I chose to
generate JSON, since Python can do that in the standard library and
Nix can read it.

I also set as an updateScript, so Chromium can now
automatically be updated!

This commit is contained in:
Alyssa Ross 2019-11-06 19:37:25 +00:00 committed by Florian Klink
parent 5811b6c1cd
commit de69b705d2
8 changed files with 118 additions and 312 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ stdenv, lib, llvmPackages, gnChromium, ninja, which, nodejs, fetchpatch, gnutar
{ stdenv, lib, llvmPackages, gnChromium, ninja, which, nodejs, fetchpatch, fetchurl
# default dependencies
, bzip2, flac, speex, libopus
, gnutar, bzip2, flac, speex, libopus
, libevent, expat, libjpeg, snappy
, libpng, libcap
, xdg_utils, yasm, nasm, minizip, libwebp
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
, cupsSupport ? true
, pulseSupport ? false, libpulseaudio ? null
, channel
, upstream-info
@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ let
versionRange = min-version: upto-version:
let inherit (upstream-info) version;
result = versionAtLeast version min-version && versionOlder version upto-version;
stable-version = (import ./upstream-info.nix).stable.version;
stable-version = (importJSON ./upstream-info.json).stable.version;
in if versionAtLeast stable-version upto-version
then warn "chromium: stable version ${stable-version} is newer than a patchset bounded at ${upto-version}. You can safely delete it."
@ -116,10 +117,13 @@ let
base = rec {
name = "${packageName}-unwrapped-${version}";
inherit (upstream-info) channel version;
inherit packageName buildType buildPath;
inherit (upstream-info) version;
inherit channel packageName buildType buildPath;
src = upstream-info.main;
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}.tar.xz";
inherit (upstream-info) sha256;
nativeBuildInputs = [
ninja which python2Packages.python perl pkgconfig
@ -344,9 +348,11 @@ let
origRpath="$(patchelf --print-rpath "$chromiumBinary")"
patchelf --set-rpath "${libGL}/lib:$origRpath" "$chromiumBinary"
passthru.updateScript = ./;
# Remove some extraAttrs we supplied to the base attributes already.
in stdenv.mkDerivation (base // removeAttrs extraAttrs [
"name" "gnFlags" "buildTargets"
] // { passthru = base.passthru // (extraAttrs.passthru or {}); })

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ newScope, config, stdenv, llvmPackages_10, llvmPackages_11
, makeWrapper, ed, gnugrep, coreutils
{ newScope, config, stdenv, fetchurl, makeWrapper
, llvmPackages_10, llvmPackages_11, ed, gnugrep, coreutils
, glib, gtk3, gnome3, gsettings-desktop-schemas, gn, fetchgit
, libva ? null
, pipewire_0_2
@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ let
chromium = rec {
inherit stdenv llvmPackages;
upstream-info = (callPackage ./update.nix {}).getChannel channel;
upstream-info = (lib.importJSON ./upstream-info.json).${channel};
mkChromiumDerivation = callPackage ./common.nix ({
inherit gnome gnomeSupport gnomeKeyringSupport proprietaryCodecs cupsSupport pulseSupport useOzone;
inherit channel gnome gnomeSupport gnomeKeyringSupport proprietaryCodecs
cupsSupport pulseSupport useOzone;
# TODO: Remove after we can update gn for the stable channel (backward incompatible changes):
gnChromium = gn.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
version = "2020-05-19";
@ -63,22 +64,33 @@ let
pkgSuffix = if channel == "dev" then "unstable" else channel;
pkgName = "google-chrome-${pkgSuffix}";
chromeSrc = fetchurl {
url = map (repo: "${repo}/${pkgName}/${pkgName}_${version}-1_amd64.deb") [
sha256 = chromium.upstream-info.sha256bin64;
mkrpath = p: "${lib.makeSearchPathOutput "lib" "lib64" p}:${lib.makeLibraryPath p}";
widevineCdm = let upstream-info = chromium.upstream-info; in stdenv.mkDerivation {
widevineCdm = stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "chrome-widevine-cdm";
# The .deb file for Google Chrome
src = upstream-info.binary;
src = chromeSrc;
phases = [ "unpackPhase" "patchPhase" "installPhase" "checkPhase" ];
unpackCmd = let
widevineCdmPath =
if == "stable" then
if channel == "stable" then
else if == "beta" then
else if channel == "beta" then
else if == "dev" then
else if channel == "dev" then
throw "Unknown chromium channel.";
@ -211,6 +223,7 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation {
passthru = {
inherit (chromium) upstream-info browser;
mkDerivation = chromium.mkChromiumDerivation;
inherit sandboxExecutableName;
inherit chromeSrc sandboxExecutableName;
updateScript = ./;

View File

@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
let maybePkgs = import ../../../../../. {}; in
{ stdenv ? maybePkgs.stdenv
, runCommand ? maybePkgs.runCommand
, fetchurl ? maybePkgs.fetchurl
, writeText ? maybePkgs.writeText
, curl ? maybePkgs.curl
, cacert ? maybePkgs.cacert
, nix ? maybePkgs.nix
inherit (stdenv) lib;
sources = if builtins.pathExists ./upstream-info.nix
then import ./upstream-info.nix
else {};
bucketURL = ""
+ "chromium-browser-official";
mkVerURL = version: "${bucketURL}/chromium-${version}.tar.xz";
debURL = "";
getDebURL = channelName: version: arch: mirror: let
packageSuffix = if channelName == "dev" then "unstable" else channelName;
packageName = "google-chrome-${packageSuffix}";
in "${mirror}/${packageName}/${packageName}_${version}-1_${arch}.deb";
# Untrusted mirrors, don't try to update from them!
debMirrors = [
in {
getChannel = channel: let
chanAttrs = builtins.getAttr channel sources;
in {
inherit channel;
inherit (chanAttrs) version;
main = fetchurl {
url = mkVerURL chanAttrs.version;
inherit (chanAttrs) sha256;
binary = fetchurl (let
mkUrls = arch: let
mkURLForMirror = getDebURL channel chanAttrs.version arch;
in map mkURLForMirror ([ debURL ] ++ debMirrors);
in if stdenv.is64bit && chanAttrs ? sha256bin64 then {
urls = mkUrls "amd64";
sha256 = chanAttrs.sha256bin64;
} else if !stdenv.is64bit && chanAttrs ? sha256bin32 then {
urls = mkUrls "i386";
sha256 = chanAttrs.sha256bin32;
} else throw "No Chrome plugins are available for your architecture.");
update = let
csv2nix = name: src: import (runCommand "${name}.nix" {
src = builtins.fetchurl src;
} ''
esc() { echo "\"$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/"\\$/\\&/')\""; } # ohai emacs "
IFS=, read -r -a headings <<< "$(head -n1 "$src")"
echo "[" > "$out"
tail -n +2 "$src" | while IFS=, read -r -a line; do
echo " {"
for idx in "''${!headings[@]}"; do
echo " $(esc "''${headings[idx]}") = $(esc ''${line[$idx]});"
echo " }"
done >> "$out"
echo "]" >> "$out"
channels = lib.fold lib.recursiveUpdate {} (map (attrs: {
${attrs.os}.${} = attrs // {
history = let
drvName = "omahaproxy-${attrs.os}.${}-info";
history = csv2nix drvName "";
cond = h: attrs.os == h.os && ==
&& lib.versionOlder h.version attrs.current_version;
# Note that this is a *reverse* sort!
sorter = a: b: lib.versionOlder b.version a.version;
sorted = builtins.sort sorter (lib.filter cond history);
in map (lib.flip removeAttrs ["os" "channel"]) sorted;
version = attrs.current_version;
}) (csv2nix "omahaproxy-info" ""));
XXX: This is essentially the same as:
builtins.tryEval (builtins.fetchurl url)
... except that tryEval on fetchurl isn't working and doesn't catch
errors for fetchurl, so we go for a different approach.
We only have fixed-output derivations that can have networking access, so
we abuse SHA1 and its weaknesses to forge a fixed-output derivation which
is not so fixed, because it emits different contents that have the same
SHA1 hash.
Using this method, we can distinguish whether the URL is available or
whether it's not based on the actual content.
So let's use tryEval as soon as it's working with fetchurl in Nix.
tryFetch = url: let
# SHA1 hash collisions from
collisions = runCommand "sha1-collisions" {
outputs = [ "out" "good" "bad" ];
base64 = ''
} ''
echo "$base64" | base64 -d | tar xj
mv good.pdf "$good"
mv bad.pdf "$bad"
touch "$out"
cacheVal = let
urlHash = builtins.hashString "sha256" url;
timeSlice = builtins.currentTime / 600;
in "${urlHash}-${toString timeSlice}";
in {
success = import (runCommand "check-success" {
result = stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "tryfetch-${cacheVal}";
inherit url;
outputHash = "d00bbe65d80f6d53d5c15da7c6b4f0a655c5a86a";
outputHashMode = "flat";
outputHashAlgo = "sha1";
nativeBuildInputs = [ curl ];
preferLocalBuild = true;
inherit (collisions) good bad;
buildCommand = ''
if SSL_CERT_FILE="${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt" \
curl -s -L -f -I "$url" > /dev/null; then
cp "$good" "$out"
cp "$bad" "$out"
impureEnvVars = lib.fetchers.proxyImpureEnvVars;
inherit (collisions) good;
} ''
if cmp -s "$result" "$good"; then
echo true > "$out"
echo false > "$out"
value = builtins.fetchurl url;
fetchLatest = channel: let
result = tryFetch (mkVerURL channel.version);
in if result.success then result.value else fetchLatest (channel // {
version = if channel.history != []
then (lib.head channel.history).version
else throw "Unfortunately there's no older version than " +
"${channel.version} available for channel " +
"${} on ${channel.os}.";
history = lib.tail channel.history;
getHash = path: import (runCommand "gethash.nix" {
inherit path;
nativeBuildInputs = [ nix ];
} ''
sha256="$(nix-hash --flat --base32 --type sha256 "$path")"
echo "\"$sha256\"" > "$out"
isLatest = channel: version: let
ourVersion = sources.${channel}.version or null;
in if ourVersion == null then false
else lib.versionOlder version sources.${channel}.version
|| version == sources.${channel}.version;
# We only support GNU/Linux right now.
linuxChannels = let
genLatest = channelName: channel: let
newUpstream = {
inherit (channel) version;
sha256 = getHash (fetchLatest channel);
keepOld = let
oldChannel = sources.${channelName};
in {
inherit (oldChannel) version sha256;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (oldChannel ? sha256bin32) {
inherit (oldChannel) sha256bin32;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (oldChannel ? sha256bin64) {
inherit (oldChannel) sha256bin64;
in if isLatest channelName channel.version then keepOld else newUpstream;
in lib.mapAttrs genLatest channels.linux;
getLinuxFlash = channelName: channel: let
inherit (channel) version;
fetchArch = arch: tryFetch (getDebURL channelName version arch debURL);
packages = lib.genAttrs ["i386" "amd64"] fetchArch;
isNew = arch: attr: !(builtins.hasAttr attr channel)
&& packages.${arch}.success;
in channel // lib.optionalAttrs (isNew "i386" "sha256bin32") {
sha256bin32 = getHash (packages.i386.value);
} // lib.optionalAttrs (isNew "amd64" "sha256bin64") {
sha256bin64 = getHash (packages.amd64.value);
newChannels = lib.mapAttrs getLinuxFlash linuxChannels;
dumpAttrs = indent: attrs: let
mkVal = val: if lib.isAttrs val then dumpAttrs (indent + 1) val
else "\"${lib.escape ["$" "\\" "\""] (toString val)}\"";
mkIndent = level: lib.concatStrings (builtins.genList (_: " ") level);
mkAttr = key: val: "${mkIndent (indent + 1)}${key} = ${mkVal val};\n";
attrLines = lib.mapAttrsToList mkAttr attrs;
in "{\n" + (lib.concatStrings attrLines) + (mkIndent indent) + "}";
in writeText "chromium-new-upstream-info.nix" ''
# This file is autogenerated from in the same directory.
${dumpAttrs 0 newChannels}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i python -p python3 nix
import csv
import json
import subprocess
from codecs import iterdecode
from os.path import abspath, dirname
from sys import stderr
from urllib.request import urlopen
DEB_URL = ''
JSON_PATH = dirname(abspath(__file__)) + '/upstream-info.json'
def load_json(path):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
return json.load(f)
def nix_prefetch_url(url, algo='sha256'):
print(f'nix-prefetch-url {url}')
out = subprocess.check_output(['nix-prefetch-url', '--type', algo, url])
return out.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
channels = {}
last_channels = load_json(JSON_PATH)
print(f'GET {HISTORY_URL}', file=stderr)
with urlopen(HISTORY_URL) as resp:
builds = csv.DictReader(iterdecode(resp, 'utf-8'))
for build in builds:
channel_name = build['channel']
# If we've already found a newer build for this channel, we're
# no longer interested in it.
if channel_name in channels:
# If we're back at the last build we used, we don't need to
# keep going -- there's no new version available, and we can
# just reuse the info from last time.
if build['version'] == last_channels[channel_name]['version']:
channels[channel_name] = last_channels[channel_name]
channel = {'version': build['version']}
suffix = 'unstable' if channel_name == 'dev' else channel_name
channel['sha256'] = nix_prefetch_url(f'{BUCKET_URL}/chromium-{build["version"]}.tar.xz')
channel['sha256bin64'] = nix_prefetch_url(f'{DEB_URL}/google-chrome-{suffix}/google-chrome-{suffix}_{build["version"]}-1_amd64.deb')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# This build isn't actually available yet. Continue to
# the next one.
channels[channel_name] = channel
with open(JSON_PATH, 'w') as out:
json.dump(channels, out, indent=2)

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#!/bin/sh -e
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
sp="$(nix-build --builders "" -Q --no-out-link update.nix -A update)"
cat "$sp" > upstream-info.nix

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"dev": {
"version": "86.0.4240.8",
"sha256": "1x0kbc7xp6599jyn461mbmchbixivnxm0jsyfq0snhxz8x81z55q",
"sha256bin64": "0y7drzxxfn0vmfq0m426l8xvkgyajb8pjydi0d7kzk6i92sjf45j"
"stable": {
"version": "85.0.4183.83",
"sha256": "0fz781bxx1rnjwfix2dgzq5w1lg3x6a9vd9k49gh4z5q092slr10",
"sha256bin64": "0fa3la2nvqr0w40j2qkbwnh36924fsp2ajsla6aky6hz08mq2q1g"
"beta": {
"version": "85.0.4183.83",
"sha256": "0fz781bxx1rnjwfix2dgzq5w1lg3x6a9vd9k49gh4z5q092slr10",
"sha256bin64": "12nm7h70pbzwc5rc7kcwfwgjs0h8cdnys5wlfjkbq6irwb6m1lm6"

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# This file is autogenerated from in the same directory.
beta = {
sha256 = "0fz781bxx1rnjwfix2dgzq5w1lg3x6a9vd9k49gh4z5q092slr10";
sha256bin64 = "12nm7h70pbzwc5rc7kcwfwgjs0h8cdnys5wlfjkbq6irwb6m1lm6";
version = "85.0.4183.83";
dev = {
sha256 = "1x0kbc7xp6599jyn461mbmchbixivnxm0jsyfq0snhxz8x81z55q";
sha256bin64 = "0y7drzxxfn0vmfq0m426l8xvkgyajb8pjydi0d7kzk6i92sjf45j";
version = "86.0.4240.8";
stable = {
sha256 = "0fz781bxx1rnjwfix2dgzq5w1lg3x6a9vd9k49gh4z5q092slr10";
sha256bin64 = "0fa3la2nvqr0w40j2qkbwnh36924fsp2ajsla6aky6hz08mq2q1g";
version = "85.0.4183.83";

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "google-chrome${suffix}-${version}";
src = chromium.upstream-info.binary;
src = chromium.chromeSrc;
nativeBuildInputs = [ patchelf makeWrapper ];
buildInputs = [